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Goal Setting and Action Planning Ministry

Philippians 3:13 through Philippians 3:14 (NKJV) 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal. - Elbert Hubbard

Why Goals Are Important to Ministry

Ministry without goals: When our ministry efforts are not focused on a goal, our future is not well defined. We lack direction. We may have success but no real progress because we are successful at doing the wrong things. Ultimately, without goals, we fail to reach our full potential for the work of the church. Ministry with good goals: When our ministry has good goals, every commitment we make positively affects our future success. Goals give us clear, definable, and measurable targets for each ministry effort. Our successes, failures, and opportunities for improvement can be quantified. With each successful goal reached, we are able to build momentum by compounding efforts. Ultimately, God causes us to exceed our potential in the church.

3:2:1 Principle of Ministry Action Planning

In order for us to quantify the proper time investment we must make in planning church events, we can employ a 3:2:1 Principle of Ministry Action Planning. Using this principle can help improve the quality of our ministries by insuring we avoid producing events and services in a last minute situation.

3. The Leader:
For every one 1 hour of ministry, we need to spend 3 hours in preparation: 2 hours preparing ourselves, and 1 additional hour preparing to equip our volunteers. This step will give us the clarity that is necessary to communicate vision and instructions effectively to any staff or volunteers involved in the ministry event.

2. The Volunteers:
We should spend 2 hours equipping our volunteers: 1 hour recruiting which includes casting vision and purpose, and 1 hour on technical and logistical details of the task. Casting the vision helps to create buy-in with staff members. With greater buy-in to the vision, there will be greater commitment. We cant move on to the details of what needs to be done until everyone is on board with why things need to be done.

1. The Team:
We should spend 1 hour working together to perform ministry with excellence. If our pastors and leaders believe in excellence, we can teach it to others best through our example. Shared success with our volunteers and staff will bring our churches closer together in Christian service. As often as we can, we need to be present to encourage our staff when they falter and cheer for them when they celebrate their successes.

Steps in setting goals

1. Pray. God has a plan for the church. We must rely on him to give us the plan and give guidance throughout the plan. 2. Review your purpose. Any goal that isnt in line with your purpose should be thrown out. Otherwise you will be doing goodly things instead of Godly things. 3. Reconcile your commitment level. Reaching your goals will cost you something. Leaders who are not willing to serve are hard pressed to get others to serve. 4. Make it big. Goals should never be limited by your abilities. Every goal should have room for God to work and room for others to join in the work. 5. Write it down. Write your goal in detail. Read it back to yourself aloud. Seek the counsel of others. Refer back to it often. Revise it when necessary as you get clarity.

Developing a Ministry Action Plan

There are many methods available for planning ministry events. This particular method is useful for helping leaders plan events purposely and technically. It will allow leaders to plan for vision and manage the many tasks needed to build a successful ministry effort.

The Elements of the Ministry Action Plan

Goals overall outcome you wish to achieve; provides the big picture without getting bogged down with details. Ask yourself: When I consider the vision / purpose of our church and the purpose of my ministry, what is the one thing I can do to reach that goal? Objectives intimately tied to your goals, makes them more concrete, achievable, and measurable. They are still broad category concepts without a lot of details. Ask yourself: When I look at my goal, what are the 2 to 3 key objectives I must meet to accomplish the goal? If I break the goal down to 2 or 3 smaller goals, what would they be? Strategies the course of action pursued to satisfy your objectives. Ask yourself: What are the strategic tasks we can perform to meet each objective? For example, if we have two objectives (A and B), each objective may have 2 to 3 strategies tied to it (A1, A2, B1, B2). Tactics detailed, specific, hands on activities that put the strategies into action. Ask yourself: What are the individual steps necessary to make each strategy a success? Timeline integrated timetable that ties all of your tactics, strategies, and objectives together to meet your goal. Ask yourself: Who will be the point person for each task and what is a realistic time for each task to be accomplished?

Ministry Action Plan Example:

Goals overall outcome you wish to achieve; provides the big picture without getting bogged down with details. Ask yourself: When I consider the vision / purpose of our church and the purpose of my ministry, what is the one thing I can do to reach that goal?

Goal: Produce a ministry outreach event to lead non-believers to an informed decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
Objectives intimately tied to your goals, makes them more concrete, achievable, and measurable. They are still broad category concepts without a lot of details. Ask yourself: When I look at my goal, what are the 2 to 3 key objectives I must meet to accomplish the goal? If I break the goal down to 2 or 3 smaller goals, what would they be?

Objective 1 Use an evangelistic movie to introduce non-believing / un-churched people to God. Objective 2 Mobilize church members to invite family and friends to the evangelistic movie outreach.
Strategies the course of action pursued to satisfy your objectives. Ask yourself: What are the strategic tasks we can perform to meet each objective?

Strategy 1a (this is tied to Objective 1) Identify the appropriate movie that is relevant and provides an opportunity to share the gospel. Strategy 1b (this is the second strategy tied to Objective 1) Identify a venue with adequate space to comfortably accommodate the projected crowd. Strategy 2a (this is tied to Objective 2) Assemble the leaders for each ministry that will mobilize the church congregation. Strategy 2b (this is the second strategy tied to Objective 2) Identify the step by step program needed to encourage members to pray for and invite others to attend the event.
Tactics detailed, specific, hands on activities that put the strategies into action. Ask yourself: What are the individual steps necessary to make each strategy a success?

Tactic 1ai (this is tied to Strategy 1a) Purchase the appropriate evangelistic movie and the license to show it to a group of people ( Tactic 1aii (this is the second tactic tied to Strategy 1a) Screen the I AM movie in advance with the appropriate leaders and develop the gospel presentation for the conclusion of the event. Tactic 1bi (this is tied to Strategy 1b) Set a date and time for the venue to accommodate the projected crowd within the budget restraints. Secure the venue. Tactic 2ai (this is tied to Strategy 2a) Organize a meeting with the Missionary Ministry Leader, Prayer Ministry Leader, Program Chairperson, Finance Committee, Kitchen Ministry Leader, and Ministerial Staff. Tactic 2aii (this is the second tactic tied to Strategy 2a) Assign specific tasks for each ministry leader to perform prior to and during the event. Tactic 2bi (this is tied to Strategy 2b) Review evangelistic outreach materials from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associations Operation Andrew. Tactic 2bii (this is the second tactic tied to Strategy 2b) Provide Operation Andrew materials and training on how to use them for the congregation. Get members to commit to invite a friend. Tactic 2biii (this is the third tactic tied to Strategy 2b) Identify and provide follow-up materials for volunteer counselors who will help new converts after the gospel presentation.

Timeline integrated timetable that ties all of your tactics, strategies, and objectives together to meet your goal. Ask yourself: Who will be the point person for each task and what is a realistic time for each task to be accomplished?

Tactic 1ai Movie purchase 1aii Screen the movie 1bi Set the date and secure the venue 2ai Organize the meeting 2aii Assign tasks to leaders 2bi Review Operation Andrew 2bii Introduce Operation Andrew to the congregation 2biii Prepare follow-up materials and volunteers Show the movie and share the gospel Follow-up new converts

Due Date 08/25 09/15 09/20 09/20 09/22 09/22 09/26 10/02 10/10 10/10

Person Responsible Financial Secretary Program Chairperson Finance / Program Chair Pastor Pastor / Program Chair Missionary Leader Pastor / Missionary Ldr Missionary Leader Program Chair / Pastor Volunteer Staff

Conclusion: Practice makes perfect! To learn the discipline needed to use this method each leader must use it over and over again until it becomes natural. The end result will be higher quality ministry events and greater overall satisfaction for all of the staff and volunteers involved. For your convenience, a blank Ministry Action Plan form has been provided for you to print, copy, and distribute to the leaders in your church, organization, or association. If you have questions or need help understanding how to use this form, email Pastor Domecia Manuel: . May God bless all of your ministry goals with spiritual success.

Ministry Action Plan

Goals overall outcome you wish to achieve; provides the big picture without getting bogged down with details. Ask yourself: When I consider the vision / purpose of our church and the purpose of my ministry, what is the one thing I can do to reach that goal?

Goal: ___________________________________________________________________________
Objectives intimately tied to your goals, makes them more concrete, achievable, and measurable. They are still broad category concepts without a lot of details. Ask yourself: When I look at my goal, what are the 2 to 3 key objectives I must meet to accomplish the goal? If I break the goal down to 2 or 3 smaller goals, what would they be?

Objective 1 _______________________________________________________________________ Objective 2 _______________________________________________________________________

Strategies the course of action pursued to satisfy your objectives. Ask yourself: What are the strategic tasks we can perform to meet each objective?

Strategy 1a _______________________________________________________________________ Strategy 1b _______________________________________________________________________ Strategy 2a _______________________________________________________________________ Strategy 2b _______________________________________________________________________

Tactics detailed, specific, hands on activities that put the strategies into action. Ask yourself: What are the individual steps necessary to make each strategy a success?

Tactic 1ai ________________________________________________________________________ Tactic 1aii ________________________________________________________________________ Tactic 1bi ________________________________________________________________________ Tactic 1bii ________________________________________________________________________ Tactic 2ai ________________________________________________________________________ Tactic 2aii ________________________________________________________________________ Tactic 2bi ________________________________________________________________________ Tactic 2bii ________________________________________________________________________
Timeline integrated timetable that ties all of your tactics, strategies, and objectives together to meet your goal. Ask yourself: Who will be the point person for each task and what is a realistic time for each task to be accomplished?


Due Date Person Responsible

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