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- which one is at anterior mandible?

1+ )glandular odontogenic cyst 2)lateral periodontal cyst 3)traumatic cyst 4)glandular + lateral periodontal cyst 5)glandular + lateral periodontal + traumatic cyst - air is aspirated in which type of cyst? 1)dentigerous cyst 2)radicular cyst 3)KOT 4+)traumatic cyst 5)can't remember the last choice - soluble protein (albumins & globulins) for KOT is 1)10g/dl 2)>4g/dl 3+)<4g/dl 4)>4mg/dl 5)<4mg/dl - all are advantages of marsupialization except 1)avoid fracture 2)avoid damaging vital structure 3)less bone removed 4)can explore the cyst 5+)all lining of the cyt available for biopsy (not sure - enucleation with carnoy's solution usually used in -KOT which one is not true about aneurysmal bone cyst? 1)a pseudocyst 2)giant cell lesions 3)ballooning expansion 4)posterior mandible 5+)treatment is biopsy - anterior border of submandibular space 1)mylohyoid muscle 2+)anterior belly of digastrics 3)posterior belly of digastrics 4)platysma - management of ludwig's angina -secure the airway - most common flap used is 1+)buccal advancement 2)palatal advancement 3)buccal fat pad 4)cant remember the last choice

- we should be careful in prescribing medication for older patient because they have 1)decrease in hepatic activity 2)decrease renal clearance 3)more sensitive organs 4)all of the above - abscess on lower mandibular, draining inferior to mylohyoid muscle 1)submental space 2)buccal space 3+)submandibular space 4)vestibular abscess - indication of infection 1+)pulse rate 110 2)body temp 37.2 3)respiratory rate 13 4)all of the above which one is false (abscess vs cellulitis) -cellulitis is well localized - if patient has anterior crown, which flap design should we use? 1)semilunar 2)triangular 3)sulcular 4+)submargina - comparison between labial and lingual frenectomy 1)labial frenectomy will cause more intraoral complication 2)labial frenectomy is not needed in denture wearer 3)cant remember other choices - we have an OPG, then we are taking occlusal x-ray for bilateral maxillary impacted canines. the right one appear higher compared to root apex of central, the left one appear lower compared to root apex of central. which one is true? 1+)right is palatally impacted, left is buccally impacted 2)right is buccally impacted, left is palatally impacted 3)both are palatally impacted 4)both are buccally impacted 5)we need periapical radiograph to determine it which one is not indicated for apicectomy? 1)problem of edodontically treated teeth with post-crown 2+)problem of edodontically treated teeth with large amalgam restoration 3)curved root (apical 3rd) 4)infected apical 3rd 5)cant remember the last choice - flap design for anterior crown is submargina - celelitis is defused will abscess is well localized - abscess inferior to mylohyoid go submandibular space - most common flap baccal advancment

- anterior border of submandibular space = anterior belly of daigastric - indication of infection is pulse rate = 110 (normal 60-80) - both maxillary sinus and trumatic cyst - b.d. means twice daily ..true

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