2014 Portfolio

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Design and Technology

2014 portfolio By Jade Hoskins

Exploration of the need and evaluation ....................................................2 Research and evaluation of existing designs 3 Generation and evaluation of 2 ideas with annotations ..4 Final design with dimensions and materials ...5 Case study ..6

Exploration of the need and evaluation

Why am I making my piece of jewellery?

Jewellery can be used not just as an accessory but as way for people to show their personality, character and particular style choices. Due to this statement, I will be making my piece of jewellery for an active 30 year old lady. The client enjoys peaceful walks on the beach, Treating herself with delicious ice coffee and just relaxing in general. The person that my piece of jewellery is going to be created for will have an overall laid back and relaxed lifestyle. My client is a peaceful and relaxed. She is 30 years old and is in quite a steady relationship however enjoys some time to herself every now and then. She is a happy and healthy character who loves being out and about and doing many different daily activities. She has a particular style and is very picky with the clothes she wears; she prefers to wear loose clothing with many vibrant colours and patterns. The clothes my client wears are extremely comfortable however at the same time durable. This necklace will consist of quite a large lightly coloured pendent that will be complimented by a thin silver chain to portray the relaxed and elegant look. I would also love to add in some traces of other simple and sophisticated colours such as black or white to add a bit more depth and elegance to the necklace. This necklace will be a piece of jewellery that can cater to many different occasions and be worn in many different venues such as the park, the beach, to the shop, to dinner and even just around the house.

Research and evaluation of existing designs

Below is a detailed collage that I have created in order to gather some inspiration for the necklace I will be designing and constructing. The collage will consist of around 20 photos; I believe the photos in my collage are full of different ideas and forms of inspiration; they are bright, interesting and very aesthetically appealing. I have chosen these particular images as I believe they convey the kind of jewellery that my client would enjoy wearing. Have also included images of the types of activities my client enjoys doing as her leisurely activities.


Inspiration from The image

I chose this image as I believe that the idea of the shell is extremely clever and the leather contrast beautifully against the shining silver of the shell.

I have chosen this image as the light colour of the blue is extremely fitting for the personality of my client and the silver chain compliments the pastel blue.

I made the decision to include this image in my collage because I feel that this image of the beach represents the kind of colours my client would like to wear and it represents her kind of personality and life style.

I chose this image as I really like the pattern on the pendent and believe that the silver and blue really complement each other.

I have included this image in my collage as I think the small shapes and drawings inside the pendant represent the kind of leisurely activities my client would enjoy

I chose to display this image in my collage as my client really loves catching up with friends and having a drink of coffee.

I have chosen this image as I feel that the colours in this necklace are very peaceful and give a sense of relaxation.

I made the decision to display this image in my collage as I believe my client would love this beach and enjoy her time there

I believe that this image is defiantly inspiration for my project as the colours and texture of this necklace are beautiful. The thin and simple chain works well with the large crystals.


This necklace is really peaceful and I believe the simplicity of it really adds to the aesthetic appeal of the necklace.


I have displayed this image in my collage as I really like the colour and feel that it suits the personality of my client.


I Have included this image into my collage as I think the shape and structure of the necklace is very clever and the thin chain contrasts really well with the blue.


This necklace is extremely interesting and unique and would a little something extra to the project.


I feel that image was a great adaptation to my collage as the structure of the pendent is extremely interesting; the pattern is fascinating and very unique. I also believe that the leather chain compliments the pendant. I have drawn inspiration from this image as I believe the design is very clever and the purple adds a pop of colour that works well with the necklace.



This image of the beach is inspirational to me as his is a kind of place that my client would love to visit and the type of people she would like to be around.


I have put this image I my collage as the pattern is very interesting and the colour is extremely refreshing and vibrant


I have chosen to include this image in my collage as I believe that it is a nice touch to the collage and in somewhat represents the personality of my character.


I Have Chosen to include this image in my collage as I really like the pattern of the stone and the structure of the necklace.


I really like this image and believe that it represents the personality of my character. The structure of this necklace is very elegant and the pattern is vibrant.

Conclusion: All of the delightful images in my collage have inspired me and helped me
develop ideas for a necklace that will be suitable for my client. They are all different and unique with their own characteristics; however after analysing and assessing all the wonderful images in my collage I have decided to base my design on images 14, 17 and 20. I have chosen these particular images as I believe they best represent the personality of my character and that they are beautiful designs that are unique, simple and elegant.

I have decided to further explain and examine the following images; I will do this by labelling features of the necklace that I find to be interesting, unique, clever or just really like.

Image 14
The silver addition around the thin black chain is very elegant and is used in great context; I feel it adds to the aesthetic appeal of the necklace.

The way the simple black chain is looped around the pendant creates a very unique look, through simple steps

The pattern that has been created on the pendent is beautiful; it involves a range of different shades of grey and is extremely unique.

I believe that the structure of this necklace is interesting and unique. The fact that the pendent isnt just a plain circle gives the necklace a little something extra.

Image 17 -

The light blue in this image is very peaceful and relaxing. I believe it represents the personality of my client.

I believe that the pattern in this image is very unique; the small and intricate swirls really add texture to the image. I would love to consider incorporating a pattern like this into my necklace

In this image there are extremely intricate swirls that include different shades of a light blue.

Image 20

The light and simple white chain really makes an impact on the necklace. It is very suited to the style of necklace.

The way the white chain is looped around the pendants is very simple but very effective.

The structure and shape of the pendants are extremely interesting and very creative. This kind of shape would be great to use in my necklace.

The colours used in this pendant represent a relaxed and laid back lifestyle as I believe my client would have.

Summary The research and investigation that I have completed will reflect very strongly on the outcome of my project. All the images I have displayed in this section of my portfolio reflect the personality of the person my necklace will be designed for and it displays the type of necklace I think would be suitable for my client. From the 20 inspirational images in my collage I have chosen three to further explain and examine. Thanks to my research I now know what I want my design to like, it will be a relaxing and peaceful design. I have drawn inspiration from all the images and think that my necklace will suit the person it is being designed for. I now know that my final design and the piece I will create in the practical room will incorporate the type of patterns displayed in images 17 and 20 as I believe they are very intricate and show some form of skill when using polymer clay and I would also like to use a leather chain that is seen in image 14 as I believe the bold colour of the leather will complement the turquoise blue I am going to incorporate and the stainless steal backdrop.

Generation and evaluation of 2 ideas with annotations

Below are two drawings of different necklace ideas that I have used in order to finalise my final design. They are both unique and individual with creative and independent ideas.

Evaluation: The drawing above was the first drawing I completed, it is a refreshing necklace that consists of a circular sheet of polished and shiny stainless steel with a turquoise polymer clay pendant super glued on it, and the necklace is made more intriguing by the use of the bold leather chain in order to compliment the simplicity of the necklace. The silver stainless steel sheet is 5.6 cm wide with a 2.8cm radius and the polymer clay pendant is 3.7cm long with a 1.8cm radius. I am very happy with my first idea and think it will come in very handy when deigning my final design.


Evaluation My second design is very unique and also extremely different from the first design. This design consists of a washer shaped pendant incarved with an intricate pattern. The washer is 3cm ide in the middle with a radius of 1.5cm and the width of the pendant itself is 1.4cm wide. I have also decided to incorporate the leather chain in this necklace as I believe it contrasts really well with the turquoise of the pendant. I believe that this necklace is also unique and beautiful and many of the ideas displayed in this necklace will be shown in the final design of my necklace.


Final design with dimensions and materials

Below is my final design, I am very hay with the end product and believe that it is very suitable for the person I am making my piece of jewellery for.

Final design evaluation I am very happy with my final design I believe that it is individual, creative, unique and very beautiful. It consists of a polished and shiny stainless circular sheet and a polymer clay pendant with an intricately detailed pattern, the whole necklace is compliment by a bold and dominant leather chain. The silver stainless steel sheet has a radius 2.8cm and the turquoise polymer clay pendant has a radius of 1.8cm. I believe that my final design is beautiful and very unique, it is very suitable for my client and all the different design elements work well together. 12

Case study
Section one: design process 1. Read Evaluating success. List the financial and personal rewards that Dinosaur Designs' partners can enjoy because of their company's success. Dinosaur designs partners are a successful jewellery company that due to the rate of their success experiences many financial and personal rewards. Dinosaur designs states that success can mean many things. There are many personal rewards of owning a successful business, the personal satisfaction of being able to work with you best friends, creating beautiful objects which are appreciated and enjoyed by the clients of dinosaurs design. Dinosaur designs also experiences the fulfilment of the financial reward of running your own successful design company. One of the most fulfilling rewards is the personal joy they get
from designing and making products that are valued by others.

2. Look at the Dinosaur Designs' career path. What things indicate the company's success and popularity? Throughout the career path of dinosaur designs there had been multiple different indication of their success and popularity. In 1987 they participated in fashion event in Melbourne, 1988
they were forced to employ staff and participated in more fashion events. In 1989 they featured in major exhibition at Victoria and Albert Museum, London. They later started importing pieces to the US and japan, they opened stores over the world and were finally in association with Louis Vuitton. All of these ground-breaking achievements indicting just how successful the company was and how popular they had become.


3. Develop a flow chart of a design process undertaken by the team at Dinosaur Designs
The first step of the design process is developing an idea, which can be found in everyday life. When the designer comes across something inspirational, challenging or beautiful they will often take an element of the certain inspiration and develop an idea. The next step of the dinosaur designs design process is to quickly draw up a sketch of their idea as it may drift away just as quickly as they came up with it.

After they draw final sketches of the design they then being to construct the design using different materials that will be suitable for the particular design.

The team of dinosaur designs then beings to research about their idea. If they found inspiration from a mosaic in a church for example they would then research about the church, the mosaic, the colours used and the history of the mosaic. They may also research things like the type of materials that would need to be used in that particular necklace.

The final step of the design process is to finalize the design making sure that everything is perfect and completing the finishing touches.


4. Dinosaur Designs uses specialist designers for some aspects of their work, for example, architects and graphic designers. Compare the design process used to design Dinosaur Designs' jewellery and that used by the product designer Angelo Kotsis. What are the similarities and differences between the two processes?

Similarities Both design teams conducted research in order to gather inspiration Dinosaur designs and Angelo Kotsis both had the help of other professionals when designing their product.

Differences Angelo Kotsis was designing a torch however dinosaur designs, design jewellery Angelo Kotsis design process was much more complex and is much more time consuming as it has many more processes and steps. Angelo Kotsis design process involved design a proto type in order to ensure the design would be functional and to see how it would look once complete. Angelos process is much more relaxed and he is able to change it around a bit where as dinosaur designs process much more straight forward and has a particular order to it

5. The Dinosaur Designs team are passionate about their work. They use a particular language to communicate their process of design, for example, hand-felt and finessing. Select these words and in the context of the passage, discuss what the designer means by them.

Hand felt: The use of the word hand felt in this context relates to the way the designers create their jewellery, Louise from dinosaur designs say that we people see dinosaur designs jewellery they can see that is very hand-felt meaning that it is created by hand and relates to the way something feels. Finessing: Stephan says that the girls have a great ability finessing products and understanding, especially with jewellery, what is happening in fashion. The word finessing in this circumstance is relating to making something to its best ability or refining a piece of jewellery.


Section 2 factors influencing design 1. Visit the Gallery of work. Touch, feel and look are important to Dinosaur Designs. Look at three images and describe them in terms of the elements of design, such as line, colour and texture.

Dinosaur designs glass products The dinosaur designs glass range is extremely unique and striking. It is a design that straight away intrigues and engages people. The bright and bold colours such as red, orange, green and yellow are very aesthetically appealing ad attract the eye of people. The different patters incorporated in the glass and the mixture of colours really adds a unique twist to the design. The glass wear is displayed in different shapes and sizes that complement each other and add to the appeal of the design. Texture plays a great role in how the glass wear appeals to customers and the shiny and smooth texture of the glass adds greatly to the aesthetic appeal to customers.

Dinosaur designs silver resin inlay jewellery This particular set of earrings are so unique, the simplicity of the piece will attract attention and appeal to people. The deep colour of the maroon is very bold and striking, the shape of the earring appeals to the aesthetic eye and the shiny texture of the earring compliments the dark colour of the maroon.

Dinosaur Designs' products and Ottoman in Dinosaur Designs fabric All the glass designs straight away appeal to the eye as the vibrant colours are very bold and striking. The different shapes and sizes of the glass wear is extremely unique and appealing give the glass an extra impact. The pattern of the ottoman is extremely bold and the colour used is really exciting and striking. Texture play a big role in the way a piece of furniture appeals to people, the texture of the ottoman is very inviting and quite demanding. 2. Dinosaur Designs manufactures all their resin pieces in their own studio. What kinds of Occupational Health & Safety practices might they have to consider for employees working in a studio or workshop environment? Employers are legally obliged to protect the health, safety and welfare of their workers. Some occupational health and safety practises that employers must provide area a safe and healthy working environment, safe systems of work, machinery and equipment are in a safe condition, adequate facilities and adequate information, instruction and training. Section 3 roles of designers 1. The Dinosaur Designs team received training in the visual arts as well as professional art studies. Suggest an alternative career path that might give you the skills necessary for designing objects and/or jewellery. A career path that may give you the skills needed in order to design objects or jewellery would be a bachelor of design and technology, a bachelor of industrial design as these courses teach you about the aesthetics and research of design and the research of industrial products.


2. Jewellery design is a design specialisation of the area of study: Products. What other design specialisations does Dinosaur Designs work in? Dinosaur Designs also creates things such as sculptures, vases, kitchen wear produ cts and many more. 3. List some of the reasons people wear jewellery. Describe your favourite piece of jewellery and the reasons it is important to you. Jewellery can become something more than just what people like to wear; it becomes what some people feel they have to wear. Jewellery can represent a person personality and character. People will often wear a piece of jewellery because they really love the colours of the piece, they may also like the texture and style of the piece. Some people choose to wear a certain piece of jewellery based on the occasion and venue they will be for example if they are going to a fancy dinner they may like to wear silvers and golds however if they are going to have a shop they may like to wear some more colours and creative patterns. My particular favourite piece of jewellery is a pain of small hoop earrings with tiny and intricate diamonds through the inside. I really like this piece of jewellery as they can be worn anywhere, to school, shops, dinner and just around the house. This piece of jewellery means a lot to me as my dad brought them for me all the way from Germany. 4. Identify the contribution Dinosaur Designs makes to the improvement of everyday life Dinosaur designs has a large contribution to the improvement of everyday life as the vibrant and joyful colours and patterns of their designs brighten peoples day and may make people feel beautiful on the inside and the outside. The magnificent glass collection will turn peoples houses into homes, and make them feel warm and inviting. Section 4 generating ideas 1. Stephen Ormandy of Dinosaur Designs describes the importance of sketching for generating ideas. Practice your sketching skills for your next project. Keep a small pocket notebook and pencil with you at all times and draw thumbnails of any ideas you come across In my 2014 portfolio 2. Identify some of the methods used by Dinosaur Designs to generate creative ideas. The team of dinosaur designs are always somehow finding inspiration, ideas always pop into their minds say Stephen even by just looking at a bus ticket. Its visual clues that turn up in all different situations. The team get a lot of inspiration from art, art history, painting,
sculpture and the natural world.


Section 5 - Selects, analyses, presents and applies research

1. Experimenting and testing of design ideas was important for the development of Dinosaur Designs' first innovative products for Paddington markets. Describe the experimentation and testing that was carried out. The deign team of dinosaur designs queued for a $12 stall at their local markets in Paddington where they would sell their work. They created all their pieces in their parents kitchens and after much testing and experimentation they then realized that it was the jewellery that most customers were interested in. By adapting their products to suit the market, Dinosaur Designs were able to take their creative ideas and turn them into a successful business. 2. Dinosaur Designs are influenced to a certain extent by current trends. What sources of information would be particularly useful for jewellery designers? Many pieces of jewellery that we are drawn to in stores are pieces that we have seen other people wearing, weather it may be a friend, celebrity or relative, when we see somebody else wearing something we often tend to like it ourselves. The dinosaur designs team and Im sure many other jewellery companies research what types of jewellery are in fashion at a particular time, they may do this through the use of magazines, social media, television and even books. They may also be inspired or influenced by other jewellery companies and the pieces they are creating. Section 6 mixed material technologies 1. If you were to design a small pendant how could it be mass produced? Research the different ways in which you could produce multiple copies of this object. If I were to create a small pendant it could be mass produced if I decide to hire a team of workers to create multiples of the jewellery items or if I chose to outsource the massproduction of these items to a company that specializes in this kind of manufacturing. 2. For the small pendant research how it can be finished. How does it affect the visual appeal of the object? If I were to create a small pendant I would finish it by first cleaning it so that there are no small pieces of dirt or other substances on it and then to polish it so that the pendant will have a glossy and shiny look. By finishing the pendant like this it will appeal to customers as the unique shimmer and gloss on the pedant will add to its aesthetic appeal and make the pendant feel much more glamorous.


3. Research other products made from polyester resin, e.g. bathroom vanities, bathtubs, canoes, surfboards. Compare the characteristics of these products with the characteristics of Dinosaur Designs' products Dinosaur designs products other products made from polyester resin

Similarities Both dinosaur designs resin products and other products are solid however can be broken when dropped. Both products are finished beautiful and are great qualities Bothe the products are aesthetically appealing and will attract buyers.

Differences The dinosaur designs resin has a matte look where as other products like baths and bathroom vanities have a more glossy appeal The dinosaur designs products are much cheaper than products such as bath tubs, vanities and surfboards.


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