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Project Report On INDIAN BANKING INDUSTRY A Comparative Analysis o Government Sector Ban!s "it# Private Sector Ban!s SUB$ITT%D BY& ANS'U( GUPTA %nrolment No& A)*+,-**+)B.CO$ 'ons / Class o 0+*, Un1er t#e G2i1ance o Dr. PU3A SING'A(

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Pro essor4 ACC5 Department D%C(ARATION

Title of Dissertation:

INDIAN BANKING INDUSTRY A Comparative Analysis o Government Sector Ban!s "it# Private Sector Ban!s
I declare (a) That the work presented for assessment in this Dissertation Report is my own that it has not pre!io"sly #een presented for another assessment and that my de#ts (for words data arg"ments and ideas) ha!e #een appropriately acknowledged (#) That the work conforms to the g"idelines for presentation and style set o"t in the rele!ant doc"mentation$ Date :2%&'(&2'1) *+,-./ 0.PT* 1$234$ (-3+,) 2/*,, 35 2'1162'1)

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I DR P2ja Sin6#al here#y certify that ANS'U( GUPTA st"dent of 1achelor of 2ommerce (-) at *mity 2ollege of 2ommerce 7 5inance *mity .ni!ersity .ttar Pradesh has completed the Dissertation report on 8 INDIAN BANKING INDUSTRY A Comparative Analysis o Government Sector Ban!s "it# Private Sector Ban!s

DR. P2ja Sin6#al Pro essor ACC5

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I wo"ld like to e9press my gratit"de for the people who were part of this Pro:ect Report directly or indirectly people who ga!e "nending s"pport right from the stage the idea was concei!ed$ In partic"lar I wo"ld like to thank Dr$ P2ja Sin6#al4 *ssistant Professor6 Department of 2ommerce 7 5inance *mity .ni!ersity +oida for helping me to decide the topic and pro!iding his f"ll cooperation in completing this report$ I wo"ld also like to thank him for helping me to prepare the report and achie!e the #est of my performance$ I wo"ld also thank my Instit"tion and my fac"lty mem#ers witho"t whom this pro:ect wo"ld ha!e #een a distant reality$ I also e9tend my heartfelt thanks to my family and well wishers$

*nsh"l 0"pta 1$2om (-) ;nrolment +"m#er: *(1')<11'(< 2lass of 2'1)

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TAB(% O5 CONT%NTS C'APT%R8* INTRODUCTION ;=;2.TI>; ,.44*R? 1*+@I+0 I+D.,TR?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2 -I,T3R?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) ,TR.2T.R; 35 1*+@I+0 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$A C'APT%R80 R%9I%7 O5 (IT%RATUR% R;>I;B 35 /IT;R*T.R;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1< C'APT%R8) INDUSTRY ANA(YSIS C'APT%R8, R%S%ARC' $%T'ODO(OGY R;,;*R2- 4;T-3D3/30?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2' P.RP3,; 35 T-; ,T.D?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$22 D*T* 23//;2TI3+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2( D*T* *+*/?,I, ,B3T *+*/?,I, C'APT%R8, 5INDINGS 5I+DI+0, *+D 23+2/.,I3+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(C R%5%R%NC%S APP%NDI:8A ,+ ,*

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This pro:ect pro!ides a so"nd co!erage of all the ser!ices pro!ided #y the Pri!ate ,ector 1anks and the P"#lic ,ector 1anks$ It also contains the Relationship marketing adopted #y Pri!ate 1anks 7 Traditional or 0o!ernment #anks$ Be wo"ld #e first analyDing the #anking sector and then "nderstand there working and in the later part of the pro:ect we wo"ld analyDe the relationship marketing of #anks$

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1anking Ind"stry in India has always re!ol!ed aro"nd the traditional f"nction of deposits and credit$ Their role had #een defined as to assist the o!erall economic growth with ma:ority of share #eing controlled #y the 0o!ernment of India in most of the #anks$ 1"t with the process of li#eraliDation the #anking ind"stry has also "ndergone tremendo"s change in the last % years$ The market which was largely controlled #y the p"#lic sector #anks has now #een facing stiff competition not only from foreign players #"t also from the new generation pri!ate sector #anks$ The r"les of the game ha!e #een changing with the R1I introd"cing new norms to make #anks more acco"nta#le and to adopt the practices followed worldwide$

4ost of the #anks ha!e now #een trying to f"nction on the concept of a .ni!ersal 1ank$ *part from the traditional f"nctions of a commercial #ank they are taking steps to #"ild themsel!es into a one stop financial centre wherein all the financial prod"cts wo"ld #e a!aila#le$ 1anks ha!e started catering to the retail segment to impro!e their deposit portfolio$ In order to ha!e a ma9im"m share in this segment most of the #anks ha!e #een introd"cing new prod"cts$ The deli!ery channels ha!e also #een shifted from #ranches to *T4s phone #anking net #anking etc$

Technology has #ecome an important medi"m of not only attracting new c"stomers #"t also in retaining them$ The new generation pri!ate sector #anks ha!e made a strong presence in the most l"crati!e #"siness areas in the co"ntry

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#eca"se of technology "p gradation$ Bhile their operating e9penses ha!e #een falling as compared to the P,. #anks their efficiency ratios (employeeFs prod"cti!ity and profita#ility ratios) ha!e also impro!ed significantly$

4ergers and *cG"isitions ha!e also started playing their role in the #anking ind"stry where lots of players are trying to consolidate their position$ The recent merger of Times 1ank with -D52 1ank was an important step in this direction$ In recent times most of the new pri!ate sector #anks ha!e shown interest in ind"cting a foreign partner in their operations$

The go!ernment is planning to #ring down its stake in the p"#lic sector #anks from %1H to ((H$ This mo!e will ena#le these #anks to raise f"rther capital to adhere to the 2*R reG"irements and will also help in changing their perception in the market !is6I6!is the pri!ate sector #anks$

4ost of the #anks are also planning to enter the ins"rance #"siness and are in the process of identifying their strategic partners$ ,ince most of the #anks already ha!e an e9tensi!e distri#"tion network this new #"siness sho"ld res"lt in s"#stantial re!en"es$ 1"t with most of the top leag"e players planning to enter this #"siness the more efficient and pro acti!e players wo"ld #e a#le to take a lead$

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INTRODUCTION 1ank has mo!ed a long way from the safe deposit ho"ses that they were$ They ha!e now taken the role of an agent a Pri!ate sector in!estor etc$ In simple words they ha!e increased their scope #y a wide margin$ .ntil Pri!ate sector #anks were introd"ced #anking for Indians was an ine!ita#le time cons"ming and a complicated acti!ity$ Pri!ate sector #anks #ro"ght with them personaliDed #anking which has attracted ma:or parts of the Indian pop"lation$ 4a:or ind"strial ho"ses and a large part of the #"siness sector do #ank with these Pri!ate sector instit"tions$ D"e to the n"m#er and G"ality of ser!ices pro!ided and the case with an acco"nt can #e operatedJ e!en the ho"sehold sector has started #anking with these instit"tions$ These Pri!ate sector #anks are pro!iding new and inno!ati!e ser!ices like 6 6 6 6 6 6 Tele #anking Internet #anking Tele Draft facility 2redit cards 2ash deli!ery at door step and *T4

4aking them more and more "ser friendly$

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BANKING INDUSTRY IN INDIA 1anking Ind"stry in India has always re!ol!ed aro"nd the traditional f"nction of deposits and credit$ Their role had #een defined as to assist the o!erall economic growth with ma:ority of share #eing controlled #y the 0o!ernment of India in most of the #anks$ 1"t with the process of li#eraliDation and the technological re!ol"tion the #anking ind"stry has also "ndergone tremendo"s change in the last % years$ The market which was largely controlled #y the p"#lic sector #anks has now #een facing stiff competition not only from foreign players #"t also from the new generation pri!ate sector #anks$ The r"les of the game ha!e #een changing with the R1I introd"cing new norms to make #anks more acco"nta#le and to adopt the practices followed worldwide$ 4ost of the #anks ha!e now #een trying to f"nction on the concept of a .ni!ersal 1ank$ *part from the traditional f"nctions of a commercial #ank they are taking steps to #"ild themsel!es into a one stop financial centre wherein all the financial prod"cts wo"ld #e a!aila#le$ 1anks ha!e started catering to the retail segment to impro!e their deposit portfolio$ In order to ha!e a ma9im"m share in this segment most of the #anks ha!e #een introd"cing new prod"cts$ The deli!ery channels ha!e also #een shifted from #ranches to *T4s phone #anking net #anking etc$ 1anks traditionally in!ol!ed in working capital financing ha!e started offering cons"mer loans and ho"sing loans$ ,ome of the #anks ha!e started offering tra!el loans as well$ Retail financing is the other area where the #anks ha!e started to

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concentrate$ The loan formalities too ha!e #een rela9ed to a great e9tent and sanctioning time has #een speeded "p$ ,tr"ct"re of Indian 1anking Ind"stry The Indian 1anking Ind"stry can #e #roadly classified into: P2;lic Sector Ban!s

The Indian 1anking ind"stry is largely dominated #y the p"#lic sector #anks$ These #anks till the early C's were in!ol!ed in the traditional #anking #"siness of deposits and credit lending$ They performed a s"pporti!e role in the o!erall growth of the economy$ Bhile most of these #anks "sed to foc"s on the growth of #alance sheet profita#ility was not a significant factor in the competition$ In most of the #anks the go!ernment has a holding of 1''H whereas in the few #anks the stake has fallen #eca"se of a p"#lic iss"e in the post li#eraliDation period$ The go!ernment is proposing to #ring o"t a #ill wherein its share in all these #anks wo"ld stand red"ced to ((H from the c"rrent le!els$ Private Sector Ban!s The 1anking Reg"lation *ct was amended in 1CC( permitting the entry of new pri!ate sector #anks$ Bith emphasis on ser!ice and technology it is for the first time that Indian #anks are challenging the foreign #anks$ These #anks are making hea!y "se of technology to gi!e good ser!ice on par with foreign #anks #"t to a m"ch wider a"dience e$g$ #ranch siDe has #een red"ced considera#ly #y "sing

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technology and ha!ing less manpower$ In addition the *T4 etc helps drawing large c"stomers to one #ranch$ 5orei6n Ban!s

5oreign #anks ha!e #een doing the normal #anking #"siness in the co"ntry$ D"ring the period of nationaliDation the entry of new foreign #anks and e9pansion #y e9isting foreign #anks were prohi#ited$ ;!en when the norms were rela9ed later on R1I was !ery slow in granting any f"rther appro!als to these #anks$ 1"t most of these #anks ha!e concentrated on the metropolitan cities of the co"ntry and ha!e #een a#le to do reasona#ly well$ These #anks ha!e "sed the latest technology to compensate for the limited n"m#er of #ranches they ha!e$ BANKING AND T%C'NO(OGY

There is no denying the fact that in the past two decades information technology has #een the most rapidly changing ind"stry in the world$ 1"t more than the rate of change what is remarka#le is the way IT has changed the paradigms of #"siness in other ind"stries$ 3ne ind"stry that has really felt the impact of IT has #een the #anking sector$ The #anking scenario has #een changing at fast pace$ 1anks traditionally :"st #orrowers and lenders ha!e started pro!iding complete corporate and retail financial ser!ices to its c"stomers$ 1anks ha!e #een introd"cing new prod"cts to

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maintain their share in this highly competiti!e market where things ha!e #een changing G"ite rapidly$ Technology dri!e has #enefited the c"stomers in terms of faster impro!ed con!enient #anking ser!ices and !ariety of financial prod"cts to s"it their reG"irements$ *T4s phone #anking net #anking anytime and anywhere #anking are the ser!ices which #anks has started offering following the changing trend in the sector$ In plastic money segment c"stomers ha!e also got a new option of de#it cards against the earlier pop"lar credit cards$ In a tight competiti!e en!ironment where #anks are making a thr"st towards technology to pro!ide s"perior ser!ices to its c"stomers c"stomers stand to gain the most$ The 2"stomer is now in an en!ia#le position where he can demand s"perior ser!ices at competiti!e prices$ Those #anks which ha!e #een a#le to realiDe the importance of technology in the day to day operations ha!e witnessed a sharp increase in their o!erall perception while the others ha!e pro#a#ly lost the first mo!er ad!antage$

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Tra1itional Ban!in6< Traditionally the relationship #etween the #ank and its c"stomers has #een on a one6to6one le!el !ia the #ranch network$ This was p"t into operation with clearing and decision6making responsi#ilities concentrated at the indi!id"al #ranch le!el$ The head office had responsi#ility for the o!erall clearing network the siDe of the #ranch network and the training of staff in the #ranch network$ The #ank monitored the organiDationFs performance and set the decision6making parameters #"t the information a!aila#le to #oth #ranch staff and their c"stomers was limited to one geographical location$ The modern #ank cannot rely on its #ranch network alone$ 2"stomers are now demanding new more con!enient deli!ery systems$ *nd ser!ices s"ch as Internet #anking ha!e a d"al role to the c"stomer$ They pro!ide traditional #anking ser!ices #"t additionally offer m"ch greater access to information on their acco"nt stat"s and on the #ankFs many other ser!ices$ To do this #anks ha!e to create information layers which can #e accessed #oth #y the #ank staff as well as #y the c"stomers themsel!es$ Today #anking in India has #ecome an "npop"lar ind"stry m"ch #lamed for pro#lems of its own making$ The "se of interacti!e electronic links !ia the Internet co"ld go a long way in pro!iding the c"stomers with greater le!el of information a#o"t #oth their own financial sit"ation and a#o"t the ser!ices offered #y the #ank$

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1anks are the most prominent and !ery important part of the financial economy of India$ The performance of #anks is completely linked to the growth of the economy while the nat"re and G"ant"m of growth is in t"rn linked to the

a!aila#ility of #ank credit$ 1anks ha!e #een "sed #y s"ccessi!e go!ernments to achie!e their social political and economic goals$ The str"ct"re of the

0o!ernment 1anking system has "ndergone n"mero"s change since independence$ Two phases of nationaliDation introd"ction of Regional R"ral 1anks in 1CA% (to foc"s on r"ral spread on #anking) and permission to new pri!ate #anks to set "p operations since are some of the ma:or changes "ndergone$

1anking Ind"stry in India has always re!ol!ed aro"nd the traditional f"nction of deposits and credit$ Their role had #een defined as to assist the o!erall economic growth with ma:ority of share #eing controlled #y the 0o!ernment of India in most of the #anks$ 1"t with the process of li#eraliDation and the technological re!ol"tion the #anking ind"stry has also "ndergone tremendo"s change in the last % years$ The market which was largely controlled #y the p"#lic sector #anks has now #een facing stiff competition not only from foreign players #"t also from the new generation pri!ate sector #anks$ The r"les of the game ha!e #een changing with the R1I introd"cing new norms to make #anks more acco"nta#le and to adopt the practices followed worldwide$

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4ost of the #anks ha!e now #een trying to f"nction on the concept of a .ni!ersal 1ank$ *part from the traditional f"nctions of a commercial #ank they are taking steps to #"ild themsel!es into a one stop financial centre wherein all the financial prod"cts wo"ld #e a!aila#le$ 1anks ha!e started catering to the retail segment to impro!e their deposit portfolio$ In order to ha!e a ma9im"m share in this segment most of the #anks ha!e #een introd"cing new prod"cts$ The deli!ery channels ha!e also #een shifted from #ranches to *T4s phone #anking net #anking etc$

Technology has #ecome an important medi"m of not only attracting new c"stomers #"t also in retaining them$ The new generation pri!ate sector #anks ha!e made a strong presence in the most l"crati!e #"siness areas in the co"ntry #eca"se of technology "p gradation$ Bhile their operating e9penses ha!e #een falling as compared to the P,. #anks their efficiency ratios (employeeFs prod"cti!ity and profita#ility ratios) ha!e also impro!ed significantly$

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The 0o!ernment 1anking Ind"stry can #e #roadly classified into:

Government Sector Ban!s

The 0o!ernment 1anking ind"stry is largely dominated #y the p"#lic sector #anks$ These #anks till the early C's were in!ol!ed in the traditional #anking #"siness of deposits and credit lending$ They performed a s"pporti!e role in the o!erall growth of the economy$ Bhile most of these #anks "sed to foc"s on the growth of #alance sheet profita#ility was not a significant factor in the competition$ In most of the #anks the go!ernment has a holding of 1''H whereas in the few #anks the stake has fallen #eca"se of a p"#lic iss"e in the post li#eraliDation period$ The go!ernment is proposing to #ring o"t a #ill wherein its share in all these #anks wo"ld stand red"ced to ((H from the c"rrent le!els$

The p"#lic sector #anks ha!e a strong distri#"tion network all o!er the co"ntry$ 1"t the strength of the earlier periods has now #ecome a concern for these #anks$ *s compared to the tech6eG"ipped distri#"tion network of the new pri!ate sector #anks and the foreign #anks these #anks ha!e fo"nd it diffic"lt to "pgrade them on the technology front$ These #anks are also facing the pro#lem of s"rpl"s manpower$ 4ost of these #anks are now coming o"t with a >R, to #ring down their n"m#er of employees and impro!e the efficiency ratios$

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The p"#lic sector #anks still control a ma:or share in the #anking operations of the co"ntry$ Their inefficiencies ha!e #een e9posed only when the market was throw open for competition and new players started eating "p their share$ 1"t gi!en their siDe and the strong network most of these #anks can change their perception$ The recent thr"st on red"ction of go!ernment stake >R, +P* settlement schemes etc ha!e #een some of the steps in this direction$ ,ince the growth of the economy is largely dependent on the performance of these #anks e!en with the growth of new pri!ate and foreign players these #anks will ha!e an important role to play$

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Private Sector Ban!s

The 1anking Reg"lation *ct was amended in 1CC( permitting the entry of new pri!ate sector #anks$ Bith emphasis on ser!ice and technology it is for the first time that 0o!ernment 1anks are challenging the foreign #anks$ These #anks are making hea!y "se of technology to gi!e good ser!ice on par with foreign #anks #"t to a m"ch wider a"dience e$g$ #ranch siDe has #een red"ced considera#ly #y "sing technology and ha!ing less manpower$ In addition the *T4 etc helps drawing large c"stomers to one #ranch$ The new pri!ate #anks are on an e9pansion phase and are now mo!ing into semi6 "r#an areas and satellite towns to f"lfill their #ranch e9pansion norms$ Their technological edge and prod"ct inno!ation has seen them gaining market share from the slower less efficient older #anks$

The new pri!ate #anks ha!e #een consistently gaining market share from the p"#lic sector #anks$ The ma:or #eneficiary of this has #een corporate clients who are most so"ght after now$

The pri!ate sector #anks ha!e #een a#le to make significant inroads in the retail market of the p"#lic sector #anks$ D"ring the year the two leading #anks in this sector had set a new trend in the 0o!ernment 1anking sector$ -D52 1ank as a part of its e9pansion plans had taken o!er Times 1ank$ I2I2I 1ank #ecame the first #ank in the co"ntry to list its shares on +?,;$

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The old pri!ate sector #anks ha!e performed reasona#ly well d"ring the 5?2'''$ *s these #anks were facing stiff competition from the new pri!ate #anks and the foreign players who were making inroads in their markets these #anks ha!e #een a#le to increase their net profits #y o!er %'H$ *s a res"lt of the increasing competition in the sector these #anks ha!e #een trying to impro!e "pon their margins and asset G"ality$ 4ost of these #anks ha!e a high 2*R and as s"ch they do not face any capital constraint in their growth plans$ ;!en their ret"rn on net worth has #een at par in most of the cases with the other new players in the market$ 1"t the coming years wo"ld #e more challenging for these #anks as the p"#lic sector #anks are also trying to adapt to the new en!ironment and the new #anks ha!e already eG"ipped themsel!es to ha!e a ma:or share in any opport"nity that wo"ld accr"e$

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/iterat"re Re!iew
Indian #anking system has "ndergone a drastic change after the independence of the co"ntry$ There has #een a significant change in the str"ct"re composition management o#:ecti!es and the mode of working of the #anking instit"tions o!er the last three decades or so$ 4ohanlal ,harma (1CAC) K,tr"ct"ral changes in Indian commercial #anking system since 1C<C: * st"dy of portfolio profits and policyK analyDed the effects of nationaliDation on the #anking ind"stry in India $ T$ Radha (2''() impact of 1anking sector reforms on the Performance of commercial #anks in India 1CEC6C' to 1CCE6CC6st"died the effects of the +arasimam committee recommendation on the #anking ind"stry$ Dr$ +$ 1harathi (2''A) in her article Indian 1anking and 5inance 6 * Paradigm ,hift6 wrote that the #anking ind"stry is c"rrently in a transition phase$ D"n 7 1radstreet (2''E) (an international research #ody)K IndiaLs Top 1anks 2''EK6there has #een significant growth in the #anking infrastr"ct"re of India$ Taking into acco"nt all E2 #anks in India there are o!erall %< <)' #ranches or offices$ >4 @"m#har (2''C) K*lternati!e #anking: * modern practice in IndiaK the Indian #anking sector has witnessed ma:or transformation d"ring the last )' year$It has passed thro"gh !ario"s phases$ In the process ithas em#raced s"perior technology new prod"cts and ser!ices that are c"stomer centric$ I2R* (2'11) Indian 1anking ,ector: 2hallenges .nlikely to Derail the Progress 4ade6 *nalysis the !ario"s challenges 7 opport"nities that stand in front of the Indian 1anking Ind"stry $

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Government Sector Ban!s

The financial sector reforms co!ered dereg"lation of policies prescription of pr"dential norms #ased on internationally accepted practices in respect of capital adeG"acy income recognition asset classification and pro!isioning for impaired assets and introd"ction of competition in the #anking sector$ ,e!eral meas"res towards strengthening of s"per!ision o!er #anks were also introd"ced sim"ltaneo"sly$ The pr"dential norms were adopted in a phased manner from

1CC26 C( to make the transition less painf"l$

Profita#le performance recorded #y most of them and more so the t"rn aro"nd in profita#ility achie!ed #y G"ite a few P,1Ls goes to show that f"lfillment of social o#:ecti!es and profita#ility can and in fact need to go hand in hand$

Comparative Position o Government Sector Ban!s =Rs mn>

SBI Income +et Profit +et Borth Deposits 2%AA'2 2'%1% 121)A2 1C<E21'

BoB %E<1< %'2A (2()%

Corp 1EA%1 2(2) 11))A

OBC 2<AC( 2AE< 1)2E)

BoI %%22) 1A2E 2%11'

SBB3 1((%C 12') %2(1

SBT 1(%)1 <<) )((<

Dena 1ACC' <2E E2<)

%1('E1 1)2E'' 22'C%2 )AA)(E C'A)'

1'1E2< 1(2E<<

P a g e | 2)

*d!ances In!estments +P*s & +et

CE1'1C C1EAE< %1$A

2)(C2C AAAA' 1E%%<% %C<2' %2$1 1(


2%2(1' ))'11

%1(12 )EA1% 1')$1

A11AE <C1%2 11C

11%%C% 1<<<%A )E)%) 2($% EA$E E<$<

Borth (H)

,1I6,tate 1ank of India 1o#61ank of 1aroda 2orp62orporation 1ank 3126 3riental 1ank of 2ommerce 1oI61ank of India ,11M6,tate 1ank of

1ikaner7Maip"r ,?+ 8,yndicate 1ank Dena6Dena 1ank


The 1anking Reg"lation *ct was amended in 2''% permitting the entry of new pri!ate sector #anks$ The act also specified certain criteria for esta#lishing new pri!ate sector #anks$ The criteria are as follows:

The #anks sho"ld ha!e a minim"m net worth of Rs1#n$

The promoters holding sho"ld #e minim"m 2%H of the paid "p capital$

The #anks sho"ld offer shares to the p"#lic within three years of their operations$ (This condition was rela9ed in case of many #anks d"e to poor state of capital markets)$

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The first new pri!ate sector #ank started operations in 1CC%$ The minim"m net worth reG"irement of Rs1#n and diffic"lty in getting the #anking license has kept the option open for !ery few players$ 4any of these #anks ha!e #een promoted #y the financial instit"tions$ *fter the 2R1 fiasco (the gro"p was granted a license for #anking which was re!oked after the e9pos"re of the gro"p in a scam) R1I has not granted any f"rther licenses$

Bith emphasis on ser!ice and technology it is for the first time that Indian #anks are challenging the foreign #anks$ These #anks are making hea!y "se of technology to gi!e good ser!ice on par with foreign #anks #"t to a m"ch wider a"dience e$g$ #ranch siDe has #een red"ced considera#ly #y "sing technology and ha!ing less manpower$ This sa!es the cost of the #ranch$ In addition the *T4 etc helps drawing large c"stomers to one #ranch$

The new pri!ate #anks are on an e9pansion phase and are now mo!ing into semi6"r#an areas and satellite towns to f"lfill their #ranch e9pansion norms$ Their technological edge and prod"ct inno!ation has seen them gaining market share from the slower less efficient older #anks$ These #anks ha!e targeted non6f"nd6#ased income as ma:or so"rce of re!en"e with their le!el of contingent lia#ilities #eing m"ch higher then their other co"nterparts !iD$ P,. and old pri!ate sector #anks$

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The new pri!ate #anks ha!e #een consistently gaining market share from the p"#lic sector #anks$ The ma:or #eneficiary of this has #een corporate clients who are most so"ght after now$

P a g e | 2A

Comparative position o private sector ;an!s =Rs mn>

'DBA Income +et Profit +et Borth Deposits *d!ances In!estments +P*s & +et )$C worth (H) E'%2 12'' A%1) E)2AA ((<22 %A)E2

ICBK 1')<E 1'%( 11)C% CE<<' (<%A( ))1<<

A:ISK Y%S %A)( %'C 2(C% %A2'' (%'<< 2'<%1 )AEC <'C 2%C% ())E1 1<''A 212(C

3?K EAC1 1'E< %2E1 <1CEE (211' 2C2C'

INBK AE22 %<' %((2 <%)%C (<AA' 2A(1A

5%D ('C' ((1 1<<C 2<'AA 1('1) 12CA2

ING %(1% ()( 21'2 (E<A' 1E(CE 21CC%








'DBA8'D5C Ban!4 ICICI 8ICICI Ban!4 A:IS Ban!4 Y%S8Y%S Ban!4 3?K8 3amm2 an1 Ka#smir Ban!4 INBK8In12sIn1 Ban!4 5%D8 5e1eral Ban! 4 ING8ING 9YSYA Ban!

The new pri!ate sector #anks ha!e performed !ery well in the 5?2''E$ 4ost of these #anks ha!e registered an increase in net profits of o!er %'H$ They ha!e #een a#le to make significant inroads in the retail market of the p"#lic sector and the old pri!ate sector #anks$ D"ring the year the two leading #anks in this sector had set a

P a g e | 2E

new trend in the Indian #anking sector$ -D52 1ank as a part of its e9pansion plans had taken o!er Times 1ank$ I2I2I 1ank #ecame the first #ank in the co"ntry to list its shares on +?,;$

$ *s a res"lt most of these #anks had a foreign capital inf"sion and some of the other #anks ha!e already initiated talks a#o"t a strategic alliance with a foreign partner$


Pro ita;ility

P a g e | 2C

The operating profits of sched"led commercial #anks increased #y Rs)<#n in 2'1'62'11 ((($) per cent) to Rs1E)#n$ +et profits increased #y Rs2E$1#n (<2$A per cent) to RsA(#n d"ring 2'1'62'11$ *s a share of total assets operating and net profits increased #y 21 and 1C #asis points to 1$<< per cent and '$<< per cent respecti!ely d"ring 2'1'62'11$ The impro!ement in financial performance reflected (i) higher rate of growth in interest income than interest e9pendit"re d"ring 2'1'62'11 ii) a lower rate of growth in operating e9penses d"ring 2'1'6 2'11 as compared with that in the preceding year and iii) a higher rate of growth in other income than that in 2'1'62'11$

3perating and net profits across all #ank gro"ps e9hi#ited a s"#stantial increase d"ring 2'1'62'11 across all #ank gro"ps (#arring nationaliDed #anks in operating profits)$ In partic"lar new and old pri!ate sector #anks registered operating profit growth of E1$E and E'$) per cent respecti!ely as against in the preceding year$ The rise in operating profits of foreign #anks too t"rned o"t to #e high at aro"nd %1$% per cent as against a decline of ('$( per cent d"ring the year$

P,1s e9hi#ited an operating profit growth of 2($A per cent d"ring 2'1'62'11 as compared with a marginal increase of 2$E per cent$ ;!en more spectac"lar was the increase in net profits (%A$2 per cent) d"ring the year$

Performance (Government Sector Banks)

P a g e | ('

The position in regard to profitability of PSBs from 2004-2005 to 2010-2011 given in the table below:

Net Pro it @ (oss Total Profit (,tate 1ank 0ro"p) Total Profit (+ationa liDed #anks) Total +et Profit Total /oss (,tate








2E' (E)

(%< (E)

E)< (E)

1 '2( (A)

1 <%' (E)

2 )<' (E)

1 )<% (E)

11% (A)

(A% (A)

EC% (11)

1 1C< (12)

2 12) (1<)

2 C<% (1A)

2 <(C (1A)



1 A)1

2 21C

( AA)

% )2%

) 1')

+il (')

+il (')

(6)2(' (1)

+il (1)

+il (1)

+il (1)



P a g e | (1

1ank 0ro"p) Total /oss (+ationa liDed #anks) Total +et /oss +et Position (6)( 2C( (6)) ()C 1 11< (6)(A1 ( 'C% % '2A ( 2%E (6)( <EE (6)% 'E' (6)<2% (6)2 %C' (6)<AC (6)(CE (6)E)< (6)( <EE (12) (6)% 'E' (12) (6)<2% (E) (6)2 (<' (A) (6)<AC (() (6)(CE (2) (6)E)< (2)

P a g e | (2


There were !ario"s shortcomings in ser!ices of p"#lic sector #anks that lead to growth of 5oreign and Pri!ate sector #anks in India$ Today India can #oast of its own #anks which are at par with international stands of ser!ice pro!ided #y #anks world o!er$ -D52 #ank and I2I2I #ank are two top6notch #anks in India which are pro!iding gi!ing to"gh competition to the foreign #anks$ ItFs not long when they will come in the same category as 1ank of *merica or 2iti#ank$

The o#:ecti!e of this analysis was to find o"t the reasons for the s"ccess of the IndiaLs two top pri!ate sector #anks I2I2I and -D52 as compared its other Indian co"nterparts$

*ltho"gh the recent fig"res of the top #anks shows that -D52 #ank is in top #"t it will change as I2I2I will take o!er -D52 to #ecome the top #ank$ The main reason for this change is that -D52 is the concentrating on the recent merger$ 3nce is a#le to #ring a "niform policy at place it will come #acking a #ig way in 0o!ernment 1anking *rena$

P a g e | ((



The main o#:ecti!e of this research is to find o"t whether Pri!ate sector #anks which ha!e made their presence felt in India are pro!iding good ser!ices or not and if they are then how are they pro!iding a #etter ser!ice$ 1eca"se of o"r

o#:ecti!e we ha!e to compare the ser!ices of the Pri!ate sector #anks with that of the Indian nationaliDed #anks so as to know how are they pro!iding good ser!ices and in what ways$ 5or this we ha!e got G"estionnaires filled from people who are holding acco"nts in #oth the #anks i$e$ Pri!ate sector #anks as well as 0o!ernment 1anks$ *s they are the #est oneLs to :"dge and tell$ The aim of the st"dy is not only to find o"t whether the Pri!ate sector #anks are gi!ing good ser!ice or not #"t can also #e stretched to the e9tent that why are the 0o!ernment 1anks not #eing a#le to do what the others are doing so s"ccessf"lly if they are s"ccessf"l$

Data Collection

Be started off with distri#"tion of G"estionnaire at !ario"s places like o"tside go!ernment and pri!ate sector #anks$

Samplin6 proce12re& The sampling plan calls for three decisions

P a g e | ()

,ampling siDe 6 %' respondents

The sample siDe taken was of %' people who held #ank acco"nts in #oth Pri!ate sector and 0o!ernment 1anks$

Data so2rce& The so"rce of data was primary and secondary$

Researc# instr2ments& The research instr"ments "sed were personal inter!iews and response sheets$

Primary Data&

I inter!iewed salaried class Professionals ,elf6employed and 1"sinessmen$

I also ga!e c"stomers to fill "p the response sheets$

Secon1ary Data&

In o"r case secondary data were collected from:

+ews paper (;conomic Times)

Information 1roch"res$


P a g e | (%

+ews paper (;conomic Times)

P a g e | (<




77% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 23%

Once / twice in a week


AAH of the people transact with the #ank once twice in a week and 2(H transact fortnightly with the #ank$

P a g e | (A


54% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 15% 31%




%)H of the people find their transaction with the #anks as e9cellent$

(1H of the sample siDe rate their transactions with the #ank as good

1%H of the sample siDe rates their transactions as a!erage$

P a g e | (E


AAH people holding acco"nts in their respecti!e #anks en:oy the tele #anking facility$

<2H people holding acco"nt in their respecti!e #anks en:oy internet #anking$

A'H people holding acco"nts in their respecti!e #anks en:oy the tele draft facility$

C2Hof the people holding acco"nt in their respecti!e #anks en:oy the credit card facility$

)<H of the people holding acco"nts in their respecti!e #anks en:oy the ser!ice of deli!ery of cash at their door step$

1''H of the people holding acco"nt in their respecti!e acco"nts en:oy the *T4 ser!ices$

P a g e | (C

!$, -er"ice* )eli"ery o' ca*h at oor*te+ (re it car 'acility 70%


46% #2%

$ele ra't 'acility

&nternet %anking

62% 77% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%


P a g e | )'


77% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 23%

.ery 'a*t


AAH of the sample siDe finds the ser!ice for remitting cash at their respecti!e #anks !ery fast$

Bhereas 2(H find the ser!ice of remitting cash at their respecti!e #anks a!erage$

+o respondent has rated the ser!ice of remitting cash in these Pri!ate sector #anks as slow$

P a g e | )1


AAH of the sample siDe #elie!es that these Pri!ate sector #anks gi!e them personal attention with which they make their c"stomer feel special$

Bhereas 2(H of the sample siDe #elie!es these Pri!ate sector #anks do not gi!e any personal attention$

0o 23%

/e* 77%

P a g e | )2


2(H of the sample siDe transacts with their respecti!e #anks once or twice in a week$

Bhereas AAH of the sample transact with their respecti!e 0o!ernment 1anks fortnightly$


77% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 23%

Once/twice in a week


P a g e | )(


1%H of the sample siDe finds the time taken in remitting cash as !ery fast$

)<H of the sample siDe finds the time taken in remitting cash as a!erage$

Bhereas (CH of the sample find the time takes in remitting cash as slow$

46% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 15% 3#%

.ery 'a*t



P a g e | ))


(1H of the sample siDe feels that these 0o!ernment 1anks do gi!e them personal attention$

Bhereas on the contrary <CH of the remaining sample #elie!es that their #anks lack the skills of gi!ing personal attention$

6#% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%




P a g e | )%


(EH of the sample siDe is happy with the ser!ices with what their respecti!e #anks are offering$

Bhereas <2H of the sample is not satisfied with the ser!ices and is not happy with the ser!ices of what is #eing offered to them$

/e* 38%

0o 62%

P a g e | )<


2(H of the sample siDe en:oys the facility of tele#anking facility pro!ided #y their respecti!e #anks$

1%H of the sample siDe en:oys the facility of doing #anking thro"gh the net$

1%H of the sample siDe en:oys the teledraft facility$

1%H of the sample siDe en:oys the credit card facility pro!ided #y their respecti!e #anks$

%)H of the sample siDe en:oys the facility of an *T4 pro!ided #y their respecti!e #anks$

Bhereas +o respondent en:oys the facility of pro!iding cash at their doorstep #y their respecti!e #anks$

P a g e | )A

!$, -er"ice* )eli"ery o' ca*h at 0% oor*te+ (re it car 'acility 15% 15%


$ele ra't 'acility

&nternet %anking

15% 23% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%


P a g e | )E


E%H of the samples ha!ing #oth Indian as well as Pri!ate sector #ank acco"nts ha!e said that Pri!ate sector #anks are pro!iding #etter and good ser!ices than the 0o!ernment #anks$

Bhereas 1%H feel that #oth of them i$e$ the Pri!ate sector and Indian #anks are pro!iding them with good ser!ices$

+o respondent has said that 0o!ernment 1anks alone are pro!iding #etter ser!ices than the Pri!ate sector #anks$

#0% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%



0% Goo *er"ice* +ro"i e %y +ri"ate *ector %ank* Goo *er"ice* +ro"i e %y %oth the %ank* Go"ern1ent *ector %ank* alone +ro"i ing goo *er"ice

P a g e | )C


1%H of the sample siDe #elie!es that the 0o!ernment 1anks are more safer and their money is more sec"re in these #anks than in Pri!ate sector #anks$

1"t ma:ority of the sample siDe i$e$ AAH of the respondents feel that their money is more sec"re in the Pri!ate sector #anks$

3nly EH #elie!e that their money is safer in #oth the #anks$


2oth %ank* 8%

Go"ern1ent 2ank* 15%

3ri"ate %ank* 77%

P a g e | %'

AAH of the sample siDe #elie!es that the Pri!ate sector #anks are more con!enient as compared to the 0o!ernment 1anks$

2(H respondents are of the !iew that 0o!ernment 1anks are more con!enient than the Pri!ate sector #anks$

77% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 23%

3ri"ate %ank*

Go"ern1ent %ank*

P a g e | %1


1''H of the respondents agree "nanimo"sly that the Pri!ate sector #anks are pro!iding #etter ser!ices than the 0o!ernment 1anks$

I+ spite of Pri!ate sector #anks ha!ing an edge o!er the 0o!ernment 1anks as in
100% 100% #0% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0%

3ri"ate %ank*

Go"ern1ent %ank*

the ser!ices pro!ided #y them still no respondent is ready to transfer its e9isting 0o!ernment 1ank acco"nt to the e9isting Pri!ate sector #ank acco"nt$


P a g e | %2

PUB(IC S%CTOR BANKS Stren6t#s& P"#lic sector has E)H share in the total assets of the ind"stry$

3ne of the positi!e o"tcomes of nationaliDation has #een that of emergence of #ranch network spread across e!ery nook and corner of the co"ntry$ This co"pled with ownership #y the state made these #anks enormo"s in terms of siDe$

P,1s ha!e a significant indi!id"al depositor #ase rendering sta#ility to the asset #ase$

The share of in!estments of P"#lic ,ector acco"nted forEAH of the ind"stry indicating the dominance of P,1s$

P,1s rank higher in deposits ad!ances and profits d"e to their !ast network and sheer siDe of staff $1anking #"siness meas"red in deposits is still dominated #y the P,1s$

P a g e | %(

7ea!nesses& P,1s ha!e low credit to deposit ratio$

Tho"gh the P,1s ha!e h"ge reso"rce #ase with competition increasing at a faster pace they are likely to lag #ehind in the long r"n$ The complacency co"ld cost them hea!ily$

The prod"cti!ity is less than the other two sectors$

1orrowings of the P,1s ha!e increased more than other two sectors which is contri#"ting to the losses$

;9pendit"re per #ranch is contin"o"sly increasing as the #ranches are not properly managed$

The P,1s which command a#o"t C1H of the total #ank #ranches 7 a#o"t E<H of the #anking #"siness in the co"ntry are already saddled with h"ge work force$ This workforce operating "nder the protecti!e "m#rellas of mechaniDation 7 comp"teriDation for fear of losses of employment opport"nities present or potential$

P,1s are !ery m"ch #ehind in the technology aspect$ ,er!ices s"ch as neatly printed statements of acco"nts a"tomatic and prompt "pdating of pass#ooks

P a g e | %)

*T4s etc are some of the #enefits that c"stomers are #eing depri!ed of at P,1s$ PRI9AT% S%CTOR BANKS Stren6t#s& Pri!ate sector #anks ha!e a high credit to deposit ratio and they ha!e kept their operating e9penses low$ Bith technology and c"stomer orientation Pri!ate ,ector #anks are at the higher le!el as compared to P,1s and on the le!el playing field with foreign #anks$ Pri!ate sector #anks ha!e a high le!el of capital adeG"acy ratio$

Pri!ate sector #anks are fairly ad!anced in the "se of technology$ ,er!ices s"ch as neatly printed statements of acco"nts a"tomatic and prompt "pdating of pass#ooks *T4s etc are some of the #enefits that c"stomers are en:oying at these #anks$

Beaknesses: Pri!ate sector #anks "nlike P,1s ha!e less n"m#er of #ranches so their reach and co!erage is not !ery e9tensi!e$

P a g e | %%

Pri!ate sector #anks ha!e low growth in a!erage ad!ancesJ this aspect is dominated #y the P,1s$

Pri!ate sector #anks do not e9amine their #"siness with along term perspecti!e$ 4any of these #anks tend to look at short term opport"nities and gains$

5OR%IGN BANKS Stren6t#s& 5oreign #anks ha!e high credit to deposit ratio$

5oreign #anks are the leaders in technology and c"stomer ser!ices$

5oreign #anks ha!e high le!el of capital adeG"acy ratio$

The a!erage spread en:oyed #y the foreign sector is higher than that earned #y other sectors$

5or 5oreign #anks the a!erage +P*s stand at less than 1'H which is lower than the other two sectors$

7ea!nesses& 5oreign #anks ha!e !ery less n"m#er of #ranches and hence their reach is !ery low as compared to P,1s$

P a g e | %<

5oreign #anks ha!e concentrated on corporate #anking and fee #ased income$ The #"siness foc"s for most foreign #anks m"st shift to retail mo#iliDation$

P a g e | %A


5rom the analysis we can concl"de the following:


Respondent who are holding acco"nts #oth in the 0o!ernment 1anks as well as the Pri!ate sector #anks agree to the fact that they are #eing offered more !ariety of ser!ices #y the Pri!ate sector #anks$ *ltho"gh these ser!ices for %)H of the respondents come for a cost e!en after that they are happy with the ser!ices pro!ided to them$ 5or the rest of )<H the ser!ices are free as they fall in the premi"m segment clients for their respecti!e #anks$ This shows that these Pri!ate sector #anks are pro!iding good ser!ices to all of its acco"nt holders$


%)H of the Pri!ate sector #ank acco"nt holders ha!e rated the transaction with their #anks as e9cellent and AAH of them ha!e rated the time taken for remitting cash as !ery fast$ Bhereas on the other hand 1%H of the acco"nt holders holding 0o!ernment 1ank acco"nts ha!e rated the time taken for remitting cash as !ery fast$ (CH of the respondents ha!e rated the time taken for remitting cash as slow$ Bhereas no respondent has rated Pri!ate sector #anks as slow$ Therefore from this we can concl"de that these Pri!ate sector #anks are pro!iding good ser!ices #y knowing and "nderstanding that e!ery min"te is important for e!ery h"man #eing$ Therefore they do not make their c"stomers wait$

P a g e | %E


,ince 1''H of the respondents agree to the fact that Pri!ate sector #anks are pro!iding #etter ser!ices than the 0o!ernment 1anks$ -ence we can say that Pri!ate sector #anks in India are pro!iding G"ality ser!ices to their c"stomers$

P a g e | %C


1eca"se of the stiff competition of !ario"s #anks in the market foc"s of Indian 1ank sho"ld #e immense on ad!ertisement and promotion$

*T4 facility sho"ld #e gi!en to the st"dents with KNero #alance of de#itK so that the st"dents can easily get money at any time and at anywhere they want$

,"nday sho"ld #e made as a f"ll working day for #oth the #ranches so that people will easily transact at any time$

+ews papers mainly Times of India -ind"stan Times and ;conomic Times and different magaDines sho"ld #e kept for the c"stomers #y which they feel rela9ation "ntil their transactions are o!er$

Proper feed#ack system sho"ld #e there and feed #ack forms sho"ld #e kept for the c"stomers$ These forms sho"ld #e filled "p #y the c"stomers coming into the #ank and it sho"ld #e collected on daily #asis$ 1y analyDing these #ank will easily come across its feed#ack and accordingly modify them$ ,o that the c"stomers will feel pro"d of themsel!es as well as their #ank$

The head office sho"ld appoint smart and handsome&#ea"tif"l employees in the metro cities so that c"stomer will feel pro"d o!er themsel!es$

P a g e | <'

3ne person sho"ld #e appointed at e!ery #ranch of Delhi for the collection of o"tstanding payments$

In case of ,"ndays pamphlets of !ario"s schemes sho"ld #e distri#"ted along with newspapers mainly Times of India -ind"stan Times and ;conomic Times$ ,o that people will easily come across o"r #ank and its schemes$

Interior space sho"ld #e e9tended so that people will freely mo!e d"ring #"siness&r"sh ho"rs$

Information regarding the #o"nced cheG"es sho"ld #e immediate informed to the concerned person so that he&she can arrange some alternati!es$

In case of !ehicle loan some percentage of disco"nt sho"ld #e gi!en to the c"stomers on p"rchase of new !ehicle either 26wheeler or )6wheeler from the company side on the reference of the #ank$

Proper water and toilet system sho"ld #e pro!ided in #oth the #ranches for c"stomers and #ank employees and that sho"ld #e well noticed to e!ery#ody$

P a g e | <1

R%9I%7 O5 (IT%RATUR%8
$o#anlal S#arma =*DBD> 6 ,tr"ct"ral changes in Indian commercial #anking system T. Ra1#a =0++)> 6 ;ffects of the +arasimam committee recommendation on the #anking ind"stry$ Dr. N. B#arat#i =0++B> in her article Indian 1anking and 5inance 6 D2n ? Bra1street =0++C> (an international research #ody)K IndiaLs Top 1anks 2''EK6 9$ K2m;#ar =0++D> K*lternati!e #anking: * modern practice in IndiaK

ICRA =0+**> Indian 1anking ,ector

7%BSIT%S R%55%R%D8 http:&&en$wikipedia$org&wiki&1ankingOinOIndia http:&&www$#anknetindia$com&#anking&i#kg1$htm http:&&financialser!ices$go!$in&#anking&/ist3f24Ds3fP,1s$asp PpageidQ2 http:&&www$#anknetindia$com&f#anklinks$htm http:&&www$indiainfoline$com&Research&,ectors&1anking6 5inancials

P a g e | <2





R$1$ -ow many times yo" !isit the 1ankFsP

a) 3nce& twice in a week

#) 5ortnightly

R$2$ ?o"rs !iewFs on #ankFs o!erall performanceP

a) ;9cellent

#) 0ood

c) ,atisfactory

d) Poor

P a g e | <(

R$($ Bhat kind of different ser!ices pro!ided #y 1ankFsP

a) *T4 ser!ices

#) Deli!ery of cash at doorstep

c) 2redit card facility

d) Tele draft facility

e) Internet #anking

f) Tele #anking

R$)$ *re yo" satisfied with ser!ices pro!ided #y #anksP

a) ?es

#) +o

R$%$ -ow m"ch time taken to remit&withdraw the cashP


!ery fast





P a g e | <)

R$<$ Do these #anks gi!e personal attentionP

a) ?es

#) +o

R$A$ Bhich sector #anks pro!ide #etter ser!icesP


Pri!ate sector #anks

#) 0o!ernment sector #anks



R$E$ Bhich facility pro!ide #y the #ank yo" like the mostP

R$C$ 2an yo" s"ggest some ways #y which it is possi#le to attract c"stomersP

P a g e | <%

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