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Riyadh, KSA.
f'::!I e-mail:
Tel: +96611 4129412
Fax: +96611 4022225
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- Saving and Benefits for Hotels
- List of the Solutions
- Solutions
Energy Audit
Water Audit
Green Solutions
Renewable Energy
Smart Solutions
- Hotel Comfort is Guaranteed.
- Project Financing.
- Case Study
- Why to choose 3EIECOSOL
5t Leaaing 'Energy ~ e r v i e 'Proviaer
of Comprefiensive 'Energy efficiency
ana'Renewa6te 'Energy So{utions
3EI Efficient Energy Enterprise
Riyadh, KSA.
Tel: +96611 4129412
Fax: +966 11 402 2225
Page I
* Preface
Touri s m is one of the flouri s hed sectors in Saudi Arabia. It contributes s ig-
nifi c antl y to the econo mi c g rowth and well - be ing. Hole l sector is o ne o rlhe
touri s m indus try ' s largest dri ver of e mpl oyme nt and econo mic revenue but
at the same time it is o n e o r the mos t e n e rg y - int e ns ive. or the 50/0 C0 2
e mi ssio n that e mitte d b y to uri s m s ecto r ; Ho te ls and o the r types or a ccom-
modations a re respons ibl e of 2%.
The Ene rgy is a maj o r cos t compo ne nt in the hospitali ty indus try. S ubs ta n-
tial amo unt of e nergy is n eeded ror a ir conditioning, domesti c water h eat-
ing and li g hting in additio n to c ooking , refr iger a ti n g a nd freezing. In 3EIE-
CO SOL, we c are full y develop o ur solutions to reduce y our e nergy co s ts
based on a sound unde rs tanding o r your require me nts .
Reducing ene rgy use Inuke s pe rfect b us iness sense; it s aves money, e n-
h a nce c orpo rate re putati o n and h e lps everyone in t he fi g ht agains t clima te
c hange. Thi s brochure introduces to you the main e ne rgy s a v ing soluti o ns
and opportuniti es for the hospita lity secto r and d e mo ns trates how s imple
solutions can Silve energy. cut costs a nd increase profit marg ins witho ut
compromi s ing g uest s comfo rt or servi ces quality.
Page 2
* Saving and Benefits for Hotels
J Reduction of C02 and other emissions.
J Substantial Reduction in energy bil ls by better use of the Energy and more efficient equip-
J Reduced operation cost by following improved utilisation of plant and optimisation in oper-
J Now more than ever, companies are find ing t hat going green makes good marketing sense
as the urgency of climate change becomes more apparent, companies and clients are look-
ing \0 support green businesses and products
J Organisations will achieve recognition by the community, including potential customers
by being environmentally responsible corporate cit izens.
J Increased productivity where working conditions are improved; e.g. improved temperature
levels, airflow, etc.
J Reduction in capital expenditure where increased efficiency avoids the need for additional
plant or supply capacity.
What are the Solutions?
There are many solutions that can
benefit the hotels and it can be
listed under the following
1. Energy Auditing
2. Water Auditing
3. Green Solutions
4. Renewable Energy
5. Smart Sol utions
* Potential Energy
Saving in Hotels
* Energy Audit
Page 3
An energy audit is the firs t step to determine how much energy your business con-
sumes and evaluate the steps to take to make the property more energy efficient. An
energy audit provides the operator wit h the framework needed to establish or improve
energy management . It also provides a baseline for savi ng money and energy over
time when corrected.
The audit of energy consumption is a specialized process. It takes thorough knowl-
edge and expertise in multiple fields to estimate design, commission and perfonnance
moni tor projects for energy conservation. There are few fundamental ways of saving
../ Accurate monitoring of the ut ilities in the plant or building
J Reduction in the amount of energy requi red for the generation and use of the utility
../ Trapping of any unused energy
../ Recycli ng and reusc ofencrgy
By implementing these principles, we help energy intensive industries and buildings
to effectively manage energy consumption, and thereby enabling a reduction in over
all energy costs, making operations more compet itive, increasing product ivity and
overall profitability.
Page 4
* Energy Conservation Program Steps
Energy Savings can be achieved in most of the hotel's energy systems, however, practi-
cal experience showed that lighting, air conditioning, heati ng and other auxiliary systems
consume 80-90% of the energy. We at 3E/ECOSOLjoined team would be glad to do a pre-
liminary investigation of your hotel or fac ility and tell you how much you can save and
where, and what are energy related problems or deficiencies you might have and how you
can solve them. Once you have the preliminary assessment outcomes, you the Hotel Man-
agement would be able to take the right decisions. Contact us asking about the FREE
Energy Saving/Green Assessment (Pre-audit) to be able to serve you in the best way.
Form an Energy/Green
Analyze Energy Bill s
Technical Surveys &
Detennine the Energy
Identificati on of Specific
Energy/Water Saving
~ e a s u r e s (ECMs)
Engineeri ng and Eco-
l n,om,ic<,i Calculati ons
Environmental Analysis
Report ing
- Set Priorities
- Secure Financing
- Start Implementation
- Work with an ESCO (En-
ergy Services Co.) - 3 E/E-
- Or 3E/ECOSOL can
work as a Technical Con-
sultant with your team to
do equipment procure-
ment, evaluations, order-
ing, install ations and com-
- Monitoring and Verifica-
tion of actual Savings (Re-
- Reporting
- Examine ECMs
- Try to improve
- Monthly Reporting of
actual Savings
- Add new ECMs
- Get International Certifi-
cation such as ISO 5000 I,
LEED, or Green Key.
- Make sure of applying
the Energy Efficiency and
Green Concept to any new
Expansions or Equipment
* Water Audit
Water auditi ng is a pract ical smart ap-
proach for quanti fying water consumption,
water fl ow and water needs in order to reduce
water consumpti on alongside saving your
3EIECOSOL has an extensive experi-
ence in auditing and implementing water
saving projects to help you to save more
water withaUi compromis ing your comfon or
process. The following presents methods to
reduce energy use for domestic hot water:
1. Adjusting the temperature of the hot water
inside the storage tanks at 50 C" not more. By
doing so, energy usage reduces by 3-6%.
2. Using Separate boilers for the domesti c
water usage and the domestic water for space
heating. (i f applicable).
3. Using the solar Energy to provide the
Hotels with part of their need of hot water.
Solar thermal systems considered 10 be the
most mature technology among the renewa-
ble energy sources. Using Solar system for
hot water can save more than 40% of the
energy used to heat water annually.
4. Using Aerators on water taps is
not only going to reduce the water
usage but also to reduce the energy
consumed to heat the water.
Page 5
Solar thennal Heating systems
Adjusting the temperature of
the hOI water inside the storage
tanks 3% -6%
Page 6
.. Green Solutions
In 3EIECOSOL we believe in a greener
future, this is why 3EIECOSOL has
listed many services dedicated for hotels
to improve their green performance and
their green image.
3EIECOSOL's Eco green partners have
been at the forefront of the sustainabili-
ty movement. We have partnered to pro-
vide the hospitality industry a unique
green building assessment and certifica-
tion solution. Assessment includes:
- Site evaluation conducted by 3EIECO-
SOL's green solutions professional
- Green building certification (LEED,
Green Key)
- Energy Star benchmarking
o Identification of energy conservation
- Estimated energy Savings
- Water & Waste benchmarking
- Renewable energy opportunities
- Implementation Plan
- Detailed Cash Flow
- Bringing dtakeholders togetherfrom
the beginning of the design process
through building operations.
3EIECOSOL brings experience with
LEED accredited professionals, all of
whom are credential holders with the
U.S. Green Building Council the only or-
ganization that can certify a building
that has met the LEED requirements.
Why would I want
to build this green building?
Why would I
to tease this green building?
Green buildings address various criteria to
meet the above objective, support the environ-
mental aspects for buildings and reduce their
negative Impact on the Ecosystem by:
Sustainable Site Planning.
Safeguarding Energy and Water.
Conservation of materials and Natural re-
Special Construction practices.
Indoor environmental quality.
Green Building Facts:
Green Buildings can be done for no addition-
al cost
Initial premium costs are project specific
Green buildings average only a 2-3% in-
crease in costs, but can be done for the same
budget as traditional buildings with profession-
al Design and planning
Savings from green buildings are more than
your capital investment which mean quick
return on your investment.
Design Fees may be higher but project costs
will be reduced
Page 7
" Renewable Energy
U sing a free source of energy to sustain your business and to
reduce operation cost is very important with the increasing energy prices.
Empowering your business using the sun is a sustainable method to produce energy
and to reduce Co2 emissions to the atmosphere, furthermore, using alternative resourc-
es to produce energy is not a burden anymore but an investment.
In 3EIECOSOL we believe that hotels' operators can harness the sun power to supply
their facilities with a clean and free source of energy. The usage of renewable sources re-
duces the hotels energy bill and increases the hotels' system efficiency. An intensive
study will be conducted to ensure the most optimal and feasible system for your facility.
A- Photovoltaic (Electrical)
The solar photovoltaic systems which are commonly known as (PV systems), convert
the sun energy to readily usable electric power. Generally, PV systems can be a substan-
tial investment; hence 3EIECOSOL engineers will guide you through careful planning
to help you take the right decision to meet your individual needs.
3EIECOSOL can also design, supply and commission solar PV Projects on small and
large scale in cooperation with its international partners.
Page 8
A- Solar Thermal System
Solar thermal systems capture energy from sun and use it to heat water. The effective-
ness of such systems depends on the proper selection of your system among the availa-
ble options. 3E\ECOSOL will help you tailoring the solar thermal system to match your
needs at a minimum cost and quick return on your investment.
3EIECOSOL engineers will study your project requirements and will assist you for a
better and customized selection and implementation of the solar thermal heating system
to help you choose the most effective and efficient systems to your needs .
Smart Solutions
Smart Solutions allows you to integrate a range of services within your hotel in liter-
ally one touch e.g. lighting, security, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, home thea-
tre, audio, motorized curtains and blinds through Smart Keypads, Touch Screen or
Smart Phones APPs.
Page 9
'" Hotel Comfort is Guaranteed!!
'" Project Financing.
In 3EIECOSOL we believe that flexibil-
ity is important, this is why we give our
clients the option to choose the best con-
tracting type that suits their needs and re-
quirements. In addition to the EPC pro-
jects, 3E\ECOSOL provides a variety of
options as the following:
Performance Contracting
3EIECOSOL performance contracting
provides a simple solution to a big chal-
lenge facing facilities managers today;
how to get the infrastructure upgrades
needed at a time when budgets are too
tight or non-existent. Energy Savings
Performance Contracting (ESPC) lever-
ages the cost savings from energy-effi-
cient equipment to provide the capital to
renew facilities and building systems.
Energy performance contracting is
budget neutral; it takes the money al- $$
ready spent on energy and uses it to get
the energy infrastructure upgrades
needed. $
Budget Neutral Infrastructure Upgrade
Energy-efficient retrofits provided by
3EIECOSOL energy services specialists
answer the question of how to manage
aging facility energy systems when finan-
cial pressure put capital out of reach.
Newer energy systems are more effi-
cient, which means the budget currently
allocated for utility payments can be
used to replace or retrofit existing infra-
structure. Lower annual energy costs pro-
vide the budget for the energy retrofit.
3E\ECOSOL's comprehensive energy
solutions range from boiler and chillers'
replacements to full facility develop-
ment. Phased energy efficient retrofits
do not interfere with daily operations
during the facility upgrade.
You realize the savings
Yo"r Util ity Bill
Payment for Efficiency Upgrade
Yo"r Savi ngs
Before PaymentTerm After
Page 10
Facility Description:
Location: Aqaba / Jordan.
Building Type : Hotels - Five Star E E!ctricit 'l" (Os.t Fuel Cos,t (Dieselj
A five starts hotel located in Aqaba gulf in south
Jordan. The hotel consists of255 guest rooms and
several other facilities such as restaurants, cafe,
bar, terrace in addition to the external pools.
The hotel is electrically fed from the Electric Utili-
ty through three transformers each is 2500 KVA
supplying the whole hotel through three main dis-
tribution boards.
Energy Consumption:
Electricity Consumption: 9,262,697 KWh/Year
Fuel (Diesel) Consumption: 360,980 LrsNear.
IEllectricity IBrea'kdown
It is obvious from the above that Heating, Ventila-
tion and Air Conditioning (HVAC) energy system
consumes around 55% of total consumption
adding lighting and pool pumps and refrigeration
systems, it can be realized that these systems ac-
count for 75-80% of hotel's electricity bill.
VA.C Lighting ReFfigeraliorl iPumps Others
Energy Saving Measures:
- Energy Saving Measures in HVAC System (7% Savings)
- Control Room Temperature Set Points
- Control AHU's and FAH's Operation based on actual demand
- Control Exhaust Fans based on actual demand
- HVAC system proper commissioning and optimization utilizing exist-
- Energy Saving Measures in Lighting System (4% Savings)
- Replace conventional lamps by CFL and LED Lamps
- Replace old fluorescent fixtures by high efficiency lighting fixtures
- Install lighting controls (motion sensors, timers, etc.)
- Energy Saving Measures in Fuel (40% Savings)
- Boiler calibration and cleaning program
- Install solar water heating system
- Fuel switching (depends on energy prices in each country)
Page 11
A - Independency
Our Independence Makes Usa
Better Choice
At 3EIECOSOL, we believe that equip-
ments' options should not be limited to
products provided by a single vendor. As
a fully independent energy company,
3EIECOSOL is uniquely positioned to
source best-in-class solutions from the
full spectrum of energy equipments' prod-
ucts, energy appliance and lighting suppli-
B- Financial Solutions
More ideas for your money.
Knowing that financial issues might
be a burden for our clients, 3EIECO-
SOL has developed a wide scale offi-
nancial solutions that can support the
client with the best possible manner.
C- Experience
Team of experts and professional
For any successful project to be ac-
complished, an experienced team of
engineers and well trained techni-
cians is very important. 3EIECOSOL
has partnered with the many interna-
tional partners that have huge experi-
ence in the energy saving and green
solutions. This will guarantee for the
client the best possible performance
and the highest level of reliability.
Page 12
'" About 3EIECOSOL
3EIECOSOL is Joint team from and Eco Engineering Energy and Water Solutions
established to provide complete Energy Management and Green Solutions to hotel's
industry in Saudi Arabia.
3E is a leading independent provider of comprehensive energy efficiency and re-
newable energy solutions for facilities throughout Arabian Gulf countries, delivering
long-term value through innovative systems, strategies and technologies. 3E is fo-
cused on providing Commercial, Government, Industrial sectors with sustainable,
cost saving, energy savings and green solutions.
ECOSOL has twenty years of regional experience in energy management and
green buildings and has executed many projects in GCC and MENA region including
starting Energy Saving Programs at several Hotels in the region.
Our mission in 3EIECOSOL is to help our clients to reduce their utility bills and to
provide our support along the whole project time period, and we would be glad to
meet you, share with our experiences, listen to your needs and create the best integrat-
ed solution that covers your needs.

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