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SS1 Pre-SBA Task - Individual Presentation Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every

man's greed Mahatma Gandhi Themes in The Pearl Greed is a destructive force Money brings evil Does fate play a role in human life? Be careful what you wish for Colonial societies oppress native cultures Ignorance leads to subjugation and oppression Others? Symbolism in The Pearl Scorpion: The scorpion is not only a symbol, but foreshadows the evil that is to come The pearl: appears differently throughout the story related to meaning The town, the sea, and the village all possess certain symbols of a way of life and death. The doctor: Symbol of colonial oppression Kinos canoe: life depends on the canoe John Steinbeck is oneof the most influentialauthors of Americanliterature whose workshave earned him manyprestigious literaryawards such as thePulitzer Prize and theNobel Prize forliterature. Steinbeck also challenged hisreaders to look at the harshrealities of life, with the belief thatfacing such conditions was thefirst step toward improvingthem. Steinbecks strongest beliefwas in the ability of man toimprove his condition. Plot Summary Kino and Juana is a happy couple that lives in a brush house. The brush house is some where on the border of Mexico and the united states. They have a son named coyotito. Coyotito gets stung by a scorpion. Juana sucks the poison out of coyotito. They go to doctor and ask for help. The doctor declines them because they have no money. They pray for something good to happen. Kino goes pearl diving and finds the pearl of the world". They tell people what they are going to do with it. The doctor hears about the pearl. He offers to look at coyotito. The doctor poisons coyotito. He tells Kino and Juana he can heal coyotito. He gives coyotito the antidote to the poison. He ask when they are going to pay. Then the doctor plans to steal the pearl from them. Kino removes it and hides it some where else. Then Kino kills someone because they tried to steal the pearl. The doctor hears about the pearl. He offers to look at coyotito. The doctor poisons coyotito. He tells Kino and Juana he can heal coyotito. He gives coyotito the antidote to the poison. He ask when they are going to pay. Then the doctor plans to steal the

pearl from them. Kino removes it and hides it some where else. Then Kino kills someone because they tried to steal the pearl. Main Characters Kino, He was a simple man that turned greedy when he found the pearl . Juana, She went to her native ways when coyotito got bitten by the scorpion . Baby Coyotito, the son of Kino and Juana. Moral Greed can make you do crazy things. Be careful of what you wish for. Dont let money and wealth change who you are.

3. 1.Kino and his family is living the life. 2.Baby Coyotito was stung by a scorpion 3.Family cant afford for the treatment. 4. 4.Kino then went of a pearl dive and found a huge pearl from a oyster with a ghostly gleam. 5.The village argues and talk about Kino's pearl. 6.Juana tries to get rid of the pearl but Kino stop her and beat her. 5. 7.Kino and his family escape the town. Because Kino killed a man. 8.They tried to avoid people and hides in the mountain. 6. 9.Coyotito is shot and died. 10.Kino and Juana went back to the village, Kino realizing the wealth is evil they then throw it back into the ocean. ornia with his wife Juana and infant son Coyotito.

Setting - A Mexican coastal village called La Paz, probably on the Baja Peninsula

9. Kino The protagonist Juana Kinos wife Coyotito Kino and Juanas baby child 10. Juan Tomas Kinos Brother Apolonia Juan Tomass Wife The Doctor The greedy doctor 11. The Priest The greedy priest The Dealers The pearl buyers The Trackers (A Group of men trying to steal from Kino.)

example: Kino was living a nice peaceful life in poverty but still is happy.

and they found the pearl of the world it turn around.

beginning to break apart from peaceful to chaos and fear.

as Mice of men John Steinbeck write with pencils instead of pens and he used up about 60 pencil per day.

due to complaints about his visits to Soviet Russia.

teinbeck write with pencils instead of pens and he used up about 60 pencil per day.

3. It can create atmosphere and a certain tone. It can help reinforce some key messages that the author is wanting to get across to the reader. It can be symbolic, a metaphor for something.

51. another little watersnake swam up the pool, turning itsperiscope head from side to side. This suggests that history is repeating itself. Steinbeck uses this as a metaphor for the ranch workers. They all come along the same path with their hopes, dreams and aspirations. It represents the whole aspect of the novel: the best laid plans of mice and men often go wrong.

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