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Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007

Government of Balochistan

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007

The agriculture economy of the province of Balochistan is mostly dependent on under ground water resources and depends heavily on reliable availability of power. The assets demand at present is 900 MW whereas availability is only 560 MW with the shortfall of 340 MW excluding Southern Areas of Lasbela District and Makran which are supplied by Karachi Supply Company (KESC) and Government of Iran respectively. Existing plans for industrialization and village electrification will create a further expansion in demand for electricity and inspite of planed measures to enhance supply, shortfall to the extent of 400 MW is estimated to persist. The Provincial Government has been authorized under the Constitution of Pakistan and GoPs Power Policy 2002 to undertake activities in the power sector. As such the GOB has setup the Balochistan Power Development Board (BPDB) for implementation of Power projects through one window operation. Government of Balochistan has identified natural resources available for development of Power Projects based on indigenous fuel such as coal, oil, gas, biomass, solar and wind energy. To exploit these potentials, The GOB has framed Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 for implementation through Balochistan Power Development Board (BPDB). The fiscal and financial incentives / concessions outlined in the policy are in-line with GOPs Policy for Development of Power Projects. There is a need to develop industrial and agricultural sectors to cause socio economic improvement of the people of the province. WAPDA though has plans to overcome the short fall of electricity but GOB recognizes to utilize natural coal resources to generate power. Therefore, several deposit sites including Degari, Surange, Mach, Duki and Chamalung have been identified which could be used as a resource for establishing power houses to generate electricity augmenting the already available power of WAPDA / QESCO. Towards this end GOB has therefore conceived plan to prepare a policy encouraging private entrepreneur to establish coal based power houses up to 50 MW at different locations of the province. The GOB invites investors to participate and invest in power development activities in the power sector by setting up of Power Generation Project on natural / alternative energy resources. The GOB assures all investors that it shall gives such projects the maximum possible support. I record my appreciation for the efforts of Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Aziz, Electric Inspector cum Director, Agha Hassan Raza Assistant Electric Inspector and Mr. Shahzad Anjum Computer Operator who helped preparation of policy documents.

ABDUS SALAM KHAN Secretary Irrigation & Power Department Government of Balochistan

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007



Build-Own-Operate (Appendix 1) Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (Appendix 1) Competitive Bidding Central Board of Revenue Commercial Operation Date Capacity Purchase Price Coal Supply Agreement Power Distribution Company Economic Internal Rate of Return Expression Of Interest Energy Purchase Price Federal Bureau of Statistics Financial Internal Rate of Return Fuel Supply Agreement Government of Pakistan Government of Balochistan Gas Supply Agreement Implementation Agreement International Competitive Bidding Independent Power Producer Karachi Electric Supply Corporation Kilo Volt Kilo Watt Kilo Watt Hour Letter of Interest Letter of Support Mega Watt National Bank of Pakistan National Electric Power Regulatory Authority National Transmission and Despatch Company Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Panel of Experts Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 Balochistan Environment Protection Agency Power Purchase Agreement Balochistan Power Development Board

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007


Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Private Power and Infrastructure Board Private Power Cell Prequalification Documents Quetta Electric Supply Company Request for Proposals Pakistan Rupee Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Small Power Producer Statutory Rules and Orders Term Finance Certificate United States Dollar Water and Power Development Authority Wholesale Price Index Water Use Agreement Water Use License

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007



INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Structure of the Power Sector ................................................................1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Power Structure in Balochistan Province .................................. 3 Power Regulatory Environment ................................................. 3

Requirement of Future Generation Capacity .........................................5 Objectives of the Power Generation Policy ...........................................5 Scope of the Power Generation Policy .................................................5 Features of the Power Generation Policy..............................................5


INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ........................................................... 7 2.1 Balochistan Power Development Board (BPDB) ..................................7


SOLICITED PROPOSALS ............................................................................... 8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Schedule .................................................................................................8 Pre-Qualification ....................................................................................9 Lock-in-Period .......................................................................................9 Request for Proposals (RFP) ..................................................................9 Evaluation of Bids................................................................................11


PROPOSALS ON RAW SITES ...................................................................... 12 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Submission of Proposals ......................................................................12 Letter of Interest (LOI) ........................................................................12 Negotiations on Tariff/ Power Purchase Agreement ...........................13 Participation in Bidding .......................................................................13 Schedule ...............................................................................................13


THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS ........................................................... 15 5.1 5.2 5.3 Fee Structure ........................................................................................15 Bid Bond, Letter of Support and Performance Guarantee ...................15 Project Implementation ........................................................................16


SALE OF POWER .......................................................................................... 16 6.1 6.2 Sale to Distribution Company (DISCO) ..............................................16 Sale to Industrial Estate as Bulk Consumer .........................................17

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007

6.3 7.

Sale Exclusive for an Industry or for any other Special Purpose ........17 Alternate-I : Lease of GOBs Land ......................................................17 Alternate-II : Equity Participation .......................................................17

Use of Land Owned by Government of Balochistan ....................................... 17 7.1 7.2


TARIFFS.......................................................................................................... 17 8.1 8.2 Point of Delivery ..................................................................................17 Tariff Structure....................................................................................18 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.3 Currency of Tariff .................................................................... 18 Capacity and Energy Components ........................................... 18 Exchange Rate Variations ........................................................ 19 Escalation ................................................................................. 19

Yearly Profile of Tariff ........................................................................19

9. 10. 11. 12.

Financial and Fiscal Regime ............................................................................ 19 SECURITY PACKAGE .................................................................................. 19 THE ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................... 20 SPECIFIC PROVISIONS ................................................................................ 20 12.1 12.2 Dispatch ...............................................................................................20 Feasibility Studies ................................................................................20


PUBLIC - PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP ........................................................... 21

Appendix 1 ................................................................................................................ 22 Appendix 2 ................................................................................................................ 22

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007



1. The 2002 Power Generation Policy of the Government of Pakistan allows the provinces to develop power generation projects of upto 50MW in public and/or private sectors to utilize the available natural resources for power generation and to avoid capacity shortfall. This Policy has therefore been framed by the Government of Balochistan to attract investors to develop and implement power generation projects up to maximum capacity of 50 MW. 2. The Government of Balochistan approved the establishment of Balochistan Power Development Board (BPDB) in 2007. BPDB has been given the mandate to implement power generation projects in the private sector through the utilization of coal resources, water resources of canals and other resources based on indigenous fuel like oil, gas, coal, as well as wind and solar energy, wherever economically available. 3. To achieve its adjective the BPDB shall provide support and facilitation to private sector investors for implementation of power generation projects. In liaison with WAPDA, NTDC, DISCOs, NEPRA and other agencies. The increased availability of electric power to the people of Balochistan, shall generate industrial and agricultural growth, uplift the economy and society, and also lead to improvement in blackout problems in urbanized areas.


Structure of the Power Sector

4. In Pakistan, the following power utilities in the public and private sectors are providing the necessary services to the population. Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), which has been unbundled into Power Distribution Companies (DISCOs), National Transmission and Dispatch Co. Ltd (NTDC) and Generation Companies (GENCOs), and which is in the process of being privatized in accordance with the policy of the Government of Pakistan. Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC), which has now been privatized and supplies electricity to Karachi City the Lasbela District of Balochistan.

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) a Government owned entity Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in the private sector who sell electricity to WAPDA.

Out of the total generation capacity of about 17,975 MW in the country, 9,750 MW is owned by WAPDA hydel and GENCOs, 1,756 MW by KESC, 460 MW by PAEC and 6,000MW by IPPs. WAPDA supplies power to all of Pakistan except the metropolitan city of Karachi and Lasbela district Balochistan, for which KESC is the main source of supply. The transmission system of WAPDA and KESC is interconnected through 220kV double circuit transmission line, which is primarily to allow WAPDA to meet the deficit of power supply in the Karachi area. A new 500 / 220 KV interconnection with KESC for supply from the IPP-HUBCO (Balochistan) 500KV line is also expected to be completed by the year 2007. 5. Present estimated electricity energy demand for Balochistan is 900 MW. Available supply from the National Power Grid is 560 MW as such a shot fall of 340 MW exists which results in extensive load shedding especially during peak seasons presently Balochistan receives its electricity requirements from the National/ Regional Grids as follows. a) Habibullah Coastal b) Gudu From Shikarpur c) From Kot Addu Sakhi Sarwar d) Uch IPP e) GTPS Panjgoor f) Supply from Iran

g) Sheikh Manda (Stand by) h) Pasni To cater for shortfalls the following project will be implemented over the period 20072010 a) Dadu Khuzdar 220 Kv Transmission Line. b) Dera Ghazi Khan Loralai 220 kv Transmission line c) Construction of Second 132 kv Sakhi SarwarLoralai Transmission line, However the projected growth of demand is expected to raised to 1323 MW by 2010 therefore a short fall of 763 MW is foreseen to persist.

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007

1.1.1 Power Structure in Balochistan Province

6. The power structure in Balochistan which belonged previously to the Power Wing of WAPDA is now managed by power distribution company namely QESCO. Power is supplied by the National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) to QESCO through 220& 132 kV transmission lines under specific tariffs which are regulated by NEPRA. This power is received from WAPDA hydel stations, thermal power stations from GENCOs, PAEC and IPPS out of the pooled NTDC grid network. The power requirements of the Province will be supplemented through the indigenous cual fuel and other renewable resources & thermal generation which is to be developed under this Policy. 7. The National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) is a newly created company which has been carved out of what used to be the Power Wing of Wapda. NTDC is responsible for maintenance and operation of a high tension network of 500 KV & 220 KV grid stations and transmission lines and the 132KV inter-connections. NTDC receives power from all the hydel/thermal power generating stations and supplies power to all the DISCOs. 8. The IPPs situated in Balochistan such as HUBCO, Uch Power and Habibullah Coastal Power Supply power to NTDC grid network from their power stations based on natural gas as fuel. 9. The other power supply sources in the province is the purchase of 35 MW electricity from Iran for southern districts of Kech, Gwadar, Panjgoor, also 15 small diesel power houses are supplying partial hours electricity to some remote town not connected to the National Grid. .

1.1.2 Power Regulatory Environment

For Protection of Interests of the Consumers and Power Companies 10. The objective of the current power regulatory environment is to promote fair competition in the electricity industry. To protect the rights of consumers as well as the producers and sellers of electricity, the Government of Pakistan has enacted the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act (XL of 1997) (NEPRA Act). The NEPRA Act extends to the whole of Pakistan. Under the NEPRA Act, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has been established with various powers and functions. However, NEPRA jurisdiction extents only to IPP projects above 50 MW or in case where small IPPs intent to sell their power to WAPDA. NEPRA jurisdiction does not apply in cases where small IPPs (below 50 MW) intend to sell Power to DISCOs (i.e. QESCO in case of Balochistan). 11. Powers and functions of NEPRA i. NEPRA is exclusively responsible for the following:

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 Regulating the provision of electric power services; Granting licenses for generation, transmission and distribution of electric power; Prescribing procedures and standards for investment programs by generation, transmission and distribution companies; Prescribing and enforcing performance standards for generation, transmission and distribution companies; Establishing a uniform system of accounts for generation, transmission and distribution companies; Prescribing fees including fees for grant of licenses and renewal thereof; Prescribing fines for contravention of the provision of this Act; Performing any other function which is incidental or consequential to any of the aforesaid functions; Determining tariff, rates, charges and other terms and conditions for supply of electric power services by the generation, transmission and distribution companies and recommending to the Federal Government for notification; Reviewing the organizational structures of generation, transmission and distribution companies to avoid any adverse effect on the operation of electric power services and for continuous and efficient supply of such services; Encouraging uniform industry standards and code of conduct for generation, transmission and distribution companies; Giving advice to public sector projects; Submitting reports to the Federal Government with respect to the activities of generation, transmission and distribution companies; and Performing any other function which is incidental or consequential to any of the aforesaid functions.


The NEPRA Act explicitly provides that notwithstanding anything contained in the Act, the Government of a Province may construct power houses and grid stations and lay transmission lines for use within the Province and determine the tariff for distribution of electricity within the Province. Before approving the tariff for the supply of electric power by generation companies using hydro-electric plants, NEPRA is required to consider the recommendations of the Government of the Province in which such generation facility is located. In performing its functions under this Act, NEPRA is required, as far as practicable, to protect the interests of consumers and companies providing electric power services in accordance with guidelines, not inconsistent with the provisions of the NEPRA Act, laid down by the Federal Government.



Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007


Requirement of Future Generation Capacity

12. Presently, the combined generation capacity available in both the public and private sector is insufficient to meet the power demand up to the year 2007. As such, additional power generation is necessary to meet load growth requirements from year 2008 onwards. 13. In view of the long lead-time required to bring new thermal and alternative power plants in the power system, the work on the new power Generation projects has to be started hence forthwith. It is, therefore, the intention of the Government of Balochistan:i. To solicit bids for Power Generation projects, upto 50 MW capacity from Private Sector investors on sites where fuel sources are available such as coal, stranded Isolated gas wells etc. To initiate feasibility study work on raw sites for exploiting available hydel, oil, gas, coal, solar and wind potential;



Objectives of the Power Generation Policy

The main objectives of this Policy are:-

(a) To provide adequate power generation capacity at the least cost. (b) To encourage and ensure exploitation of indigenous fuel (oil/gas/coal/biomass) resources for development of thermal Power Generation projects in Balochistan. Utilization of wind and solar energy for power generation shall be encouraged. (c) To promote indigenization. (d) To encourage the local engineering industry to form joint ventures with foreign companies for participation in the development of the Power Generation projects. (e) To protect the environment.


Scope of the Power Generation Policy

Policy Features Concessions of Policy available to all sectors i.e. Private, Public private and Public Sector. Thrust on development of Power projects based in indigenous resources and fuels especially coal and renewable. Tariff for solicited bids) through international competitive bidding. Two part tariff comprising of CPP and EPP.

15. The Power Generation Policy covers the development and implementation of power generation projects in the Small Power Producers (SPPs) category in: the private sector; the public sector; and through public-private partnerships


Features of the Power Generation Policy

16. Where feasibility studies have already been conducted, the implementation of new Power Generation projects will be processed as solicited proposals. Where no feasibility studies have been conducted or initiated, projects will be offered as raw site proposals or as

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 un solicited proposals whereas sponsor directly submits a feasibility proposal on a site not listed with the BPDB. (a) Solicited proposals will be processed for selection of the successful bidders on the basis of minimum levelized tariff through competitive bidding. Variable tariff over the life of the project will be permitted under the terms specified in the Request for Proposal (RFP). The process of selection will require prequalification, issuance of RFP, bidding and evaluation in accordance with the bidding criteria clearly laid down in the RFP. (b) Raw site proposals shall be offered to pre-qualified sponsors. The sponsor shall conduct the feasibility study at his own cost and submit it to Balochistan Power Development Board (BPDB) for approval. The successful sponsor will be selected after the approval of the feasibility study by the BPDB on the recommendation of Panel of Experts (POE) notified by BPDB and negotiation of the tariff thereafter. If there is more than one sponsor for a raw site proposal, each sponsor will submit feasibility study and tariff rates bid for the project on the specified date to BPDB. The proposals will be evaluated by BPDB and an LOI will be issued to the qualifying sponsor after submission of the bank guarantee of the specified amount in favor of BPDB. (c) Unsolicited proposals on raw sites not on the list of project with BPDB will be entertained on a first comefirst served basis. The sponsor will submit a feasibility study and tariff rate proposal to BPDB which will be evaluated by BPDB / POE and LOI will be issued if found feasible. Sponsor must full fill the minimum requirements for pre-qualifiction. 17. The feasibility studies shall contain, inter alia, a detailed economic and financial assessment of the proposed project which takes into consideration all benefit and cost streams associated with the project. While the economic analysis may be conducted from the perspective of the net benefits to the national economy, the financial evaluation shall be carried out from the project sponsors point of view. Key determining factors for a projects viability, from both the perspectives, would be Economic and Financial Internal Rates of Return i.e. EIRR and FIRR. In order to qualify for consideration by the BPDB, a raw site projects EIRR and FIRR shall at least be equal to 10% in real terms. With the purpose of conducting technical audit of the project sponsors calculation, it shall be mandatory for the project sponsors to provide soft copies of their techno-economic and techno-financial computer models to BPDB along with the hard and soft copies of the feasibility studies. 18. Thermal Power projects in the private sector may be established on either a BuildOwn-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) basis or on a Build-Own-Operate (BOO) basis. The decision in this regard will be made on a case-to-case basis. Projects established on a BOOT basis shall be transferred to the Government of Balochistan for a notional value of Rs. 1 at the end of a concession period allowed by BPDB from the Commercial Operation Date (COD). 19. Competitive or negotiated tariffs will comprise of an Energy Purchase Price (EPP) and a Capacity Purchase Price (CPP) with adequate provision for escalation. CPP for thermal

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 projects will be different for different type of fuel i.e. oil, gas, coal, solar, wind or any other indigenous fuel. 20. BPDB may assist the sponsors in finalization of the security agreements as may be required under the policy. 21. Power generation companies will be allowed to import plant and equipment at concessionary rates made available under any federal law and applicable to the projects to be developed under the Policy. All other concessions and tax exemption as available under Federal and Provincial Government Policies will also be available. 22. To promote indigenization, the local engineering industry shall be encouraged to form joint ventures with foreign companies for participation in the development of the generation projects.


Balochistan Power Development Board (BPDB)

23. Balochistan Power Development Board (BPDB) setup in 2007 by the Government of Balochistan under the chairmanship of the (1) Additional Chief Secretary (Development), Planning and Development Department, Government of Balochistan consists of (2) Secretary Finance, (3) Secretary Law, (4) Secretary Mines and Minerals, (5) Secretary Environment and (6) Secretary irrigation and Power as convener. Board will also include members from QESCO, GSP and SMEDA. Services of auditor can be hired to evaluate financial aspects. 24. BPDB will provide one-window support to IPPs/SPPs and assist in ensuring that the concerned agencies make timely decisions with respect to related matters. The BPDB will:a) Facilitate the implementation of power generation projects and power distribution arrangements, in case of power sale to a DISCO i.e. QESCO in case of Balochistan. Pre-qualify the sponsors both in case of raw site projects or solicited site projects; Evaluate the bids of pre-qualified sponsors and issue Letters of Interest and Letters of Support to the successful sponsors and eventually issue License for Power Generation. Assist the sponsor / project company in seeking necessary consents / permissions from various governmental agencies; Negotiate the implementation agreements (IAs), assist in the negotiations relating to obtained generation license from NEPRA where required and assist the power producer, fuel supplier and provincial DISCOs and other authorities in the negotiations, execution and administration of other agreements such as the PPA, the FSA/ GSA/CSA.

b) c)

d) e)

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 f) g) h) Co-ordinate with Federal Government agencies and DISCOs / NTDC for development of the power generation projects; Follow up and assist in the implementation and monitoring of projects; and, Take up such other matters as may be required for the promotion of power generation projects in the province.

Established in 2007 Provides one window facility to the investors Board chaired by ACS Development, Planning and Development Department, Government of Balochistan.



25. The feasibility reports shall need to be obtained from the BPDB (on payment of such fees or amounts as may be specified by BPDB). 26. A typical schedule to conduct competitive bidding for a private Power Generation project with capacity up to 50 MW, is presented as follows:Sr. # (a) Activity Pre-qualification for specific projects.BPDB will invite Sponsors for registration and for collection of pre-qualification documents through the press and all other channels normally prescribed by the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank Submission of pre-qualification documents to BPDB Evaluation of pre-qualification documents and notification to prequalified bidders by BPDB BPDB's invitation for bids to pre-qualified bidders and collection of bidding documents and feasibility study by pre-qualified bidders Time allowed for submission of bids to BPDB together with bid bond and evaluation fee in favour of BPDB Evaluation of bids and issuance of LOI against Bank Guarantee of US$ 1000 per MW to the successful bidders by BPDB Negotiation of Power Purchase Agreement
Submission of Performance Guarantee by Sponsors @US$3000 (or equivalent Pak. Rs.) per MW in favour of BPDB after approval of tariff
Typical Time Allowed (days)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

40 60 30 60 60 60 30 15

Issuance of LOS by BPDB

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 A specific schedule will be circulated as part of the RFP for each project.



27. Bids will only be considered from bidders who comply with at least the following conditions for pre-qualification:a) Single sponsor or joint sponsors in case of a consortium will have at least a 51% stake in the equity and will have direct and relevant experience of, and capability in, the successful development or implementation or ownership or operation of projects of similar magnitude. The lead member in case of consortium designated as the Main Sponsor, will hold at least a 20% stake in the equity of the project. Demonstrated capability for financing (equity and debt) or arranging finance, for projects of similar size.




28. The Sponsor identified as the "Main Sponsor" in the application for pre-qualification, having a lead role and possessing sufficient financial strength, will be required to hold at least 20% of the equity of the project company during the "lock-in period" which will be from the LOS issuance date until the sixth anniversary of the successful commissioning of the plant. The pre-qualified sponsors must together hold 51% of the equity for the same period.


Request for Proposals (RFP)

29. The RFP for Power Generation Projects with capacity up to 50 MW is likely to specify the following, or as deemed appropriate, for each project offered for Competitive Bidding (CB) / International Competitive Bidding (ICB):(a) (b) (c) (d) Type of Project Net capacity (MW) Reference annual plant factor (%) Transmission arrangements including the point of delivery to the Power Purchaser Terms of Power Purchase Agreement Specific allowances for scheduled maintenance and excused forced outages Cooperation arrangements/agreement with local engineering companies, if any Evaluation criteria

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 (i) Tariff, including: Limitations on Front-end loading Limitations on proportion of capacity charge to overall tariff Reference date (s) for indexation, which would be 30 days prior to the bid submission deadline, unless specified otherwise Fuel price and indexation mechanism, if required. Matching of debt-related capacity charge stream with loan repayment stream Sum of energy charge and non-debt-related capacity charge to be 'constant' or 'increasing' during the term Water use charge (in case of hydel projects). Concession Period to be specified by Sponsor

30. The level and mode of bidding (whether ICB or CB) shall be determined by BPDB on case to case basis. The following documents will also be included in the RFP:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Instructions to bidders General provisions for bidders Minimum technical standards Standardized forms for NEPRA's tariff determination, if available Feasibility study of the project Copies of relevant standard security package agreements and documents i.e. LOS, IA, PPA / FSA / GSA / CSA (as applicable) etc. Environmental laws, rules, procedures and guidelines of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (PEPA) and Balochistan Environmental Protection Agency (Balochistan-EPA)


31. If necessary, pre-bid conferences will be held to facilitate exchange of information with bidders in a transparent manner, giving equal and adequate opportunity to all prospective bidders.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007


Evaluation of Bids

32. Bids will be opened on the prescribed date in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend the bid opening.

33. A party or a group which is already in possession of a valid LOS issued by the BPDB shall submit the proposed tariff within 30 days to BPDB for negotiation. In case of noncompliance or failure in the negotiation, the project shall be included in the CB / ICB category project. In such case, if the LOS holder desires to participate in the bidding, he shall be allowed to do so on revalidation of his originally submitted bank guarantee for that project. In case, the existing LOS holders bid does not fulfill the above criteria, that LOS will become null and void while the project concession will be awarded to the best bidder.

34. Detailed evaluation criteria will be given in the RFP. Evaluation of Power Generation projects will be on the basis of levelized tariff calculated at 10% discount rate over the term of the project, on the basis as specified in the RFP at an annual reference plant factor and within the prescribed levels of front-end loading.

35. The bid with the lowest evaluated levelized tariff will be ranked as Number 1. BPDB will reserve the right to reject any or all bids without assigning any reason thereof, and will not assume any liabilities or claims of compensation in connection therewith. Once the bid along with the tariff is finally accepted by BPDB, the successful bidder will be issued an LOS by BPDB against the delivery of a Performance Guarantee in favor of BPDB in the required amount (which performance guarantee shall be valid up to three months beyond the date of financial close date specified in the LOS), and upon the payment of the cost of the feasibility study to BPDB. Under normal circumstances, no extension in achieving the financial closing will be granted except on the Sponsors' written request.

However, if the BPDB is satisfied that delays in achieving financial close are due to factors beyond the reasonable control of the Sponsors and that financial close can be achieved shortly, a one-time extension of up to a maximum period of six months will be given on formal approval of BPDB. The extension in financial close will only be permitted if the validity period of the Performance Guarantee is extended for another nine (9) months (i.e. three months beyond the expiry date of the extended LOS), if the amount of the performance guarantee is increased by 100%, and if the doubled performance guarantee is provided at such point prior to the expiration of the original LOS as may be stipulated by the BPDB.

36. In case of more than one bidder for a particular site, the debt-related costs of all bidders shall be brought to an even keel through calculation of the IRRs of each project including the withholding tax and any other financing charges associated with each type of loan.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007



Submission of Proposals

Raw Sites
37. The BPDP will invite EOIs from sponsors or alternatively sponsors may directly submits un-solicited proposals for sites for which feasibility studies are not available and which could be developed for power generation. LOI when issued will require sponsors to carry out a complete feasibility study to be evaluated by Panel of Experts appointed by BPDB. 38. Sponsors whether single companies or consortiums, with or without a foreign investor wishing to undertake projects upto 50 MW at the raw sites, must submit detailed proposals to BPDB, which include at least the following information:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Project name/identification Project location Proposed capacity and plant factor Basic outline of structures and plant Summary programme indicating specific milestones and completion date of the detailed feasibility study Pre-qualification details as required under Section 4.2 for the proposed Sponsors Proposed tariff rates and financial proposal Previous history of the project / proposal, etc. In case, more than one candidate are interested to carry out feasibility studies on any one raw site, BPDB will invite the highest ranked pre-qualified sponsor for issuance of LOI and to carryout the proposed detailed feasibility study.


(g) (h) (i)

39. Proposals on raw sites will be examined by the POE/ BPDB. The bidder whose proposal is approved by the BPDB or in case of more than one sponsor for a project, the one st that acquires the 1 ranked position in terms of Section 1.7 Para 17, will be processed for issuance of an LOI by BPDB.


Letter of Interest (LOI)

40. LOI will issued to sponsors against a Bank Guarantee at the rate of US$200 per MW in favor of BPDB


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 No extension in the validity period of an LOI shall be granted unless the Sponsor(s) submit a bank guarantee in favour of BPDB for double the original amount of the bank guarantee, which guarantee must be valid for a minimum period of 180 days more than the validity period (as extended) of the LOI. The doubled bank guarantee must also be provided at such point prior to the expiration of the original LOI as may be stipulated by the committee. 41. The LOI will require the Sponsors to carry out a complete feasibility study to be monitored by the POE. The Sponsors will have to meet the standards and milestones stipulated in the LOI. If the POE confirms that the Sponsors have failed to meet the relevant milestones/standards, BPDB will terminate the LOI and encash the bank guarantee. The Sponsors will have no claim for compensation against the Government of Balochistan in such case. 42. On completion, the feasibility study will be reviewed by the BPDB POE. If the feasibility study is approved, the Sponsors will be allowed to negotiate tariff with the DISCO or WAPDA has the case may. Letter to this effect will be issued by BPDB.


Negotiations on Tariff/ Power Purchase Agreement

43. BPDB will be notified by the power producer in case of successful tariff negotiation between the power purchaser and the sponsors. The levelized tariff for the purpose shall be calculated at 12 % discount rate over the term of the project as per Para 34 here above. The sponsor will file the application with BPDB for tariff approval in case of power sale to any DISCO i.e. private bulk power purchaser. However, for sale to WAPDA, sponsors will file their application for tariff approval to NEPRA. After approval by NEPRA, BPDB will issue the Letter of Support (LOS) against delivery of the performance guarantee of the value of US Dollars 1000 (or equivalent Pak Rs.) per MW in favour of BPDB, valid up to three months beyond the date of financial close specified in the LOS (or as extended). Specimen of Power Purchase Agreement is at Appendix-2.


Participation in Bidding

44. In case negotiations on tariff between the power purchaser and sponsors of the feasibility study are not successful, or the 90 days negotiation period lapses, the project will be processed as a solicited proposal in accordance with Section 3 here above, except that the sponsors who have conducted the feasibility study on the raw site, will be allowed to participate in the bid without submission of a bid bond and, will be given a chance to undertake the project at the lowest tariff offered during the bidding process. On their refusal, however, BPDB will appoint an independent auditor, and the successful bidder will reimburse the reasonable and independently audited cost of the feasibility study to the initial sponsors before obtaining the LOS.



45. The proposals received for projects up to 50 MW capacity in the manner stated above, or through advertisement of raw sites by the BPDB, shall generally follow the schedule given below:-


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007

Sr. No. (a)

Activity Submission of proposal on raw site by the Sponsors in response to tender alongwith Bid Bond @ US$200 per MW Review of proposal on raw site by the POE appointed by BPDB.

Typical Time Allowed (days) 60 (not required in case of unsolicited proposals)




Submission of bank guarantee by Sponsors @ US$ 1,000 per MW or equivalent in Pak Rs. in favour of BPDB Issuance of the LOI by BPDB





Initial time allowed to carry-out feasibility study/Term of the LOI (can be less if sponsors already possess feasibility) Interim tariff negotiations between Sponsors and power purchaser (QESCO or WAPDA or Private Industry ) NEPRA's approval of tariff (If required in case of sale to WAPDA)

12 months. One time extension of 6 months will be allowed subject to submission of double the bank guarantee of the original amount 90



120 (not required if power purchaser is local DISCO i.e. QESCO) 15


Submission to BPDB of approved tariff.


Submission of Performance Guarantee @ US$3000 / MW or equivalent Pak. Rs. by Sponsors in favour of BPDB, after approval of tariff Issuance of the LOS by BPDB





Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007



Fee Structure

46. Fees are to be paid by sponsors/project companies in US Dollars (or equivalent Pak. Rs.) to BPDB. All fees are subject to revision from time to time. Fee US$ * 100 500 The RFP by pre-qualified bidders shall also include the feasibility study and relevant standard IA, PPA, / WUA agreements etc.

Sr. No. a) Registration b) Purchase of Pre--qualification documents c) Bidding i) Purchase of RFP documents ii) Evaluation Up to 5 MW More than 5 up-to 20 MW More than 20 up-to 50 MW (d) Legal fees

Remarks BPDB will provide policy brochures upon registration


2,000 3,000 5,000 To be paid by Sponsors for negotiations or review of other legal matters on the basis of actual expenses plus 20% as ancillary charges. Suitable cap to this expense, however, will be suggested in the RFP

* or the equivalent in Pak Rs.


Bid Bond, Letter of Support and Performance Guarantee

47. A bid bond of US$ 200 (or equivalent Pak. Rs.) per MW will be submitted by each bidder at the time of submission of bids. After selection of the successful bidder, the bid bonds of all bidders other than the Sponsors of the successful bid will be returned, and the successful bidder will be required to post a Bank Guarantee of US$ 1000 (or equivalent Pak. Rs.) per MW in favor of the BPDB valid initially for a period of three months in excess of validity of the LOS. After submission of the Bank Guarantee by the successful bidder, the bid bond will be returned. The Bank Guarantee will secure the successful bidder's obligation to execute the IA, PPA and other relevant agreements and achieve Financial Closing within the specified time period. 48. The LOS against a performance guarantee a US$3,000 per MW, will normally be issued to the successful bidder for a period of 10-12 months (to be specified in the RFP), by which date the sponsors/project company must achieve Financial Close for the project (as defined in the LOS). The Performance Guarantee shall be in the form of an irrevocable direct-


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 pay letter of credit issued by a bank acceptable to the Government of Balochistan in favor of BPDB. The Performance Guarantee must always remain valid for a period not less than three months in excess of the then-prevailing Financial Close deadline. 49. The Sponsors will have an option to terminate the LOS and any of the project agreements executed at any time before the required date for Financial Close as per terms and conditions of LOS. The termination option may be exercised by foregoing a portion of the Performance Guarantee equal to the face value of the Performance Guarantee multiplied by the number of months since the issuance of the LOS (rounded up to the next whole number) divided by the total number of months allowed in the LOS to achieve Financial Close. 50. The Performance Guarantee will be encashable on call by BPDB. Neither the Sponsors nor the project company shall have any claims against the Government of Balochistan or any of its components/organizations/ institutions on any ground(s) whatsoever. Until financial close is reached, the LOS will govern the project and supersede all documents and agreements; thereafter the security agreements will supersede the LOS. If the LOS expires on account of failure to achieve financial close, the IA, PPA / GSA / FSA / CSA and all other agreements with any governmental entity, will automatically terminate.


Project Implementation

51. The successful bidder will be required to submit to BPDB, as per a format specified by BPDB, a mutually acceptable implementation schedule with specific milestones for monitoring progress. BPDB and the power purchaser will require the successful bidder/sponsor to submit periodic progress reports regarding the status of contractual obligations, consents, financial and physical progress reports including summary table showing progress towards achievement of such milestones. Delays in achieving Financial Close due to events beyond control of the successful bidder/sponsor will be accommodated through day-to-day extension allowed under the IA. Similarly, delays in achieving the Commercial Operation Date (as defined in the PPA) of the power complex, will incur liquidated damages as specified in the PPA. Equitable compensation against parties concerned may be specified in the IA / PPA for not meeting specified milestones under the security agreements.



52. The power generated will be sold in order of priority to power purchasers in one of the following three modes or combination of more than one of the modes.


Sale to Distribution Company (DISCO)

53. The power generated will be delivered to the nearest grid station of DISCO when feasible in accordance with PPA between sponsor and concerned DISCO. The transmission line from the companys outgoing gantry and the interconnection will be constructed by the concerned DISCO.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007


Sale to Industrial Estate as Bulk Consumer

54. The power generated may be delivered to the industrial estates in the vicinity of power plants where the power will be delivered to the purchaser(s) directly as bulk supply. The power purchasers will, under the requisite license from BPDB, construct transmission lines from the sponsors outgoing gantries and interconnection at their premises for drawing the power. Design of the lines and interconnection will be as per standards adopted by the DISCO / NTDC to ensure uniformity within the existing system.


Sale Exclusive for an Industry or for any other Special Purpose

55. The power may be sold to single purchasers for their exclusive use. The power purchaser will construct the lines connecting the sponsors outgoing gantries with thei r interconnections, as per standard designs/instructions adopted by DISCOs to ensure uniformity of the power system. The seller shall hold a license from BPDB allowing construction, maintenance and operation of the power system.


Use of Land Owned by Government of Balochistan

Alternate-I : Lease of GOBs Land

56. The land for the project will be leased out to the sponsors either through bi-lateral agreement between the parties or through any other mechanism for an initial period of 30 years based on the prices prevailing in the area of the project. The Government of Balochistan may further extend the lease period for the remaining life of the project if required as per terms & conditions of the agreement.


Alternate-II : Equity Participation

57. Instead of charging lease amount, the Government of Balochistan may hold a percentage of equity proportionate to the amount of lease charges of the projects concession period. This arrangement will be subject to an agreement between the sponsors and the GOB.


Point of Delivery

58. The power tariff payable under the PPA will be quoted at the point of delivery indicated in the RFP. The delivery point will either be the bus bar of the power plant or a specific location on the grid of the power purchaser, depending upon one of the following options specified in the RFP:


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 (a) The transmission line from the IPP outgoing gantry up to the delivery point including the interconnection will be built, owned, maintained and operated by the power purchaser. In this case, the power tariff will be the bid and paid for energy and net capacity delivered at the outgoing gantry of the power plant. Any other arrangement different from the above, subject to mutual agreement between the sponsor(s) of the project and power purchaser on the approved tariff of energy and capacity, will need approval of BPDB.



Tariff Structure

8.2.1 Currency of Tariff

59. The tariff will be denominated in Pakistan Rupees.

8.2.2 Capacity and Energy Components

60. Bidders will be asked to quote their tariff in two parts: (1) (2) Energy Purchase Price (EPP) Capacity Purchase Price (CPP).

61. The RFP may specify a maximum percentage of the overall tariff for the capacity component. 62. For projects requiring substantial investment in dedicated production and/or transportation facilities for indigenous fuel, expenses would be accounted for in the power tariff in the form of capacity and energy charges. 63. The CPP will be expressed in Rs/kW/month and the EPP in Rs/kWh.

64. The CPP will be paid provided the plant is available for dispatch as per standards defined in the PPA. The EPP will be paid based upon the amount of kWh of energy dispatched. 65. The generation company shall negotiate the tariff with the power purchasers and shall specify the modes mentioned in section 6.1 to 6.3 for supply, in the application to NEPRA for approval of the tariff and for obtaining the license from NEPRA. 66. In order to ensure the sustained interest of the sponsor during the entire life of the project, the sum of EPP and non-debt related CPP (computed on a kWh basis at the reference plant factor specified in the RFP) will remain constant or increase over time. The debt-related CPP stream may match the loan repayment stream. 67. Specimen of a PPA issued by QESCO is at Appendix 2 for reference.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007

8.2.3 Exchange Rate Variations

68. Bidders may include separate components in the CPP and the EPP which are subject to adjustment only for variations in the exchange rate between the Pakistan Rupee and US Dollar, between the reference date and the date of payment. 69. The reference rate for foreign exchange shall be the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) TT & OD selling rate of the US Dollar prevailing thirty (30) days before the required date of bid submission. The specific reference date will be stated in the RFP. 70. Adjustment for exchange rate fluctuations will be effected quarterly. Exchange rate fluctuations in excess of 5% during any month will be allowed.

8.2.4 Escalation
71. Escalation for dollar components to cover dollar inflation will not be provided. However, bidders may include components in the EPP and CPP, which are escalable for Pakistan Rupee inflation. Such Pakistan Rupee escalation will be effected from the bid submission date by the Pakistan Wholesale Price Index (WPI) for 'manufacturing' as notified by the GOP's Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS). The reference value of the WPI for 'manufacturing' will be the most recent value notified (not less than thirty (30) days before the date of submission of the bid) unless notified otherwise in the RFP. The RFP will specify the actual date for this reference value of WPI for 'manufacturing'.


Yearly Profile of Tariff

72. All Sponsors would be required to submit yearly tariff profiles in real terms at the time of bidding.


Financial and Fiscal Regime

73. The financial and fiscal incentives prescribed by the Government of Pakistan under any Federal law, shall be applicable to the projects to be developed and implemented under this Policy. These will be incorporated in the LOS. 74. BPDB shall assist the sponsors in arranging the financial as well as fiscal incentives as mentioned in Para 75 from the federally controlled agencies / institutions as may be required to implement the projects under this Policy. 75. The above incentives will be equally applicable to private, public-private and public sector projects.


76. The security package for projects up to 50 MW includes the following salient features:-


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 Model IA, PPA, FSA, GSA and CSA will be provided as applicable for private/publicprivate partnership Power Generation projects under this Policy to eliminate the need for protracted negotiations. The terms and conditions of the executed agreements shall be guaranteed during the term of the agreements. The following agencies shall be the executors of the Agreements to cover implementation and operational obligation of the projects: (j) (a) (b) Government of Balochistan & project sponsors for IA. (ii) Concerned power purchaser and project sponsors for PPA. (iii) Concerned agencies and project sponsors for FSA, GSA & CSA Agreements (as applicable).


77. All provisions of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 will be followed. The requirements as laid down by Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (PEPA) and by the Provincial Environmental Protection Agency (Balochistan-EPA) relating to National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be met.


12.1 Dispatch
78. When the power Generation plants are connected to the 132 KV grid system, the National Power Control Center (NPCC) shall despatch the plants in accordance with the most economical despatch criteria (without any bias) wherever it applies, which will be on the basis of the lowest energy cost component, transmission line losses, system stability and reliability and other considerations. For the plants not connected to the 132 KV grid system of NTDC, the concerned DISCO shall despatch the plants through their local Load Despatch Center. Because of the very low variable cost, thermal plants are likely to be despatched with the highest priority.

12.2 Feasibility Studies

79. The feasibility studies will identify basic parameters of the thermal projects, such as, the hydrological characteristics of the site, geological conditions, optimum net capacity, estimated annual plant factor, monthly profile of energy potential, transmission line requirements, identification of power delivery point, interconnection voltage, etc. The transmission voltage shall be 132kV or 11kV depending upon the generation capacity and dispersal to individual or combined modes specified in Section 6.1 to 6.3 respectively.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 80. While feasibility studies will be carried out in accordance with internationally acceptable standards, the Government of Balochistan will not guarantee their content or conclusions. The bidder/sponsor will have the right, at its own cost, to examine, evaluate and form its own conclusions on any or all aspects of the feasibility study, and to carry out any additional studies and investigations to make its own assessment about the feasibility and viability of the project.


81. The Government of Balochistan encourages establishment of Power Generation projects in public-private partnership. In line with the objectives set forth in Section 1.5 here above, the incentives/concessions available to private Power Generation projects will also be available to projects implemented under public-private partnership.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007

Incentives available to private Power Generation projects will also be available for projects implemented under public-private partnership

Appendix 1
I. BOOT Under BOOT regime the Loan, Equity and Return on Equity would be paid back within the concession period as capital cost of the project would become zero (0) within the concession period. The project on expiry of concession period and maintained to generate power commensurate with its installed capacity would be transferred to the government against notional cost. II. BOO Under BOO regime the total paid back cost would be the Loan and Return on Equity through the tariff while the Equity would stay in the project and thus would remain as the investment asset of the stakeholder at the end of the project life. After concession period the tariff already enunciated in the Agreement would be reworked for a mutually agreed revision or else the Government would be at liberty to decide the fate of such power generation plant including its sale to any other client.

Appendix 2
Standard Power Purchase Agreement for Small Power Producers (SPPs)


1. This Power Purchase Agreement is made and entered into as of _________ day of [month],[year] at [name of city]. BET W E EN 2. [Name of Power Purchaser], a [public/private] limited company established under the laws of Pakistan, with its Principal office at __________________, Pakistan, and its successors and assigns of the one part hereinafter called Power Purchser AN D 3. [Name of Company], a [private/public] limited company incorporated under the laws of Pakistan, with its principal office at ________________, Pakistan, and its permitted successors and permitted assigns of the other part hereinafter called Company: Both the Power Purchaser and the Company shall hereinafter also be referred to individually as the Party and collectively as the Parties.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 WHEREAS the company will sell and the Power Purchaser will purchase from the Company electrical power on the terms and conditions set here-in-forth. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived and the representations, warranties, conditions and premises herein contained and intending to be legally bound, the Company and the Power Purchaser hereby agree as follow:Wherever the following capitalized terms appear in this Agreement, they shall have the meanings stated below: Back-Up Metering System all meters and metering devices to be procured, installed and tested by the company, the accuracy class of meters shall be 0.2. Billing Cycle i) The period starting from 12.00 hours of first day of each month up to 12.00 hours of sixteenth day of each month and ii) The period starting from 12.00 hours of sixteenth day of each month up to 12.00 hours of 1 day of the following month. Company - [ Name of company], a [ Private/ public] limited company incorporated under the laws of Pakistan, with its principal office at __________________, Pakistan, and its permitted successors and permitted assign. Generation Facility The RFO fired electric power generation station located on the site and having a capacity of [ ] MW approximately. Fuel Cost Component The tariff component payable @ Rupees 5.04 per kWh at the Reference Fuel Price i.e. Rupees 22,096 per Metric Ton and as adjusted from time to time. Fixed Cost Component - The tariff component payable @ Rupees 1.16 per kWh, which includes but not limited to O&M cost, tax on income of the Company, insurance cost, return on investment, duties, etc. This component will remain fixed over the term. Interconnection Point The physical point(s) where the Generation Facility and the 11 kV system of the Power Purchaser is connected at site at which the transfer of net electrical output occurs. Metering System All meters and metering devices for recording of energy to be procured, installed and tested by the Power Purchaser. The accuracy class of meters shall be 0.2. Power Purchaser [Name of Power Purchaser], a [ public/private] limited company established under the law of Pakistan, with its principal office at _______________________, Pakistan, and its successors.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 Prudent Electric Practices The use of equipment, practices or methods, as required to comply with applicable industry codes, standards, and regulations in Pakistan (i) to protect the grid system, employees, agents and customers from malfunctions occurring at the Generation Facility, and (ii) to protect the Generation Facility and the companys employees and agents at the Generation Facility from malfunctions occurring on the grid system. Prudent Electrical Practices are not limited to optimum practices, methods or acts to the exclusion of all others, but rather are a spectrum of possible practices, methods and acts which could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at reasonable cost consistent with reliability and safety. Prudent Utility Practices Those practices, methods and procedures conforming to safety and legal requirements which are attained by exercising that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced generator of electricity engaged in the same or a similar type of undertaking or activity under the same or similar circumstances and conditions to those pertaining in Pakistan and satisfying the health, safety and environmental standards of reputable international electric generation companies. Prudent Utility Practices are not limited to optimum practices, methods or acts to the exclusion of all others, but rather are a spectrum of possible practices, methods or acts to the exclusion of all others, but rather are a spectrum of possible practices, methods and acts which could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at reasonable cost consistent with reliability and safety. Reference Fuel Price The delivered price of RFO at the Generation Facility as on 15-072006 which is Rupees 22,096 per Metric Ton. The Parties further agree that: a. The Company shall sell and the Power Purchser shall purchase the electric power at a price of Rs. 6.20;kWh inclusive of Fuel Cost Component but excluding GST. b. The Company will provide [ ] MW of powr at a voltage of 11 kV and at 50 Hz 1% in nominal Component and Fixed Cost

frequency with a tolerance of 5% in nominal voltage and

frequency. The quality of electric energy shall be ensured by the Company through installation of necessary equipment required as per Prudent Electrical Practices and Prudent Utility Practices. c. The meter reading will be recorded by Power Purchasers authorized persons in the presence of the Companys representative as per Billing Cycle and the Company will submit its energy invoice accordingly.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 d. The Company will provide documentary evidence from the fuel supplier, for the rates of fuel for the Billing Cycle. Furthermore the company will submit evidence of procurement of the fuel along with its source of supply. The fuel Cost Component will be adjusted for any increase or decrease in the RFO price during the Billing Cycle according to the formula:


RFOrev Rs.5.04 RFOref

FCC rev:Fuel Cost Component applicable for the Billing Cycle RFO rev: Revised RFO delivered price per Metric Ton applicable for the Billing Cyele. RFO ref: Reference Fuel Price of Rs. 22,096 per Metric Ton


The Power Purchaser will make payment against energy invoice on or before 15 day from the date of receipt of the invoice. If the Power Purchaser fails to makes the payment by due date then the Power Purchaser will pay to the Company late payment charges @ 0.5% per months.



The Power Purchaser shall install the Metering System with meters of 0.2 accuracy class in the metering room at company that, in case of doubt by any Party about the accuracy of Metering System, the recordings of the Back Up metering system or any other mutually agreed arrangement may be adopted. In the event of complete or partial damage to the metering System the same shall be replaced. Such replacement shall be at the sole option of the Power Purchaser and at its expense. On the initial or any subsequent replacement(s) of the Metering system the Power Purchaser shall have the right to affix seals on the tested and calibrated meters but in the presence of Companys authorized representative.


If either of the metering systems differ from the other by an amount greater than onhalf of one percent (0.5%), the Power Purchaser shall test the accuracy of the metering System and recalibrate the Metering System. If the Metering System is found to be in order, the Company shall be bound to test and calibrate the Back Up Metering System to the satisfaction of the Power Purchaser. Either Party shall giver prior notice, not less than forty-either (48) hours to conduct such tests.


The seller shall provide access and facilitate authorized representative of the Power Purchaser to monitor activities relating to power dispatch.


In case of a permanent fault on any feeder, the company will inform the Power Purchaser immediately and the Company will switch on the feeder, only after


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 obtaining the clearance certificate from an authorized person nominated by Power Purchaser. j. Either Party shall be responsible to adopt all safety measures according to the Prudent Electrical Practices on respective sides of the Interconnection Point. k. The company will develop its maintenance schedule with the consent of the Power Purchaser so as to ensure stable and reliable supply to Power Purchasers network. l. Company will serve at least a 48 hours notice to the Power Purchaser regarding any planned shut down. m. The company will immediately inform Power Purchaser about power supply failure due to defect/mal operation of the Generation Facility. n. In the event that a dispute arises, the Parties shall attempt in good faith to settle such dispute through their chief Executive Officers (CEOs) by mutual discussion within thirty (30) days after the date that the disputing Party delivers written notice of the dispute to the other Party. o. The Party reporting the existence of a dispute shall give to the other Party written notice setting out the material particulars of the dispute in the written notice. Chief Executive officers (CEOs) if each Party shall meet in [ name of city ] to attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute. p. In case the dispute is not resolved within thirty (30) days after the date of receipt of notice described in section(o) by the relevant Party (or within such longer period of time as the Parties may agree), any Party may initiate arbitration proceedings under the Arbitration Act 1940. q. r. The arbitration shall be conducted in [ city ] Pakistan. Either Party can terminate this agreement by giving a three-month advance notice. There will be no liability on any Party except the payments due to either Party prior to termination of the agreement. s. Except as specifically provided elsewhere in this agreement, the Power Purchaser shall indemnify and defend the Company, for itself and as trustee for its officers, directors and employees against, and hold the Company, its officers, directors and employees harmless form, at all times after the date hereof, any and all losses incurred, suffered, sustained or required to be paid, directly or indirectly, by, or sought to be imposed upon, the company.


Balochistan Power Generation Policy 2007 t. Except specifically provided elsewhere in this agreement, the Company shall indemnify and defend the Power Purchaser, for itself and as trustee for its officers, directors and employees against, and hold the Power Purchaser, its officers, directors and employees harmless from , at all times after the date hereof, any and all loss, incurred, suffered, sustained or required to be paid, directly or indirectly, by, or sought to be imposed upon, the Power Purchaser, The term of this agreement is [ and is effective from the date of signing by the both the Parties. In WITNESS whereof the Parties hereto have signed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. ] year

Authorized Representative of Company

Authorized Representative of Power Purchaser

WITNESSES ________________________________

WITNESSES __________________________________


Balochistan Power General Policy 2007

Coal Based Power Plan

Renewable Technologies

For further information, please contact

BALOCHISTAN POWER DEVELOPMENT BOARD Irrigation and Power Department Block # 7, Civil Secretariat, Quetta Tele: 92-81-9202720 Fax : 92-81-9202262

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