7556 God's Act of Creation and Goal ....

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through Bertha Dudde 7556

Gods act of creation and goal ....

The act of creation was the result of M lo!e .... "oth the creation of the s#iritual "eings in M i$age as well as all earthl %$aterial creations after the a#ostas . M lo!e wanted to gi!e itself& it wanted to find itself again in the "eings $ade in M i$age& which essentiall were $iniatures of Me. ' was i$#elled " M infinite lo!e to #lace such "eings ne(t to Me in who$ ' could find M self again and to who$ ' could gi!e M unli$ited lo!e. The fact that these "eings fell awa fro$ Me was )nown to Me fro$ the start and ' did not #re!ent the$ fro$ doing so& "ecause it was their free will and "ecause onl then was it #ossi"le for Me to ha!e *children ne(t to Me instead of *li!ing creations& which was the goal of M act of creation. 't will certainl ta)e a long ti$e until the deification of M li!ing creations has "een achie!ed& et ti$e $eans nothing to Me& "ut the goal ' set for M self has also "een the cause of the !arious earthl %$aterial creations& for the are the #ath which the once fallen s#iritual "eings will ha!e to tra!el in order to return to Me& fro$ Who$ the once ca$e forth. +nd e!en if this #rocess of deification re,uires an infinitel long ti$e until the "eing has underta)en it of its own free will .... one da it will ne!ertheless "e a"le to create and wor) ne(t to Me and then "e indescri"a"l ha## . -et in the $eanti$e it will ha!e to #ass through $an see$ingl endless #hases in constriction and tor$ent .... at first in solid

$atter and then in the #lant% and ani$al world until it has reached the stage of a hu$an "eing& where it en.o s a certain a$ount of freedo$ "ut not the )ind of freedo$ which had "een its original state. /owe!er& it can attain this freedo$ as long as it li!es as a hu$an "eing on earth. 0ince the "eing e$erged fro$ M lo!e& and thus its funda$ental su"stance is lo!e too& it need onl allow itself to "e illu$inated " Me and thus direct its hitherto a!erted will "ac) to Me again .... Then the "eing& which had "eco$e disfigured due to its wrong resol!e& will change "ac) to its funda$ental nature of lo!e again .... +nd then it will also deif itself in line with M eternal #lan and ' will ha!e achie!ed M goal1 M living creation will ha!e !oluntaril changed itself into M child and is inco$#ara"l ha## .... But this re%transfor$ation into lo!e is alwa s su".ect to free will. +nd in the stage of a hu$an "eing this free will can also turn in the wrong direction again without "eing #re!ented " Me .... /ence such a #rocess of re%transfor$ation can also ta)e an eternit & "ecause free will is ne!er interfered with and therefore the "eing deter$ines the duration of its wretched state itself. 2e!ertheless& it is able to reach its goal in one de!elo#$ental #eriod and it will "e su##orted in e!er wa to reach its goal. For M lo!e #ursues the "eing "ecause it is a li!ing creation that had e$erged fro$ M lo!e. Thus ou hu$ans can see what an i$#ortant factor free will #la s in our earthl life& which is not su".ect to co$#ulsion& neither fro$ M nor fro$ M ad!ersar s side .... +nd thus M onl endea!our is to teach ou to recognise the significance of our free will so that ou will then direct it a##ro#riatel . ' can onl e!er influence ou to direct our will correctl "ut not force ou& .ust as M ad!ersar is una"le to do& "ut he can influence ou .ust the sa$e in order to gain our will for hi$self.

/owe!er& ou $ust $a)e our own free decision and "lessed are ou if ou ta)e the right #ath& if ou find our wa to Me and stri!e for unit with Me again& fro$ which ou once !oluntaril detached oursel!es .... Blessed are ou if ou& in this earthl life as a hu$an "eing& succeed in reaching the goal during one #eriod of 0al!ation .... that ou will "eco$e free fro$ e!er for$ and thus "e a"le to enter into eternit as free and full enlightened "eings of light when our e(istence on this earth has co$e to an end ....


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