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Willkommen zu Ihrem

Österreich-Prospekt nach Wunsch

Die beigelegten Kapitel enthalten Informationen für Ihr


25. 2. 2008


Wellbeing 2008

Everything you have to know when planning a

health or wellness holiday in Austria 2008.
upper austria Healing waters. The ancient Romans knew about the easing effects of thermal
waters. They made use of the thermal springs turning them into hubs of public life.
Today, thermal oases are still places of recreation. The warm thermal waters – with
temperatures up to 36° C are not only believed to have a regenerating and rejuvenating

Upper Austrian sources of health – a holistic approach

Feel life with all senses. Find your balance and boost plants and way of living have proven effective for more than 100 years.
your energy. Increased resistance of the immune system, better ability of coping with
physical stress and easier achievement of everyday duties are the major
U pper Austria’s healthy springs focus on wellbeing. Easing the body
and soothing the mind is not just a saying in the “Land of Passions”.
Custom-made health programmes, a number of state-of-the-art therapy
benefits of Kneipp applications.
Healthy throughout the year 2008
centres with outstanding medical expertise, exclusive wellness resorts with Water is the elixir of life – and the other seven health centres in Upper
fabulous cuisine and scenic inviting to outdoor activities and contemplation Austria are well aware of it: The sulphur waters of the paradise-like
– all these assets make Upper Austria particularly attractive for your to EurothermeResort and the Geinberg Spa are particularly helpful in the
health and recreation. treatment of back problems whereas the radon waters at Bad Zell are a
The region’s three health centres of the Sisters of Mary of Karmel have reliable remedy against rheumatism. The iodine-brine spring at Bad Hall
O Ö T O U R I S M U S I N F O R M AT I O N , Ö S T E R R E I C H W E R B U N G / FA N K H A U S E R

perfect holistic health packages focusing on spirituality and the re-discovery relieves eye diseases and Kneipp treatments have a long tradition at
of natural remedies. They also include Kneipp cures, which have gained the Gugerbauer Health Hotel and the Kurhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder in
popularity in the past few years, a fact that is hardly surprising, for the Schärding. Bad Ischl is specialized in treatments with salt: Brine waters
healing effects of the five pillars, water, motion, healthy nutrition, medicinal are ideal for stress reduction and recharging vitality.

Oberösterreich Tourismus Information
A-4041 Linz, Freistädter Straße 119
Tel. +43 (0)732/22 10 22

effect. Austria’s 28 public thermal spas also offer everything a recovery holiday should include:
upper austria
Pool complexes, beauty spas, children’s pools, fitness equipment and wellness treatments like therapeutic
spas. Natural additives to the bathing water like salt, buttermilk or carbon acid are a matter of course.
After 15 minutes in 38 degree water you feel like a new person.

Bad Hall – Kremsmünster

The health and culture region

B ad Hall, located in the Upper Austrian Alpine foothills, is a popular

health resort, whereas the natural treasures of the neighbouring
village of Kremsmünster attract visitors from far and wide due to its
particular cultural treasures.
Europe’s most concentrated iodine-brine spring at Bad Hall is used
for a number of therapies. Kremsmünster, on the other hand, is a perfect
cultural counterpart with its famous Benedictine abbey and an unrivalled
collection of music instruments at Kremsegg Castle.
A great number of typical inns, cafés and wine and cider taverns make
this region attractive also from a culinary point of view.
The Alpine foothills lend themselves to health and activity programmes
like cycling, Nordic Walking, hiking and jogging. Excellently marked hiking,
cycling and Nordic-Walking trails are open all year round and can be
enjoyed on one’s own or on guided hiking and cycling tours. Golf addicts
will have a great time at the Herzog Tasilo Golfclub (Par 70) with 18-hole
golf course and a splendid panoramic view.

Special moments in Bad Hall

G etting away from stress and strain and taking time out for
ourselves has become a luxury we hardly afford. The “Tassilo”
establishments in Bad Hall offer these precious qualities. A great
variety of treatment programmes under the supervision of doctors and
therapists can be enjoyed by everybody eager to attain and maintain
their health and wellbeing. They include iodine treatments for eye and
T O U R I S M U S V E R B A N D B A D H A L L – K R E M S M Ü N S T E R , TA S S I L O K U R B E T R I E B E B A D H A L L

circulatory problems and attractive leisure facilities in the surrounding

35-hectare parkland.
In the middle of this green oasis lies our 4-star hotel, renovated
and modernized in 2007/08 with great attention to every detail.
The unique location guarantees tranquillity and relaxation while the
carefully arranged wellness section is the ideal place to get away
from everything.

Information & Reservations. Information & Reservations.

Tourismusverband Tassilo Kurbetriebe Bad Hall
Bad Hall – Kremsmünster A-4540 Bad Hall, Kurpromenade 1
A-4540 Bad Hall Tel. +43 (0)7258/30 84
Tel. +43 (0)7258/72 00-0 Fax: +43 (0)7258/30 84-238,

upper austria Brine. Salt is one of the Earth’s most important treasures and is not only used for
salzburger land the seasoning of dishes. Many health and recreation spas focus on the healing effect of
salt crystals and make them part of their treatment programmes. Brine, actually saline,
can be used for drinking cures, whereas warm brine baths are beneficiary to the skin

Geinberg Thermal Spa

What a wonderful world. The wellness oasis in the Innviertel region
makes holiday dreams come true and offers Caribbean-style zest for
life served with Austrian charm. The 4-star Vitalhotel directly linked to the
spa complex boasts a number of attractive services. The three water
worlds – thermal, fresh and salt water – offer relaxation to your individual
preference. A special attraction is the unique Caribbean salt-water
lagoon with white sandy beach, lovely palm trees and pool bar.
Relish and recover! 3 wellness days,
2 nights incl.
T he 4-star Hotel and Spa Lebensquell in Bad Zell close to the
Mühlviertler Alm region will take your senses on holiday. Exclusive
rooms, furnished according to the four elements fire, earth, water and
extended half
board, use of spa
air, a Wellness Oasis with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, sauna, and sauna complex
massage banks, Jacuzzi, 6 different theme saunas and pleasing (incl. on arrival and
beauty treatments will give you a luxurious break. departure days),
A radon spa and a whole-body cold chamber await you at the medical and much more!
treatment centre. From € 264.– per
person in double

Information & Reservations. Information & Reservations.

Lebensquell Bad Zell, A-4283 Bad Zell, Vitalhotel Therme Geinberg
Lebensquellplatz 1, Tel. +43 (0)7263/ A-4943 Geinberg
75 15, Fax: +43 (0)7263/75 15-509 Tel. +43 (0)7723/85 01-3015

H O T E L & S PA L E B E N S Q U E L L B A D Z E L L , V I TA L H O T E L T H E R M E G E I N B E R G , K U R H A U S D R . P E T E R S H O F E R , H O T E L S T. G E O R G , F E L S E N T H E R M E G A S T E I N / F O T O FA C T O RY
Spa Center Dr. Petershofer Gastein Valley – an energy source
A t the Spa Centre Dr. Peters-
hofer vein problems and
varicose veins are effectively
T ake a break at Hotel St. Georg and boost your energies with
waters of the Gastein thermal springs, which have been known for
their healing powers for thousands of years. Take a regenerative and
treated with natural remedies, purifying cure according to Dr. Mayr, relish the sauna theme-landscape,
such as curd body wraps and as well as special massages, shiatsu and Qigong or let yourself be reju-
special spa therapies: venated at the beauty parlour. The kitchen will pamper you with delicious
• pain subsides • legs feel meals, fine wines our diet customized especially for you. Prices include
lighter • swellings go back morning gymnastics, Nordic Walking, Qigong, hiking tours, 25 % green
• blood circulation improves fee reduction for the
• inflammations heal. Gastein Golf Club.
Further offers: Thermal package
• rheumatism cures (14 days):
• bog cures • CO2-dry gas baths • ozone treatments with own blood From € 1085.–
• Kneipp cures • fasting • Everything under medical supervision Mayr test-and-try
• guided hiking tours • Nordic Walking • wonderful Alpine panorama week:
• excellent cuisine • quiet house • vein cure: 7 days full board and 12 from € 837.–
cure treatments from € 514.–. Request the extensive brochure today! Beauty week:
Treat your heavy legs now! from € 734.–

Information & Reservations. Information & Reservations.

Kurhaus Dr. Petershofer Hotel St. Georg****
A-4902 Wolfsegg A-5630 Bad Hofgastein
Tel. +43 (0)7676/73 03, Fax: -6 Tel. +43 (0)6432/61 00-0 Fax: +43 (0)6432/61 00-61,

and have a soothing effect. Face and body peelings with salt are used for beauty treatments, carinthia
whereas colds, respiratory diseases or allergies respond positively to saline treatments. An insiders’ tip:
Dürrenberg in Salzburger Land has an open-air brine inhalatory, where you can breathe fresh air mixed
with a salty sea breeze. And it does wonders.

Warmbaderhof***** Relax in the viridescent glimmer of the Warmbad Fountainhead

When swimming in the 29.9°C waters of the spacious indoor thermal pool
of Warmbad Villach you can clearly see and feel the thermal spring spilling
T he old-established Hotel Warmbaderhof***** is the ideal spot to give
body and mind a time off. Stylishly modernized rooms and exquisite
cuisine. The culinary competence of the Warmbaderhof kitchen is
from the gravel pool floor. There is hardly another place where you can
swim right over the well of a mineral spring.
demonstrated by the dishes prepared according to the Montignac-method,
Warmbaderhof*****, the perfect place for indulging, regenerating
focussing on a perfect composition of nutrients instead of dieting and
and relishing in a stylish way.
refraining from eating. The thermal area of the hotel directly linked to the
20 hectare park of the Thermal Resort Warmbad makes the hotel even Test-and-try days
more appealing. For first-time visitors: Enjoy sweet idleness and wellbeing
and pamper yourself with a few relaxing days.
Regain beauty and wellbeing at the VIBE parlour named
• 2 nights including half board
after the Roman Goddess of springs
• Exercise and activity programme
Pamper yourself at the “Vitality Centre” boasting a splendid view of the huge
• Wellness centre with indoor and outdoor pools, whirlpool, sauna area
hotel park. Facial treatments, whole-body peelings, purifying massages are
and much more.
but a few treatment techniques on offer. If you prefer action to tranquillity
P R I VAT, WA R M B A D E R H O F, Ö W / N I E D E R S T R A S S E R

there is an extensive exercise and activity programme. € 168.– per person. Extension night € 84.– per person.

Information & Reservations.

A-9504 Warmbad-Villach
Tel. +43 (0)4242/30 01-0, Reservierung: -10


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