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Manufacturing Technology & Processes-MEM564/ YY/ LS 4/ Rev !"-#!


UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL __________________________________________________________________ Progra% & 'achelor of Engineering ()ons * Mechanical +ourse & Manufacturing Technology an, Processes La+o,e & MEM 564 __________________________________________________________________
L.' S)EET& "" S./0 TEST1/2 PREP.R.T13/ (24/* (435/0RY* 3'6E+T17E& This experiment measures the sand rain si!e and "a#"u#ates the Grain Fineness Num$er %GFN&' M.TER1.LS& Si#i"a Sand'

E851PME/T& ( set )* + sie,es %-./0-/(12/(-1/3(3/.11/43-/211/5-1& p#us the sie,e pan/ Sie,e Sha6er/ 7i ita# S"a#e 8a#an"e'

)./0 T33LS& 8rush

T)E3RY& A s9stem has $een de,e#)ped t) rapid#9 express the a,era e rain si!e )* a i,en sand samp#e' The Grain Fineness Num$er %GFN& is the :uantitati,e indi"ati)n )* the rain distri$uti)n )* the sand samp#e $9 "arr9in )ut a sand sie,e ana#9sis'

Manufacturing Technology & Processes-MEM564/ YY/ LS 4/ Rev !"-#!"$

PR3+E05RE& a& ;#ean the s"reens )n the sie,es "are*u##9 $9 turnin the sie,e *a"e d)<n and stri6in the rim e,en#9 )n the ta$#e' 7) n)t t)u"h the s"reen <ith 9)ur *in ers' 7) n)t $eat them hard s) as n)t t) dama e the rim' $& =ei ht the sand samp#e (11 rams t) an a""ura"9 )* 1'1( rams' "& >#a"e the sta"6 )* sie,es )n the Sie,e Sha6er O"ta )n 3111 ma"hine' d& The t)p sie,e )* the sie,e sha6er sh)u#d ")ntain the $i est mesh si!e e& >ut si#i"a sand int) the sie,e *& The sie,es are sha6en ")ntinu)us#9 *)r a peri)d )* (- minutes' & A*ter the sha6in )perati)n/ the sie,es are ta6en apart and #e*t ),er sand )* ea"h sie,e is "are*u##9 <ei hed' Re")rd the <ei ht in ")#umn %;& )* Ta$#e (' h& T) "a#"u#ate the Grain Fineness Num$er %GFN&/ use the *)rmu#a as i,en'

0.T. +3LLE+T13/ . Sieve /o 31 .1 41 -1 01 (11 (41 311 301 >AN ' 39ening (Mic* 5-1 211 43.11 3(3 (-1 (12 0-. < C + San, %ass (g* 0 Sa%9le : E .4S Multi9lier (1 31 .1 41 -1 01 (11 (4311 .11 (11 ? < F 4 .4S Pro,uct (+ ; E*


( 3 . 4 2 0 5 + (1

T)ta# a""umu#ated sand mass % & Ori ina# Mass )* Samp#e $e*)re Sie,in % &

Ta-le " Sieve .nalysis 0ata an, +alculations

Manufacturing Technology & Processes-MEM564/ YY/ LS 4/ Rev !"-#!"$

< F
24/ = >>>>> ""!!: < C Ty9ical San, Si?e& ;)arse GFN 41@(11 Fine GFN (11@331 4errous +ast T9pi"a##9 GFN 01 GFN A -1 t)) ")arse B p))r sur*a"e :ua#it9 in "astin GFN C(11 t)) *ine B #)< permea$i#it9/ #ar e sur*a"e area

RES5LTS ./0 01S+5SS13/& i' ii' iii' Exp#ain $rie*#9 <hat is GFN' 8ased )n the GFN ,a#ue and the distri$uti)n )$tained/ su sand *)r "astin s' >#)t the *)##)<in raphs D %a& %$& est the suita$i#it9 )* the

8et<een sie,e num$ers and per"enta e )* mass retained )n ea"h sie,e' 8et<een sie,e num$ers and "umu#ati,e per"enta es )* mass #e*t in the sie,e'

+3/+L5S13/& ;)n"#ude $ased )n 9)ur *indin s and dis"ussi)n RE4ERE/+ES& State a## the re#ated re*eren"es in ")mp#etin 9)ur rep)rt

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