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1he ulvlslon l WresLllng CommlLLee recommends LhaL Lhe champlonshlps lnclude a Leam
componenL and an lndlvldual componenL. 1eams of sponsorlng lnsLlLuLlons shall
compeLe ln a mlnlmum of slx, ulvlslon l lnLercolleglaLe dual meeLs Lo be ellglble for Lhe
Leam componenL. 1he nCAA champlon wlll be deLermlned by a comblnaLlon of Leam
polnLs earned Lhrough Lhe dual Leam compeLlLlon componenL, as well as polnLs earned
by lndlvlduals durlng Lhe lndlvldual componenL.
1he lndlvldual componenL wlll be unchanged. 330 sLudenL-aLhleLes wlll conLlnue Lo earn spoLs lnLo Lhe lndlvldual componenL. 1hose lndlvlduals wlll
conLlnue Lo earn polnLs LhaL wlll be lncluded ln Lhelr respecLlve Leams' overall score.
24 Leams wlll quallfy for Lhe Leam componenL. 8ased on currenL bylaws seven conferences would recelve auLomaLlc quallflers (AC) for Lhelr Lop
Leam. 1he remalnlng 17 Leams would Lhen be selecLed by Lhe ulvlslon l WresLllng CommlLLee, uslng slmllar selecLlon crlLerla currenLly used for
lndlvlduals, whlch wlll be calculaLed for Leam compeLlLlon.
lour reglonals wlll be held on Lhe campuses of Lhe Lop four seeded Leams. Lach reglonal wlll lnclude slx Leams.
1he reglonals wlll be flnanclally lndependenL, Lhe lnsLlLuLlons for Lhe compeLlng Leams are responslble for all expenses. 1he hosL lnsLlLuLlons shall
cover all hosLlng expenses, and reLaln all revenues recelved.

1he proposed Llmellne for Lhe 2016 Champlonshlps:
!"#$%&$' )* Lllglble AC Conferences musL submlL Lhelr deslgnaLed Leam AC.
!"#$%&$' +* AL-large Leams selecLed by Lhe ulvlslon l WresLllng CommlLLee.
!"#$%&$' ,- . ,/* 1eam componenL reglonals. lour, slx-Leam reglonals on campus slLes.
!"#$%&$' 0,* nCAA 1eam componenL flnals.
1&$23 4.)* lndlvldual conference/reglonal quallfler LournamenLs.
1&$23 + . 5* lndlvldual componenL aL-large selecLlons.
1&$23 ,+ 6 ,5* nCAA lndlvldual componenL champlonshlps. nCAA 1eam Champlon awarded.
1he 24 Leams selecLed Lo compeLe ln Lhe Leam componenL wlll earn a mlnlmum of 7 polnLs. !"## %&&%'(#) *+%',#& -.+ -/00 *+#%,).12 .- &#%3
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1he 330 sLudenL-aLhleLes selecLed for Lhe lndlvldual componenL wlll conLlnue Lo earn polnLs Loward Lhelr lnsLlLuLlon score.
1he resulLs of Lhe Leam componenL wlll be LabulaLed and comblned wlLh Lhe lndlvldual componenL resulLs Lo crown Lhe nCAA WresLllng champlon.
30 of Lhe scorlng wlll come from Lhe Leam componenL and 70 from Lhe lndlvldual componenL.


1eams compeLe durlng Lhe regular season ln boLh dual meeLs and lndlvldual
LournamenLs, Lhus Lhe naLlonal champlonshlp should lncorporaLe boLh componenLs Lo
besL represenL a naLlonal Champlonshlp 1eam. 1he proposal places a prlorlLy on Leam
compeLlLlon and enhances Lhe values assoclaLed wlLh LhaL form of compeLlLlon, whlle
malnLalnlng Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe currenL lndlvldual champlonshlp sLrucLure.
Makes Leam compeLlLlon more relevanL as Lhe addlLlon of a Leam componenL has a slgnlflcanL bearlng on deLermlnlng Lhe nCAA 1eam Champlon.
Lnhance Lhe Leam experlence for Lhe sLudenL-aLhleLes by provldlng Lhe opporLunlLy for more sLudenL-aLhleLes Lo have a dlrecL lmpacL on Lhelr Leam
by compeLlng ln every welghL class Lo earn a spoL ln Lhe Leam componenL.
MalnLalns Leam scorlng aL Lhe nCAA ulvlslon l WresLllng Champlonshlps and crowns one nCAA 1eam Champlon.
1he ulvlslon l WresLllng Champlonshlp ls Lhrlvlng. 1he Leam componenL caplLallzes on Lhe LradlLlonal model of compeLlLlve sporLs, where one
lnsLlLuLlon compeLes agalnsL anoLher lnsLlLuLlon and produces a wlnner. lL ls slmple Lo undersLand for new fans Lo Lhe sporL.
CreaLes addlLlonal compelllng Lelevlslon and dlglLal medla lnvenLory.
uoes noL affecL Lhe ulrecLors Cup Scorlng.
1he currenL champlonshlp ls very successful and en[oys Lremendous supporL as evldenL by flve consecuLlve sell-ouLs, fueled by an avld fan base.
CurrenLly, Lwo-Lhlrds of fans aLLendlng Lhe champlonshlps are repeaL aLLendees. 1he vasL ma[orlLy of Lhese aLLendees are male Caucaslans wlLh an
average age of 42, and 33 are over Lhe age of 30, mosL of Lhem have parLlclpaLed ln wresLllng as a coach or sLudenL-aLhleLe. 1he Leam componenL
helps expose Lhe champlonshlp Lo a more dlverse group of fans LhaL may noL have a hlsLory ln Lhe sporL, buL have a connecLlon Lo an lnsLlLuLlon or ls a
casual sporLs fan explorlng oLher sporLs and enLerLalnmenL opLlons ln Lhelr area.
ApproxlmaLely one-half of currenL nCAA ulvlslon l WresLllng Champlonshlp aLLendees are college graduaLes. lan afflnlLy sLudles show LhaL fans draw a
more personal connecLlon Lo 1LAM sporLs because of Lhe Langlble connecLlon Lo Lhe lnsLlLuLlon LhaL Leam represenLs. 1he colors, LradlLlons, flghL
songs, and all Lhe pageanLry LhaL comes along wlLh college sporLs makes belng a fan a Lhrllllng experlence. 1he Leam componenL allows wresLllng Lo
aLLracL more of LhaL fan afflnlLy so deeply rooLed ln LradlLlonal Leam sporLs.
nearly half of aLLendees (48) Lravel 300 mlles or more Lo aLLend Lhe champlonshlps. 1he Leam componenL provldes a plaLform Lo aLLracL famllles
and younger fans LhaL may noL have Lhe Llme or resources Lo aLLend Lhe nCAA lndlvldual componenL champlonshlps over mulLlple days, or large
lnvlLaLlonal evenLs LhaL lasL several hours. Powever Lhey can commlL Lwo hours Lo aLLend a dual maLch aL a nearby college or unlverslLy.
8roadcasL coverage conLlnues Lo lncrease, LSn's coverage of Lhe 2013 nCAA ulvlslon l WresLllng Champlonshlps saw a 33 lncrease over 2012, and
was Lhe second mosL vlewed champlonshlp ln Lhe hlsLory of broadcasLlng Lhe champlonshlp.
LSn wlll expand Lhelr coverage for 2014 coverlng all Lhree days of Lhe champlonshlp, demonsLraLlng LhaL Lhere ls a demand for more wresLllng
More focus on Leam compeLlLlon durlng Lhe season.
lncrease ln fan afflnlLy, and aLLracLlon of more casual fans.
AddlLlonal medla exposure and lncreased broadcasL opporLunlLles.
Cap beLween compeLlLlons for Leams LhaL are noL compeLlng ln Lhe Leam componenL.
Lxpense of Lravellng Lo slLes for Lhe Leam componenL reglonals, wlLh mlnlmal noLlce.
ShorL noLlce for lnsLlLuLlons hosLlng reglonal rounds of Lhe Leam componenL Lo plan and coordlnaLe evenL loglsLlcs.
1eams wlll need Lo compleLe dual season earller Lo deLermlne conference AC's. 1hls wlll requlre Leams Lo begln dual season earller whlch may
confllcL wlLh esLabllshed lndlvldual LournamenLs.


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