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Essay Questions

Environmental Systems and Societies Topic 2


(a) (b)

Distinguish between the terms biodiversity and species diversity.


Describe and explain how biodiversity changes during succession, and discuss how human activities can interrupt succession.
(8) Expression of ideas (2) (Total 12 marks)


because of human activities, habitats are disappearing faster than they can be studied, and simple stock taking of threatened habitats is now an urgent task. !t isn"t rational to use a treasure chest for firewood until you"ve checked inside for treasure, yet this is what is happening to the #arth"s largely uncatalogued biological treasure houses. $oremost among these are the tropical rainforests.% (&ilvertown '(()) (a) *utline the relative importance of tropical rainforests in contributing to global biodiversity, and explain why they have developed such high rates of biodiversity.


+ith reference to a named area of biological significance you have studied, explain how it has been or is being degraded by human activities%.


&ilvertown describes biodiversity as treasure%. Discuss the ways in which biodiversity can be seen as a valuable resource to people.
( ) Expression of ideas (!) (Total 2" marks)


...there is constant interchange of various kinds within each system, not only between the organisms but between the organic and inorganic. ,hese ecosystems, as we may call them, are of ... various kinds and si-es.% ,ansley ('(./) (a) (b) 0ompare the characteristics of ecosystems and social systems.
( )

Describe how populations of individual species interact within an ecosystem, using named examples to support your answer.


#xplain the relationship between climate and net primary productivity in two contrasting biomes you have studied.
($) Expression of ideas (2) (Total 2" marks)



Distinguish clearly between succession and zonation using named examples and diagrams.


0ompare and contrast the production 1 respiration ratios of a food production system you have studied and a natural ecosystem with a climax community.


Discuss the characteristics of an ecosystem that would allow it to support high biodiversity and explain what the threats are to this ecosystem.
(#) Expression of ideas (2) (Total 2" marks)


Discuss how gross productivity, net productivity and diversity will change over time as a habitat goes through succession. !llustrate your answer with a named case study.
( )


#xplain the present distribution of desert and tundra and discuss the factors controlling their relative productivity.


*utline the components of an #nvironmental !mpact 2ssessment (#!2) and 3ustify your personal viewpoint on the value of #!2s in the environmental decision making process. 4efer to a specific #!2 in your answer.
($) Expression of ideas (2) (Total 2" marks)



*utline the process of photosynthesis and explain how different limiting factors will determine productivity in t%o contrasting biomes.


&uggest why agreement has not yet been reached on the role of human activity in global warming. 5ustify what measures you think a named country should adopt in response to the threat of climate change.


!dentify t%o landmarks in the development of the modern environmental movement, and 3ustify why each one is significant.
(#) Expression of ideas (2) (Total 2" marks)

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