Philosophers Stone

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Divine Cinnabar Weve mentioned two of the commonly used paths for confecting the Philosopher's Stone, that

of the Wet Way through lead acetate, and the Dry Way through the Star Regulus of Antimony. The final method we examine is often called the way of the Divine Cinnabar. The basic idea behind the mercury work is that the mercury plays the part of the female and gold is the male, their proper union results in the birth of The Chemical Child the Philosopher's Stone. Of course not just any old mercury and gold metals will work, they need Philosophical preparation. The mercury must be purified before work can begin. Then the purified mercury is reanimated or recharged with Universal Fire to awaken its generative power. The Animated Mercury is then digested with prepared gold in the proper proportion and regimen of heat until it passes through the black, white, and finally to the red stage or Red Stone, This is much the same as with the Star Regulus of Antimony mentioned earlier. Purification of Mercury Metal with Salt We can buy high purity mercury (triple distilled) from the chemical supply store, but it is still a good idea to purify it in the old ways. It is not so much aimed at getting the mercury any more pure, than exalting it alchemically and opening the body to receive new life. For this, take your mercury and wash it well with rainwater, then squeeze it through a piece of chamois or some other thin pliable leather. Now cover the mercury with dried and powdered sea salt. Mix these two completely using a mortar and pestle. Depending on the impurities in the mercury, the salt may darken even to blackness. Wash this dirty salt out using rainwater and repeat the salt washing once or twice. The mercury will retain some of the subtle essence of the salt which is important for the rest of the processes. Put the mercury into a mortar and add an equal amount of sea salt. Saturate this mixture with strong distilled vinegar (about 10% acetic acid) and begin vigorously mixing the mass for about ten minutes. Now wash this salt out with rainwater until the mercury appears shiny and bright. Press it through a chamois. There should be no residue left in the chamois. The mercury should leave no trail when rolled across a smooth surface and should be without any appearance of scum at the surface. This mercury is now "the field prepared and fit to receive our noble king." Animation of the Mercury by Placer Gold Animation is described as the addition of etheric essences or principles in the etheric shell of a substance and awakening its generative virtue. There are many ways to animate mercury. We mentioned the most popular method earlier when discussing The Flamel Path with the Star Regulus of Antimony. The simplest method is to use native gold alone with the purified mercury. Use a form of pure native gold such as gold nuggets or gold dust as obtained by panning in a river. The gold is reduced to a powder by grinding with salt and vinegar into a paste. Wash out the salt and let the gold dry. To twenty nine parts of purified mercury, add 1 1/4 parts of gold powder and grind

them into a fluid amalgam. Wash the amalgam with water until it is clean and bright. Wipe the surface with a piece of paper towel until dry, then place the dried amalgam into a tall, strong glass vessel and seal it well. Let this matter digest at about 40C for three months. After three months, increase the temperature to 60C and continue digestion for another three months. This action stirs up the hidden power in the mercury, which, totally surrounding the noble metal, gradually dissolves it, releasing its power into the dissolving menstruum. The mercury starts to acquire the subtle seed of the noble metal, thus being animated. De Lintaut, Friend of the Dawn. The result of this six month digestion is Animated Mercury. Be sure to make a sufficient quantity of this because the later operations of multiplication and augmentation of the Stone will require it. This method of animation requires time (six months), but the manipulation of hazardous materials is kept to a minimum. Animation of the Mercury by Cinnabar The final method of mercury animation we will examine is the way of the Divine Cinnabar. This process requires a great deal of care as it is quite dangerous, but is held to be one of the most powerful ways to animate metallic mercury and produce the Philosophical Stone. We begin with metallic mercury purified with salt and vinegar as above. Mix the mercury with an equal amount of native sulfur in a mortar, grinding it together well. The matter will turn black during this process, forming mercury sulfide. Examine the matter closely with a magnifier. There should be no tiny globules of mercury remaining. Grind with additional sulfur if there are. The resulting black mass is a crude form of cinnabar, which is the sulfide ore of mercury. We can proceed with the black variety of cinnabar or we can improve this matter by sublimation to obtain the beautiful orange variety of cinnabar which is best. Now mix the cinnabar (black or orange) with an equal weight of iron filings and place this into a strong retort for distillation. As with the Star Regulus of Antimony, the iron will take up the sulfur from the cinnabar. Mercury metal will be reduced and begin to distill over. Some operators recommend using a 50 / 50 mixture of Star Regulus and iron filings for this distillation. In both cases, it is the subtle essence obtained from the iron itself that is the key. The red, solar, sulfureous principle of iron (or its counterpart in regulus of antimony) acts on the mercury with increasing force each operation. De Lintaut, Friend of the Dawn. The outlet of the distillation is led into a container of water where the mercury vapor is condensed into a pool of bright shining mercury metal. The reaction can become quite vigorous so careful heating and strong vessels are required as is proper ventilation. An easy way to perform the distillations of mercury amalgam is to construct a small retort using iron pipe fittings from the hardware store, pack charcoal briquettes around it and start the fire

outside. Again the outlet is submerged in a container of water and the distillation of metallic mercury proceeds. When the distillation stops, be sure to remove the retort outlet from the water or the vacuum created by the cooling retort will draw the water into the apparatus with possible dire consequences, i.e. explosion. Collect all of the mercury that distils and squeeze it through a chamois, and this will conclude one cycle or Eagle. The process of making cinnabar with fresh native sulfur and its reduction by distillation with iron is repeated on this mercury until seven Eagles have flown. It is not that the mercury gets any more purified during this process, but its inner etheric shell of sulfureous and mercurial principles is activated. After the final Eagle, distil the mercury two times by itself. This results in an Animated Mercury. It is the fertilized matrix in which you may plant your corn. The Alchemical Rebis Once we have a supply of Animated Mercury from one of the above methods, or from the Star Regulus of Antimony method, the next step is to form the so-called Rebis wherein the opposites are united. Take four parts of your Animated Mercury and carefully amalgamate it with one part of fine gold powder in a glass mortar. Wash the amalgam with water until it is clean and shining then blot it dry with a cloth. Place the cleaned amalgam into a long-necked glass vessel so that only a third of it is filled. This should be made of strong glass and able to seal very tightly. Now warm the entire vessel and contents to about 50C and quickly seal it air tight and allow it to cool a bit. In the old days this is where the Hermetic Seal would be applied by heating the neck of the vessel and melting it closed. Today glassware is available with precision ground joints and is sufficiently air tight for this. The sealed vessel is now set to digest at about 40 to 50C. After about three months at this heat, the matter will begin to darken and finally turn black. This is the so-called Nigredo phase or Black Stage. Once the matter is entirely black, gently raise the heat to about 60 to 65C and continue the digestion. After two to three months the matter will acquire an iridescence at the surface with colors reminiscent of a Peacock's Tail, which is what the adepts called this stage. As the digestion continues, the matter will gradually become lighter marking the beginning of the Albedo stage or Whitening. It will take about nine more months for the matter to become entirely white. When this happens, the heat is very slowly raised to about 130C over the course of several months. The whiteness gradually gives way to a yellowness that deepens with time into red. This is the Rubedo stage or Red Stage of the Stone. Once this point is reached, the matter should be digested at about 200C for an additional two months in order to mature. Allow the matter to slowly cool, then break the vessel to remove the contents which is the Red Stone in the First Degree.

Inceration In order to effect metallic transmutations, the Red Stone must undergo some further processing. Once this happens the Stone is no longer used for medicine but is solely dedicated to the purpose of transmutation. This final processing is called Inceration, which means to make something like wax. Inceration augments the Stone's fusibility and ingress into metals; that is, its ability to penetrate. Begin this by grinding a portion of the Red Stone to a powder and then amalgamate it with six times its weight of Animated Mercury. Wash the amalgam with rainwater several times, then blot it dry with a cloth. Squeeze the dried amalgam through a chamois and save aside the mercury that passes through the chamois for later use. Collect the soft amalgam from inside the chamois and place into a tall glass vessel as before. The matter is now digested for three months at each of the four heats used in preparing the Red Stone, (i.e., 40, 65,130, 200C). At the end of the digestion, break open the vessel and remove the matter which should now be easy to fuse like wax and not smoke at all. The Red Stone prepared in this way is now suitable for Projection on metals. Multiplication of the Red Stone The Red Stone in the First Degree is said to have the power to transmute metals in the ratio of one part Stone to ten parts metal. The Stone's power can be increased ten-fold in a process called Multiplication. This process is very much like that of preparing the original Red Stone, only it takes much less time. Take one part of the Red Stone in the First Degree, and amalgamate it with ten parts Animated Mercury. Wash the amalgam with rainwater then blot it dry. Place the clean amalgam into a tall glass vessel and seal as before. Now begin the same regimen of heating and digestion starting at 40C. The matter will undergo the same series of color changes, (i.e., black, white and finally red) but in a much shorter time. Increase the heat according to the color changes as before. After the Red Stage has been reached, the matter is cooled and removed from the vessel. Its power is now such that one part will act on one hundred parts of metal. If we take this Red Stone and repeat the process of multiplication on it, one part will act on one thousand parts of metal, then ten thousand parts, and so on. Remember that before the Stone can be used for metallic transmutations it must go through the process of Inceration, whatever degree it has been multiplied to. Some believe it is quite dangerous to multiply the Stone more than seven times, as it is said to become first luminous then unstable altogether with the possibility of catastrophic consequences. Projection The final test of the Stone and proof that the operator has worked correctly, is the transmutation of metals. Projection is the term used to describe the addition of the Perfected Solar Medicine to molten metals by projecting it on top of the melted matter in a crucible, resulting in its

transmutation. Depending on the quality and multiplication of the .Stone, more or less of it may be required to effect the transmutation of various metals. For example, if one part of the stone is found to act on one hundred parts of pure silver, that same one part may only affect ten parts of a more crude metal such as tin or lead. Silver is a noble metal next to gold and often used as a guide in determining the strength of the Red Stone's power to effect transmutation. Let us say that we have the Red Stone multiplied to a strength of one part to one hundred parts metal. Take one hundred parts of pure silver metal and melt it in a crucible. When it is completely molten, take one part of the Incerated Red Stone and form it into several small balls or pills. Slowly add one pill at a time to the crucible and allow it to fuse with the silver. Continue adding the small pills until you have added the full one part. Keep the contents molten for an additional two hours as the metal matures and evolves. At the end of the two hours, allow the matter to cool slowly and then break it from the crucible. Now re-melt the metal and cast it into an ingot. All of the silver should have changed to 24k gold. An assay of the metal may reveal the presence of silver which did not change, so the strength of the Stone can be determined at, say 80 to 1 instead of the expected 100 to 1. On the contrary, a portion of the metal may be melted with additional pure silver and reveal that it has strength to transmute even more than expected, say 150 to 1. This assessment of the Stone's power will allow you to judge the proper amount to effect the transmutation desired and yet not waste this most precious of medicines. The Elizabethan scholar/physician Dr. John Dee and his alchemist associate, Edward Kelly, are said to have learned a painful lesson in this. Having come into possession of a quantity of the Red Stone, they proceeded to make various transmutations only to discover later that the power of the Stone was far greater than they had imagined. Unfortunately they did not realize this until more than half of the Stone had been used up.

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