Trình Đ B - Bài 23

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1 2 " & * + 0 2 14 11 12 1" 1& 1* 1+ 110 12 24 21 22 2" 2& 2* 2+ 220 22 "4 "1 "2 "" "& "* "+

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Trnh B - Bi 23
1. Can you see the woman ________ the right? (A) of (B) off (C) on (D) over 2. I still have ________ time to spare. (A) mu h (B) a !it (C) some (D) any ". #he ountry has a system of ________$ most of whi h %ate from the nineteenth entury. (A) water ourses (B) anals (C) rivers (D) streams &. I ha% 'uite ________ on my way to wor( this morning. (A) an e)periment (B) an a%venture (C) a happening (D) an affair *. I thin( he shoul% ________ a room in one of the hotels. (A) !oo( (B) to !oo( (C) !oo(e% (D) !oo(ing +. ,oul% you min% ________ the win%ow? (A) open (B) to open (C) opening (D) not to open -. .a ( ________ me anything a!out his holi%ay plans so far. (A) hasn/t tol% (B) %i%n/t tell (C) %oesn/t tell (D) %on/t tell 0. I/m very tire% 1 I ________ all morning. (A) wor( (B) was wor(e% (C) am wor(ing (D) have !een wor(ing 2. I/% li(e to (now what you %o for ________. (A) a 3o! (B) wor( (C) a profession (D) a living

1 2 " & * + 0 2 14 11 12 1" 1& 1* 1+ 110 12 24 21 22 2" 2& 2* 2+ 220 22 "4 "1 "2 "" "& "* "+ ""0 "2 &4 &1 &2 &" && &* &+ &-

14. Ale) %i%n/t ome to see the film last night !e ause he ________ it !efore. (A) saw (B) ha% seen (C) has seen (D) was seen 11. I ________ !a on an% eggs every morning. (A) am use% to eat (B) use% to eating (C) am use% to eating (D) use to eat 12. If Bo! ________ with us$ he woul% have ha% a goo% time. (A) woul% ome (B) woul% have ome (C) ha% ome (D) ame 1". I always put my !est ________ in a safe1%eposit !o). (A) 3ewelries (B) 3ewelry/s pie es (C) pie es of 3ewelry (D) pie e of 3ewelries 1&. #he only way to get ________ in this ompany is to wor( har% an% ma(e no mista(es. (A) on (B) up (C) with (D) into 1*. 5#here are ________ leftovers for you in the fri%ge5$ she rie% out. (A) few (B) a few (C) little (D) a little 1+. 6e is a goo% stu%ent. 6e always ________ his han%. (A) rises (B) raises (C) arises (D) risen 1-. 1 ,hat will we %o to%ay? 1 7et/s go for a wal($ ________? (A) %o you (B) shall we (C) %o we (D) %on/t you 10. 6uman !eings$ as %istin t from ________ animals$ an thin( for themselves. (A) another (B) other (C) others (D) the others 12. #he temple is only ________ %rive from the station. (A) few minute

1 2 " & * + 0 2

(B) few minutes (C) a few minute (D) a few minutes 24. 8lementary s hool hil%ren$ who have not yet !een repeate%ly %isappointe% !y other people$ are mu h more ________ than ol%er an% more yni al high s hool stu%ents. (A) in'uisitive (B) rela)e% (C) en3oya!le (D) trusting

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