Speaking Part 1-2 - Jobs Homework

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FCE SPEAKING PART 1 Exercise 1: Check the meaning of the following words/ phrases.

Which ones best describe your job? Make sentences with them. The work place: Home Factory/ ware house Office Studio School Hospital Daycare Indoor Outdoor Work procedure Housekeeping Gardening Doing repairs Using the telephone Taking messages Making/keeping appointments Using computers Planning/following plans Getting paid Supervising/being supervised Following instructions Scheduling staff meetings Dealing with mistakes Changing jobs Employment office Job training On-the-job training Health insurance Social security Compensation insurance Labor unions Health and safety regulations

Exercise 2: Prepare your answers to as many of the following questions as possible. With each question, try to speak non-stop for 30s.Y WORK 1. Do you have a job? If so: - What do you do in your current job? - What kind of job is it? - How did you get this job? - Is your job competitive ? - What opportunities does your job give? - Do you like your job? - Do you like the atmosphere in your workplace? - Is your job stressful? - Would you like to change anything in your job? - Do you have to work overtime ? How often? Does your boss pay you more for overtime work? If not: - What was your last job? - What kind of job was it? - How did you get this job? - Was your job competitive? - What opportunities did your job give? - Did you like your job? - Did you like your boss? - Did you like your colleagues? - Was your job stressful? - Why dont you work there anymore? - Are you looking for a new job?

Thuy Tran/ FCE Speaking part 1&2 Entry 1/ Home work 1

2. At what age do people (in your country) normally begin to work? At what age do they usually retire? 3. At what age would you like to retire? What would you like to do after the retirement? 4. What was your first job? Did you like it? 5. When you were a child, what was your dream job? 6. What is your dream job now? 7. What do you think is the worst job? 8. Do people usually get jobs related to their educational background? How about you? 9. Does a university degree guarantee success in the future career? 10. What is the most important in your job? 11. Would you like to run your own business? 12. Is it better to work for someone else or be self-employed? 13. Should women and men be paid the same? 14. Is/was your boss a man or a woman? 15. Who do you think make better bosses, men or women? Useful vocabulary connected with: MY WORK full-time job (level: intermediate) a job in which the employee works the full number of hours I went back to my full-time job only after my children had gone to school. part-time job (level: intermediate) a job in which the employee may work for fewer hours than in the full-time job, as it is defined by the employer Part-time jobs are a chance for women whod like to have children and work at the same time. to be self-employed (level: intermediate) to work for oneself rather than for someone else Some people cant stand working for somebody else and doing what they are told to do, so they finally become self-employed. sole trader (level: upper intermediate) a business ran by one individual Although sole traders are fully independent, they find it difficult to go on holidays, because running their own business is time-consuming. job advertisement (level: intermediate) information on TV, in press or in the Internet that tells you where you can find a job, where an employer needs new employees Ive found an interesting job advertisement in the newspaper and Im going to apply for that job. competitive (level: upper intermediate) involving competitors (people with similar goals and needs) It was really difficult to get this job. Its very competitive and many people came to the job interview. self-fulfillment (level: upper intermediate) a pleasant feeling that youve achieved what you wanted Shes finally found self-fulfillment in teaching children. promotion (level: intermediate) being raised to a higher, more important position What I like about my job is the possibility to get a promotion soon. remuneration (level: upper intermediate) money that you get for your work or services We resigned from their services, because the remuneration they expected was too high for us.

Thuy Tran/ FCE Speaking part 1&2 Entry 1/ Home work 1

salary (level: pre-intermediate) a fixed amount of money that an employee gets from the employer every month The salary for the job is not worth the effort you have to make there. colleague (level: pre-intermediate) a person that you work with Hes organizing a party for colleagues from his last job. work flexitime (level: intermediate) to be able to change the time when you start or finish your work The possibility to work flexitime is a big advantage of my new job. work overtime (level: intermediate) to work after the time normally expected in your job I gave up my job, because I often had to work overtime and they paid me nothing for that. to fire (level: intermediate) (informal) to remove an employee from a job He was fired, because he was not as efficient as other workers. to dismiss (level: intermediate) to remove an employee from a job The boss dismissed her, because she was unwilling to accept the new dress code of the company. white-collar job (level: upper intermediate) a job in offices that needs mental effort Its not easy to get a white-collar job without good education in such a competitive job market. blue-collar job (level: upper intermediate) a job that needs physical effort Despite higher education, many young Polish people leave their country to take up a blue-collar job in the West. Idioms connected with: MY WORK to have the devils own job (level: advanced) to spend a lot of time and make a lot of effort to do something difficult and demanding He had the devils own job to finish this project on time. to land a job (level: upper intermediate) to find a job After being unemployed for 3 years, he finally landed a job. Its more than my jobs worth. (level: upper intermediate) I cant do it because I could lose my job. Sorry, I cant share this information with you, its more than my jobs worth. nine-to-five job (level: upper intermediate) a typical 8-hour job She found her nine-to-five job too monotonous and boring, so she is self-employed now. to be snowed under with work (level: advanced) to have a lot of work to do, more than usually Sorry, I cant go out tonight I need to stay at work, because Im snowed under with work. no gain without pain (level: upper intermediate) no money, other benefits without making effort I often stay at work until late to earn some extra money. Its tiring, but no gain without pain, after all.

Thuy Tran/ FCE Speaking part 1&2 Entry 1/ Home work 1

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