2014 PSRANM Conference Registration

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Rebuilding Together, Redefining Who We Are PSRANM & Office of Peer Engagement and Recovery Send check to:




fo##o8365 to her 8ide#y ,6cce,,f6# de.6t1 Where Are the Cocoa Puffs?

Keynote Thursday June 12, 2 1! "am Karen #inters S$hwart% Keynote &riday June 1', 2 1! "am
Dr. Nazanin H. Bahraini obtained a PhD in Counseling Psychology from the
University of Denver in summer, 2008. Following completion of a Pre-Doctoral nternship at the Denver !" #e$ical Center %astern Colora$o &ealth 'ervices Center, an$ a Post Doctoral Fellowship at the Denver !" #e$ical Center #ental llness, (esearch, %$ucation an$ Clinical Center )# (%CC*, Dr. +ahraini ,ecame a license$ Psychologist in the state of Colora$o. Dr. +ahraini -oine$ the ! '. /0 # (%CC team as a full (esearch, Clinical Psychologist in 20/0. &er many contri,utions encompass1 investigatory research )Principal nvestigator an$ Co-P for multiple pro-ects*, consulting )e2pert input for mental health an$ me$ical provi$ers on !eteran3s issues*, an$ assessment )psychological an$ neuropsychological screening for a $iverse !eteran population*. "$$itionally, Dr. +ahraini supplies training opportunities for new professionals, such as clinical supervision an$ other activities facilitating growth of Post Doctoral Fellows, Psychology interns, etc. 'he is e4ually active in other e$ucational activities that provi$e tools for !eterans, family mem,ers, an$ the community, through $issemination an$ implementation of e$ucational pro$ucts, presentations, an$ wor5shops. Dr. +ahraini also supplies 5ey e2pertise for all # (%CC staff as Director of (egulatory "ffairs, ensuring complete an$ timely compliance with all regulatory man$ates. Finally, Dr. +ahraini shares her e2perience through a local aca$emic appointment, as "ssistant Professor at the University of Colora$o 'chool of #e$icine, Department of Psychiatry. "reas of specialty are1 6raumatic ,rain in-ury, posttraumatic stress $isor$er an$ other co-mor,i$ psychiatric con$itions that affect outcomes for returning !eterans. 'pecific research inclu$es investigation on the effects of 6+ an$ history of suici$al ,ehavior on e2ecutive functioning, an$ an e2amination of cognitive processes that contri,ute to suici$ality in 7%F87 F com,at !eterans with P6'D. Dr. +ahraini has presente$ regionally as well as nationally on these an$ other topics, for prestigious events such as the .ational #ental &ealth Conference, "merican

Ear#y $May %&' ()&* dead#ine+ & ate Regi,tration Rate,:

----A,,ociation Mem.er, conference on#y: Ear#y regi,tration /&0)1)) ate regi,tration /&2)1)) ----"on3Mem.er, conference on#y: Ear#y regi,tration /&241)) ate regi,tration /(&41)) ----Ethic, 5#6, conference A,,ociation Mem.er,: Ear#y regi,tration /(%)1)) ate regi,tration /(4)1)) ----Ethic, 5#6, conference "on3Mem.er,: Ear#y regi,tration /(441)) ate regi,tration /(041)) ----Ethic, on#y: Ear#y regi,tration /7)1)) ate Regi,tration /&))1)) ----Pre,enter attending ----Pre,enter not attending ----Scho#ar,hi5 A8arded

Karen =inter, Sch8art> 8a, .orn and rai,ed in Man,fie#d' Ohio1 She 8rote her fir,t tr6#y good ,tory at age ,even1 Her ,econd3grade teacher' Mr,1 Schneider' 56.#ic#y and fa#,e#y acc6,ed her of 5#agiari,m1 She did not 8rite again for forty year,1 :n3.et8een' ,he moved to Co#6m.6,' Ohio' 8here ,he ,5ent thirteen year, of her #ife 56r,6ing a ,eeming#y end#e,, ed6cation at Ohio State ?niver,ity1 She received her 6ndergrad6ate degree in micro.io#ogy' her Ma,ter of Science in :mm6no#ogy' and a @octorate in O5tometry1 =inter, Sch8art> met her f6t6re h6,.and' Pa6#' at a ,t6dent o5tometric conference in Chicago1 !hey 8ere .oth ,#ight#y dr6nk and it 8a, #ove at fir,t ,ight1 !hey married in &270' moved to Centra# "e8 York' and .o6ght a ho6,e on the ,hore, of Oti,co ake A the B5inky fingerC of the Dinger ake,1 !here they .egan their #ive, together' their career, a, o5tometri,t,' and rai,ed t8o da6ghter,' 8ho are off to change the 8or#d A ho5ef6##y in a good 8ay1 =inter, Sch8art> i, an active .oard mem.er of "AM: Syrac6,e $"ationa# A##iance on Menta# :##ne,,+ and an advocate for menta# i##ne,, a8arene,,1 !hi, i, her ,econd nove# and

Presenters must register for the workshop

One time 4)9 di,co6nt to attend conference for 5re,enter, $#imited to ( 5re,enter, 5er 5re,entation+

------------------------------21th Annual Conference Registration

$P#ea,e co5y thi, form' fi## & o6t for each 5er,on regi,tering+
----: need AS inter5reting for P#enary Se,,ion, $5#ea,e notify 6, .y May (7th+ heather-c#ark;5m,net1org

"ame: Addre,,: City: State:


!it#e on Badge: ------------------

Com5any $if a55#ica.#e+:----------Phone "6m.er:

"ssociation of 'uici$ology, an$ the "merican Psychiatric "ssociation. For a comprehensive listing of her presentations, pu,lications, wor5shops an$ e$ucational pro$ucts, please see ,elow.

Mai# =ork,ho5 Pro5o,a#, to: PSRA"M Conference Attention: Gai# Ro.ert,on' ?"M PSR Program' ())& B Centro Dami#iar S=' ABH' "M 70&)4 or emai# to GARo.ert,on;,a#6d16nm1ed61 $!y5e PSRA"M Ca## for Pa5er, in the S6.Iect ine+1

P#ea,e emai# A8ard, nomination, to: heather-c#ark;5m,net1org http://psranm.com/ https://www.facebook.com/PSRANM

Conference Schedule and Highlights: Wednesday June 11th, 2014 2am3*5m

Ethic,' Behaviora# Hea#th Profe,,iona#, Presenter !ichael !aestas, "PCC

!ota# CE?E, avai#a.#e: F

'otel (nfor)ation P#ea,e make yo6r arrangement, 8ith Sheraton Air5ort Hote# PSRA"M room .#ock' rate, may vary1 Re,ervation,: $4)4+ 7*%30))) $7))+ ((03&&&0 *iscount (nfor)ation & or )ore +eo+le from one Mem.er organi>ation 8i## receive a &)9 di,co6nt on the co,t of regi,tration1 $Scho#ar,hi5, not inc#6ded+1 , or )ore +eo+le from one Mem.er organi>ation 8i## receive a &49 di,co6nt on the co,t of regi,tration1 $Scho#ar,hi5, not inc#6ded+1 JRegi,tration, m6,t .e mai#ed together in order to .e e#igi.#e for the di,co6nt,1 -ilent Action P#ea,e contact Catherine Harding a.o6t donation, for the ,i#ent a6ction3 thank yo6 for yo6r genero,ity1 charding;.amh,1com
No Purchase orders or Credit Cards Please

#hursday, June 12th, 2014 $ to 10 Continental Breakfast L n!" an# sna!ks $ro%i#e# 7am to 2am Regi,tration and =e#come 2am to &)am Keynote Pre,entation:
Karen #inters S$hwart% &):&4 to &&:%) =ork,ho5, &&:%) to &5m #6nch 5rovided &:)) to (:&4 =ork,ho5, (:%) to %:*4 =ork,ho5, *:)) to 4:&4 =ork,ho5,


%riday, June 1&th, 2014 Continental breakfast 7:%)am to 2am =e#come 2am to &)am Keynote Pre,entation: Dr. Nazanin H. Bahraini Ph.D.
&):&4 to &&:%) =ork,ho5, &&:%) to &5m #6nch on yo6r o8n &:)) to (:&4 =ork,ho5, (:%) to %:*4 =ork,ho5, *:)) to 4:&4 =ork,ho5,
!ota# CE?E, avai#a.#e: &( A.,tract @ead#ine: A5ri# (4th' ()&*1

Rebuilding Together, Redefining Who We Are



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