Thomas Lilburn: 126 Ballinderry RD Lisburn Co. Antrim BT28 2NL (M) 07928332155 Toml22@Live - Co.Uk

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Thomas Lilburn

126 Ballinderry Rd Lisburn Co. Antrim BT28 2NL (M) 0 !28""21## T$ML22%L&'(.C$.)*

Personal Profile & am +assionate about e,olo-y. and /a0e ,ontinuously sou-/t o++ortunities to -ain e1+erien,e in t/is 2ield. A t/ree day interns/i+ in biolo-i,al re,ordin- ins+ired me to see3 2urt/er trainin- 4it/ t/e aim o2 -ainin- t/e s3ills ne,essary to be,ome an e,olo-i,al ,onsultant. & /a0e a -ood -eneral 3no4led-e o2 4ildli2e in t/e )* and am most +roli2i, in botani,al and ornit/olo-i,al sur0eyin-. Education 2010 Present: University of Ulster Coleraine.

B5, (n0ironmental s,ien,e 4it/ 6i+loma in 7ro2essional 7ra,ti,e (677 8 " rd year +la,ement). Modules ,om+leted9 5oils and 0e-etation (,olo-y Remote 5ensin- and :&5 . Ri0ers and La3es 1. 6issertation. 5yno+ti,. (,osystem and Lands,a+e Conser0ation Currently Underway9 7la,ement (National Trust) Asso,iate Ba,/elors 6e-ree in (n0ironmental 5tudies9 7ass 4it/ Commendation. ( Modules from AB Degree also contri ute to B!c). 1st ;ear Modules9 &ntrodu,tion to (n0ironmental 5tudies . Marine 5ystems . (:M 53ills Toolbo1 . (n0ironment and 5o,iety . <o4 t/e (art/ =or3s &ntrodu,tion to <uman :eo-ra+/y . 2nd ;ear Modules9 Resear,/ Met/ods and >ield 5,/ool . (nter+rise. Business and (m+loyability . 6e0elo+ment. (n0ironment and 5o,iety . (n0ironmental 7ro+erties and 7ro,esses . Coastal and Marine 7ro,esses . Communities and <abitats . 200" 200#: $aurel%ill Community College. BT(C Medi,al 5,ien,e. ((?ui0alent to A@le0el) A@le0els9 &CT. <istory. :C5(As9 6ouble@A4ard 5,ien,e. :eo-ra+/y. <istory. Mat/s. R(. (n-lis/. Business and Communi,ation 5ystems. Work Experience August 201" May 201& =or3ed 2or National Trust as an Assistant to t/e Conser0ation and A,,ess Ran-er (uni0ersity +la,ement). Tas3s in,luded9 Butter2ly sur0eyin-. +re+arin- and deli0erin- a butter2ly 7o4er7oint +resentation 4it/ analysis. a-ri@en0ironment s,/eme monitorin-. ,am+in- o+tions study. +ollinator -ardens +roBe,t. a++lyin2or :ro4 =ild 2undin-. 4or3in- 4it/ s,/ool,/ildren. administrations tas3s. /el+in- 4it/ ,/allen-e 2und +roBe,ts. ma3in- bu- /otels and bat bo1es and :&5 ma++in-. !e'tem er 2012 =or3ed 2or Nort/ern (1,a0ators Rail on rail4ays as a Labourer. =or3ed at Lilburn Contra,ts as a Labourer. Tau-/t me team4or3 s3ills as t/e Bobs 4ere 2re?uently ,arried out in -rou+s 4/ere -ood ,ommuni,ation 4as needed 2or e1am+le insertin- man/oles or dire,tin- ma,/inery. :ained s3ills in a ran-e o2 +ra,ti,al and manual tas3s and /el+ed me to de0elo+ a /ard 4or3in- attitude. :ained e1+erien,e o2 4or3in- outdoors in all di22erent 4eat/er ,onditions. =or3ed at Ballinderry Centra as a s/o+ assistant. :a0e me e1+erien,e o2 meetin- ,ustomerAs needs in a +ro2essional manner. Tas3s entailed sto,3 ,ontrol. ,ustomer ser0i,e. mana-in- a till and 3ee+in- t/e s/o+ loo3in- ,lean and tidy. (une 2011 'resent )full*time in summer+

!e'tem er 200,* !e'tem er 200#

Ecological Training and Experience <a0e 0olunteered 4it/ t/e Bel2ast <ills 7artners/i+ and attended ,ourses run by t/em 2or o0er a year. & /a0e -ained e1+erien,e in ,onser0ation 4or3s su,/ so4in- 4ild2lo4ers. +lantin- trees and +lu- +lants. remo0inin0asi0e 4eeds 2rom +onds. 4ild2lo4er sur0eys and ,reatin- CdeadA /ed-in- & /a0e also 0olunteered 2or t/e Royal 5o,iety 2or t/e 7rote,tion o2 Birds doin- /abitat im+ro0ement 4or3s 2or t/e Corn,ra3e on Rat/lin &sland. 'olunteered 2or t/e Britis/ Trust 2or $rnit/olo-y 4it/ breedin- bird and 4inter t/rus/ sur0eyin-. Courses Skills Breedin- Bird 5ur0ey@ BT$ (Mar,/ 201") Biolo-i,al 6ata Re,ordin- &nterns/i+@ C(6aR (May 201") :75 Be-inners Course@ Bel2ast <ills 7artners/i+ (Dune 201") =ild2lo4er &6 ,ourse@ Bel2ast <ills +artners/i+ (Duly 201") =etland Bird 5ur0eyin-@ BT$ (5e+tember 201") :75 &ntermediate Course@ Bel2ast <ills 7artners/i+ ($,tober 201") 7rote,ted s+e,ies (t4o@day) ,on2eren,e in 6ublin run by C&((M (No0ember 201") Nort/ern &reland Ra+tor 5tudy :rou+ ,on2eren,e at $12ord &sland (Mar,/ 201E) 7ere-rine >al,on 4or3s/o+ in >ermana-/ and /a0e been assi-ned a sur0ey s?uare (Mar,/ 201E) Courses Boo3ed Bat (,olo-y and &6@ C(6aR (May 201E) )nder-raduate 53ills Trainin- (&n,ludin- 5mall Mammal Tra++in- and 7/ase 1 <abitat sur0ey Trainin-)@ Bel2ast <ills 7artners/i+ (A+ril 201E) Biolo-i,al Re,ordin- at :lenarm BioblitF@ C(6aR (May 201E) 7ersonal Trainin- on +lant re,ordin- 2rom B5B& 0i,e@,ounty Re,order 2or Tyrone (May 201E) :rass &denti2i,ation@ National 7ar3s and =ildli2e 5er0i,e (Duly 201E)

53illed at s,ienti2i, re+ort 4ritin- 2rom my e1+erien,e o2 4ritin- re+orts 2or uni0ersity assi-nments. Com+utin-. Mi,roso2t =ord. (1,el. 7o4er7oint. Ar, Ma+. (ridas &ma-ine. and 5755. (mer-en,y 2irst aid at 4or3 ,ourse. Basi, 3no4led-e o2 4ildli2e la4. & /a0e a 2ull ,lean dri0in- li,ense. wards =on )ni0ersity o2 )lster 5tudent :rou+ Business &dea Com+etition 2012. A4ard o2 a,ademi, a,/ie0ement at Laurel/ill Community Colle-e 2or :C5( results. !nterests Member o2 t/e )lster =ildli2e Trust t/e =oodland Trust. B5B& and a++lied 2or C&((M student members/i+. 5el2@tau-/t -uitar. =ildli2e +/oto-ra+/y 7A (sound) systems and & o+erate t/e 7A system at my ,/ur,/ (Moira Ba+tist). & am interested and enBoy +layin- 2ootball and tennis. "eferees Mr Barry Cra42ord (Line Mana-er. National Trust) Conser0ation and A,,ess =arden Mussenden Road CastleRo,3 County Londonderry BT#1 ER7 0 800 6! barry.,ra42ord%nationaltrust.or-.u3 6r 6ario >ornara (Le,turer in Terrestrial (,olo-y) Room :166C )ni0ersity o2 )lster Cromore Road Coleraine BT#2 15A 028 012E6#8 d.2ornara%ulster.a,.u3

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