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Provision Comptrollers Existing Bill OSC #3(S.4239-A) Comptroller Participating Candidates: $2,000 for primary and $2,000 for general Non-participating Candidates: same as current law Not Matchable New Proposal (Part of Budget Agreement) S.63555-D/A.8555-D (Subpart D of Part H) Comptroller Participating Candidates @ Primary: $6,000 Non-participating Candidates: same as current law Participating Candidates @ General Election: $6,000 Non-participating Candidates: same as current law

Political Offices Covered Contribution Limits Contributor is defined as person or entity making a contribution (assume entity includes political parties)

Contributions Made Prior to Becoming Participating Candidate

Fundraising Threshold to Trigger Public Financing

$150,000, at least 50 donations must come from 50 registered voters in at least 22 NY congressional districts

Participating Candidate shall either : (a) deposit any amount in excess of the contribution limit [set forth in this subdivision,]* into a segregated account where it shall not be withdrawn for campaign expenditures for any comptroller election in the year two thousand fourteen; or (b) return any amount in excess of the contribution limit set forth in this section, by bank check or certified check made out to the contributor *subdivision most likely should read section Not less $200,000 in matchable contributions including at least 2,000 matchable contributions comprised of sums between $10 and $175 per contributor, from residents of New York State.

Use of Personal Funds

Participating Candidates: Cannot exceed 3 times the individual contribution limit

Participating Candidate may not make expenditures from or use his or her personal funds or property or the personal funds or property jointly held with his or her spouse, or unemancipated children in connection with his or her primary or election to except as a contribution to his or her authorized committee in an amount that exceeds 3 times the applicable contribution limit from an individual contributor.* *Note: This is the exact language of par. f subdivision 1 14-204. Perhaps the words does not should have preceded the word exceeds??? Eliminated if participating in public financing. Only ONE authorized committee per elective office sought.

Multiple Campaign Committees

Oversight Entity

Eliminated if participating in public financing. Only ONE authorized committee allowed. Creates a 7-member State Campaign Finance Board: 1 member appointed by the Governor and each legislative leader and 2 members representing non-partisan citizens groups Must disclose expenditures to the Campaign Finance Board

The Board of Elections: New Division of Election Law Enforcement headed by Chief Enforcement Counsel (Chosen by the Governor and Confirmed by Each House of the Legislature) Election Law 3-100(3-a)

Required Disclosure

Must disclose in Disclosure Reports: every contribution and loan received and every expenditure made contributors who make contributions of $500 or more the occupation and business address of each contributor, lender, and intermediary receipt of any contribution or loan in excess of $1,000 shall be disclosed within forty-eight hours of receipt

Required Debates

At least one for primary and one for general

Source of Funding

Effective Date

State Party Transfers to Candidates

County Committee Transfers to Candidates Transfers: "Transfer" is defined as any exchange of funds between a party or constituted committee and a candidate or any of his or her authorized committee

10% surcharge on securities litigation, NYS tax box check off Senate: January 1, 2015 Assembly: Submitted amendments not made this session, January 1, 2014 $1 million in combined transfers and services, only $250,000 of which can be a transfer $0.02 per each registered voter in the county

Board promulgates regulations to facilitate debates among participating candidates. Participating candidates are required to participate in one debate before each election for which the candidate receives matching funds, unless the participating candidate is running unopposed. Nonparticipating candidates may participate in such debates. NYS Abandoned Property Fund

Immediately; expiration 12/31/2014


N/A Not matchable

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