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Vesta semnificatie tema natala

The asteroid Vesta is associated with the mythology of the ancient Vestal Virgins and both Scorpio and Virgo. Prominent Vesta in the natal chart is associated with the importance of sexuality, at both extremes, abstinence and promiscuity. It is not a sexuality devoid of morality but a sexuality charged with a higher dedication. Sex takes on an importance that is sacred in some regard. Sexual energy channeled elsewhere is a powerhouse. Vesta is not necessarily about sex, though it can be. Vesta in the chart, at its simplest, is where that deep energy is devoted to a higher purpose. In antiquity, Vestal Virgins tended the fire in the temple, and Vesta is associated with the hearth and the constant fire within. Because of this it is most straightforward to look at the Vesta position to note what a person holds sacred, the center of their fiery devotion, the hearth they tend and protect. Vesta shows where you are dedicated. The sign of Vesta will show the dynamism, the flavor of ones devotion, while the house position will tend to outline the areas of life in which it is focused. A Cancer Vesta will strongly feature home, mother and feelings. In the fourth house this might be a private, inward devotion, someone who focuses on the homefront, as opposed to the Cancer Vesta in the tenth house who might make a career of these types of things, like a Martha Stewart. Share your Vesta placement, if you dare! Do you prefer the fiery devotion side of an interpretation or can you see the sexual energy expressed as the sacred?
''Vesta asteroid is the "keeper of the flame," guardian of the truth and other spiritual and cultural values. Vesta is of special importance to "old souls" who have a sense of mission and purpose, who "hold the space" or "create a context" for what is of great value. In synastry, Vesta is a comfortable hearth of gentle warmth and good feelings. In relocation astrology, I've observed that old souls like to be on their Vesta local space or MC lines, feel a sense of mission and purpose there, as well as a warm fuzzy enjoyment of the little things in life...''

Vesta[v] was virtuous and highly regarded in both Roman and Greek times. She was the protector of home and family, never married and chose to remain a virgin. She was praised as a protector of city and state, and was perhaps the most beloved of all the gods. She was the first child of Cronus [Saturn] and Rhea [vi] and the elder sister of Zeus [Jupiter]. Her genealogy makes her one of the original gods and titans, but we have relegated her to the rank of an asteroid, yet the gods assigned to the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are a part of her family tree. In the Astro-Encyclopedia, included with Kepler Astrology program by Cosmic Patterns Software, we find the following statement: "Most astrologers who use asteroids believe that the asteroid Vesta gives self-discipline, self-control, and care and attention to any job undertaken". The keywords given are: self-controlled, disciplined effort, modest, simple, plain, and creative. There are very few astrology books on the asteroids, and until relatively recently not many astrologers used them in their work. I started including the asteroids in my

charts about a decade ago, and paying attention to them in terms of transits or progressions activating these, and listening to the stories of my clients that seemed to echo the bits and pieces of mythology I knew. As an aside, I thought I'd include this little quote: "One of the most valuable things we can do to heal one another is listen to each other's stories." [vii] I believe that listening is as important if not more so than talking. My first reminder of the role of Vesta in the astrological chart was loud and clear when my progressed Moon crossed over natal Vesta in Virgo at the zenith [viii] of my chart. I actually looked at in hindsight, as at the time I was just too busy working. The days were not long enough, and in addition to working at my job I was studying accounting. I was also finding time to give astrological lectures, write a column and tend to my large family. At no point did I feel anyone was taking advantage of me, or that I was the slave to others. I was just really happy to be doing so much. It was also when it first dawned on me I might be a bit of a workaholic, at my happiest when I was being productive. Learn about your Vesta by looking at what happens when slow moving planets form a conjunction to your natal Vesta. Since that time, I have read more charts have found that when Vesta is positioned at either the MC or zenith, which is the most apparent position to observe, I have met yet another productive, work-oriented person, who seldom complains about her workload. (We know that rules have exceptions). These individuals are reluctant to be idle, and always busily working on that task list, never erasing the difficult ones. I have also found the keeper of the flame significant in terms of Vesta in terms of the house Vesta occupies. I look at the zodiacal sign in terms of the kind of energy the planet or asteroid has at its disposal. Gemini for example, is quick, intellectual and inquisitive. I look at the houses as where we use the energy of the planet. The houses naturally represent areas of life. Wherever, we have Vesta situated, is where we want to keep that flame going. I associate Vesta with Virgo as the natural essence of the asteroid seems to resonate with the service-oriented nature of this zodiacal sign. I look at the cadent houses (3, 6, 9 and 12) as the knowledge and learning houses. The third house is where we collect information, learn about our environment and speak about what we have heard or learned and think about it. In the sixth house we analyze and develop that basic knowledge into skills as well as habits. The 9th house is of higher learning, philosophy, religion, and our convictions and about learning to see the forest from the trees. The 12th house is the house of faith, ideals, and surrender where we learn to believe. The angular houses, 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th, are about all kinds relationships with self, others, family, parents, authority and of course that significant other. The angles represent our worldly pursuits and activities. The succeedent houses, 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th, are about a set of values regarding money, time, love, children, creativity, death, reincarnation, commitment and friendships, acquaintances, and about the importance of acquiring material possessions. The cadent set of houses, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th, is about learning the basic ABCs, the coping skills in life, the philosophical and religious knowledge, and to trust the unseen, i.e. to have faith.

Naturally when Vesta is at the angles or in aspect to the angles it is more prominent, and more readily or visibly expressed by us. When Vesta is not in aspect with the balance of the chart she may lack visible expression. I have noted that when Vesta is at an angle in marriage charts, the marriage seems to work well and both partners support each other. Where Vesta is seems to supply clues to what area in your life are you willing to be the one to take care of things. Looking after the joint finances might be one expression of Vesta in the 8th. In the fourth looking after the home, in the 10th at the zenith or on the MC perhaps being the main breadwinner, never shirking your obligations. Where Vesta is situated shows an area of life that naturally seems to be your responsibility. Look at Vesta in your chart, see how it is linked and if you indeed naturally assume to be responsibility of keeping the issues of that house working smoothly. Oh, and by the way, you don't get credit or praise for doing that particular chore, nor should you expect to. Vesta moves through the zodiac in about four years. She retrogrades once every 18 months for three months. The cycle length is the same as that of the lunar nodes through the signs, and Venus through her morning and evening star phases. She spends approx. three months travelling through a sign. Vesta is currently in late degrees of Pisces and moves into Aries in January 2005. I was speaking with a colleague and friend recently about the asteroids. She has Vesta in her third house in Pisces, and was delighted how what we talked about resonated with her recent revelation that she was the Keeper of words and knowledge. My Vesta is in the 9th house in Virgo, and I always find myself sharing philosophical concepts that have the potential to allow others to broaden their horizons armed with a different perspective. I also think that I am an eternal student. Is this same information expressed through other planets and points in the chart? Absolutely, I think every concept is illustrated numerous times in the horoscope through different planets, signs, houses and aspects, so that we understand the message. [The other asteroids and feminine archetypes will be discussed in future articles.]

Vesta in transit denota exasperare in domeniu casa pe care o transiteaza sau planetele transitate. Necesita nevoia de a lucra spre sine spre interior-interiorizare pe domeniu casa planeta transitat.

Posted On 24 Dec 2010 By Ariela. Under: Astrologie, Uncategorized. .

Simbolistica acestui asteroid decurge, natural, din mitologie. Energia creativa a Vestei asociata focului sacru este consacrata unui ideal, unei munci pe cont propriu. Persoanele marcate puternic de influenta sa au nevoie de a se dedica unei cauze, unui ideal, unei religii. In raport de pozitie si aspecte, poate induce principii prea rigide, obsesii, idealism prea abstract. Vesta incarneaza dorinta si aspiratia absoluta de Puritate, sacrificarea vietii individuale si a instinctelor in profitul binelui colectiv. Vesta ne invita la meditatie, constientizare, pentru a vedea mai clar in interiorul nostru. Este singurul mijloc de a arde in flacara pura intretinuta de ea reziduurile karmice adunate in noi. Poate fi considerata un principiu al purificarii sufletului. Femeile care au in astrograma Vesta puternica, dominanta, sunt marcate de latura spirituala a sexualitatii. Barbatii cu Vesta dominanta sunt activi sexual dar foarte fideli partenerei.

In harta astrala, Vesta poate semnifica libertate sau represiune sexuala, posibile blocaje. Aspectele primite de pozitia sa sunt revelatoare in acest sens. In plan profesional, Vesta orienteaza spre meserii care cer vocatie (adesea, spirituala). Nativii marcati de Vesta, sunt persoane religioase, pustnici, guru, ghizi, profesori, hotelieri, primari etc. In tranzit, energia ei poate declansa necesitatea de a lucra asupra sinelui, focalizarea spre interior. Vesta in semne si case arata modalitatile in care individul isi poate indeplini scopul si misiunea in aceasta viata, domeiul in care el cauta sa se implice, sa se dedice, sa se sacrifice.

Natal significance: Vesta, goddess of the hearth, represents our ability to "tend the fire," whether that means nurturing the flame of our own creative spirit or how we take care of things our home life, surroundings and work. Positive use of the asteroid Vesta's energy can help you truly to dedicate yourself to a goal or pursuit. Transiting significance: Vesta's transits can inspire us to become dedicated or renew our dedication to some cause or goal. Transits to your natal planets can help inspire you to aspire to live out the highest parts of those planets' energies. Trannsits to Vesta can help you think about the way you tend your hearth, or deal with issues with your home space, security, and feeling that your growth was and is nurtured.

Vesta and the Planetoid Belt - by Hans-Hinrich Taeger Doing without purpose, being busy without making a business of it, finding the big in the small, and themany in the few, returning friendliness for hurt, fulfilling difficult things as long as they are still easy, and fulfilling great things in their beginning: this is the way of the Tao. - Laotse In modern astrology there is no consensus about one certain planetary correspondence with Virgo-energy. The medieval bipartition of the planet mercury, which is supposed to be associated equally with Gemini in its so-called nightside, and with Virgo in its so-called dayside, is no longer convincing. Like all other energies of the zodiac (the Earth-Taurus analogy included) Virgo has to have its own planetary manifestation in our zodiac-system. The most obvious but at the same time most problematical association with Virgo is the vast belt of minor planets or planetoids between Mars and Jupiter, which consists of more than 50,000 mini-planets, of which only a bare 2,000 are recorded regularly. The minute planets, curiously deformed pieces of rock, free-floating in the universe, with diameters between 2,526,216 feet (Ceres) and 4,921 feet (Hermes), have a solar revolution period of four and a half years on average. The theories concerning the formation of the minor planet belt are very diverse. One of these states that in former times a planet collided with a meteor or another celestial body, and burst into thousands of fragments, which were in turn forced into orbit by the force-fields from Jupiter, Mars and the Sun. Other theories are based on the assumption that the planetoid belt consists of remnants from an exploded Jupiter-Moon. The symbol for the planetoid Vesta:

This symbol describes the demarcating protection (quadrangle) of the pure inner fire (theV-shaped flame arising out of the empty quadrangle). Whatever the truth is, the planetoid-area symbolizes to us in its spiritual interpretation the Virgo-qualities of fragmentation, specification, bringing order within chaos (the 50,000 minor planets are moving in complex structures courses - there are no collisions). In its function as mediator between the two planetary energies Jupiter and Mars (both belonging to the element fire). The planetoid belt also symbolizes a synthesis between the initiating and spontaneous enthusiasm of Mars, and the more mature ideals - the aged wisdom - of Jupiter-Zeus. In astrological interpretation it may be said that the planetoids, and also Virgo, represent a neutralizing filter or touchstone between the quick decisiveness and reforming zeal of Mars, the god of war, and the spiritual (philosophical and religious) perfection of Jupiter, the father of the gods. The filtering criteria are reason and critical intelligence, acting as a damper on exuberant aspirations. They systematically elucidate hidden backgrounds and motivations, thereby preventing new and possible karmic entanglements. Even if the theory that the belt of minor planets embodies the remnants of a once solid Virgo-planet seems convincing, considerable problems do arise in practice, since every sign of the zodiac is occupied by thousands of planetoids, which (viewed from the earth) are like a thin filtering layer on all twelve cosmic energies. Because of the multitude of those filtering planets and individual interpretation is impossible. From this the generalized inference might be drawn that the disintegrated Virgo-planet, by being very finely dispersed throughout the whole zodiac, exerts an all-comprehending influence, similar to its opponent Neptune, who represents the all-transcending mystical permeation. With reference to humankind, this means we are challenged to recognize and distinguish all twelve energies of the zodiac and their planetary manifestations, i.e., the underlying conditions of our individual state of being, and thereby gain confidence ina nd devotion to the outer and inner world. This trans-individual influence of a diffuse Virgo-planet would correspond with the socially and collectively mutable character of this sign. Nevertheless there lies a challenge in giving those interested in an individual interpretation a specific highly energized point within the planetoid belt, where, proved by practice, the Virgo-qualities, which are known by the traditional description of this energy, can be located. In this context the four biggest ephemerides exist since 1973 (Bach, Climlas: "Ephemerides of the asteroids'). Up to now the planetoid Vesta has turned out the most likely to evoke effects within individual triggerings that are in accordance with Virgo. The German astrologer H. Chr. Meir-Parm analyzed the radiating quality of this minor planet during a period of nearly fifteen years. He discerned principles of distance and separation, of neutrality towards value, of order, structiure, ideology as well as of

the exoteric and esoteric sciences. Vesa, the brightest, just visible planetoid, has a diameter of 1,428,867 feet, and stood at the time of its discovery by the amateur-astronomer Olbers n Bremen on 29th March, 1807 at 20 degrees Virgo. In its rhythm there are correspondences with the saturn-cycle (about 29 years), because it moves round the Sun precisely eight times within a full Saturnrevolution. Assuming that the naming by Olbers was not pure chance, we have to come to an understanding of the nature of the Roman Vesta-cult. Vesta is the goddess who keeps and guards the hearthfire, the everlasting and holy fire of spiritual development, of transformation, purification and enlightenment. For this she develops selfless vigilance and a responsible and ethical solicitude. She serves the maintenance of life without partaking in life itself. Parm sees in Vesta a divine energy, whom he evaluates as neither male nor female, neigher active nor passible, and who represents a prerequisite for being and non-being (Parm: 'The Planetoid Vesta'). Even if in mythology she is paraphrased as predominantly female energy, what is meant is not the instinctive, sexual or magic aspect, but the more androgynous state of purity, chastity and virtue - of altruistically shared responsibility. Thus the priestesses of the Vesta-cult had to be chaste and immaculate virgins. They wore plain and simple white garments; an offence against the vow of chastity was equated with a national disaster; the seduced priestess was entombed alive. The vestal virgins were considered as highest arbitral authority, and enjoyed the highest privileges of state. Inside the temple they tended the eternal fire, which they had to renew once a year, on 1st March. The annual kindling of the fire was subject to a strict ritual. The flame might not be taken from another hearthfire. It had to arise, so to speak virginally by rubbing two pieces of wood together until they caught fire. In their rights the priestesses were never allowed to use stagnant water. It had to be carried from earthenware jars from certain holy springs and rivers to the place of consecration. All descriptions of the Vesta-cult, which bears resemblance to the cults of Isis, Hestia and Maria, show a clear analogy to the zodiac-archetype Virgo. Presupposing that the goddess Vesta has an astro-energetic symbol-mirroring by the planetoid Vesta, we could reach via Vesta the pre-existentially inherent cosmic primordial conditions, the fine-structurings and regularities traceable within all parts of being. Vesta leads us into polarizing differentiation, which exists beyond personally motivated intentions, wishes, and drives, and enables us to transform our knowledge into certainty, so that with care and circumspection we can preserve our energy or flame of life. Vesta tends the light of certainty. She always reacts upon our doing against our purified and refined knowledge, for which we cannot truly take responsibility from this higher point of view. Probably Vesta is very strongly connected with the so-called conscience, in the neutral and not the religious sense of the word. She preserves the timeless values and laws to which both micro- and macrocosm comply - the conditionality of creation, the divine plan. Here she develps qualities such as imperturbability, patience, accuracy in detail, conscientiousness, and a high degree of altruistic virtue. Many of the Vesta-qualities mentioned above are in accordance with the traditional descriptions of the Virgo Mercury. In his association with Virgo he has been given a saturnine character, i.e. earnest, realistic, critical, and broody, and in that way has been split from his inherent uranian core of being. Indeed empirical results do confirm that Mercury gets changed in his mode of effectiveness during his stay in Virgo or the other two earth-signs, Taurus and

Capricorn. At these times he develops more skepticism, endurance, fidelity to principles, and responsibility towards the outward and inward reality. But this is no sufficient evidence for Mercury showing his second, concealed face, since all other stars (from Sun to Pluto) become modulated in like manner during their stays in earth-signs andundergo a saturnine and earth-related alignment. Rather, it has been the case that for want of a more comprehensive astronomical knowledge, no other planet has been as hand to embody the Virgo-qualities, and astrologers have rested content equivalent to Virgo would have to have, has none-the-less been well known by intuition and experience. These are, among other: striving for neutrality and objectivity, development of a strict analytic and profound way of thinking with the elimination of drives, emotions and personal intentions, a spirit of research, detailed knowledge, ethical evaluation, intellectual scrutiny. It is remarkable that these qualities very much resemble those of Saturn. But they differ from those of saturn, ruler of a cardinal sign, in their degree of refinement, more subtle structurings, a more differentiated capacity for deduction, and consequently, capacity for tolerance and a more profound thoroughness. If the highest symbol of Saturn is the diamond, then analogously the planetoid belt would have as an emblem a treasure chest filled with various precious stones. As a planetary energy in alternate play with the mysterious planet of mystic intuition, Neptune, Vesta tries, like a scientist and anonymous observer, to grasp and delineate in an abstract manner the Neptunian, which can only be experienced sensuously. Vice versa she endeavors to comprehend the unintentional and pure sense of mystic performance by most subtle derivations from outward reality. Just as Neptune's powers of illusion spring from a being out of non-being, so the connections found via the planetary Virgocorrespondence lead in final consequence to a perpetual extension of knowledge and relativity, to a 'doing in don-doing'. That way she approaches the Neptunian qualities of dissolution, transcending, and never-ending expansion. Thus of specification based on knowledge. We can observe this process in the esoteric as well as the exoteric sciences. Exoteric and esoteric are not in contradiction but describe the same 'reality' starting from differing axioms. Nevertheless, the virgin planetoid belt or an as yet undiscovered Virgo-correspondence has, in its correspondence to Pisces and Neptune, more to do with the esoteric or mystic sciences than the natural sciences. In its thinking function it develops the critically verifiable presuppositions which belong to philosophy, esoterics or religion, but as well to the ethical norms of the exoteric sciences. Other astrologers have suggested further planetary associations with Virgo. This spectrum ranges from (at present) still fictitious trans-Pluto, who is calculated mathematically, but has not yet been discovered, past the fixed star Spica to Earth itself (to whom astro-energetics attributes the zodiac-energy Taurus, however). Yet it still remains likely that Virgo cannot be localized in the centric point. Event postulated as Virgo's sole representative. And why should not the Virgo-energy, being of such esoteric importance, have her puzzle or enigma? Perhaps her chastity, purity, and neutrality render a clear material fixation impossible. During the seven years following the first publication of this book (1982) I had

the opportunity for intense research on Vesta, in the course of which I observed the effects of Vesta-transits as well as of Vesta in individual natal horoscopes of persons well known to me. In doing so I was well aware of the responsibility of introducing and making known a new astrological factor of interpretation, and therefore I attacked Vesta rather critically, which was relatively easy for me with Vesta, Jupiter, Moon, Chiron, Ceres, and Pallas in my own karmagramm's Virgo. During this period Vesta progressed more than one and a half cycles through the zodiac, so that I felt the whole range of her possible aspects myself, and that way could develop a feeling for her mode of effect Here I would like to anticipate that this feeling was by no means of always a pleasant nature (above all in combination with Pluto-, Mars-, or Uranus-aspects), since Vesta activates a rather susceptible sensitivity in the nerves, and tends to react to overstraining with hysterical over-excitement, which might be intensified to almost a furore if multiple-leveled demands are coming to a head. It seems impossible for Vesta to tackle various problems simultaneously. This renders her obstinate, angry, and negative in thinking. There is a danger of internally running amok. Instead of working busily, people grow stiff with aversion to work and apathy; they become nagging, petty - simply unbearable for themselves and their associates. It is like being under internal high tension without any possibility of discharge. This electric charge is felt even bodily within the regions of fingers, head and feet. It is as is some chakra-channels are blocked, so that kundalini is arrested within the extremities of the body. As far as physiognomy is concerned, the eyeballs appear to protrude more than usually, and the corners of the mouth are drawn sulkily downwards. Not a pleasant sight for one's friends. In addition, tense Vestatriggers have a tendency to affect other people around, and to put others into a similarly charged vibration. This always happens when someone has taken on too much, when old things demand clearing up, or when under pressure because of time-limits or stress. For example, I can imagine that heart-attacks or circulatory diseases could well be in connection with Vesta-effects. This might be an interesting topic further investigations. Effects on the gastro-intestinal region of the body, attributed to the Virgo-theme in general, I could not ascertain. Vesta is able to behave in an absolutely different manner, if a decision has been taken for one single work-project, which is being realized step by step without time pressure and interruptions from outside. In this case she displays all her balance and enormous ability to concentrate. She then activates in one a sort of maternal care for the matter, and lifts one out of the sphere of the personal self and its problems, whereby objectivity, reason, clear-sightedness, and selfcriticism can evolve. A companionable openness towards impartial criticism from without is developed as well, in the course of which others are readily included within the own process of working (teamwork). But one has to take care not to get endlessly entangled in particulars by Vesta, and one should consciously counteract her with stop signals or red lights, which she will acept of acknowledged as sensible. Vesta bears the disposition to perfection as well as to perseverance. Genuine Vesta people are never content with what they have achieved. They constantly struggle for greater clarity, accuracy, and greatest possible relevancy, and do not strive for personal advantage through their work. They are ambitious scholars and workers. What matters to them is work for the sake of the subject itself, and - on a more stupid level - even work for work's

sake. In the extreme, praise looks suspicious to them. What they are looking for, however, is true criticism - free of personal sympathies or antipathies. A further trait in Vesta is a certain fussiness and obstinacy in matters. Flexibility or adaptation are not her strong points. Here other planetary energies have to come to aid. She can render someone stubborn as a mule, if a once chosen way of thinking is to be abandoned. In this sense she is rather conservative, and does not easily take advice, but this does also mean - to put it conservative - that she sticks persistently to perceptions once regarded as right and put to the test, and hence ensures a certain mental and spiritual steadfastness. Vesta urges one to retard one's working pace for the sake of the importance of a (each) matter. But this delay in time is compensated for by continuity and persistence. According to my own feeling Vesta is a female energy - not female in the sense of lunar emotional caring, but a sort of de-sexualized femaleness, perhaps in the sense of an austere governess - to sum up: of a Vesta priestess - of an austere guardian of relevant virtues - to sum up: of a vestal priestess. Annotation: Observations of other major planetoids, such as Juno, Ceres, or Pallas, did not lead to unequivocal empiric results. I do not want to deny them any effects at all, but an entirely secondary signification in comparison with Vesta's immense activity of radiation, which everybody can examine easily by means of observations of their own. - Hans Hinrich Taeger

Vesta: Transits can show where you need the comfort of ritual, or the security of the known and familiar. They can also show where something is sacred to you, or an area where you feel the deep need for commitment on a spiritual level. Vesta rules devotion, sexuality and health. Known as The Virgin and The Sister, Vesta represents the powerful woman who sees beyond the scope of herself. Her motivation is the goodness and fulfillment of a greater cause -- an uplifting of the soul or the education of a generation. VESTA. Based in the myth of the Vestal Virgins, who were eductaed priestesses assigned to protect the sacred fires of the Temple of Hestia, goddess of the hearth. I see astrological Vesta as an indicator of how we experience the sacred in our lives and where that "flame" needs protection. Vesta in the East (Ascendant) representing the sister emanation of the feminine and the principle of focus and commitment as well as where and how we can transcend our desire and passion and channel them in spiritual devotional work. In transit, Vesta may show an actual move (of home or apartment) Vesta defines where and how you see your mission and truth in your life and world. It is where you are the Guardian of the Sacred Flame and where you rely on your inner sense of the Goddess and self reliance. It is connected with sexuality and healing and inspires your willingness to focus on your own spiritual and inner causes. Vesta is dedication, focus and spiritual commitments.

It helps you understand where you are likely to give sacrificially for a spiritual goal. The things and qualities that you protect and dedicate yourself to will be the very things that you sacrifice to discover your own spiritual truth and calling. Some associate Vespa with Virgo.

VESTA IN ARIES Vesta in Aries people work with a high degree of self-involvement. Motivation arises within the self, and these individuals perform best working by themselves or from their own ideas. There exist strong independence needs of not being possessed or dominated by another. Alienation occurs if one becomes excessively self-centered in the vortex of one's own activities, so that there is no space left for the participation of others. Remaining one's own person and retaining individual identity is an important sexual need. However, this individualism can prevent being able to maintain ongoing relationships. This placement can be a key to marked personal accomplishments. VESTA IN TAURUS Vesta in Taurus individuals best focus their work energy by becomign firmly anchored and grounded in a stable space. Their performance can then be persistent and 'steady as a rock' as they produce the necessary tangible results of their efforts. Alienation can occur through becoming excessively fixed or inflexible in their process. Sexuality is based on the organic release of natural instincts. If sexual gratification is frustrated, the accumulated tension can cause physical stress and supersede sensitivity to the partner's desires. A pragmatic, yet accepting, approach to sensuality and comfort yields great dividends. VESTA IN GEMINI Vesta in Gemini individuals focus their work ability through words and conveying information. Skills are best utilized through networking and co-ordinating. Alienation can occur through getting so caught up in the words that the conveyance of meaning is lost, or through excessive intellectualism. Communication and mental interchange are important components for sexually fulfilled relationships. However these individuals are vulnerable to using words and rationalizations to create an emotional distance from others. The mind can be a professional asset but must not be allowed to dominate the emotional experiences. VESTA IN CANCER Vesta in Cancer people require the feeling of being needed in order to activate commitment. Sympathetic extension to their family or dependent individuals enables them to tap into the reservoir of work energy. Because of emotional hypersensitivity, alienation can occur through withdrawal in order to gain protection from the real or imagined harshness of others. Sexual fulfillment comes from the feeling of being loved and cherished. However, exessive emotional neediness can produce insecurity and paranoia which then can drain the relationship. A practical approach to empathy can lead to emotional stability. VESTA IN LEO Vesta in Leo individuals work best when allowed a creative free rein in their efforts. The capacity to have pride in one's work focuses the lens of aesethetic output. Because of the quality of brilliant shining that exudes from this person, alienation can occur through 'burning out' those in close proximity. Alienation can also occur through excessive pride or arrogance. Romanticism and admiration inspire sexual response. However, sexuality here can also be inhibited if the repreductive energy is diverted / sublimated solely to one's personal creative effort. VESTA IN VIRGO Vesta in Virgo placements emphasize the work focus. The drive to be perfect fuels the need to concentrate and to perform. Tendencies toward being a workaholic and toward an overly-critical

attitude can alienate one from relating to others. Sex can be seen as a service to comfort the partner or as a duty. Because of the high degree of sexual discrimination, these individuals can inhibit their natural response through obsessing on the imperfections of others. Much productive accomplishment and efficiency is possible witht his placement. VESTA IN LIBRA Vesta in Libra individuals prefer to work with others rather than alone. These individuals like to bring other people into their work and gain from their input. Yet, because of the Libran need to compare oneself to others, extreme competitiveness can result in the work situation. The need to be recognized as an equal and to exchange a reciprocal give-and-take is an important factor in sexual response. However, due to the need to be accepted and admired, individuals here are prone to giving up their own needs and desires. Achieving a sensible balance between personal preferences and those of others is vital. VESTA IN SCORPIO Vesta in Scorpio expresses itself in an intense and penetrating manner. People with this placement seek depth and thoroughness in all of their commitments. Sexuality is regared as a peak experience to be had regardless of the existing social taboos. On the other hand, these individuals may experience feelings of guilt, sin, and shame in sexual affairs, which cause them to become sexually inhibited or repressed. Tremendous concentration and dedication are available. VESTA IN SAGITTARIUS Vesta in Sagittarius individuals focus best when they are working for something they can believe in. An ideal or cause is the motivation which can generate their work energy. Alienation can occur if they become totally consumed with spreading or elaborating their own vision untilt here is no consideration for the beliefs of others. A sense of high adventure and truth-seeking stimulates sexual receptivity, yet lack of honesty and loyalty can undermine the foundation of trust in relationships. These individuals can also sublimate the sexual drive into their causes. An integrated blending reveals practical idealists and mystics who affect the material world. VESTA IN CAPRICORN Vesta in Capricorn individuals work best in a structured and disciplined fashion. The work effort is often motivated by personal ambition and the drive to succeed. The ability to formulate and execute plans lead to success in administrative work. Yet Vesta in Capricorn's strict adherence to rules and regultions can denote excessive rigidity in the individual. The presence of commitment and honor in the relationship is often necessary for sexual fulfillment. These individuals may fear sexual intimacy and emotional involvement if they associate it with criticism, judgement, or loss of power or control. Discipline is marked; and great attainments can be reached. These people expect success through 'paying their dues' (obliging the system). VESTA IN AQUARIUS Vesta in Aquarius individuals work best through humanitarian, social, or political motivations. The ideal of freedom for oneself and others is paramount. Because of Aquarius's strong detachment from the person, alienation can occur through insufficient focus on the needs of loved ones. Rebellion against authority figures is often present. Sexual response is activated through the unusual; and one can engage in sexuality with friends on a nonpossessive and noncommittal basis. VESTA IN PISCES Vesta in Pisces souls can best focus their work energy by serving others. Because of the diffuse, scattered nature of Pisces, Vesta here can point to difficulty in finding a focus or maintaining a commitment. This person can play the role of a martyr and attempt to make others feel guilty and responsible for his or her suffering. One can serve to heal others through sexual interaction, or

sublimate sexuality into spiritual realization. This person may feel that his or her sexuality belongs to whoever has need of it, and that no one person has sole rights to it. Integration includes a blending of dreams and reality, the poetic and the practical. Vesta in the first house shows dedication to experiencing a primary relationship with oneself. Because of this intense focus on finding one's own identity or commitment to one's own goals, this person may tend to exclude long-term relationships from his or her life. SIngle-minded focus and perseverance can lead to great achievements. Vesta in the second house represents dedication to gneerating resources to provide for and support oneself and / or loved ones. One may experience limitations in omney, comfort, and sensuality so that pressure will be brought to learn the skill of manifesting. Vesta in the third house signifies a dedication to one's mind - furthering personal understanding and disseminating information to others. One may experience limitations in communication as one is pressured to focus on clarifying one's ideas. Also this person may experience a sense of inferiority about his or her intellect and ability to communicate if the critical faculties are self-directed. Working with the mind is common with this placement. Vesta in the fourth house denotes dedication to one's family and home. THere is often a pattern of added responsibility and work in one's home when young that continues into duty and obligation to one's family later on. This person may experience deprivations or curtailment of personal freedom because of family obligations. An efficient approach to domestic needs is suggested. Vesta in the fifth house suggests a dedication to one's personal creative expressions - children or artistic forms. Alienation from children, romance, and pleasure, or creative blockage, can often result. Sexual inhibition occurs through excessive sublimation of sexual energy into fifth-house affairs; or a painstaking focus on flaws may sabotage spontaneity. This placement can denote a creative profession and / or one which brings attention and limelight. Vesta in the sixth house reveals a dedication to work and efficient functioning. Because of Vesta's association with the sign Virgo, her significance is very marked in this house. Limitations in health will often lead one to focus on self-healing andproper care of the body through nutrition, exercise, and positive thinking. A drive for perfection, if not overdone, can lead to doing things very well. Vesta in the seventh house points to a dedication to working on one's relationships. Yet, because Vesta strives for self-sufficiency and independence, conflict may arise when seventh-house compromise and co-operative efforts are required. Often this person will become overly focused upon or obsessed with his or her primary relationship. Vesta in the eighth house individuals have a dedication to the psychic / occult fields or to depth interactions with others. It may also be difficult for them to find someone to meet their sexual intensity, and so they may experience limitations here. COmplications with others over shared resources - money and sexuality - put pressure on one to learn the skill of letting go of personal desire and on learning how to share possessions. Vesta in the ninth house symbolizes a dedication to seeking the turth and conveying wisdom. An overly extreme focus on one's belief system, however, may result in political or religious fanaticism. Limitations may arise that challenge a wide scope of vision. Ideal images can be given form in the material world. Vesta in the tenth house indicates a dedication to one's career or position in society. When close to

the MC it can indicate a spiritual desinty. One may experience limitations in finding a fulfilling vocational path, if the critical faculties are overly developed. Tremendous discipline, thoroughness, and willingness to work hard are potential talents. Vesta in the eleventh house conntes a dedication to group interactions. Working with collectives (land, business, political living) fulfills the need to participate in larger wholes. One may experience limitations in friendships or groups in order that one may learn the importance of others in one's life. There exists the need to define and focus one's hopes and aspirations so that oen can dedicate oneself an an ideal. Vesta in the twelfth house implies a dedication to selfless service and to the pursuit of spiritual values. There exist strong unconscious needs for isolation and retreat, as well as for a focus of deep faith. Persecution for one's religious beliefs in a past life, anxieties concerning public exposure or making mistakes, may produce a fear of exploring one's spiritual nature. In addition, there may exist deep, unconscious, sexual fears and inhibitions which can be overcome by balancing faith and fear, yearning for the infinite with a practical assessment of the physical world and its limitations.

Vesta = Matters of sex and investment of energy. So I noticed mine is in the 1st House, and found out more about it. You know how you can tell if astrological interpretations are true and accurate? When you read all the OTHER combinations of interpretations, and NONE come close to being you. Might as well offer a walk down this path. If you want, post your Vesta's House, and I will cut and paste what I've got, and encourage open discussion for most. For most there are two different interpretations by two different sources::: "Vesta in the first house Dreams of goals or quests. They will sacrifice family, friends, security and worldly success for those dreams. This position tests the ego. Because of this placement, these natives are critical of themselves and insecure when not following their own sets of rules. These people search for their own Holy Grail." AND "Shows dedication to experiencing a primary relationship with oneself. Because of this intense focus on finding one's own identity or commitment to one's own goals, this person may tend to exclude long-term relationships from his or her life. SIngleminded focus and perseverance can lead to great achievements." "Vesta in the fifth house denies pleasures of raising children. These people may have offspring, but they are not allowed to enjoy being with them during the early years because of work situations, divorces, career dedication, family problems or other reasons. Often these are done for the security and well-being of these same children. Suppression of creative urges for duties and responsibilities makes them seem cold and detached. This control of personal feelings at times expresses as personal illnesses." AND

"Suggests a dedication to one's personal creative expressions - children or artistic forms. Alienation from children, romance, and pleasure, or creative blockage, can often result. Sexual inhibition occurs through excessive sublimation of sexual energy into fifth-house affairs; or a painstaking focus on flaws may sabotage spontaneity. This placement can deoted a creative profession and / or one which brings attention and limelight." "Vesta in the fourth house accepts the duty of preserving traditional concepts of home and family. Attachment to their homes undergirds many of their actions. Sacrifices of and for the homes were found with this placement. They may have to care for invalids or older relatives in their homes." AND "Denotes dedication to one's family and home. There is often a pattern of added responsibility and work in one's home when young that continues into duty and obligation to one's family later on. This person may experience deprivations or curtailment of personal freedom because of family obligations. An efficient approach to domestic needs is suggested."

"Vesta in the twelfth house does not bring public understanding of motives. These natives often endure deprivation for the causes in which they believe. Because these are hidden or secret beliefs, other people misunderstand the reasons for their actions." AND "Implies a dedication to selfless service and to the pursuit of spiritual values. There exist strong unconscious needs for isolation and retreat, as well as for a focus of deep faith. Persecution for one's religious beliefs in a past life, anxieties concerning public exposure or making mistakes, may produce a fear of exploring one's spiritual nature. In addition, there may exist deep, unconscious, sexual fears and inhibitions which can be overcome by balancing faith and fear, yearning for the infinite with a practical assessment of the physical world and its limitations."

"Vesta in the seventh house assumes responsibility for success or failure of relationships. They give themselves for others even when the people are not closely related. There is denial of fulfillment through others." AND

"Points to a dedication to working on one's relationships. Yet, because Vesta strives for self-sufficiency and independence, conflict may arise when seventh-house compromise and co-operative efforts are required. Often this person will become overly focused upon or obsessed with his or her primary relationship."

"Vesta in the eleventh house asks personal sacrifices for humanitarian goals. A strong conflict between need for tradition and security, on the one hand, and desire for freedom, on the other, leaves these natives confused. They feel a threatening of their personal egos. With the perpetual swing from one extreme to another, these natives force themselves to pay for their times of freedom. They feel that friends or groups should take precedence over personal ambitions." AND "Connotes a dedication to group interactions. Working with collectives (land, business, political living) fulfills the need to participate in larger wholes. One may experience limitations in friendships or groups in order that one may learn the importance of others in one's life. There exists the need to define and focus one's hopes and aspirations so that one can dedicate oneself to an ideal."

Wherever Vesta falls in the birthchart will show the area in which we are most likely to be committed to a purpose. Vesta is associated with dedication, focus, and commitment. She represents those things that helps us focus, the way in which we dedicate ourselves with heart and soul, and that for which we are ready (or compelled) to make a sacrifice. The things indicated by Vesta's position in your chart may be things that you feel compelled to give up or sacrifice, often out of a sense of spiritual compulsion. Yet they can also be the very things that evoke your dedication - leading to a sense of deep inner fulfillment when you are willing to make some sacrifices on their behalf. Keep this paradox in mind as you read on, for Vesta can express itself one way or the other - or both!

"Vesta in the tenth house has a keen sense of responsibility and loyalty to groups and organizations. Public sacrifices are always asked of these people. They do not challenge demands made on them by higher authorities." AND

"Indicates a dedication to one's career or position in society. When close to the MC it can indicate a spiritual destiny. One may experience limitations in finding a fulfilling vocational path, if the critical faculties are overly developed. Tremendous discipline, thoroughness, and willingness to work hard are potential talents."

Vesta in the 8th House: A long time ago, there was a quiz show called "You Bet Your Life" hosted by Groucho Marx. One of the contestants had nine children. When he was asked why he had so many children, the gentleman replied "I like it Groucho." Groucho's punch line was "I like my cigar too, but I take it out of my mouth every now and then." Sorry, but if you have Vesta in the 8th house, you (unlike that gentleman) simply cannot have sex 24/7. Take a break. VESTA in the 8th house: The principle of focus and dedication expressed through deep interactions with others. The 8th house symbolizes deep spiritual and sexual merging;a time when sacred sexual practices can take you to the heights of ecstasy. A great time for ritual work and meditation concerning 8th house issues. Where Vesta is seems to supply clues to what area in your life are you willing to be the one to take care of things. Looking after the joint finances might be one expression of Vesta in the 8th. Vesta in 8th House Vesta in the eighth house indicates that sacrificial dedication and intense focus are centered around the in-depth and transformational aspects of life - such intense experiences as birth, death, and sexual or mystical union. The longing to become renewed or transformed through the union with the energies of the "not-self," or others, includes the material resources of others as well, so that the sharing or inheritance of the wealth of others can also be issues in which you tend to experience sacrifice or dedication. This sense of sacrifice could be expressed either as denying yourself these things for the sake of some other goal (which may be spiritual or religious in nature), or as an intense one-pointed focus on these very things themselves. Sexual passion can be sublimated into mystical passion. At any rate, your focus is passionately intense, and if at times this proves a little much for others, such difficulties will help you learn to engage positively in powerful interactions with others. Careful consideration of these activities or issues will help you understand how to best manage your sense of commitment and remain centered in your self.

Vesta is the brightest of the asteroids and at time can even be seen with the naked eye. In Roman mythology, Vesta was the goddess of the hearth and its fire. She represents the flame which burns away the non-essentials, leaving only that which is pure. Astrologically, Vesta is associated with both Scorpio and Virgo, and indicates great concentration on any given task to the exclusion of everything else. It suggest emotional and personal involvement can become a secondary to the ability to focus so directly on a goal. Many well known, successful people have Vesta prominent in their birth charts. Examples: Mercury trine Vesta in a birth chart indicates an ability to learn easily and quickly from reading. On the other hand, Vesta-Neptune aspects can indicate a difficulty in focusing o0n or committing to any single thing.

Vesta signifies alienation and separation from and denial of personal relationships; anchoring in stability; ascetism; aspiration; avoidance of marriage and children; the balancing out of excessive emotionalism (where indicated elsewhere in the figure) or deficient self-esteem; barrenness; the binding of groups of people having a common belief; celibacy; chastity; clearing away of debris; commitment; conservatism; contracts; credibility; dedication (to causes, careers, or service); delay of desires by responsibilities; devotion and devotional activities; exercise; extremism; fanaticism; fear of intimacy and commitment; fertility; focus and centredness; frigidity; health; heritage; hospitality; impotence; initiation; inner strength; liberated or discriminating sexuality; meditation; nutrition; the perception and use of physical space and of the home; personal integration; personal routines; prayer; preparation for new growth; preservation of what is important; promiscuity; prostitution; protection; psychic development; purification; purity; retreat; religious activities; religious and magical ceremony; ritual; the transmutation of karma through dharma; safety; sanctuary; scholastic interests; security; self-containment and self-reliance; self-discipline; selfregeneration; seniority; service and servitude; sex outside committed relationships; sexual fears, guilt and inadequacies; solemnity; sterility; sublimation or transmutation of sexual energies in devotional, intellectual, mental, physical or work outlets; tradition; treaties; virginity; voluntary simplicity; vows; warmth; willing sacrifice (especially to reach goals); 'workaholism'; work motivated by personal alienation or compensation; and zealousness. It is associated with acolytes; altars; ancestral care; assistants to priests; caretakers; ceramics; ceremonial objects; club members; deer; donkeys; esoteric, fraternal or sororal orders; fences; fire as used for human benefit; the Fire element; heart fires; gurus; hearts; houses; ibises; illuminators; keepers of traditions and of esoteric and religious teachings; keys; lamps; laurel trees; light bearers; locks; masons; monks; nightingales; nuns; oak trees; the pineal gland; pornography; priests and priestesses; professors; religious orders; Rosicrucian's; safes; scholars; scribes; secret societies and orders; service groups; slow, steady animals; social groups; spiders; teachers; and zealots. Its glyph represents the Hearth Fire; and its symbols include eternal flames; five-pointed stars; flaming altars; torches; and tripods.

As an astrological factor, I delineate Vesta as the experience of tending the inner hearth of creativity and sexuality. Her primary quality is devotion. She also represents an organizing principle. Think of how old houses were designed around the hearth as the focal point, and how the hearth is the center of the homes functions. Vesta describes how we organize physical space, and in a similar way, psychic space. If we devote ourselves to tending our creative processes, to tending our inner flame, we have a way to organize consciousness that is then reflected in our values and our expression of life force.

Introduction to Vesta
October 26, 2010 By Eric Francis 10 Comments

Sacrifice to the Goddess Vesta by Sebastiano Ricci

The following essay is an excerpt kindly provided by Eric Francis. You can read more at his daily astrology website at Planet Waves, and in his subscriber service from which this is featured at Planet Waves Astrology News.

In 1801, an astronomer discovered an orbiting body for the second time ever: that was Ceres. She was named for the goddess of agriculture. Two other asteroids were discovered soon after, Juno and Pallas.

In 1807, a German astronomer named Olbers discovered an orbiting body (at the time considered a planet), which he invited a colleague to name: that was Vesta. The brightest asteroid, comprising 9% of the mass of the inner belt, Vesta is supposedly visible without a telescope. We may wonder why the ancients, who had more time on their hands and much darker skies at night, did not note her wandering amidst the stars. Vesta was the last asteroid discovered for 38 years. In 1845, Astraea was discovered, and the following year Neptune arrived. (This page provides a chronology of minor planet discoveries.) As an astrological factor, I delineate Vesta as the experience of tending the inner hearth of creativity and sexuality. Her primary quality is devotion. She also represents an organizing principle. Think of how old houses were designed around the hearth as the focal point, and how the hearth is the center of the homes functions. Vesta describes how we organize physical space, and in a similar way, psychic space. If we devote ourselves to tending our creative processes, to tending our inner flame, we have a way to organize consciousness that is then reflected in our values and our expression of life force. Follow our tutorial to learn where Vesta is located in your chart >> People with a strong Vesta placement will almost always have an unusual expression of sexuality. By strong placement, I mean making many aspects, conjunct the Sun or Moon, or placed on one of the charts angles such as the ascendant or midheaven. Their relationship lives will just be different than the people they know: the typical models of romance dont quite work, and they will wonder why. Many with this kind of placement will be inclined to think its a relationship issue, and feel inadequate; with Vesta, the root of the matter is often how sexuality is processed differently. There is the element of service, and Vesta may be incarnating in her expression as the sacred prostitute. Sacred prostitution means offering oneself sexually in the service of creation, or the service of the goddess, as you wish, but often another person is the direct beneficiary. This is the kind of erotic sharing that is neither romantic nor casual. Its not quite a mutual marriage. Its part of what I call the Third Way. Many people have touched upon this energy, but in my experience relatively few experience it consciously or consistently. Typically, we lack the language and the support systems that make it feasible, and we tend to take everything and everyone much too personally. With a strong Vesta placement, there can also be an element of celibacy: that is, of long gaps in sexual activity, which can be particularly confusing for young women who are accustomed to getting plenty of sexual attention. It helps to hear about Vesta and the particular type of devotion she describes. This will often key in memories of past lives spent as some kind of temple priestess. You may read other interpretations of Vesta. Martha Lang Wescott, for example, notes the mundane qualities: an obsession with projects instead of people; emotional distancing; hard work and career demands; being impersonal; sublimation of other interests into the career or vocation; sacrifice/denial of self (by others/self) for a greater goal. One author I read in The Mountain Astrologer circa 2000 said he noticed intense experiences of shame around Vesta placements, often relating to sex and inappropriate childhood sexual

contact. I think all these concepts are valid, and some are rather perceptive, yet what is central to Vesta and to any planet is the process that unites all of the seemingly separate definitions. With Vesta, that process involves the devotion of tending the inner hearth, be it for creativity, healing or service. At the center of our inner space is the fire of the soul that, in the complexities of physical life, rarely seems to burn on its own it needs to be tended, loved and honored continually, so that it can thrive and flourish. When the flame is tended, the empire of our lives can thrive because there is integrity at the core of who we are, and fidelity to our purpose.

Vesta in Scorpio would say: devote yourself to who you truly are, practice authenticity about your sexuality from day to day and hour to hour, and see what happens.

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The Goddess Archetypes: The Vesta Myth

July 31, 2011 at 11:21 am Leave a comment by Milky Way Maid Recently I posted some brief entries on the asteroid goddesses; one was on a historical note regarding responsibilities held by the Vestal Virgins. Today I want to go back to the original myths and try to tease out some themes pertaining to each of these goddesses. (For this series of articles I am using the excellent Goddesses in Every Woman, by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.) Next up: Vesta, aka Hestia. Lets go up close and personal with Vesta, as we trace her life from birth onwards. Vesta was the oldest Olympian, just as Mercury was the youngest. She was the first to be swallowed up by her father, and the last to be disgorged when Zeus rescued them all (Bolen, p. 118). Therefore she spent the most time sequestered away from the world, and this became her preferred milieu you might say. PEDIGREE: First child of Rhea and Cronos. Was oldest sister to first-generation Olympians, and maiden aunt to the second-generation (including Mercury). She had a claim to a home on Mount Olympus yet was never found there; her spot was eventually claimed by the upstart Dionysus, but she did not protest.

HABITAT: At home, always at home. Never shopping in the agora, I mean mall. Quite happy puttering around the house doing chores, or focusing on her own spiritual development. Lets the world go away, far away. As the spirit of the home, she represents home and family as a sanctuary from the cares and stresses of the world. FASHION STATEMENT: Never depicted in in human form, at least, by painters or sculptors, so we have no portraits per se; she is more a spirit than a living goddess. Young girls heads were clipped when they first entered the temple, and all of them were dressed in the same simple robes. Sorry, no fashion plate here, no jewelry, no nothing. We could call it ashram chic, I suppose. SYMBOLOGY: Her symbols are often found together with those for Mercury aka Hermes. Often her symbol, a circle, hearth or ring, became a symbol for the feminine principle itself, while the pillar (adorned with male genitalia, the pillar was called a herm) became the paired symbol for the masculine principle. (Hearths and her first temples were round.) A Hindu counterpart that expresses this yin-yang pairing is the yoni (ring) and lingam. Hestia is the soul, and Mercurius was the alchemical spirit envisioned as elemental fire; together the represent spirit setting the soul on fire. This mystical fire was considered the source of mystical knowledge, symbolically located at the center of the earth (Bolen, p. 115). She might be thought of as a candle in the wind, lighting her little fire one at a time to bring warmth, order and light to every household. She is a spirit yet grounded in the reality of earthbound life, grounded by her rituals that make what would be drudgery, into sacred duties. Another symbol besides the circle is the mandala, an aid in meditation to take one further into ones real, inner self. Animals: Deer and donkey. Bird: Nightingale, ibis. Insect: Spider. Tree: Laurel and oak. Emblem: Tripod. Pictured as nun or monk. Chakra: Pineal gland. Color: Ruby or lilac/amethyst. Direction: North. Element: Fire. Number: 144. Ray: First ray of will to do good, or the seventh ray of ritual. Icon: five-pointed star (which also happens to be Venus symbol). RULERSHIPS: Hestia-Vesta is the goddess of the hearth, or more specifically the sacred fire itself in the hearth. A house or temple was not consecrated until the sacred fire (Vesta) entered. A brides mother lit a torch from her hearth, which was carried to the brides new home to consecrate it as it lit the homes first fires. Another ritual was conducted when infants were five days old, followed by a huge banquet. In my earlier brief post, I related how the Vestal Virgins also had the duty of guarding the wills of citizens. Final testaments were stored all over their temple, with different sections for Romans, Italians, and those further afield. Furthermore, the VVs guarded the absolute privacy of the contents of these documents; no one could get a sneak peak at who was getting what from rich old Uncle Ned. So rather than security being under the domain of Vesta, I prefer to think that privacy itself was held inviolate by her maidens. What other duties did she have? Geez, you can only do so much sweeping; but then again she finds a Zen-like harmony in putting a house in order. She also meditated; she focused on the inner subjective experience to use the words of Dr. Bolen. Like nuns, she performs all her work in the service of God. But we need to be able to get in touch with our real, inner selves

to keep from being swept away in the onslaught of stimuli, phone calls, emails, advertising, and everything else that assaults our senses and judgment. Tranquility and solitude are preferable to the hustle-bustle of our cities. As the spirit of the home, she represents home and family as a sanctuary from the cares and stresses of the world. MARRIAGE: Well, here it gets sticky. A Vestal Virgin who had relations with a man was guilty of desecrating the goddess, and was buried alive. Yikes! Hestia was courted by both Poseidon and Apollo, both suitors having had spells cast on them (by Aphrodite) to find demure Hestia desirable. But Hestia said nay to both and vowed to forever stay celibate. However, Vesta-Hestia and Mercury-Hermes had a very unusual partnership. His pillar stood at the doorway, just as nowadays an intercom or some kind of communication or alarm system marks the threshold of public and private space. In many homes the family dog is the furry alarm, barking to announce a visitor. Mercury-Hermes not only announced visitors but kept distraction away so she could focus on her duties. Taking care of her house and family provides meaning for Vesta; she notices that children are calmer and do better in school when the house is run in an orderly fashion. She is not generally ambitious for herself or her husband, but is content with what they have. She is not a servant to her family, let me make that clear. She serves but is not a servant. She does not need a husband or children to be fulfilled, and yet family life is fulfilling for each member of the family. Dr. Bolen notes that many contented traditional marriages are unions of a Hermes husband, who is a businessman-traveler-communicator-entrepreneur agilely negotiating the outside world, and a Hestia wife, who keeps the home fires burning (Bolen, p. 123). Each spouse is allowed to do what makes them happy and trusts that their partner is holding up their end of the deal. PERSONALITY: A Vesta-like girl may be very good at not being noticed! She may seemingly disappear even when in the same room with you. These daughters may seem to be pliable and compliant; they will do their chores and homework and then amuse themselves in their rooms quite happily. Parents would do well to allow her some solitude, but also coach her in manners and deportment. Tell her what to say to Uncle Joe when they go visit, and so forth. She is quite capable of learning to be comfortable in any social situation, with people of all ages. She just doesnt get too worked up if someone appears to not like her. She appears to be detached, sometimes even apathetic, but what she is, is centered in herself. Assuming she does not enter a convent or ashram, a modern Vesta-type woman needs to acquire other skills and personas, usually via another goddess archetype like Ceres, Juno, Athena, Aphrodite, etc. The goddess Hestia, as Dr. Bolen points out, did not compete for golden apples or choose sides in the Trojan War. Now it can be very useful to be the one person in the office who stays above the fray; the office politics will probably not target you, and you can gain the trust of all your coworkers. No one person is a pure example of any one goddess archetype. We are all combinations of two or three major components and possibly some secondary modes. Vesta women do need to learn how to express those other aspects of themselves in a healthy way in order to feel at

home in the world. Parents should given their children a variety of experiences, including outdoor sports, summer camps, hobby clubs, music, academics, and creative outlets. But Vesta will ever be in the world, but not of the world. And there is nothing wrong with that. How might Vesta, the asteroid, operate in the various houses? The question becomes, where does she sacrifice herself in service to others? First House: Insecure in her own ego, Vesta in the first is self-effacing and self-abnegating. May give all the credit to her staff or crew or assistants. Second House: May be better at managing other peoples money than her own, because it is a sacred trust. May be good at being club treasurer, accountant or banker for that reason. Third House: Often gives the impression of being very solemn as a child, or older than her years. Becomes a good scholar as she matures. May teach children with learning disabilities. Fourth House: This is where she prefers to be, where she can uphold the traditional values of home and family. May wind up taking care of a senior or invalid family member at some point. Fifth House: This position may deny one children or the pleasure of children. If she has children, is kept too busy with work or other commitments to spend much time with them. May lose the ability to have fun, becoming less interested in amusement parks, spectator sports, etc. as she gets older. Sixth House: These natives will serve and sacrifice for their work. May be involved in remedial education, public health, visiting nurse, etc. Is usually very dedicated to her students/patients/wards. Seventh House: May take on the responsibility for the success or failure of a relationship, rightly or wrongly. Quite willing to be the silent partner in marriage or business. Eighth House: Spiritual lessons in relying too much on pooled resources (insurance, estate bequests, lotteries, the partners money). Again, may be better at managing others money than ones own. Ninth House: Less likely to travel for pleasure; this is the type who will give away her boarding pass to someone who has to go somewhere on an emergency. Has ability with philosophy, law, and higher education, generally turned toward civil rights and fighting for the poor and down trodden. Tenth House: More likely to go into public service rather than the private sector, and non-profit or service organizations rather than manufacturing, etc. Eleventh House: Is willing to sacrifice personal ambitions and pleasures for humanitarian goals, for a group or club or organization. Twelfth House: May be involved in hospice or hospital service corps. May visit prisoners or people in other kinds of confinement. recently read somewhere that the position of the asteroid vesta in the natal chart is very significant for an old soul because vesta is related to higher spiritual purposes and mission in life..the article said more things about this which i cannot recall as of now.Anyone having any ideas regarding this ,please share.Also what i am feeling curios about is this question-''is it possible to find out just by looking at the position of vesta in a chart to know whether the person has an ''old'' soul? Also ,are there any other aspects that indicate this in a natal chart? i remember reading somewhere that having about 4/5 planets in retrograte motion during one's birth signifies the presence of an old soul.. As for Vesta The way I've summarized it to myself is it has to do with "Sex & Energy Investment". This includes the energy you put out in a healthy way towards others, including health matters. I don't know if the "old soul" indication can be found there, but perhaps if strong in ones Chart, with strong aspects too. I'm not sure.

THIS IS WHAT I HAD READ BOUT VESTA''Vesta asteroid is the "keeper of the flame," guardian of the truth and other spiritual and cultural values. Vesta is of special importance to "old souls" who have a sense of mission and purpose, who "hold the space" or "create a context" for what is of great value. In synastry, Vesta is a comfortable hearth of gentle warmth and good feelings. In relocation astrology, I've observed that old souls like to be on their Vesta local space or MC lines, feel a sense of mission and purpose there, as well as a warm fuzzy enjoyment of the little things in life...''

Vesta - a Mere asteroid? The astrological symbol for Vesta looks like a stylized flame in a hearth, perhaps reminding us of the eternal flame in Rome, which was kept burning permanently as a symbol of the belief that Rome was eternal. The flame was attended by six Vestal[i] Virgins. In Greece she was known as Hestia. The four major asteroids [ii] were discovered in the first decade of the 19th century when the industrial revolution was in full motion and women were starting to enter the workforce. The asteroids are associated with feminine archetypes, and the role of women in society was rapidly changing. Astrology draws heavily from the Greek and Roman mythology, where each of the asteroids has a personified deity associated with it. We have to assume that synchronicity is at play rather than these asteroids being named by chance. Vesta was discovered by astronomer Heinrich Olbers in Bremen Germany March 29, 1807. She was in the final degree of Virgo retrograde at the time. The other three major asteroids are Pallas Athena [Minerva], Ceres [Demeter] and Juno [Hera]. Each one of the four goddesses held powerful ruling positions among the gods and goddess of Olympus and among the gods and titans in classical mythology. The Olympian Zodiac [iii] shows Hestia associated with Capricorn due to the fact, perhaps, that she is associated with diligent work with both the affairs of home and state. In the Who's Who in Classical Mythology [iv] - the statement reads that she was the goddess of home and hearth and could have had Apollo or Poseidon as her husband but refused marriage and further that she has no mythology. Vesta[v] was virtuous and highly regarded in both Roman and Greek times. She was the protector of home and family, never married and chose to remain a virgin. She was praised as a protector of city and state, and was perhaps the most beloved of all the gods. She was the first child of Cronus [Saturn] and Rhea [vi] and the elder sister of Zeus [Jupiter]. Her genealogy makes her one of the original gods and titans, but we have relegated her to the rank of an asteroid, yet the gods assigned to the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are a part of her family tree. In the Astro-Encyclopedia, included with Kepler Astrology program by Cosmic Patterns Software, we find the following statement: "Most astrologers who use asteroids believe that the asteroid Vesta gives self-discipline, self-control, and care

and attention to any job undertaken". The keywords given are: self-controlled, disciplined effort, modest, simple, plain, and creative. There are very few astrology books on the asteroids, and until relatively recently not many astrologers used them in their work. I started including the asteroids in my charts about a decade ago, and paying attention to them in terms of transits or progressions activating these, and listening to the stories of my clients that seemed to echo the bits and pieces of mythology I knew. As an aside, I thought I'd include this little quote: "One of the most valuable things we can do to heal one another is listen to each other's stories." [vii] I believe that listening is as important if not more so than talking. My first reminder of the role of Vesta in the astrological chart was loud and clear when my progressed Moon crossed over natal Vesta in Virgo at the zenith [viii] of my chart. I actually looked at in hindsight, as at the time I was just too busy working. The days were not long enough, and in addition to working at my job I was studying accounting. I was also finding time to give astrological lectures, write a column and tend to my large family. At no point did I feel anyone was taking advantage of me, or that I was the slave to others. I was just really happy to be doing so much. It was also when it first dawned on me I might be a bit of a workaholic, at my happiest when I was being productive. Learn about your Vesta by looking at what happens when slow moving planets form a conjunction to your natal Vesta. Since that time, I have read more charts have found that when Vesta is positioned at either the MC or zenith, which is the most apparent position to observe, I have met yet another productive, work-oriented person, who seldom complains about her workload. (We know that rules have exceptions). These individuals are reluctant to be idle, and always busily working on that task list, never erasing the difficult ones. I have also found the keeper of the flame significant in terms of Vesta in terms of the house Vesta occupies. I look at the zodiacal sign in terms of the kind of energy the planet or asteroid has at its disposal. Gemini for example, is quick, intellectual and inquisitive. I look at the houses as where we use the energy of the planet. The houses naturally represent areas of life. Wherever, we have Vesta situated, is where we want to keep that flame going. I associate Vesta with Virgo as the natural essence of the asteroid seems to resonate with the service-oriented nature of this zodiacal sign. I look at the cadent houses (3, 6, 9 and 12) as the knowledge and learning houses. The third house is where we collect information, learn about our environment and speak about what we have heard or learned and think about it. In the sixth house we analyze and develop that basic knowledge into skills as well as habits. The 9th house is of higher learning, philosophy, religion, and our convictions and about learning to see the forest from the trees. The 12th house is the house of faith, ideals, and surrender where we learn to believe. The angular houses, 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th, are about all kinds relationships with self, others, family, parents, authority and of course that significant other. The angles represent our worldly pursuits and activities. The succeedent houses, 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th, are about a set of values regarding money, time, love, children, creativity,

death, reincarnation, commitment and friendships, acquaintances, and about the importance of acquiring material possessions. The cadent set of houses, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th, is about learning the basic ABCs, the coping skills in life, the philosophical and religious knowledge, and to trust the unseen, i.e. to have faith. Naturally when Vesta is at the angles or in aspect to the angles it is more prominent, and more readily or visibly expressed by us. When Vesta is not in aspect with the balance of the chart she may lack visible expression. I have noted that when Vesta is at an angle in marriage charts, the marriage seems to work well and both partners support each other. Where Vesta is seems to supply clues to what area in your life are you willing to be the one to take care of things. Looking after the joint finances might be one expression of Vesta in the 8th. In the fourth looking after the home, in the 10th at the zenith or on the MC perhaps being the main breadwinner, never shirking your obligations. Where Vesta is situated shows an area of life that naturally seems to be your responsibility. Look at Vesta in your chart, see how it is linked and if you indeed naturally assume to be responsibility of keeping the issues of that house working smoothly. Oh, and by the way, you don't get credit or praise for doing that particular chore, nor should you expect to. Vesta moves through the zodiac in about four years. She retrogrades once every 18 months for three months. The cycle length is the same as that of the lunar nodes through the signs, and Venus through her morning and evening star phases. She spends approx. three months travelling through a sign. Vesta is currently in late degrees of Pisces and moves into Aries in January 2005. I was speaking with a colleague and friend recently about the asteroids. She has Vesta in her third house in Pisces, and was delighted how what we talked about resonated with her recent revelation that she was the Keeper of words and knowledge. My Vesta is in the 9th house in Virgo, and I always find myself sharing philosophical concepts that have the potential to allow others to broaden their horizons armed with a different perspective. I also think that I am an eternal student.

Driven Towards the Sacred: Vesta (Part One)

Its a funny thing about what we find sexy, as subject matter, and what we dont. The other day I was complaining that not enough people give much weight to the Sun and the Moon anymore, particular ly in transit; I was told point blank that neither of the lights is particularly sexy these days, not the way Chiron or the asteroids are. I bit my tongue. We will get to that another day. (The threshold of life and death, the schism between the past and the future, what has been and what will be, what I have been in my all and what I may be in the future; we throw ourselves at the mercy of the lights every living daythat isnt sexy?) And yet, I find myself drawn away, as well, if Im honest. There is an odd thing that happens in astrology (no doubt it happens in other fields) that when a thing is meant to be understood, when its time is coming, it makes itself known in a number of ways, both consciously and subconsciously. Mostly, it whispers, in a sexy way. And this brings me to Vesta, because Vesta has been whispering to me lately. And when Vesta whispers, even the softest whisper, you have to listen, because she will haunt you until you do. Lately, I have been inundated with charts where Vesta is prominent, on an angle, or conjunct the Sun or Moon, an important planet, or the Nodes. Vesta has been sneaking up on me in progressions charts where she was least expected, and adding eye opening detail to ordinary transits. Perhaps Vesta has been whispering all along, but I, distracted by sexier bodies and positions, was no t ready to hear her. Im listening now. Mostly when we think of Vesta, two keywords come to mind. We think of her virgins and we think of the hearth. Again, not sexy. Our initial introduction to Vesta is as a prissy miss who grows into a Leave It To Beaver mother. Someone who knows how to keep the floors free of waxy build-up and who can throw together a batch of cookies at a moments notice. Ho hum. House proud is a phrase I learned living in England, describing people who set great store by their home. Poor Vesta. She is none of these things. Vesta is not so much the goddess in charge of the hearth as she is the fire itself. That central, sacred flame of life, self-perpetuating, never ending. Vesta is where our true passion lies, the place where we come to when we must choose life over death-in-life. And she is everything we do, every step we take, to keep that flame alive. She is our courage, and she is our sacrifice the willing and joyful surrender that allows us to keep what we cherish. The things that make an individual life, dedicated to an individual purpose, worthwhile. Ive noticed, with students, that Vesta and Ceres are often confused. I can understand this, given that food and feeding (emo tional or otherwiseCeres) are often connected with hearth and home. But neither of these goddesses should be taken at face value. Ceres has her dangerous side, her cyclical scythe, and I have seen her feast at the table of more deaths, divorces and catastrophes than I care to remember. Vestas inclinations are not the stuff of Cancerno homey complacency here. She can gently tend a fire, but her true nature is quite different. Vesta can turn a little dangerous on you because she has no gray areas. When Vesta sets her focus, there are no alternatives, and she will fly in the face of anyone who tells her otherwise. Yet Vesta is not prone to extremes or fanaticism. She knows what she loves. When she grabs hold in the psyche, Vesta will drive us towards what really matters, and not give a damn whether its practical to go there or not, because she infuses us with the heady certainty that what we are drawn towards is absolutely essential to our being. Its not surprising how many successful people in the arts have Vesta prominent. Vesta is that u rge to do something because you cant possibly think of doing anything else with your life. A friend of mine who is an actor, and who h as known he wanted to be an actor before kindergarten, and who has never been out of acting work since age 15, has Vesta in the sixth conjunct a fifth house Moon and Mars. Vestas innate knowing can be a great gift. As the poet Rumi said, Let yourself be s ilently drawn to the greater pull of what you really love. Transits and progressions of Vesta, in particular, can mar k the times when we have a ha moments about where we need to be and what we need to do with our lives. Vesta is famously self-contained. She has the supreme confidence of those who know that they would make the ultimate sacrifice for whatever or whomever they love, cherish and believe in, and will do it gladly, without questioning. Where Vesta is concerned, we dont have to think about things. Whatever house she falls in describes what we instinctively honour, and where we hope to be pure of heart and deed. We will gladly sacrifice where Vesta is concerned. Vesta in the third worships learning and communication. Vesta in the sixth has a work ethic that would put any Virgo to shame. Vesta in the eleventh reveres community, and connecting on a social level. Vesta can be particularly single minded, once she is channeled. She can add a white-hot form of concentration to any other aspect, planet or angle she touches in the chart. The dealings of that planet or angle will take on a quality that is hard to describenot quite driven, but infused with a touch of the absolute.

Sometimes this absolute quality can get out of hand. Not that we would notice, in the mad haze of our righteous certainty. The dark side of Vesta can burn us from within without our knowing, and without us feeling a thing until its too late and were too far gone to see clearly. Vesta isnt trying to exhaust usthats our own doing, depending on the way we react to her whispers in our ear late at night, depending on our own psychic make up and other aspects in the chart. Vesta simply knows what we must do, and will urge us towards those things in no uncertain terms. The problem with Vesta is that when she is off balance, she forgets that we have another, less absolute, messier side of life to tend to. We can turn away from Vesta, ignore her promptings, elude her. We would be missing out on the very thing that ignites the center of our being, but we wouldnt have the responsibilities of those who can hear her. Many of us turn our backs on what matters most to us, because its too hard, or complicated, or requires too much time. Vesta doesnt acknowledge any of those things. Vesta kn ows that if we ignore our passion, if we dont meet it halfway, we end up living an inauthentic life, lost in the s hadows. If a Vestal virgin broke her vows, she was buried alive, because killing one outright was illegal in Roman law. We may end up feeling buried alive ourselves if we dont give Vesta her voice. When Vesta is working well in the chart, there is a focus on what matters to her, but that focus is a joyful one, where we are willing to make any adjustments to achieve our sacred goal. (The word focus is crucial to Vesta it is derived from the Latin word for hearth.) Vestas energy is not the kind that leaves us ravaged and hollowed out from over-work. If youve ever had the opportunity to work towards a goal that left you tired, but joyful and satisfied and feeling right with yourself and the world, thats Ve sta. If we go into overdrive, thats usually Mars or Pluto or Saturn (sometimes Uranus) at work. However, when Vesta is aligned with these planets, an already driven chart can get an extra boost of urgency and single-mindedness. When misaligned with the outer planets, for example, Vestas urgings can become distorted. With Uranus, we may passionately struggle for reform that may be well before its time, with Neptune, we are haunted by Utopian visions, or an ideal of perfection that is impossible to bear. With Pluto, Vesta can be relentless in her struggle for a drive towards an absolute inner rightness that may go beyond the boundaries, beyond the rules of common sense and decency. With all of these extremes, Vesta may be driven towards the ultimate sacrifice, of itself or others. As always, Vesta focuses and clarifies intent, enhancing any difficult positions that may arise in the natal chart. Marshall Applewhite, whose followers committed mass suicide on the coming of the comet Hale-Bopp, had Vesta in the 10th conjunct Saturn, opposite Jupiter/Pluto and square a first house Uranus. Ted Bundy, the charming serial killer, had Vesta in the eighth squaring a Uranus/Moon-Black Moon opposition. Partnered with Vesta, Saturn can be a heavy internal taskmaster as well. In hard aspect, whatever we do may not measure up. Karen Carpenter, the seventies singer who was one of the earliest known victims of anorexia, had Vesta conjunct the Sun in the 10th, opposite Saturn and square Ceres. Judy Garland had her Vesta conjunct Mercury in the 12th, opposite the Moon and square to a fourth house Saturn (and square her 4th/10th Nodes). She struggled all her life with never feeling adequate enough in many areas of her life. Betty Ford, first lady of the clinic fame, had Vesta/Mercury square to a Saturn/Neptune conjunction, addin g addiction to the mix. Sometimes, when Vesta is paired with harsh configurations in the chart, an escape of some kind must be found. With Vesta/Saturn, the inner urgings need physical results. If this is thwarted, the inner critic, coupled with the sense of losing time, of losing life itself, can be excruciating. As with all of the major asteroids, the word maturity is key here. As each day goes by, we are more and more aware of what we cherish. When were young, how easy it is to throw things away. As we mature, we realize that there are many things in life that never can or will be replaced. We hear Vesta more and more as the years go by, as we turn more inward, as we learn what brings us, and those we love, rest and peace. Those who honoured Vesta by becoming her Virgins maintained the role of priestess and became the sacred embodiment of Vesta on earth. She minded what was cherished, what was sacred, what was loved. After a Vestal reached her mid-thirties, she had the choice to marry, raise a family, or do anything else that a good Roman citizen would care to do. It was considered a special honour for a man to be the partner of a former Vestal. Yet she had to wait until her duty was done. No loopholes, no arguments. The penalty for violating this law was death. The wisdom of Vesta has to do with keeping the world out, to a certain extent, until were wise enough to use our powers with in it. We must keep close to the core fire until we become one with it. We may be late bloomers where Vesta is concerned, waiting and praying and learning, until the fire is lit within. Once it is, we are ready to light the world.

Driven Towards the Sacred: Vesta (Part Two)

Please read Part One of this piece HERE.

Vestas no-gray-areas approach applies to any planet it touches, but especially when aligned with the relationship planets. Vesta has a habit of cyclical withdrawal; we will pull back in order to meditate on what it is that really matters, what it is that she wants from us. We use the word focus all the time now, but that word, drawn from the Latin foci for hearth, was actually first introduced into the lexicon by astrologer and astronomer Johannes Kepler in 1604 (he who gave us the extended aspects, amongst other things). It has grown in meaning over the years, taking on the concepts of clarity and concentration, but as it was first introduced it meant, any central point. When Vesta is awakened, what she pays attention to what is central to our lives, or should be. And in order to provide the proper focus, we need to withdraw for a time from the distractions of the world. Those who have Vesta conjunct a relationship planet, natally, will have a need to pull back from time to time. These are not folks who have a frivolous attitude to relationship. Mostly, they would rather do without than cope with the stresses and distractions of unsuitable partnership, and they can often fall into a habit of retreat, tending the sacred flames of the idea or concept of relationship without getting their toes dirty in the always muddy water of human interaction. Far from being virginal and/or uninterested in partnership, the importance of relationship can become so exaggerated that it can dominate and hijack the whole psychological mechanism of relating. We can become the kind of person for whom relationship becomes so heavy with meaning that we give up pursuing a real relationship completely, preferring to keep the dream of partnership alive. On the other hand, its possible that Vesta in line with the relationship planets was meant to have those alone times in order to alter and correct other relationship dynamics in the chart. Vesta can often be the saving grace in a chart that is unbalanced. It can cause us to withdraw and teach us where we need to readjust our behaviour. The asteroids provide details to the action of the main planets, and dont carry as much weight in and of themselves, but sometimes those details are just the thing we need to hear. A chart that is too obviously Libran, for example, with a load of planets in the 7th, or sacrificial Neptune in key places, is often saved by having Vesta in something independent like Aries or Sag, or in tight aspect to a key planet like Saturn. The intensity of Vesta can go a long way, when its activated, to correct an imbalance inherent in the natal. Vesta by progression will throw us into periods that are marked by their inward focus and the lack of need to interact with the world at large.

However, when taken to extremes, or when prominently placed by progression or transit, Vesta can also go a little haywire. When Vesta really runs amok, it shuts the windows, locks the doors and throws the keys away. Sometimes, when Vesta is having an off day, she doesnt want to be touched, and anyone who tries to g et in there will be shut out for a long time, if not for good. To Vesta, any invasion of this inner core, at the wrong time, will feel like rape. If you want to really offend someone so that they oust you from their lives, try and violate their Vesta. Tell them that what they cherish and find sacred doesnt matter. Tell them theyre wasting their lives pursuing something that will never happen. Tell them that you think they hold dear is all nonsense. Then tell me how far you got before you got tossed out. Vesta in synastry is tricky, because on some days that contact with Vesta is going to feel fantasticthe intimacy, the devotion, the feeling of being a member of an exclusive club for two. On other days you will not be allowed in. Vesta has levels of intimacy that get peeled away with maturity. But a young Vesta may not allow you in to the sacred spaces until much time has been spent together and trust has been built. Or she may not let you in at all. Vesta is often the place where things are so sacred that we dare not speak of them at all, even to our

significant others. A test of intimacy is often, How much of your Vesta are you willing to show me? Again, if you try to vi olate the boundaries, you will be shut out and down. When Vesta is involved with the relationship planets, it raises the bar. Only the serious and the well-intended, the purest of heart, need apply. When Vesta is tied to Mars, sexual partnership is a priority, and the choices of partner for that person may be more black and white than they are for others. Again, a touch of the absolute. The Vesta/Mars person may not incline towards a partner for years, then know, instantly, when the one arrives who is meant to take them further down the path. Vesta/Venus, as he or she matures, knows that love, in both the greater and the lesser sense, is sacred, and that it is also a connecting power, one that must be wielded wisely. Vesta/Moon gives honour to the sense of belonging, and to the day to day familiarity we share with those we love. Vesta/Moon puts great store by emotional honesty and will not tolerate a relationship that does not allow this. Vesta/Saturn will have a strong sense of what he or she will need to accomplish within this lifetime, but will also have a sense of responsibility towards others that will lean towards the devotional. Vesta in contact with any relationship planet, or with the Descendant, will incline towards sacred sex, because the deep intimacy of relationship is a necessity, and the exchange of sexual energy is a holy ritual. But I say incline, because these drives are easily thwarted by fear and avoidance, (those shut doors again) and the acknowledgement of the need for intimacy depends on Vestas placement in the chart. In order to grasp the asteroids, we need a mature handle on the world; if we are not ready, they are easily avoided and turned aside. Where Vesta resides, we must allow the other person to see what we hold most dear, and that is often where we are the most vulnerable. If Vesta is strong and willing to share, it can add a beautiful dimension to a relationship. Vesta can be the key to the kind of devotional bond that many of us crave. Often, the planet person honours the Vesta person by becoming the keeper at the gate. The unacknowledged promise is, I love what you love; therefore I will honor it by protecting it. Mars/Vesta, in particular, or Saturn/Vesta enjoys taking on this role, especially once they have given up trying to invade the deepest parts of the fortress (Vesta will always try to keep a little part of herself to herself). Venus to Vesta will share in devotion and are naturally drawn together by shared values and tastes. Moon/Vesta, with its fourth house connotation, is a natural partnership which honours the space we occupy. In all of these cases Vesta adds the extra dimension of a sacred and inviolable understanding. If, for some reason, any Vesta partnership of planets is violated or betrayed, the end is final and often dramatic. Again, all this depends on how strongly Vesta is placed in the natal chart. For some, Vesta will be a key to life choices. For others, less fortunate, less honourable, her secrets will remain a mystery. Commonly, we refer to choosing what the heart wants, over what the heads tell us to do. Vesta has a lot to do with understanding the heart. With Vesta, the only fire that exists is the one in the deep, rich resources of the soul. Learning how to tend to this fire gently, with care and intelligence and grace, is a lifelong challenge worthy of only the most devoted. Some Prominent Vestas: Grace Kelly: the cool, contained, perfect blonde, had Vesta on the MC in regal Leo, squaring the Nodes; ice on the outside, fires within. Hugh Hefner: Has Vesta on the MC; the real fire here is ambition. Albert Einstein: Vesta on the Asc. Einstein stuck to his guns many times over the years when he was challenged about his theories, certain he was right (sometimes not having the math to prove it). His unalterable belief in himself saw him through. Katharine Hepburn: Vesta in the 7th, conjunct her Sun. Her tireless and willing support of a chronically drunk and abusive Spencer Tracy until the end of his days is legendary. If anyone ever wondered how an early-liberated Kate could put up with all that, look no further. Bruce Springsteen: Conjunct the Desc, in visionary Sag. His championing of other, of the down and out and those who need a voice, is astrologically genuine. Stephen Sondheim: also on the Desc, in creative Leo. Sondheim often ponders the survival of relationships in the modern world. George Harrison: the quiet Beatle, conjunct Venus in the fifth. Some might be amused to know that Patricia Routledge, who plays the fanatically proper Hyacinth Bucket for the British/PBS comedy, Keeping Up Appearances, has hers in late Aries in the sixth. Laurence Olivier, conjunct Mercury in Taurus, in the 12th, allowing him to tap into the universal and embody multitudes. . Emily Dickinson, reclusive poet, has Vesta conjunct both Pluto and Mars in the fifth. William Blake, poet, visionary and mythologist, had a wide Saturn/Vesta conjunction in the eighth house opposite a Mars/Neptune conjunction in the second. Without Vesta, you might never understand how Blake was driven to share the visions and insights of his 5th house, Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Sag.

Buddy Holly: Uxorious Virgo, musician, workaholic, in the 6th, on the descendent.


En la carta natal, Vesta representa la capacidad para focalizar la energa creativa hacia metas y aspiraciones personales. El signo en el que se encuentre Vesta en la carta natal muestra dicha capacidad y cmo se dedica y concentra la persona en su labor. Tambin con qu se identifica y se siente familiarizado. Ms sobre Vesta

Vesta en Aries

Dedicacin Rapidez Es de Se identifica Ms sobre Aries

visveral e impulsiva e intensidad en acciones directas con la accin en

a la y s, con

su anti el

tarea. focalizacin. rutina. dinamismo.

Vesta en Tauro

Tal vez tarde en focalizar, pero una vez empieza no hay quien lo pare. De paso firme y seguro, a ritmo constante y persistente. Creatividad artstica. Es prctico y se identifica con la tierra y todo lo bueno que ella ofrece. Ms sobre Tauro

Vesta en Gminis

Puede focalizar su Dedicacin Facilidad para Se identifica con el Ms sobre Gminis

energa en a entender conocimiento, el

varias tareas a altas su propia aprendizaje y la

la vez. revoluciones. mente. comunicacin.

Vesta en Cncer

Dedicacin Cuida de Se identifica

devota otros con

a por la

los naturaleza familia y

dems, compasin y y en ello emplea su el hogar, y los mantiene

entrega. energa. unidos.

Gran intuicin Ms sobre Cncer






Vesta en Leo

Calidez, afecto, pasin y fuerte voluntad en su dedicacin. Enfoca hacia la parte creativa, artstica y dramtica de las cosas. Se identifica con la autoexpresin y la creatividad artstica. Se entrega de corazn, pero le cuesta reconocer que otro pueda hacerlo mejor que l/ella. Ms sobre Leo

Vesta en Virgo

Representa una conexin Centra su energa en Gran sentido del Minucioso, escrupuloso, Ms sobre Virgo

todos detalles deber perfeccionista

con los

los y y y

seres vivos sobre el planeta. en el servicio a los dems. de la responsabilidad. analtico en su dedicacin.

Vesta en Libra

Se identifica con la diplomacia, el compromiso y la cooperacin. Est convencido de que la unin hace la fuerza y de que juntos, podemos conseguir mucho ms que por separado. Busca el equilibrio, la armona y la interaccin en su dedicacin. Focaliza en asociaciones, relaciones, alianzas. Ms sobre Libra

Vesta en Escorpio

Su entrega es al Se identifica con la regeneracin, Dedicacin intensa y apasionada Focaliza su energa hacia lo Ms sobre Escorpio

110%, dndolo todo y ms. la muerte y el renacimiento, y con la sexualidad. a su tarea, buscando cierto grado de intimidad. oculto o misterioso, y hacia la investigacin.

Vesta en Sagitario
















Cazador de la verdad universal. Cuando la encuentra, no hay quien lo haga cambiar de opinin. Crecer interiormente es una constante en su vida y sabe que el aprendizaje nunca termina. Se identifica con la filosofa, focalizando su energa en la ideologa. Ms sobre Sagitario

Vesta en Capricornio

Dedicacin disciplinada, organizada, perseverante y comprometida. Centra su energa en obligaciones y en cumplir leyes y normas. No para ser aceptado, sino porque as se siente fiel a s mismo. Capacidad de planificacin y tenacidad. Crtico y exigente consigo mismo. Ms sobre Capricornio

Vesta en Acuario

Sabe que todo lo que empieza acaba y que las Focaliza su energa en la individualizacin y Su dedicacin es amistosa y con Se identifica con el cambio, la novedad, la libertad y el Ms sobre Acuario

circunstancias cambian. en los ideales. fines humanitarios. sentido de la amistad.

Vesta en Piscis

No muy seguro de cmo lo hace, pero lo hace. Porque sabe, mejor dicho intuye, que se puede hacer. Busca la conexin entre cuerpo, mente y espritu. Caritativo y emptico, su dedicacin y entrega es para los ms necesitados. Pone imaginacin y fantasa en sus tareas, enfocando su energa hacia los sueos. Ms sobre Piscis

Vesta: Este asteroide debe su nombre a la diosa del fuego del hogar, la unin entre la familia o los nacionales y las tradiciones. El fuego del hogar es la representacin de lo que une a una persona con sus familiares, vecinos e incluso otras personas de su misma nacin. Cuenta la mitologa romana que a las sacerdotisas encargadas de mantener prendido el fuego de Vesta se les exiga castidad pero que en un principio era mediante juegos sexuales como invocaban los poderes de la diosa y la energa de la Luna. Por esto es que algunos astrlogos relacionan al asteroide Vesta con el fuego del espritu y otros con las uniones familiares.

De cualquier modo, su energa influye en la expresin sexual y en la forma en la que nos afectarn las relaciones pasadas. Vesta es el refugio, el hogar y el lugar donde echar races. Es a dnde iremos cuando necesitemos sentirnos entre lo propio. Cuando aparece en la carta natal indicar las situaciones para las que se ser creativo, a los temas que le pondr atencin y los momentos en los que necesitar descanso. Segn el signo en el que se encuentre, Vesta est fuertemente ligada a Virgo en Mercurio, por lo que indicar la capacidad de focalizacin y con lo que se siente en familia. Segn en la casa que se ubique, hablar sobre lo que la persona considera familiar, dnde se siente feliz y puede obtener mejores resultados.
VESTA Representa: El Fuego Interior Palabras claves: Esencia del significado Arquetipo: La Suma Sacerdotisa Domicilio: Virgo Exaltacin: Tauro Exilio: Piscis Cada: Escorpio Polaridad: Femenino Ciclo orbital: 3,63 aos Dimetro medio: 529 km Rige: canales sutiles o meridianos de energa Deidad asociada: Hestia Vesta, Diosa del fuego sagrado del hogar, de la unin familiar y nacional, de las tradiciones. Hija mayor de Saturno y Rea, hermana mayor por lo tanto de los olmpicos, Jpiter, Juno, Neptuno, Plutn y Ceres. Zeus le concedi el privilegio de mantenerse virgen y de ser la primera en recibir los sacrificios en los altares. Representa: Meditacin Retiro Sustentacion Dedicacin Sacralizacin Purificacin Esencia Mundo Mantener Castidad Sublimacin Aislamiento Vesta Vesta voluntario silenciosa devocional Consagracion interior paz virginidad sexual. persona signos Aries:

la de en en la No los energa

Capacidad de encontrar el significado esencial de cada accin, del impulso agresivo. Se pierde el inters por la accin en si misma al encontrar su sentido esencial. Puede atraerle la meditacin en movimiento, o la accin en si es una meditacin. Puede abstraerse al hacer ejercicios fsicos o deportes (bsicamente individuales. Puede desarmar a un atacante con su actitud comprensiva y silenciosa. Puede hacer desaparecer todo instinto agresivo o de autoafirmacin.




La necesidad de placer y gratificacin pueden ser esencialmente comprendidos y sublimados. Transmite una paz y calma naturales que armoniza y pacifica a otros. Maneja el plano material sin problemas, pero puede desparecer el deseo al ser tan comprendido y sublimado. Gran fidelidad a sus propsitos y deseos personales. Aunque es pacfica en extremo, no es por eso menos dcil. Vesta en Gminis:

Gran capacidad para entender esencialmente su propia mente, puede calmarla y serenarla. Posee la capacidad de dialogar internamente y armonizar y dirigir sus pensamientos logrando silencio y quietud interiores. Palabras que transmiten paz. Opiniones o ideas que permanecen sin expresarse por que no lo considera esencial. Leer o estudiar puede ser su mejor meditacin. Puede parecer alguien tmido ya que no habla demasiado, solo habla lo esencial. Vesta en Cncer:

El hogar es vivido como un santuario. Gran dedicacin a la familia, aunque no esta apegado ni depende de ella. Encuentra el profundo sentido de su deseo de ser madre o nutrir, sintindose realizada aun sin tener hijos. Puede ser madre espiritual. Entiende lo esencial de sus emociones y del porque de sus vivencias pasadas. No se apega al dolor ni a los vnculos familiares. Es quien mantiene unida y relacionada a la familia, puede ser la figura que modera los debates familiares. Vesta en Leo:

Profunda calidez interna que se irradia en forma de una serena alegra a los dems. Comprensin esencial de su motivacin de ser. Fiel a s misma. Profunda alegra interna que mantienen su creencia en la vida. Excelente vinculo con nios y jvenes, pudiendo ser excelente llevando paz y dando un tipo de atencin que los hace sentir realmente amados. Suaviza el ego leonino al comprender que ya esta realizado aunque no sea reconocido exteriormente. Vesta en Virgo:

Sublimacin de la energa a travs de un correcto manejo de las rutinas y con una actitud profundamente devocional hacia el servicio. Encuentra el sentido esencial de todo aun en las tareas ms rutinarias y simples. Todo tiene un sentido, hasta una mota de polvo. Agudo sentido del anlisis que canaliza desarrollando un profundo sentido de completitud. Desaparece la preocupacin y surge la ocupacin. Vive a su cuerpo cono un templo. Puede hacer un culto de su inaccesibilidad y sensatez. Vesta en Libra:

Capacidad de percibir l ms profundo sentido de la belleza, la armona, el equilibrio. Puede adoptar una actitud devocional hacia su pareja o extremadamente paciente, leal a la vez que independiente. No necesita de otro para sentirse completa. Pero si hace sentir completo a su compaero. Persona que posee una atraccin especial, que hace que los dems se sientan totalmente a gusto y realmente apreciados en su presencia. Sentido innato de la diplomacia y del buen gusto. Vesta en Escorpio:

Profundidad sicolgica que permite la comprensin de los aspectos ms oscuros de su psique y de la de los otros, as como de las crisis y muertes.. Puede estar demasiado absorto en sus emociones mas profundas y desaparecer del mundo exterior. Sublimacin de la energa sexual que le otorga un gran poder psquico. Puede prescindir de la experiencia sexual, ya que entiende el sentido mas profundo de esta. Esta posicin proporciona una gran paz al conflictivo mundo escorpiano propio y ajeno. Vesta en Sagitario:

Se puede encontrar el significado mas profundo de la vida sin necesidad de salir a recorrer el mundo o vivir experiencias extremas. Persona con un sentido innato del sentido de su vida y que puede encontrar respuestas fcilmente ya que la vida es un gran smbolo en s misma. Puede dar una fuerte vocacin religiosa. Gran profundidad filosfica, pero que no necesariamente se transmite o da a conocer. Disminuye aqu la exageracin sagitariana. Vesta en Capricornio:

Entrega total a su profesin pero porque encontr en su vocacin un sentido de completitud, ya que no necesita de la aprobacin de la sociedad, las figuras de autoridad o el padre para sentirse aceptado. Disciplina que se expresa sin problemas y una absoluta capacidad para el compromiso serio. Al disciplinarse o trazarse objetivos profesionales esta siendo fiel a su esencia, no buscando ascender socialmente o por ambicin. Vesta en Acuario:

La libertad, el cambio, la amistad son parte esencial de su naturaleza. Si bien no existe aqu el miedo a perder su independencia o libertad vinculndose o comprometindose, ya que logro darse cuenta que lo nico que es realmente libre es la esencia. Actitud devocional hacia los amigos. Aunque puede prescindir de ellos y disfrutar de su soledad sin problemas. No busca hacer migo por una cuestin social, sino que, en caso de tenerlos es porque comparten su misma actitud ante la vida. Vesta en Piscis:

En el servicio humanitario encuentran un profundo sentido y significado, pueden perderse o aislarse del mundo en su bsqueda de lo esencial o porque ya lo encontraron. Naturaleza naturalmente meditativa y contemplativa hacia la vida en general. Profunda comprensin del dolor y sufrimiento humanos, los que los hace o querer sanar al mundo o por comprender el sentido del dolor no hacer nada para aliviarlo y aislarse del mismo. Facilidad para la meditacin y a veces una excesiva necesidad de desconectarse del mundo y ser invisible. Vesta Vesta en en las casa casas I:

Persona que encarna las caractersticas del planeta, actitud devocional, bajo perfil que proviene de su sensacin de estar completo interiormente. Fuerte inters por el retiro, la meditacin, lo sagrado, la soledad. Actitud que a veces lo lleva a parecer invisible o desdibujarse por s poco inters en la participacin dinmica exterior. Vesta en casa II:

Capacidad de manejar el plano material de manera eficiente, sin mayores problemas, pero con una cierta tendencia a no luchar si las cosas se tornan difciles y aceptar pasivamente lo que sucede. Esto por otro lado refleja su capacidad de entender l porque suceden las cosas pero puede llevarlo a una actitud demasiado inerte que otros pueden aprovechar. Vesta en casa III:

Comunicacin que se expresa de manera modesta, tranquila, pero clara y encontrando siempre palabras de consuelo y comprensin hacia los otros. Mente serena, contemplativa y confiable. Puede ser una persona aparentemente tmida, pero en realidad siente que no necesita hablar demasiado. Comprender sutilmente lo esencial. Puede ser la hermana mayor, la ta o ta abuela comprensiva y sabia o heredo su comprensin de la vida de una de estas figuras. Vesta en casa IV:

Devocin incondicional a su familia, es elemento de unin entre ellos. Puede haber heredado su

actitud meditativa o su capacidad de encontrar lo esencial. Puede haber sido un padre invisible con ciertas caractersticas autistas. El hogar es el refugio y santuario, que a veces lleva al aislamiento. Vesta en casa V:

Buen Relacionamiento con los nios y/o los hijos en general, aunque si bien demuestran una actitud de entrega y dedicacin pueden ser un tanto desapegados de los logros y la atencin que a nivel afectivo los nios necesitan. No existen urgencias por tener hijos. Pueden ser extremadamente creativos aunque no buscan reconocimiento por esto. Nio interno muy sabio y devoto. Hijos que no generan grandes complicaciones. Entrega total a alguna creacin artstica. Vesta en casa VI:

Gran dedicacin al trabajo, a las tareas ms rutinarias que ellos desarrollan con una actitud de significado. Excelentes mdicos, sanadores o enfermeros por su entrega absoluta a su tarea. Muy buenos secretarios. Pero las tareas laborales pueden ser una forma de aislamiento. Buen Relacionamiento con su cuerpo. Pueden tener una visin de la vida donde la conexin a la vida y el medio ambiente es la clave. Vesta en casa VII:

Dedicacin a su pareja, lealtad y sobre todo viva l vnculo como algo sagrado. Pueden desdibujarse en una relacin, ya que prefieren no tener demasiado protagonismo y pueden darle todo el poder al otro. Buscan una pareja serena, sensata, que aporte paz, calma a la relacin. Tambin son los que estn mejor preparados para estar solos ya que encuentran en si mismos su aspecto complementario y prefieren no exponerse a ser lastimados innecesariamente. Vesta en casa VIII:

Extrema seriedad en el manejo de bienes compartidos. Se entregan con gran devocin a la hora de explorar su mundo interior, pueden tener grandes insigths en e stado de meditacin o relax profundo. Sienten una gran conexin con el otro a la hora de la relacin sexual. Aunque pueden perfectamente sublimar y canalizar esta energa en la resolucin de conflictos y crisis. No temen a la muerte pues gracias a esta comprenden l ms profundo sentido de la vida. Vesta en casa IX:

Poseen un sentido innato del significado de la vida, de Dios, del futuro. Imagen de dios muy profunda a travs del cual perciben el sentido y la conexin existente en todas las cosas. Gran capacidad de escrutar y entender los mas intrincados designios csmicos. Cierta capacidad proftica, podran ser excelentes orculos. Vesta en casa X:

Entrega a su profesin, su carrera que generalmente es vocacional. No necesitan de reconocimientos pblicos para verse incentivados, hacen las cosas simplemente porque sienten que esa es su razn de ser. La madre fue vivida como muy sabia, como una figura muy servicial y pacifica, aunque un tanto ausente dada su falta de protagonismo. Es probable que exista, por lnea femenina familiar, una sabidura ancestral que se transmite de generacin en generacin. Vesta en casa XI:

Amigos con los que se puede contar para obtener un consejo, una orientacin sobre el sentido de la vida. Actitud hacia los grupos y los amigos que lo hacen ser vivido como el viejo sabio. Puede ser una presencia invisible pero esencial en los grupos y ser un elemento de cohesin entre ellos. Vesta en casa XII:

Consagracin devocional al servicio, a la asistencia, puede haber sido un sacerdote (o sacerdotisa)

en otra vida. Conexin esencial e innata con las corrientes ms sutiles de la vida y de los aspectos ms complejos de la psique humana, que lo llevan a ser excelente sanador de almas. Cierta tendencia a aislarse o ensimismarse. La meditacin es altamente recomendada aqu. Profunda conexin intuitiva con la energa creadora universal. Vesta Contactos en aspecto Vesta-Sol:

Aqu existe una fuerte identificacin con los aspectos solares lo que lleva a la persona a sentir que desarrollar su sol es casi una tarea sagrada. En los aspectos tensos puede existir una dificultad para expresar su energa creativa y mantener un sentido de fidelidad a lo que considera esencial. Contactos Vesta-Luna:

En armona los aspectos dependientes e instintivos de la luna pueden ser entendidos en su esencia y satisfechos de una manera inmaterial a travs de una profunda comprensin interna. Expresin medida y sensata de las necesidades lunares. En tensin el especto mas moderado de Vesta puede verse afectado por la subjetividad y dependencia lunares. Contactos Vesta-Mercurio:

Mente profunda, inclinada a captar lo esencial, intuitiva, que se focaliza sin problemas. Comunicacin meditada y que expresa una sabidura innata y muy practica. En tensin, dificultad para encontrar las palabras que expliquen lo que esta captando. Puede preferir callar lo importante por una sensacin de que no ser comprendido esencialmente. Contactos Vesta-Venus:

Devocin en lo afectivo, hacia la pareja, persona tranquila, mesurada en la expresin de sus afectos, haciendo esto que pierda pasin en su vida amorosa, ya que tiende a tener una actitud demasiado permisiva e impersonal. En tensin puede desaparecer en l vinculo, quedando como una figura casi invisible que lleve a que en algn momento el otro la ignore. Siente que puede prescindir de tener pareja. Contactos Vesta-Marte:

Canalizacin del impulso marciano que es focalizado con gran precisin hacia actividades que son vividas como sagradas o esenciales. Energa que se dirige de manera muy elaborada, el elemento ms tosco de Marte es refinado aqu. En tensin conflicto entre poner limites o dejar que las cosas se resuelvan solas. Dificultad para ser precisos. Puede generar actitudes intolerantes y prejuiciosas. Contactos VestaJpiter:

Profunda captacin intuitiva y positiva de la vida. Posicin excelente ya que la persona puede encontrarle a la vida un sentido interno y externo que genera un recurso espectacular en los momentos difciles. Posibilidad de sentir que con poco es exitoso. En tensin puede generar una actitud interna hacia la vida que no se condice con las creencias exteriores, pudiendo llevar al farisesmo o la hipocresa. Contactos Vesta-Saturno:

Disciplina unida a un sentido de lo sagrado da una voluntad inquebrantable que encuentra en las dificultades el sentido de su esfuerzo. Puede tornarse alguien muy rgido sobre todo a la hora de valorar lo que considera esencial en su vida, hacindose alguien de ideas inamovibles. En tensin miedo a contactar con su esencia por temor a no poder realizar algo que saben es vital pero para lo cual se consideran impotentes, por lo que renuncian antes de descubrir que es. Contactos Vesta-Urano:

Lo que se vive como sagrado aqu es la mas absoluta libertad. Pueden renunciar a cualquier cosa excepto a su independencia de cualquier cosa que les quite libertad de movimiento, pensamiento o accin. Pueden por esta causa alejar de su vida todo lo que desde algn lugar les genere un sentimiento de limitacin. En tensin, acenta esto, pero generando un conflicto interno entre vivir lo que les da una sensacin interna de totalidad o seguir el impulso uraniano que puede ser generador de caos en su vida. Contactos Vesta-Neptuno:

Absoluta entrega y actitud de servicio, fuerte impulso mstico y espiritual que los lleva a desarrollar su sensibilidad y habilidades curativas. Gran necesidad de soledad, meditacin, retiro voluntario. Encuentran mucha paz en la msica. En tensin, confusin interna entre ambos impulsos espirituales, pudindolos llevar a actitudes extremas donde se pierden a s mismos en otros ya sea ayudando, sanando o siendo los que rescatan a todo el mundo pero se pierden ellos en el dolor de los dems. Contactos Vesta-Plutn:

Intuicin unida a profundidad de percepcin, junto a un sentido de lo esencial y lo sagrado que los lleva a comprometerse lealmente con sus procesos de transformacin propia y hacia terceros. En tensin genera una actitud donde la devocin de Vesta esta condicionada por la desconfianza plutoniana que impide la manifestacin del aspecto de servicio del primero.

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