Eating Disorders Explained

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Eating disorders explained

Find out the facts about eating disorders, including what they are, whos affected by them and what to do if you need help and support.

What is an eating disorder?

For further information about diagnosis and treatment for the different types of eating disorders, go to anorexia,bulimia or binge eating

There are several different types of eating disorder, the most common being anorexia, bulimia and binge eating. Eating disorders are mental health conditions that all involve an unhealthy relationship with food and eating, and often an intense fear of being overweight. If you have an eating disorder you may experience one or more of the following:

You have a preoccupation and concern about food and gaining weight. You would li e to lose weight even though friends or family worry that you are underweight. You let people around you thin you have eaten when you haven!t. You!re secretive about your eating habits because you now they!re unhealthy. Eating ma es you feel anxious, upset or guilty. You ma e yourself vomit or use laxatives in order to lose weight.

What causes eating disorders?

It"s unli ely that an eating disorder will be the result of one single cause. It"s much more li ely to be a combination of many factors, events, feelings or pressures that lead to you feeling unable to cope. These can include low self#esteem, problems with friends or family relationships, the death of someone special, problems at school, college, university or wor , lac of confidence, or sexual or emotional abuse. $any people tal about simply feeling too fat or not good enough. You might use food to help you cope with painful situations or feelings without even realising it. In situations where there are high academic expectations, family issues or social pressures, you may focus on food and eating as a way of coping. Traumatic events can trigger an eating disorder. These might include bereavement, being bullied or abused, a divorce in the family or concerns about sexuality. %omeone with a long#term illness or disability &such as diabetes, depression, blindness or deafness' may also have eating problems. %ome studies have also shown that there are biological factors involved. In other words, some people will be more li ely to develop an eating disorder because of their genetic ma e#up.

Who is affected by eating disorders?

(nyone can develop an eating disorder, regardless of age, sex or cultural or racial bac ground. The people most affected tend to be young women, particularly between the ages of )* and +*, and around ),- of people with eating disorders are men.

What should I do if I think I ha e an eating disorder?

.eople with eating disorders often say that the eating disorder is the only way they feel they can stay in control of their life. /ut, as time goes on, it is the eating disorder that starts to control you. You may also have the urge to harm yourself, or misuse alcohol or drugs. If you thin you have an eating disorder, tal to someone you trust. You may have a close friend or family member you can tal to. There are also a number of organisations that you can tal to, such as the eating disorders charity beat &,01* 231 )1)1' and the %amaritans &,01*4 5, 5, 5,'. Your 6. can also give you advice and tal to you about getting a diagnosis and the possible treatment options, which will depend upon your individual circumstances and the type of eating disorder you have.

Worried that a friend or relati e has an eating disorder?

If you are concerned about a friend or family member, it can be difficult to now what to do. It is common for someone with an eating disorder to be secretive and defensive about their eating and their weight, and they are li ely to deny being unwell. For tips on how to approach and tal to your child about eating disorders, go to (dvice for parents. For advice for teens on how help a friend see %upporting someone with an eating disorder.

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