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CHY4U The West & The World Unit 2 Lesson #06 Ships, Sugar & Slavery Primary Document

nt Analysis (DBQ) Document #1 The Code Noir: 1. Which laws contained in the Code Noir are inherently racist? 2. How do these laws control aspects of family life for Slaves? 3. How harsh are punishments for slaves? Document #2 Annonymous Account (1771) 4. According to the account, who is selling the slaves to the Europeans? 5. How is the Slave station described? 6. According to the account, how are the slaves transported? 7. How does the account describe the mood of the white sailors on these ships? 8. What factors go into the purchase price of a slave? Which slaves would be the most expensive? 9. What is the length of a work day for a slave? 10. What is the food ration for a slave? Document #3 Voltaire (1756) 11. According to Voltaire, why is the labour of One hundred thousand slaves necessary for France? 12. What is the significance to the statement things unknown to our ancestors? Document #4 Rousseau (1761) 13. Using information or quotes from The Social Contract, explain what Rousseau means when he has grieved to be a human. Document #5 Diderot 14. How do enlightenment ideas shape Diderots view on a Kings ability to dispose [their subjects] of their liberty? 15. What is Diderots view on the legality of slavery? 16. How does Diderot use logic to disprove the argument that slaves are property? Document #6 The Evils of Slavery 17. According to Condorcet, what are the crimes of slavery? 18. What connection does Condorcet make between slavery and political revolution? 19. What significance does Condorcet give to the impact of philosophers on the 18th Century? Document #7 - Thoughts Upon Slavery 20. How does Wesley confront the argument that slavery is legal? 21. What logic does he use to make the supporters of slavery appear foolish? 22. How does Wesley confront the argument that slavery is an economic necessity? 23. How effective is Wesleys presentation of discipline?

Document #8 Raynal 1781 24. According to Raynal, why are slaves necessary? Document #9 Olympe de Gouges 1788 25. How do de Gougess opinions reflect her gender? Document #10 Speech 1790 26. How does the delegate from Bordeaux use fear to argue against the abolition of slavery? 27. What economic importance does he indicate that the existence of the sugar colonies has on France? Document #11 Speech date unknown 28. What piece of revolutionary legislation is referred to in this speech. 29. Referring to that document, what provisions in that document are feared to be applied to the condition of slaves in the colonies? Document #12 Barnave 1790 30. According to Barnave, what is the importance of colonies to the economy of France? Document #13 African Slave Trade Map 31. Using the map, describe the role of slaves in the mercantile economy of the Atlantic. Document #14 Chart 32. Using data in the chart, discuss the trend of the number of new slaves being imported into the French colonies through the 18th Century. Document #15 & 16 Slave Ship 33. How does the graphic and the painting of the slave ship support the observations made in Document #2? Document #17 34. How does this painting contradict the observations made in Document #2? 35. Do you think that this is a deliberate act on the part of the artist? Why?

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