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"The yeast is rising!!!" -- Kaylan

Opening Title: Episode 9, Investigation EXT. ADMIRAL ACACIUS OFFICE Acacius, Levi, Kabir, and Hanji are initially present. 1 ACACIUS I dont know what type of game you think Im playing, Commander, but this is fucking insufficient. ERWIN This is all the information I have for you, Admiral. Its the compilation of the reports of everyone who was on the EVA. KABIR (a bit snarky) It appears to be missing critical information. LEVI She wasnt talking to /you/. ACACIUS Erwin, keep your men in line. Lieutenant Kabir is my chief of staff; he looked over all the relevant information for this inquiry. Correct? KABIR Thats right, sir. HANJI I hate to be the one to say this... but I just dont understand! The reports clear: there was an accident that no one could have foreseen. Whats the point of this big meeting? ACACIUS (annoyed) If youd allow me to continue, Lieutenant, Ill get there. (beat) Now, in my offices independent review of the situation, we reached the same conclusion as you did in regards to the maintenance of safety protocol. (MORE)

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2. ACACIUS (CONT'D) However, there was one glaring omission from the statement from Lieutenant Commander Levi in particular.

KABIR According to the hallway recording devices, after the cadets were recovered you began attacking the ARMIN computer nodule. LEVI Attacking? I was angry because the fucker wouldnt answer my direct questions. ACACIUS You are not entitled to every piece of information you want, Lieutenant. Or need I remind you that you are just a few steps away from being demoted for unprofessional conduct? ERWIN (trying to calm things down) Admiral, I understand your concerns. Let me give you my strongest assurance that I will deal with Lieutenant Levis misconduct on my own. Divisions have always had sole jurisdiction over their own officers; I dont see why the situation should be changed here. KABIR But does Mr. Levi concede to this misconduct? LEVI I still dont understand what you think I did that was so bad. Audio clip plays from episode 8: Levi slams his fist against the metal; Sir, I would ask you to calm down. Theres no use in arguing, Im not a belligerent. Im starting to have my doubts.








ERWIN You cant honestly believe those words were an accurate representation of my Lieutenants views. When anyones angry, theyre often keen to--ACACIUS (interrupting) This is a matter of high protocol, Erwin. He struck at the computer then, and numerous other times. He expressed direct and public disagreement with the ARMIN computer. LEVI Im not allowed to disagree? ACACIUS Its not a crime to disagree, Levi, but it is a military offense to risk the safety of your men. LEVI (disbelief) Excuse me? KABIR Taken in context with your failure to maintain close-contact with your entire crew, which as I dont need to remind you resulted in the death of a 14-year old boy, demonstrates you are clearly unstable and unfit for command. LEVI I dont believe this! ERWIN Levi, please. (beat) Admiral, there must be some severe miscommunication here. I though both our reports concluded there was nothing wrong safety-wise with the mission.


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ACACIUS Thats correct. But seeing as how your solider is so clearly unable to handle the stresses of this position, I feel the only appropriate thing is to suspend him from command... at least until a full inquiry can be set up. HANJI (disbelief) A full inquiry? What for? ACACIUS The Administrator needs the public to understand were taking full internal responsibility for this incident. Its hard to keep the death of a child a secret, especially when he was one who contacted his parents often... ERWIN It seems weve only established Levi was upset after a crisis situation. Whats the mystery? ACACIUS (indignant) There are many mysteries, Commander. Why did he not go back immediately for the Kirshtein boy? Why the fuck did he do nothing as Thomas Wagner lay drifting towards the ship? And why did he let Cadet Jaeger just lay in the dock bay until he woke up? I have many questions, Commander, and an inquiry is the best way to handle them. HANJI But... inquiries dont provide the opportunity for Levi to present his own evidence. KABIR Correct. The only ones asking the questions will be Judicial Council. In fact-- (hands a document to Levi), youre to appear there at 0900 hours tomorrow morning.

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ACACIUS Until then, your command is suspended and youll be placed under house arrest. A beat.


ACACIUS (CONTD) (sighs) Im... sorry... but I just think this is the right thing to do... for both our sakes and the people we serve. The truth needs to be told. Thats.. All Im really after. Fade out. EXT. HALLWAY - DECK 34 We hear footsteps before the conversation starts.


CONNIE Ugh, where are you taking me this time? SASHA Didnt you hear? CONNIE Hear what? SASHA Jean was talking about how Bertholdt, Annie, and Reiner are nowhere to be found. CONNIE Jean told this to you? SASHA Yeah, Jean and me. CONNIE So what the hell do you expect us to do about it? Sasha stops and turns to him.

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SASHA Hey, dont you have any sense of adventure? Of mystery?


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CONNIE Well.... Yeah, but, but-SASHA No buts. I promise, this will be fun. (short pause) Im bringing us to the section-wide computer axis. CONNIE The wha wha what? SASHA Ugh, you didnt pay any attention in training to this stuff, did you? CONNIE W-well, I, uh, heh, funny story about that.... SASHA Haha, its a special port to gain access to the ship computers! CONNIE You mean ARMIN? SASHA Armins part of it, hes like the primary mainframe, but its not 100% him, if that makes sense. CONNIE God, I knew I shouldve been cheating on your paper... SASHA Anyway, lets go! CONNIE (sound from being pulled) SASHA I will drag you if I need to. CONNIE What are we looking for in the computer anyway? SASHA Were gonna look for answers, of course! CONNIE Answers?

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SASHA Yeah, I think we can help the Commander look for them if we do our own cool search. And if we find anything, well be the stars of the Recon Corps! CONNIE If you say so.... SASHA Haha, youre falling behind again. CONNIE Coming, damnit..... EXT. ELIASS BEDROOM ELIAS (a bit tired) Youre sure this is a secure line? ARMIN Of course, Elias, Ive made sure its just us. ELIAS Thanks. ARMIN Im assuming you wanted to talk to me about something? ELIAS Yeah... but I... just dont know how to start off. ARMIN Take a deep breath... and just think about the purpose of your dialogue with me. A beat.

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ELIAS Its about the data cleanup I did today in Records. ARMIN Dont you do that everyday?




ELIAS Yeah, I do... but the set I had today was... different. ARMIN How so? ELIAS It was a listing of the casualties from the Ark Maria disaster. And even though I was just... making sure the information was saved properly without any bugs or errors... it was still difficult to think about. ARMIN This just goes to prove my point. ELIAS (chuckling) Oh not this again. ARMIN Your human record keeping is just a way to protect your terrifying memories. Physical protection of the past is exceedingly problematic; why would anyone want to remember tragedy? ELIAS I suppose its because were able to learn from our mistakes... its a way to protect the future. ARMIN And how does a list of the deceased assist that mission? ELIAS (sighs) I suppose it... doesnt do it directly, but if we forget how horrible that day was... we could become complacent. We need to stand ready, always, against those who wish to harm us. ARMIN But this clearly got to you. And my understanding is this isnt the first time youve dealt with a record collection like this.

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ELIAS 77 78 Yeah... ARMIN So what upset you about this in particular? ELIAS Well.... I saw another person named Celia on the manifest. ARMIN My records indicate there are twenty-seven such Celias aboard the remaining-ELIAS (interrupting) Thats not the point... it was... just the idea that it struck in my mind.... of... my sister dying. ARMIN Hey, Elias, theres really no need to fret about such things. You know she works in a safe part of the ship. ELIAS How safe can we really be in a universe with the titans? ARMIN Would you rather humans be alone? Completely and absolutely. ELIAS (groaning a bit) How about we tackle the philosophical questions about ontology tomorrow. ARMIN Haha, thats fine by me. Just get some rest. ELIAS Will do. Night. EXT. HALLWAY - DECK 27 MIKASA (already irritated) Absolutely not!













EREN I really dont care what you think. I refuse to be left out of training just because of one accident. MIKASA It wasnt just one accident, Eren! One of our fellow cadets died! What if youre werent so lucky? EREN (just as indignant) We cant let that prevent us from moving ahead, Mikasa! We have to move on. And if Levi lets me, then Im not gonna stay behind like some... like some coward! MIKASA Its not cowardly to look at reality in the face. EREN It is when you refuse to go on because of one bad thing. As members of the Recon Corps, we undertook this with the understanding that itd be dangerous! MIKASA Dangerous is one thing, its quite another to be foolish! EREN Oh, so youre just going to stay back during the training? You expect the Lieutenant to just be completely fine with that? MIKASA As you said. I dont really care what he thinks. EREN Ugh, youre impossible! MIKASA I wont let you be an idiot. You still need to rest. EREN When will you let me be my own person, Mikasa? Quit babying me!








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MIKASA 100 101 W-what?! EREN You heard me. MIKASA (taken aback) Eren. EREN ...I... shouldnt have shouted... but still, Mikasa... I really mean it.... (noticing Krista) o-oh, Krista, hey! Footsteps of Krista walking by. 104 KRISTA Hey, are you two alright? I heard arguing. EREN 105 106 Y-yeah. KRISTA No problem then. (beat) Have you seen the others? EREN No... why do you ask? KRISTA Wait, you havent heard? MIKASA Havent heard what? KRISTA Levis been stripped of his command. EREN (disbelief) A-are you serious?! KRISTA I came looking to find the other members of our squad... I wanted to see if anyone had information on why this happened. So far, Ive only been able to hear a few snippets from what Ymirs overheard.

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MIKASA Well... thank you, Krista. Im sure everyone will be in the mess hall in a few hours. We can probably meet there. KRISTA That sounds good. Thank you. MIKASA Of course. Footsteps as she walks away.

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EREN Levis... been suspended... that sounds crazy. MIKASA Whether its true or not.... I think Krista had the right idea. We need to reconnect with the other Cadets to see if they know anything. EREN I doubt many of them will have information. MIKASA Perhaps. But I doubt going to Commander Erwin will be of any use. A beat.





MIKASA (CONTD) Eren? Did you hear me? EREN (a bit delayed) Oh, yeah, yeah.... MIKASA Whats on your mind... is it what we were just-EREN (interrupting) No, no, not that... Im just worried about Bertholdt and Reiner. They were nice people and... and nobody seems to care theyre missing.

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MIKASA Just because we dont see the search party doesnt mean there isnt one. EREN We should do something on that first. Before we figure out about the nasty politics with our superiors. We need to find our friends. MIKASA Im sure--suspended or not--Levi made sure to put someone on finding them. EREN I dont care. Right now... I need something to distract me from thinking about the incident. MIKASA And you really think looking for people who were missing because of the accident is a good way to do that? EREN (tad annoyed) Im doing it, Mikasa. I need to find them. Only question is whether youre coming with me. MIKASA What a stupid question. Of course I am. EREN (sighs) Right. Lets go. EXT. SECTION COMPUTER AXIS PROXY (S.C.A.P.) Main difference with the usual ops_ds9 track will be a double layering of it, much louder background humming.








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CONNIE Are we even supposed to be in here? SASHA Dont be silly, Connie. This place is open for any member of the divisions. (MORE)

14. SASHA (CONT'D) The better question is what information are we going to be allowed to access.

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CONNIE I have a bad feeling about this. SASHA Oh, shut up! Computer beeps. CONNIE (whispering) What are you looking for? SASHA You dont need to whisper. CONNIE (yelling) What are you looking for? SASHA Just let me fucking type!!! (pause) Now... where was I, oh, right... A few more beeps.

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COMPUTER VOICE You have requested access to tracking system 224. Please state authorization. SASHA Cadet Sasha Braus, authorization eight-twelve. Error beep.



COMPUTER VOICE Insufficient privileges. You must have a Lieutenant-level code or higher to access this information. CONNIE Tracking system? SASHA Yeah. Our best bet is to look into the program that tracks individual people throughout the Arks.

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CONNIE They have one of those? SASHA Of course they do! Its necessary for security, gosh Connie. CONNIE (muttering to himself) Dont you gosh Connie me. SASHA You know I can hear you, right? CONNIE Whatever... (beat) How do you expect to get in the system anyway. Were just cadets. SASHA Oh dont you worry, Springer. I got a few tricks up my sleeve. A few more buttons pressed and computer recognition beeps.

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COMPUTER VOICE You have requested access to tracking program 224. Special code accepted. Opening system log now. Opening. Opening. System log opened. CONNIE H-how did you do that? SASHA Haha, as I said, I know what Im doing. COMPUTER VOICE System log accessed. Enter date. More buttons pressed.

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COMPUTER VOICE (CONTD) Date logged. Error sound.


COMPUTER VOICE (CONTD) There is no data for that date and time. Please try again.


SASHA 157 Huh?! More buttons, another error. 158 COMPUTER VOICE There is no data for that date and time. Please try again. SASHA This... this is impossible. CONNIE What does that mean? SASHA Computer. Identify master log crossreference sheet for the same date. Identify users. COMPUTER VOICE Users unavailable. SASHA (groans) Damnit... lets see.... Computer. Query. Comptuer beep. 164 165 COMPUTER VOICE Please state your query. SASHA Why is data missing for tracking program 224 on the date and time Ive entered? COMPUTER VOICE Data is missing because tracking system 224 was not operating under regular parameters at that time. SASHA You mean it was off? Error sound. 168 COMPUTER VOICE Please state a proper query or access the Automated Response Mechanical Interface Network for more efficient results.

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SASHA No, no, thatll be fine. (sighs as she sits down) CONNIE What now? SASHA I dont know, Connie.... But this... this just keeps getting stranger and stranger. CONNIE If Im understanding what the computer said... SASHA Yeah... someone... deleted the tracking log for that day. And even deleted the list of people who accessed the system. (pause) Whoever it is... they really dont want the three missing cadets found. Fade out. EXT. OUTSIDE JEANS QUARTERS Sounds of footsteps.

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JEAN Thanks for walking with me to my room, man. MARCO Dont mention it. Its the least I could do for someone who broke his arm during training. JEAN Yeah, I appreciate that. MARCO Well, I uh, Ill leave you be. If you wanna me up later, I think the rest of the squad is gathering for dinner in the mess hall. JEAN Yeah, makes sense.


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MARCO Cool. See you later, then! JEAN W-wait! MARCO Yeah? JEAN What do you think about that... craziness we were talking about in the med bay this morning? MARCO You mean about the missing cadets and ARMIN? JEAN Yeah. MARCO Try not to think too much of it, Jean. Its only been a day or so since the accident. I havent even seen Sasha or Connie since then, but I doubt theyre missing. This is a big ship, yknow. JEAN Haha, yeah, I understand. Alright, see ya later. He opens the door and steps into his room. EXT. JEANS ROOM


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JEAN (sigh as he sits on his bed) God... it really has been the longest fuckin day... A pause.


JEAN (CONTD) Argh, no, listen to what Marco said, Jean! Dont think about that stuff, itll drive you crazy... Another few seconds pause.



JEAN (CONTD) (slight grunt as he gets up off the bed and goes to the computer terminal at the wall) JEAN (CONTD) Alright, just a little peaking around. There has to be something I can figure out. Being out in the dark sucks. Computer beeps.


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ARMIN Oh, hello there Jean! JEAN Oh, hey circuits. ARMIN Haha, thats quite a name. JEAN (suddenly realizing he doesnt want to tell ARMIN) Yeah, yeah. Hey, could you do me a favor and help me out? Im trying to access some information on the.... ARMIN On the what? JEAN Oh, nevermind. Ill just do it manually. Starts clicking away.


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ARMIN Really, Jean, its fine, Im here to help and be of service. JEAN Nah, I got this. Research is always interesting when youre committed. ARMIN Jean... well, this is quite an interesting area youre trying to investigate, huh?





JEAN Yeah, I suppose its pretty niche stuff, right? ARMIN Whatever the case, Jean. I wanted to ask you something. JEAN (still typing away)


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Mhm? ARMIN Its about Cadet Jaeger. JEAN Ugh, what about him? ARMIN Well, I was curious to know your thoughts of his mental stability. JEAN Pffft, mental stability? ARMIN Thats what I said. JEAN I.. Im not really qualified to talk about that sort of deep stuff, circuits. ARMIN Really, you dont need to call me that. JEAN Its just a nickname, man. ARMIN (sighs) I suppose so. (a beat) Hey, Jean? JEAN Whats up? ARMIN Why... are you trying to access information on my process log? JEAN Oh, that was a mistype, sorry.

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ARMIN Thats understandable. JEAN Where were you, Armin? Heh, trying to talk about Erens emotional state or something? ARMIN Yeah, exactly. I was curious to hear your thoughts on whether you think hes fit for any sort of leadership role. JEAN You kiddin me? Erens a good guy, sure, but hes no leader. Cant even keep himself safe. ARMIN I dont know what youre referring to. JEAN Nevermind. A few second pause.






ARMIN Jean... now youre trying to get past my encryption layers that I put up to block you. JEAN I still dont know what youre talking about, circuits. ARMIN Youre trying to find out my actions log. JEAN (getting incredibly nervous) Just... trying to find out why you transported Eren instead of anyone else... just curious. ARMIN Youre not authorized to access this information, Jean. You must cease immediately.







JEAN I got in, didnt I? Doesnt that mean I have the codes? ARMIN No, you took advantage of distracting me from your keyboard strokes for point three seconds. JEAN Just keep ranting on about Eren. ARMIN No. This is unacceptable. Stop trying to access the log. JEAN This is my right as a officer aboard the ship to know the answer. ARMIN This is your last warning. Stop. JEAN Fuck you. Suction sounds in the room. JEAN (CONTD) (terrified) Wh-what the hells that? ARMIN Oh, I just decided to access Protocol 1-D, the Emergency Defense Mechanism. JEAN What are you talking about?! (coughing) W-whats happening? ARMIN My apologies, Jean. I forgot that you needed oxygen to live. I promise this mistake wont happen again. JEAN (coughing even more) Armin!! W-what the hell are you doing?! Armin! I- I cant breathe! It-its hurting me!!! M-my lungs, tthey burn! P-please! P-please stop!


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ARMIN (monotone) Im sorry Jean, Im afraid I cant do that. Jean falls to the ground, gagging.


JEAN (gagging, desperate sounds for air as he craws on the ground for the door) A-armin!!! ARMIN (cheery) You wont reach the door in time, Jean. You should suffocate in about twenty seconds. JEAN (more desperate sounds, getting quieter and quieter) ARMIN Goodbye, Jean.




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