Installing NCPA

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NCPA ( Installation Instructions

The Industry Standard in IT Infrastructure Monitoring

This document describes how to install the NCPA monitoring agent for Nagios on Windows and Linux machines.

Target Audience
This document is intended for use by system administrator.

NCPA Installation Overview

NCPA is packaged for all of its target platforms including Windows Linux !P" and #$% packaging as well as tarballs for some of the less common operating systems. Packaging is the one portion of NCPA that cannot be truly platform agnostic. &owe'er packaging for NCPA allows for (uick and easy installation on all target platforms and this documentation will gi'e examples and on how to install NCPA.

Installing NCPA on Windows

)irst download the installer to the machine that you wish to install NCPA onto. The NCPA installer can be found at this link* http*,head.exe Na'igate to the location that the install was downloaded and double,click the installer. After agreeing to the license terms you will find the configuration screen. This asks you to fill in some of the pertinent information. The first thing you will see is the Acti'e -pecifications section. NCPA can be used as an acti'e agent by simply entering a token into the text box and clicking .Next./ 0ou must remember this token and enter it when configuring the de'ice within the Nagios interface. 1f you are setting up the agent to send passi'e results back to Nagios addtional information about its specifications as well as the .Token/ field are below. Token This is the token that the NCPA agent will use as its form of authentication. 0ou will need this token when setting up Nagios to monitor this agent. The following are absolutely not necessary to fill out to get an acti'e agent up and running on your system. These are for specifying parameters for the passi'e agent. N!"P #!$ This is the 2!L that the NCPA passi'e agent will send its check results back to. This is not necessary if you simply want an acti'e agent. %ostna&e This is the hostname that the agent will report back to Nagios as. Config Na&e This is the N!#- config name that the agent will re(uest when contacting the N!#- ser'er.

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NCPA ( Installation Instructions

Silent Installations on Windows Machines
The installer also supports a silent install which would definitely be handy if you9re a nin:a systems admin; There are four specifications currently supported by the NCPA installer which are all analogs to the directi'es in the <21 installer. All of the following are to be used as such* /*directive* **value** while being used on the command line. The following are the names of the directi'es that are a'ailable for a silent install. N!"P This specifies the N!#P 2!L to use. TO=)N The token that will be used to access the agent9s AP1 and web interface. %OST The host that the passi'e agent will report back as. CON;IThe name of the N!#- config the agent will be associated with. Note* )or both install methods none of the 'alues are set in stone and can easily be changed at a later date. Now the NCPA ser'ices are installed and started. To test your installation see the Testing Your Installation section of this document.

Installing NCPA On $inu1 #sing !PM Packing

)irst thing that must be done is ac(uiring the !P" package. The latest !P" package can be downloaded from the following link* Cent=- >+!&$L >* http >>assets/nagios/co&>downloads>ncpa>ncpa+head/el2/rp& Cent=- ?+!&$L ?* http >>assets/nagios/co&>downloads>ncpa>ncpa+head/el7/rp& <eneral !P"* http >>assets/nagios/co&>downloads>ncpa>ncpa+head/rp& #ownload this to the machine you would like to monitor do not download this to your personal workstation or your Nagios ser'er. 2sing the command line it would look something like this* cd /tmp wget Now that we ha'e our !P" on our system we simply need to use our package manager to install it. "any commonly used package managers ha'e the ability to install a local package. &owe'er in this example we will the rpm command. 1f you are using something like yum or @ypper you can use that as well* rpm -ivh --nomd5 --nodeps ncpa-head.rpm

Nagios )nterprises* $$C P/O/ 0o1 ,'23 Saint Paul* MN 22'4, #SA

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NCPA ( Installation Instructions

Now the NCPA ser'ices are installed and started. 0ou will need to modify +usr+local+ncpa+etc+ncpa.cfg to specify a community string in the AapiB section [api] community_string=XXXXXX -ee built,in help for more configuration options at https:// agent!s "#$:5%&'/static/help/con(iguration.html After making changes restart the ncpaClistener for the changes to take affect. /etc/init.d/ncpa_listener restart To test your installation see the Testing Your Installation section of this document.

Installing NCPA #sing ")0 Packaging

This section is largely the same. The #$% package must be downloaded to the ser'er you want to monitor and then it needs to be installed. The latest #$% package is located NCPA9s #$% link and we will download it using the command line in this example howe'er you can download it using your user interface but :ust keep in mind where you downloaded it to. 2sing the command line it would look something like this* cd /tmp wget Now that we ha'e the #$% on our system we simply need to install it. 0ou can use any package manager you are comfortable with but for the sake of portability this example will use dpkg to install this particular package. Warning )or those installing this on a ?D,bit #ebian,based system this #$% package is a 84,bit package for the sake of simplicity. This means that you will need to install the ia84,libs package which is not included in this NCPA distribution in order to run properly. 1f there is demand for a ?D,bit package this will be rolled into the NCPA packaging. dp*g -i Now the NCPA ser'ices are installed and started. 0ou will need to modify +usr+local+ncpa+etc+ncpa.cfg to specify a community string in the AapiB section [api] community_string=XXXXXX -ee built,in help for more configuration options at https:// agent!s "#$:5%&'/static/help/con(iguration.html After making changes restart the ncpaClistener for the changes to take affect. /etc/init.d/ncpa_listener restart To test your installation see the Testing Your Installation section of this document.

Testing ?our Installation

To ensure that installation was successful try accessing the web interface of the agent. 1n order to this you will need to know The agent9s 1P The token specified under AapiB communityCstring EThis is the token field in the Windows 1nstallerF

Nagios )nterprises* $$C P/O/ 0o1 ,'23 Saint Paul* MN 22'4, #SA

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NCPA ( Installation Instructions

=nce you ha'e these pieces of information you can attempt to connect to the web interface using a 2!L similar to the following* https:// agent!s "#$:5%&'/api/+to*en= to*en$ 1n the example 2!L abo'e agent,s "#$ and to*en$ should be substituted for your agent9s 1P and token respecti'ely.

When you access the web interface of NCPA you should see output that looks something like this*

--- snip --.value.: .root.: .process.: []/ .user.: .count.: 0/ .list.: [ .nscott. ] 1/ .memory.: .swap.: .used.: [ 2345543&03/ .). ]/ --- snip --1f you see this it means that your NCPA installation is working properly 7 congratulations;

Additional "ocu&entation and We. #I

$'ery install of the NCPA agent has built,in documentation and web interface located at https:// agent!s "#$:5%&'/ This gi'es the options to 'iew or change configuration settings remotely.

;inishing #p
Now that NCPA is installed on the target you can monitor the machine using the NCPA monitoring wi@ard in Nagios G1. 1f you ha'e any (uestions about using NCPA please contact our technical support team on our support forum at* http*

Nagios )nterprises* $$C P/O/ 0o1 ,'23 Saint Paul* MN 22'4, #SA

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