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Form 5: Chapter 6 Variation

Chapter 6: Variation
6.1 Variation in Organism 1. Difference in an organism from the same species. 2. Types: Continuous Discontinuous Quantitative Qualitative - Hand span - lood group - Chest circumference - !yes colour - Weight - Thum" hypere#tension - Height - !ar lo"e shape - $olling of tongue %enetic and environment %enetic 6.2 Causes of variation Genetic 1. &nfluenced "y: a' Crossing over

(ccurs "et)een chromatids from a pair of homologous chromosomes during prophase of meiosis &. "' Independent assortment During metaphase of meiosis &. c' Mutations i' %ene ii' Chromosome d' Random ferti i!ation et)een any male gamete and any female gamete 2. Crossing over and independent assortment produces genetic recom"ination *ne) com"inations'.

Prepared by: Mr. Gerard Selvaraj

Form 5: Chapter 6 Variation

"nvironmenta #henot$pe % Genot$pe & "ffects of the environment Mutation 1. + permanent change in the nucleotide se,uence of D-+ or in the amount of D-+. 2. $easons: a' .ista/es that occur during replication of D-+ during cell division. "' uneven distri"ution of chromosomes during cell division. c' a chemical or physical agent. #h$sica agent Chemica agent High energy radiation - "en1ene - 0-rays - formaldehyde - gamma rays - car"on tetrachloride - ultraviolet rays - as"estos - nuclear radiation - mustard gas - tar in to"acco smo/e - pesticide 2. .utations that occur in a "ody cell )ill not "e inherited "ut can affect the person during his lifetime. 3. %ene mutation a' occurs at a single locus on a chromosome. "' &nvolves nucleotide "ase c' a change in the se,uence of "ases may result in a defective protein or no protein "eing produced at all. d' may occur on a recessive or dominant gene. e' causes many inherited diseases li/e sic/le cell anaemia4 al"inism and polydactylism. f' 5ic/le cell anaemia6 - caused "y a mutation on the recessive allele responsi"le for the production of haemoglo"in. - the mutated allele causes the production of a"normal haemoglo"in )hich crystalli1es4 causing the red "lood cells to "ecome sic/le shaped or 5-shaped. g' +l"inism6 - +l"inos cannot produce an en1yme responsi"le for the production of the s/in pigment4 melanin. - +l"inos have )hite hair4 pin/ish eyes and s/in4 and s/in that is very sensitive to sunlight. h' 7olydactylism6 - a polydactyl individual has an e#tra finger or toe.

Prepared by: Mr. Gerard Selvaraj

Form 5: Chapter 6 Variation

8. Chromosome mutation a' an increase or decrease in the num"er of chromosome or a change in the structure of the chromosome. "' caused "y the failure of homologous chromosome to segregate during meiosis & and meiosis &&. c' Do)n 5yndrome - individual has an e#tra copy of chromosome num"er 214 giving a total of 39 chromosomes in each cell. - "road forehead4 short nec/ and lim"s4 almond shaped eyes )ith folded eyelids4 thic/ protruding tongue and varying degrees of mental retardation and heart defects at "irth. d' Turner:s syndrome - infertile female has only 33 ; 0< chromosomes. - lo) levels of se# hormones very little development of secondary se#ual characteristics. e' =linefelter:s syndrome - male has 33 ; 00> chromosomes. - underdeveloped se# organs. - a lo) level of testosterone4 sparse "ody hair and developed "reasts.

Prepared by: Mr. Gerard Selvaraj

Form 5: Chapter 6 Variation

f' 7olyploidy - addition of one or several )hole sets of chromosomes in an organism. - three sets-triploid - common among flo)ering plants and food plants li/e apples4 tomato and )heat to produce "igger fruit )ith more nutritional value. g' change in the chromosomal structure involving rearrangement of )hole "loc/s of genes on a chromosome. h' may result in an alteration in the num"er of genes or in the se,uence of )hole sets of genes in chromosomes.

Prepared by: Mr. Gerard Selvaraj

Form 5: Chapter 6 Variation

'he importance of variation in the surviva of a species 1. 7rovides the necessary adaptations for them to compete and also to survive together in ne) environments that arise.

Prepared by: Mr. Gerard Selvaraj

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