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RELEASED BY: Goa Police Government of Goa

Mission Mode Project-CCTNS

Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

..............................................................................................................................................................................2 1 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 5 PROPOSED NETWORK ARCHITECTURE ......................................................................................... 5 USER LOAD MATRIX ............................................................................................................................ 6 PRIMARY SITE ....................................................................................................................................... 7 4.1 4.2 HELPDESK AND NOC ...............................................................................................................................7 DISASTER RECOVERY ..............................................................................................................................9 The application shall be architected with Aspect ......................................................................9 DC Design Description ................................................................................................................11 Set-up at Data Centre and DR Site ...........................................................................................11 Hardware and Security Components at Primary Data center ...............................................12 Network Components at primary Data Centre.........................................................................13

4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.3 5

EXISTING SERVERS AND STORAGE IN DATA CENTER............................................................................13

CLIENT/USER LOCATIONS ............................................................................................................... 15 5.1 5.2 REQUIREMENTS AT CLIENT LOCATION...................................................................................................15 INFRASTRUCTURE AT CLIENT LOCATION ...............................................................................................17

5.2.1 IT INFRASTRUCTURE AT THE CLIENT SITE LOCATIONS (SUMMARY) ........................................................17 5.2.2 IT INFRASTRUCTURE AT THE CLIENT SITE LOCATIONS (DETAIL) .............................................................18 5.2. 4 SITE PREPARATION AT THE CLIENT SITE LOCATIONS (SUMMARY) .........................................................20 5.2. 5 SITE PREPARATION AT THE CLIENT SITE LOCATIONS (POLICE STATIONS, SCRB, SDPOS, DISTRICT HQ AND PHQ) ...................................................................................................................................................20 6 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................................. 22 6.1 ANTIVIRUS ...................................................................................................................................................22 6.2 EMS .............................................................................................................................................................24 6.3 HIPS ............................................................................................................................................................28 6.4 STORAGE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE (SMS)..............................................................................................30 7 MINIMUM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................... 30 7.1 DESKTOP......................................................................................................................................................31 7.2. MULTI-FUNCTION PRINTER.........................................................................................................................32 7.3 DUPLEX PRINTER .........................................................................................................................................33

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7.4 DIGITAL CAMERA .........................................................................................................................................33 7.5 ELECTRONIC PEN ........................................................................................................................................34 7.6 FURNITURE...................................................................................................................................................34 7.7 SAN STORAGE ............................................................................................................................................36 7.8 RACK SERVER..............................................................................................................................................38 7. 9 UTM ............................................................................................................................................................39 7.10 SAN SWITCH..............................................................................................................................................41 7.11 L2 SWITCH .................................................................................................................................................42 7. 12 5KVA UPS ..............................................................................................................................................45 7. 13 10 KVA UPS ...........................................................................................................................................46 7.14 W EB BASED PMIS ....................................................................................................................................47 7.15 32 INCH LCD TV .......................................................................................................................................47 7.16 ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM ......................................................................................................................48 7.17 KVM SWITCH.............................................................................................................................................48 8 9 BOM FOR DC AND DR........................................................................................................................ 49 DETAILS OF TECHNOLOGY STACK ENHANCED G-COPS AND CAS (CENTER) ................... 50 9.1 ENHANCED G-COPS TECHNOLOGY STACK.................................................................................................50 9.2 CAS (CENTER) SOLUTION ..........................................................................................................................52 9.3 EXISTING G-COPS TECHNOLOGY STACK....................................................................................................53 9.4 DC-DR INFRASTRUCTURE THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE TO SI .......................................................................54 9.5 SCOPE OF W ORK .........................................................................................................................................55 9.6 EXISTING HARDWARE - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................57

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements


This Annexure will outline the minimum technical specifications required for meeting the scope of CCTNS Goa Project. This will cover, but is not limited to the 1) Data Center Site 2) Disaster Recovery Site 3) Client Sites 4) NOC and Helpdesk The specifications given in this document are indicative and the System integrator is free to suggest a different specification which could be over and above the minimum specification indicated here.

Proposed Network Architecture

Network architecture is a blueprint of the complete computer communication network, which provides a framework and technology foundation for designing, building and managing a communication network. It typically has a layered structure. Layering is a modern network design principle which divides the communication tasks into a number of smaller parts, each part accomplishing a particular sub-task and interacting with the other parts in a small number of well-defined ways. Layering allows the parts of a communication to be designed and tested without a combinatorial explosion of cases, keeping design relatively simple. In the centralized architecture, the main site is known and primary site and the alternate site is known as Disaster recovery site. The fig below shows the recommended DC-DR Diagram for Goa CCTNS Project

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

User load matrix

The calculation for estimated number of external users (citizens) who will be accessing the citizen portal is as below.

Total Users Estimated is 1% of Internet Penetration 410 Total Internet penetration in Goa: 40997 Total Polpulation in Goa :13,43,998 (2001: Cencus Data)

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

The total number of external users expected to use the CCTNS is application is estimated at 410 and assuming a 10% concurrency, a total of 41 users at a time. This is just a suggested figure, and the number may rise owing to stabilization of application, increased internet penetration and increased public awareness. The Government of Goa in India has made a foray into the world of hi-tech e-governance with the implementation of an end-to-end IP backbone in the state, called the Goa Broadband Network, or GBBN. This Super high speed network infrastructure will be leveraged to change the way Administrative Services are delivered to citizens, businesses, and Government employees. The GBBN has been designed to connect the State Headquarters, District Head Quarter with all 11 Talukas, Village Panchayats, Households, institution across the State. With this, Goa becomes the first state in the country to have in place a truly converged Wide Area Network, the GBBN which carries voice, video and data encapsulated in IP packets across the state. The internal users of G-Cops application can be estimated to be approximately 4600 Police Personnel, the number of concurrent users can be estimated to be around 200

Primary Site

Primary data center will be at Goa State NICs Data Center Facility at Margao, Goa and will be established in a co-location model. Required modules of the CCTNS application will be developed and deployed at this Primary DC. All the users across the locations will access this data securely and store the database in main storage area at Primary DC. Details of indicative project IT components succeeding paragraphs. 4.1 Helpdesk and NOC In order to Monitor and control the Network of the entire state, Goa Police desire to setup a Network Operation Centre (NOC) at the Mini Data Center in PHQ, Goa. In addition, the NOC will also host a Helpdesk to facilitate users on their day to day activities. NOCs are implemented to oversee complex networking environments that require little to no downtime. NOC personnel are responsible for monitoring one or many networks for certain conditions that may require special attention to avoid degraded service. This is required to manage different networks or to provide geographic redundancy in the event of one site becoming unavailable. The NOC will be manned 24X7X365 for the duration of the contract Function: architecture, required items and specifications are given in

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NOCs analyze problems, perform troubleshooting, communicate with site technicians and other NOCs, and track problems through resolution. When necessary, NOCs escalate problems to the appropriate stakeholders. For severe conditions that are impossible to anticipate, such as a power failure or a cut optical fiber cable, NOCs have procedures in place to immediately contact technicians to remedy the problem. Primary responsibilities of NOC personnel will include: a. Network monitoring b. Incident response c. Communications management

d. Reporting

NOCs often escalate issues in a hierarchic manner, so if an issue is not resolved in a specific time frame, the next level is informed to speed up problem remediation. Helpdesks: The proposed Helpdesk Management System will provide the following function: a. Flexibility of logging, viewing, updating and closing incident manually via web interface. Escalation Features a. Flexibility of incident Assignment based on workload, Category, location etc. b. Creates tickets when new request will come from operators/Dept c. Tracking of SLA (CCTNS service level agreements) for call requests within the help desk through service types d. Updateable knowledge base for technical analysis and further help end-users to search solutions for previously solved issues. Description The existing area of Mini Data-Center of Goa Police should be used to build the NOC and Helpdesk Centre. The total area considered for the setup is approx.. 400 Sq. Feet. The room shall be designed and built to seat 3 persons in NOC and 2 operators in Helpdesk. SI is expected to provide all the necessary basic furniture and fixtures required in the NOC room.

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

Suggested BoM for HelpDesk and NOC

SI No. 1

System Description Desktops `

Quantity 4

2 3

Duplex Printer Furniture

1 4 Computers Chairs, 4 Computer Table, 1 Printer Table

4 5

32 LCD TV Access Control System

1 1


Disaster Recovery

DR Site is decided by the department at Hyderabad. The proposed application will be on Web services model. 4.2.1 The application shall be architected with Aspect

The proposed application will be N-tier Service oriented Architecture with separation of business logic from application, database and presentation. The application will be on the central servers at Data Center in Goa and the Disaster Recovery (DR traditional 3-tier architecture) will be at Hyderabad


Database Tier: This shall be diagonally scaling and deployed on a DC class server as specified in this document. Database servers shall be deployed in n+1 cluster. If n is 1 (as per ISV sizing) then Data base servers shall be deployed in 1+1 cluster.


Application Server: Application servers shall be deployed in multiple servers (horizontal scaling) as specified in this tender document in n+1 cluster.

iii. Web Tier: Web servers shall be deployed in multiple servers (horizontal scaling) as specified in this tender document in n+1 cluster.

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

The application server shall be deployed in N+1 cluster mode with a common standby server for multiple servers. There should be a database for application servers and web servers. The web servers shall be deployed with external load balancers for high availability. There shall be at least two load balancers for redundancy. The web servers shall be configured in n+1 redundancy mode.

The proposed network and security architecture solution and diagram for primary data center is only a representative and is subject to the overall requirement of all functionalities listed in this section. The feature of the proposed network and security architecture is as below.

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements


DC Design Description

The router at DC would also have capability to handle the data traffic and multiple SSL/VPN encapsulations for secured data transfer between any of the department offices. The router would also connect to the internet and would offer Server connectivity to external users. The router should be capable to handle both MPLS and Internet connectivity. The DC- DR replication router shall replicate data across MPLS connectivity to the DR site and vice versa Host Intrusion Prevention system (HIPS) should detect malicious traffic and further protects the DC DR sites. Intrusion system would also detect (and prevent) any intrusion from Internet/extranet network. The Network Infrastructure (Switches , firewalls, IDS / IPS , routers, server load balancer, link load balancer etc) would be configured in active active and in high availability mode Firewalls would provide next layer of protection between the extranets and DMZ (which has hosted the application server). Web server Users: All the servers would be connected to high capacity L2 Switch, which can process million of packets within seconds, depending on the Users and Application and its contents. The Application servers would be accessing the database from the backend in order to process the user / citizens queries/requests. The Database servers (RDBMS) are further hosted in higher security layer, comprising of components such as Firewall and Intrusion Prevention system. The SDC is required to provide Infrastructure Services such as Firewall Service, Directory Service, Web Service, Database Service, messaging and data storage services etc. which would be utilized for the application. In this secure infrastructure it has to be ensured that the security devices in the network such as Firewalls, are in high-availability mode, and these devices should be evenly distributed to optimize performance. The set up shall have the AAA , antivirus , web server , DNS servers connected and configured The application can be accessed through VPN over broadband and through MPLS connectivity The DR replication would happen through MPLS cloud


Set-up at Data Centre and DR Site

The DC & DR would be hosting the CCTNS application along with the other identified applications. The following highlights the different server zone available at the Data Centre

Militarized and De-Militarized Zone at Data center De-militarized zone will contain the following: Server Zone

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Militarized zone will contain the following: Critical Server Zone

Server Zone: The server zone will host the following applications: Mail and Messaging solution Antivirus solution Single Sign on Directory Services Portal Server

Critical Server Zone: The critical server zone will host the following applications: CCTNS Application (CAS (State)) EMS Application Enhanced G-Cops


Hardware and Security Components at Primary Data center

Following Server Components are proposed at the Primary Data Centre for the CCTNS application: Portal Server: Web based applications are easily accessible from any sort of the network, Intranet, internet or extranet. Therefore, portal server plays a vital role this initiative. The portal server would be used for providing access to the CCTNS application through internet / intranet. Using portal, relevant contents of the applications can be easily enabled, updated and deployed at the earliest. Portal would provide a base template to users who want to access the application via internet. The portal server shall allow users to access the application from internet and the same shall be configured in cluster mode. Application Server: Application would be required as middle tier for various web based applications. Application server would take care of the necessary workflow and portal server would be required for the interfacing with the end user. Both the portal and application server would be seamlessly integrated to provide high availability and performance. With the use of load balancers, user requests would be distributed among various clustered/common servers. The application servers will be configured in active active and in cluster mode and shall also have the database configured accordingly. Database Servers: The database/repository provides all the relevant information required to process the applications. Database server would be required to store and access data with ease. This would also be integrated with multiple applications, residing at the DC.

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

Email Server : The email server would provide emailing solution to the users of Goa Police Enterprise Management Server: For overall management of the Data center components, an Enterprise Management System (EMS) will be provided and would be integrated with the CCTNS application. SI shall have to prepare a category wise detailed list of elements to be monitored, monitoring parameters and the monitoring frequency in terms of critical, semi critical and non-critical categories in each Data Center and the application.


Network Components at primary Data Centre

Router: Router will be installed in a redundant mode at the primary data center. There routers will be the customer premises equipment which will be connected with an Intranet / VPN over Broad band link HIPS: An intrusion detection system is used to detect several types of malicious behaviors that can compromise the security and trust of a computer system. This includes network attacks against vulnerable services, data driven attacks on applications, host based attacks such as privilege escalation, unauthorized logins and access to sensitive files, and malware (viruses, Trojan horses, and worms). Firewall: A firewall will be a part of network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting outward communication. Firewall will be installed in redundant mode at server zone and critical server zone to provide features like high-availability and fault tolerance. Co-location with NIC Data center Primary Data center will be collocated in the data center facility at NIC Data Center at Margao, Goa. The following components may be used commonly and hence will not be included in the cost: 4.3 Rack Space Power and Cooling SNMP based UPS, DG set power backup Fire prevention Physical security surveillance Common Data Centre facility Maintenance and Support Existing Servers and Storage in Data center

The section below suggests the numbers and types of servers, storage and other hardware devices available with Goa Police.

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

The table given below describes the existing hardware available to support the proposed CCTNS application for the project. For technical specifications of the existing hardware mentioned below please refer to section 9.6

Existing Servers Infrastructure Information Server Name (Utility of the server) Data Base server Application server Tape Library Tape Auto Loader Fiber Channel Storage Enclosure SAN Switch

Sl. No 1

Location Goa PHQ

Make & Model Dell Power Edge 2950 Dell Power Edge 2950 42 U VALRACK LTO Drive Dell PWERVAULT TL2000 DELL BROCADE 200E

Unit 4

HDD 292 GB


146 GB

3 4 5


4 6 1


Existing WAN Infrastructure Sl. No 1 Network Device Utility Core switch (layer 3) Location Goa PHQ Make & Model D-link Interface / Network Cards Information Port 24, 10/100/1000 Base T with auto negotiation 4 shared SFP transceiver slots Cat 6 No. of Components 1


Goa Police HQ & Police stations Goa Police station



Zywall Firewall DKVM-8E

Unified Threat Management KVM

KVM Switch


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Date of Purchase of all the above mentioned Items is Dec-07 and they are covered Under AMC till May 2013 except for Firewall. SI has to factor the cost of AMC after June 2013

Client/User Locations 5.1 Requirements at Client Location

The following table highlights the number of locations at client side and also the primary scope at these sites Client Location Scope Component Number Site Preparation Client Site Infrastructure Additional Hardware (Digital camera, Electronic pen) Yes As per Section 6.2 As per section 6.2

Police Station CIPA Phase 1 Police Station Other offices (Higher office/Training centres/FSL/FPB/District control rooms)

4 23 15

No Yes Yes

Yes As per section 6.2 As per Section 6.2

The complete breakup of the locations is given as below Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name of police Stations & Higher Offices Panaji Police Station Old Goa Police Station Agacaim Police Station Ponda Collem Police Station Valpoi Police Station Bicholim Police Station Mapusa Police Station Calangute Police Station Porvorim Police Station Anjuna Police Station District North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa

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12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Pernem Police Station Margao Police Station Cuncolim Police Station Maina Curtorim Police Station Colva Police Station Quepem Police Station Curchorem Police Station Sanguem Police Station Canacona Police Staion Vasco Police Station Verna Police Station Marmagoa Police Station Vasco Railway Crime Branch (Dona Paula, Panaji) Anti Narcotics cell Police Station Women Police Station SP North Porvorim SP South Margao Police Head Quarter SDPO Panjim SDPO Porvorim/ Mapusa ii SDPO Mapusa SDPO Bicholim SDPO Ponda SDPO Margao SDPO Quepem SDPO Vasco

North Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa CID CID CID North Goa South Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa

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39 40 41 42

SCRB Police Control Room Forensic Science Laboratory Finger Print Bureau

North Goa North Goa South Goa South Goa


Infrastructure at Client Location

It is to be emphasized here that Goa Police is looking at this engagement as asset of complete services to be provided by the selected agency and not as a supply of hardware & software. To that end the specifications laid out in RFP are indicative requirement and Bill of material is minimum, whereas the bidder are expected to focus on the objectives and SLAs of this project and formulate their solution offering in a manner that enables achieving those objectives both in letter as well as spirit

SI is requested to put due diligence while responding to this RFP and shall be responsible for proposing other hardware (like racks etc)/ software components as part of their Bill of Material for the successful implementation of this project. Operational expenses (paper/toner) in each location for 3 years is also under the scope of SI

5.2.1 IT Infrastructure at the Client site locations (Summary)

Locations Type Police Stations SDPO District Office Police Control Room Forensic Science Lab Finger Print Bureau State Crime records Bureau Police Head Quarters NOC Total
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Number 27 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 42

PC 108 24 20 5 5 2 8 15 4 191

Printer 27

Client Side Infra 5KVA 10KVA Digital MFP UPS UPS Camera 27 8 20 1 1 1 8 15 1 2 35 5 27 27 8 2 27

Electronic Pen 27

1 28 81 27

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5.2.2 IT Infrastructure at the Client site locations (Detail)

Locations Sl No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Client Side Infra 5KVA 10KVA UPS UPS

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Name of police Stations & Highes Offices

Panaji Police Station Old Goa Police Station Agacaim Police Station Ponda Collem Police Station Valpoi Police Station Bicholim Police Station Mapusa Police Station Calangute Police Station Porvorim Police Station Anjuna Police Station Pernem Police Station Margao Police Station Cuncolim Police Station Maina Curtorim Police Station Colva Police Station Quepem Police Station Curchorem Police Station Sanguem Police Station Canacona Police Staion Vasco Police Station

North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Printer MFP
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Digital Camera
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Electronic Pen
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Verna Police Station Marmagoa Police Station Vasco Railway Crime Branch (Dona Paula, Panaji) Anti-Narcotics cell Police Station Women Police Station SP North Porvorim SP South Margao Police Head Quarter SDPO Panjim SDPO Porvorim/ Mapusa ii SDPO Mapusa SDPO Bicholim SDPO Ponda SDPO Margao SDPO Quepem SDPO Vasco SCRB Police Control Room Forensic Science Laboratory Finger Print Bureau NOC Total

South Goa South Goa South Goa CID CID CID North Goa South Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa North Goa North Goa South Goa South Goa

4 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 15 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 5 5 2 4 191

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 28 81 35 5 27 27

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5.2. 4 Site Preparation at the Client site locations (Summary) Item Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Locations Non CIPA Police Station: (23 nos.) SDPO Office: (8 Nos.) SP (District) Office: (2 Nos.) Police Head Quarter (1) SCRB NOC Total Computer Table 92 24 20 15 8 4 163 Chair 92 24 20 15 8 4 163 1 24 11 204 Printer Table 23 Electrical Points 2 1 0 0 8 LAN 115 32 11 30 16

5.2. 5 Site Preparation at the Client site locations (Police Stations, SCRB, SDPOs, District HQ and PHQ) Item Printer Table

Sl. No


Computer table


Electrical Points


Non CIPA Police Station: (23 nos.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Collem Police Station Canacona Police Station Cuncolim Police Station Anjuna Police Station Verna Police Station Anti-Narcotic Cell Police Station Colva Police Station Maina Curtorim Police Station Marmagoa Police Station Vasco Police Station 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Vasco Railway Police Station Crime Branch,Daunapaulo Margao P.S. Agacaim P.S. Curchorem PS Quepem PS Women PS, Panaji Panaji PS Pernem PS Bicholim PS Sanguem PS Valpoim PS Old Goa PS Total

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 92 SDPO (8 Nos) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 10 10 20 PHQ 15 SCRB 8 NOC 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 92 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 10 10 20 15 8 4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 115

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SDPO, Ponda SDPO, Bicholim SDPO, Quepem SDPO, Margaon SDPO, Vasco SDPO,Mapusa SDPO, Porvarim SDPO, Panjim Total

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32 11 11 22

SP District Office 1 2 SP(South),Margaon SP North Office Total 1 1 PHQ SCRB NOC

0 8 1

30 16

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Software Requirement

6.1 Antivirus Automatic centralized pattern updating and distribution Ability to block the specific ports at desktop and servers to stop the spread of virus within the network during the time of outbreak Ability to block network shares at desktop and servers to stop the spread of virus within the network during the time of outbreak Restriction to un-installation of antivirus solution by users Folder and file type scan exclusions for performance enhancement Centralized AV management server is required for the following Have ability to deploy antivirus clients from centralized location Have ability to centrally download updates for AV software and deploy updates automatically to the antivirus environment. Have the ability to show up to the minute antivirus information across the entire network including number of infections, whether clients are properly updated and whether AV clients are running Have ability to take action form the centralized consol including issuing commands to antivirus clients and getting immediate responses Have ability to apply appropriate settings to AV client from a centralized consol Have ability to collect logs from all AV clients and provide information through log queries or reports Have ability to notify the administrator from a centralized location.

Ability to control network access based on a computers compliance with organization's antivirus health policy, remediate the noncompliance to health or restrict the computer's access to network resources

Anti-virus solution will be implemented on all desktops for CCTNS project. Anti-virus solution will be implemented on gateways at both primary and DR site Anti-virus server will be deployed at the primary Datacenter. Anti-virus solution will also be implemented on all servers at primary site and DR site as part of the overall solution

Packet Inspection

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The solution should support virtual patching both known and unknown vulnerabilities until the next scheduled maintenance window. Virtual Patching should be achieved by using a high-performance inspection engine to intelligently examine the content of network traffic entering and leaving hosts. Should provide automatic recommendation of removing assigned policies if a vulnerability no longer exists - For Example - If a patch is deployed It should protect operating systems, commercial off-the-shelf applications, and custom web applications against attacks such as SQL injections and cross-site scripting The solution shall have the capability to inspect and block attacks that happen over SSL Solution should be capable of Information gathering about network hosts and their activities, such as operating system, services, open ports, client applications and vulnerabilities. The solution must support IPv6 and must be capable of blocking and detecting of IPv6 attacks. The solution OEM should deliver virtual patching updates within 24 hours of an application vendor announcing vulnerability in their system The Solution should have Smart rules provide broad protection, and low-level insight, for servers and end-user systems. For operating systems and applications, the rules limit variations of elements of traffic, limiting the ability of attackers to investigate possible attack vectors since many attacks are based on exceeding expected characteristics. Smart rules are also used to protect web applications (commercial and custom) from attack by shielding web application vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting.

Solution should provision inclusion of packet data on event trigger for forensic purposes The solution shall protect against fragmented attacks

Integrity Monitoring Integrity monitoring module should be capable of monitoring critical operating system and application elements (files, directories, and registry keys) to detect suspicious behavior, such as modifications, or changes in ownership or permissions. The solution should be able to monitor System Services, Installed Programs and Running Processes for any changes Log Inspection Solution should have a Log Inspection module which provides the ability to collect and analyze operating system, databases and applications for security events. The solution shall support installation of agents on Windows, Linux and Solaris Operating Systems Desktop Antivirus Agentless Antivirus should support both Real Time and Schedule scan Solution should support various Actions like, Clean, Delete, Quarantine,Pass
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Solution should also support restoration of quarantined files. The solution must support IPv6

Should be latest Edition, Should be manufactured not earlier than 2012 6.2 EMS

Enterprise Management System should provide for end to end performance, availability, fault and event and impact management for all enterprise resources that encompasses the heterogeneous networks, systems, applications and databases present in the system.

The Service Management solution namely Service desk (incident and problem mgmt), Change, Asset, Self Service and Service level management should be built on the same platform/code and leverage the same common, shared configuration database with a unified architecture. The same platforms should be used across all modules, requiring no complex integrations to leverage the combined benefits offered by the integrated platform.

Should be SNMP compliant, scalable, support distributed architecture and third party integrations Should provide fault and performance management for multi-vendor TCP/IP networks. The service automation solution should be a unified solution supporting provisioning, configuration management and compliance assurance across servers, networks and applications and should support end to end full stack and dynamic server, network and application provisioning.

Solution should provide for future scalability of the whole system without major architectural changes. Solution should be open, distributed, and scalable and open to third party integration. The solution should provide Agent-based or Agentless Monitoring in a single architecture that will allow an organization to choose the level of management required and deploys the right-sized solution to meet those requirements.

The agent and agentless monitor should be able to collect event/fault, performance and capacity data and should not require separate collectors. The solution should reduce manual customization efforts and should speed-up problem identification and resolution of the IT performance anomalies with intelligent events. The solution should accelerate problem isolation through accurate analysis of probable cause through end-to-end correlation. The solution should have the capability to identify probable root cause using a variety of filtering and statistical correlation methods to shift through every metric to determine their relevance to the issue being researched.

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

The solution should possess capabilities that deliver self-learning capabilities to virtually eliminate the ongoing costs of manual threshold, rule, and script maintenance. The solution should have the capability to minimize manual threshold management, by performing automated dynamic threshold management. The solution should carry out automated probable cause analysis by picking up feeds from every infrastructure component being monitored and automating the correlation of these alarms/events to point out the probable cause of an infrastructure error.

Should be configurable to suppress events for key systems/devices that are down for routine maintenance or planned outage. The solution should provide end users with the ability to search for known errors and knowledgebase Solution should be able to score the events and display the highest impacting events in descending order The Network Management function must monitor performance across heterogeneous networks from one end of the enterprise to the other. It should proactively analyze problems to improve network performance. The Network Management function should create a graphical display of all discovered resources. The Network Management function should have extensive reporting facility, providing the ability to format and present data in a graphical and tabular display Should support discovery of Physical, virtual, network, application, storage and mainframe resources Solution should support complete agent-less discovery requiring no software to be installed on devices to be discovered. Should Automatically map IT infrastructure to business services Should support troubleshooting and diagnostics for any discovery scan failures Business owners should have a clear view of the extent of impact to their business and if need be the reason behind the impact. The IT organization should be able to view their tickets by business service and impact from the same solution Should support advanced filtering to eliminate extraneous data / alarms in Web browser and GUI. Should monitor various operating system parameters such as processors, memory, files, processes, file systems etc. where applicable using agents on the servers to be monitored. The agent should support execution of remote commands/scripts for troubleshooting and diagnostics purposes

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The Solution displays the complete ITIL process flow for Incident, problem, Change and release Management The solution should have Service Management Process Model in built based on ITIL v3 best practices. At each stage in the cycle of the incident, the system should prompt users on the status and the missing information that is required to complete the flow Solution should support multi-tenancy with complete data isolation as well as with ability for analysts based on access rights to view data for one, two or more organizational units. Solution should provide L1 engineer an ability to see the list of assets used by the end user. This list should be displayed within the ticket (incident, change, problem etc). L1 should be able to view detailed configuration of a selected asset (Eg - amount of CPU, RAM, Disk Space, IP address, software installed, software used etc). Should be possible to do this from within the ticket.

Flexibility of logging incidents via various means - web interface, client interface, phone, auto integration with EMS tools Service Desk solution should allow detailed multiple levels/tiers of categorization on the type of incident being logged. Service Desk solution should provide classification to differentiate the criticality of the security incident via the priority levels, severity levels and impact levels. It should allow SLA to be associated with a ticket based on priority, severity, incident type, requestor, asset, location or group individually as well as collectively. Should support unified change and release tools (planning, risk assessment, scheduling, and execution tools) for complete enterprise across virtual & physical environments, applications, etc

Should be integrated with Service Desk for maintenance and support of assets Should be integrated with Change Management for deployment, changes. Should support Integration with supplier, contract, e-procurement data Should provide best in class integration capabilities with CMDB compliant APIs. Solution should support comprehensive SLA management platform that cuts across Infrastructure Management and Service Management. For e.g. monitors and reports across different KPIs like infrastructure (CPU utilization, disk space), response times , resolution times (eg. incident closed on 2 hours) performance and custom parameters of an enterprise

Have a consolidated, automated graphical report for SLA compliance with ability to drill down to reason for non-compliance" Manage service levels for delivery and support of business services Fast, repeatable process for defining and capturing service level measurements

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Real-time visualization of service level targets, agreement compliance data, penalties and rewards Deliver service level information and alerts directly to IT Operations and Service Support consoles Should support single service catalog for request-able services, spanning both IT and non-IT domains Should provide for Service Requests Workflows and Fulfillment definitions for commonly used IT/non-IT services. Catalog based on User profile Ability to load dynamic information based on the field chosen Ability to position both Custom-made and Standard Requests Should have the ability to extend and create new service request Should have predefined catalogues that cover specific use cases Should be completely web based and should be accessible from an unified portal The services should be integrated to SLAs and should be auto measured for adherence. Should provide for OOB Reports for Service Support and Service Delivery processes through a unified portal Should have ability to have a consolidated view of data collected from different types of operations (Eg - SLA compliance for a selected business service, it's dependent SLAs, OLA and UPCs, it's changes by priority, open incidents by priority and status, it's assets and individual asset compliance, patches installed and compliance to patches etc) and displayed in a universal portal

Provide users (based on role) to drill down to specific report/data on a need basis Ability to create custom KPI metrics and scorecard/compliance reports that are updated automatically Single dashboard provides the as-is scenario by consolidating the data across the organization Should be able to generate the reports for Server, Application, infrastructure services and Network devices in DC/DR environment. Availability Reports: o Availability and Uptime Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Basis o Trend /Custom/MTBF and MTTR Reports o Performance Reports of CPU and Memory Utilized o Interface errors o Server and Infrastructure service statistics o Trend report based on Historical Information

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o Custom Reports o SLA Reporting and Computation of SLA for entire DC/DR Infrastructure Automated Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly SLA reports End to end Management of applications (J2EE/.NET based) Determination of the root cause of performance issues whether inside the Java / .Net application in connected back-end systems or at the network layer. Automatic discovery and monitoring of the web application environment and Ability to monitor applications with a dashboard Should have ability to correlate events across the entire infrastructure components of DC/DR. Should support automatic event correlation in order to reduce events occurring in DC/DR. Should be latest Edition, Should be manufactured not earlier than 2012 6.3 HIPS The solution should support virtual patching both known and unknown vulnerabilities until the next scheduled maintenance window. Virtual Patching should be achieved by using a high-performance inspection engine to intelligently examine the content of network traffic entering and leaving hosts. Should provide automatic recommendations against existing vulnerabilities, dynamically tuning IDS/IPS sensors (Eg. Selecting rules, configuring policies, updating policies, etc.) Should provide automatic recommendation of removing assigned policies if a vulnerability no longer exists - For Example - If a patch is deployed It should protect operating systems, commercial off-the-shelf applications, and custom web applications against attacks such as SQL injections and cross-site scripting Solution should work in detect only mode and prevent mode. Solution should support automatic and manual tagging of events. Solution should provide policy inheritance exception capabilities. Solution should provision inclusion of packet data on event trigger for forensic purposes The solution shall protect against fragmented attacks The solution should allow to block based on thresholds The solution should be able to monitor System Services, Installed Programs and Running Processes for any changes The solution should be able to automatically recommend log inspection rules based on the OS and applications running on a server Log Inspection should work real time Agent installation methods should support manual local installation, packaging with third party software distribution systems and distribution through Active Directory
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Any policy updates pushed to the agent should not require to stop the agent, or to restart the system The solution shall support installation of agents on Windows, Linux and Solaris Operating Systems Solution should have single centralized web based management console. The solution shall allow grouping security configurations together and also allow to apply these configurations to other similar systems The solution should support forwarding of alerts through SNMP and E Mail The solution should be minimum of EAL 3+ certified The solution should be able to generate detailed and summary reports. The solution shall allow scheduling and E Mail delivery of reports The solution shall have a configurable dashboard that should allow the Administrator to see a 1 day or a 7 day summary Solution should allow creating multiple dashboard views for different administrators The solution shall allow creation of custom lists, such as IP Lists, MAC lists etc. that can be used in the policies that are created. Solution should support various Actions like, Clean, Delete, Quarantine, Pass Solution should also support restoration of quarantined files. Host intrusion prevention system will be deployed at all the servers at the Primary site and the DR site. HIPS will analyze all packets to and from the server for and propagation to detect and prevent attacks. HIPS solution should offer centralized policy management, and should allow creation of custom and location based policies. It should provide a user friendly interface. It should provide multilayered defense against viruses, spyware, adware, rogue software and other known and unknown threats. It should allow tracking of incidents and look for patterns. HIPS software should protect the end points even when they are off network. HIPS software should be compatible with the chosen operating system and server hardware. Should be latest Edition, Should be manufactured not earlier than 2012

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6.4 Storage Management Software (SMS)

Storage management software should protect the organization from the risks of data loss and will help in reducing complexity, managing costs and address compliance with data retention and availability requirements.

Storage Management Software should improve the business continuity by shortening backup and recovery times and maximizing application availability with advanced data recovery management technologies.

Storage Management Software should employ data duplication and a hierarchy of storage to increase efficiencies and conserve resources. SMS should enhance data security with innovative access and encryption features. SMS should help the department to adapt to changes within the IT infrastructure to minimize service disruptions and speed restorations and backups. SMS should increase the visibility into the data protection environment by providing advanced features for operational monitoring and historical reporting. SMS should allow Host based replication and failover to IP based network. SMS should be able to create, manage and protect file shares and network application storage.

Minimum Technical Specifications

All the technical Items covered under the scope of this RFP should be latest Edition and should be manufactured not earlier than 2012. Warranty for 3 years also shall apply on all items listed below. The minimum technical specification is as given below. The SI has to give compliance against each technical parameter.

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7.1 Desktop

Desktop Components CPU No of Cores CPU Speed Chipset Cache Memory FSB Memory HDD Monitor Keyboard (Requirement of bilingual keyboards with Hindi and English printed on the keyboard and not with stickers on the keyboard) Mouse Specifications AMD / Intel Pentium Core Minimum 2 or higher Min 3 Ghz or higher OEM Motherboard Minimum 2 MB L2 or higher 800 MB/s-1064 MB/s 2 GB DDR3 RAM upgradeable upto 8 GB Minimum 250 GB , 7200 RPM SATA Hard Disk 18.5" TFT Monitor 104 Keys, heavy-duty bilingual keyboard, having key life of 20 million keystrokes or more (same make and color as base PC) with India Rupee Symbol

Two Button Optical Scroll Mouse

Optical Drive Cabinet Ports

DVDRW Min.6 USB 2.0 ( 2 In front), 1 Serial, 1 Parallel, PS/2 (For Keyboard & Mouse , Audio In/out (In front), Headphone/Mic, Ethernet Intel HD Graphics Preloaded (licensed version of Antivirus with 3 years validity) 1 mts CAT 6 cord Energy star compliant for power saving Windows 8 preloaded 10/100/1000 Network Card with remote booting facility, remote system installation, remote wake up

Display Controller Anti-virus Patch Cord Power Management OS Networking Features

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Office Productivity Suite applications (like document, spreadsheet, presentation etc) will also be supplied with the Desktop/PC. Office applications which the SI will propose in the solution should be industry standard and OEM supported

7.2. Multi-Function Printer MFP Components Print speed, black (normal quality mode) Print resolution, black Print technology Duty Cycle Duplex printing (printing on both sides of paper) Media sizes, standard Specifications Up to 33 ppm, B/W, Legal (8.5 in x 14 in)

4800 x 1200 dpi Laser 12000 pages Automatic A4, ISO B5, JIS B5, A5, A6, Executive, US Letter, US Legal, Oficio, Folio, DL Envelope, C5 Envelope, C6 Envelope, Monarch Envelope, No. 10 Envelope Paper (bond, color, letterhead, plain, preprinted, pre punched, recycled, rough, light), envelopes, labels, cardstock, transparencies, user-defined 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0; 1 10/100 Ethernet network port Flatbed with automatic document feed, upto 1200 dpi;; Scan size maximum (flatbed): 215.9 x 297 mm (8.5 x11.7 inches), Scan speed: upto 15 PPM Black-white Up to 600x600 dpi, Copy speed (black, draft quality, A4):Up to 25 cpm, Copy resolution (black graphics): Up to 1200 x 600 dpi, Copier resize: 25 to 400% Power supply, internal 1 USB (compatible with USB 2.0 specifications), 1 network port Windows 8

Media types

Connectivity Scanner


Power Device System Interface

Compatible operating systems

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7.3 Duplex Printer

Laser Printer Components Print Speed: Connectivity Technology: Interface: Max Resolution ( B&W ): Duplex Printout: PostScript Support: First Print Out Time B/W: Fonts Included: Media Type: Max Media Size (Custom): Media Sizes: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port 1200 dpi x 1200 dpi Duplex Standard 8 sec 45 x TrueType , 35 x PostScript Envelopes, transparencies, labels, plain paper, glossy paper, cards 8.5 in x 14 in A4, ISO B5, JIS B5, A5, A6, Executive, US Letter, US Legal, Oficio, Folio, DL Envelope, C5 Envelope, C6 Envelope, Monarch Envelope, No. 10 Envelope 1 ( 1 ) x memory 1 x Hi-Speed USB Power supply, internal Specifications Up to 33 ppm, B/W, Legal (8.5 in x 14 in)

Expansion Slots Total (Free): Connections: Power Device:

7.4 Digital Camera Digital Camera Components Max resolution Image ratio w:h Effective pixels Sensor type Digital zoom Image stabilization Auto Focus Optical zoom Built-in Flash Specifications 4000 x 3000 4:3, 16:9 14.1 megapixels or above CCD/CMOS Yes, 4x or above Yes Yes Yes, 10x or above Yes

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Battery Type

Lithium (Rechargeable)(should also be charged externally and not just with USB) 8 GB Should include any required accessories (Charger, USB cable, Drivers, etc) 3" LCD HD Movie Recording

Memory Card Accessories Display Size Recording Format

7.5 Electronic Pen

Electronic Pen Components Data communication Built-in battery Continuous writing time Operating system support Writing Area Memory Pen Battery Life Accessories Specifications USB 2.0 Lithium Battery/Rechargeable battery 2 hours or longer Standby time:1 hours (min.) Windows7/ 8 No Pad/No Special Paper, should able to write on most surfaces Storage device should store upto 100 A4 size papers Approx. 60 hours or longer Should include any required accessories (Charger, USB cable, Drivers, SDK/APIs etc)

7.6 Furniture Detailed Specifications Computer Table Size: L 910 x W 610 x H 728 mm Top: Size 910 x 610 mm made of 18 mm thick pre laminated medium density fiber (MDF) board ISI Marked (IS: 14587-1998). The top shall be firmly screwed on 25x25x1 mm square tube frame as shown in figure Upper side of laminated board shall be in natural teak shade while the bottom side shall be white/cream shade.

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Sliding key Board tray: A Sliding key Board tray shall be made of 18mm pre laminated medium density fiber board of size 725x450 mm. The gap between top and tray shall be 100mm. The storage shelve for CVT : A storage shelve made of 18 mm particle board shall be provided along with the length of the table at bottom about 100 mm above from the ground level. Shelves shall be screwed on frame work of 25x25x1 mm square tube. The shelve shall be covered from back side with 18mm pre laminated medium density fiber board as shown in drawing. Steel Structure: The rigid steel structure shall consist of two nos. rectangular base tubes of size 50x25x1.25 mm about 520 mm length placed along the width on vertical tubes of size 25x25x1 mm shall be welded for fixing up of side panels. A supporting frame of 25x25x1 mm square tube shall be welded on the top of the tubes for the side panels as shown for supporting the top of the table. The base tube shall be provided with adjustable shoes 2 nos. on each side. Painting: Complete frame of tubes shall be powder coated. Printer Table Size: L 610 x W 610 x H 660 mm Printer table shall be as per figure/ drawing. Shelves : 3 no. made of 18mm thick pre laminated Medium Density Fiber Board(MDF) ISI marked (IS 14587 1998) Top shelve size 610x610 mm for placing printing unit. Middle Shelve size 460x330 mm for placing feet on stationary. Bottom shelve size 460x380 mm for collecting print out. The top faces of the shelve shall be natural teak wood shade. The bottom faces shall be in plain white/cream shades. Structure: The structure shall be made from square and rectangular steel tubes duly welded finished and powder coated Vertical tubes shall be welded in two rectangular bottom tubes 50x25x1.25 mm as shown in drawing. The horizontal tube 25x25x1 mm thick 330 m long shall be welded over vertical tubes 25 mm off the center width /depth wise. Panels made of 18 mm pre laminated particle board shall be screwed rigidly between vertical tubes on both sides. Two nos. bottom support tubes 50x25x1.25mm thick shall also be provided with two nos. of adjustment shoes. A rectangular slot of size 455x25 mm shall be provided on top shelve along with length for feeding stationary as shown in figure. A slot shall be covered with PVC insertion for safely of paper. The ends of bottom and top shall be plugged with PVC/ plastic caps. Painting Complete steel structure shall be pretreated and powder coated with minimum thickness of 60 microns coating

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Computer Chair with Handle

Seat size shall be 430x430 mm on 10 mm. thick molded comm. ply with 60 mm thick 40 density molded PU foam Back rest size shall be 400x300 mm on 10 mm thick molded comm. ply with 40 mm thick 32 density molded PU foam covered with tapestry. The height of back rest shall be 900x500 mm for top and bottom edges respectively. The black rest shall be provided with lifting arrangement on flat iron & helical spring. Two nos. suitable PU handles shall be proved. The base stand should be made up of 5 prongs duly pressed welded together centrally with a pedestal bush with good quality twin wheel castors. The stand and other metal parts excluding central spindle shall be powder coated. Complete steel structure shall be pretreated and powder coated with minimum thickness of 60 microns coating. A central spindle of 25mm diagonal rod without threads shall be provided with revolving arrangements. The adjustable height of chair shall be from 530 to 570 mm. A good quality tapestry cloth shall be provided on seat & back in attractive color/ shade.

7.7 SAN Storage Components Offered Capacity Global Hot Spare Disks support Expandability Operating System Support Cache Protocols Supported RAID level support
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Specifications The Storage Array shall be offered with 5 TB Usable space after Raid 5/6 Implementation. Offered Storage Array shall support distributed Global hot Spare for offered Disk drives. At least 2 Global hot spare drives shall be configured for every 50 drives. Offered Storage Array shall support 4/6Gbps dual-ported 146/ 300 / 400 / 450GB / 600GB hot-pluggable Enterprise FC/ SAS & 1TB / 2TB SATA/SAS hard drives Storage shall be scalable to min 200 TB after Raid 5/6 Implementation The storage array should support industry-leading Operating System platforms including: Windows Server 2003, 2008, Vmware, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, IBM-AIX and Linux Offered Storage Shall support all above operating systems in Clustering. Shall be configured with 8GB cache memory per controller scalable to 16GB cache per controller. The storage system should support FC, IP / iSCSI, CIFS, TCP/IP, NFS and HTTP protocols. RAID level 0, 1, 1+0, 5, 6.

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The storage should have capability to creating instant online and consistent SNAP copy images. Requisite license for creating at least TWO snap copies should be provided for the offered capacity of the system. And the space required for creating these SNAP copies shall be configured additionally from day one.


The offered Storage system shall be configured in a No Single Point of Failure with respect to Control cards, Power supplies, Cooling fans, cache etc

System Console Management Interface Replication

Should support system management console Should support browser based management GUI and web based remote management of SAN storage The storage at the controller level shall be configured for storage based asynchronous data replication to binary compatible remote storage through a WAN link. The storage shall be configured with 25 Mtrs LC-LC cables with connectors for each active port on SAN Switch Non-disruptive Online microcode updates and remote diagnostic support should be supported. Storage should also support RAID group expansion and shrinking, LUN expansion and shrinking dynamically. Offered storage shall be end to end 4/8Gbps where each drive and drive shelf shall be connected through dual active-active paths.

Cables and Connectors Other features Ports Bandwidth

Global Hot Spare

Offered Storage Array shall support distributed Global hot Spare for offered Disk drives At least 2 Global hot spare drives shall be configured for every 50 drives.


Offered Storage subsystem shall support more than 1,00,000 IOPS Shall have capability to use more than 30 drives per array group or raid group for better performance Shall support more than 800MB/sec sequential throughput.

Load Balancing & Multi-path Re-build time Business Copy Remote Replication

Multi-path and load balancing software shall be provided,

For better re-build times in case of disk failure, offered storage rebuild operations shall not depends upon the number of drives in the raid group Shall support Snapshot, Storage shall support both Synchronous and Asynchronous replication at controller level Shall support replication across all models of the offered family

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Host Ports & Back-end Ports No Single point of Failure

Offered Storage shall have minimum of 4 host ports for connectivity to servers & minimum of 2 device ports for Disk shelf connectivity Offered Storage Array shall be configurable in a No Single Point of configuration including Array Controller card, Cache memory, FAN, Power supply etc. It should have Redundant power supplies, batteries and cooling fans and data path and storage controller. Offered controllers shall be based on latest PCI-e/equivalent technology to ensure that there is no bottleneck for IO communication. The storage array should support dual, redundant, hot-pluggable, active-active array controllers

Processing Power Architecture & Processing Power

7.8 Rack Server

Components Form Factor Processor

Specification Rack (U/2U) Latest Generation x86-64 Bit Intel Minimum 2 Quad core Processor scalable to 4 processors with Minimum 2.2 Ghz Clock Speed and 4 MB Cache or higher Processor should be latest series/generation for the server model being quoted

Memory Storage Connectivity Ports HDD

Min 32 GB DDR3 RAM with min 8 Nos. free slots for future expandability. The Blade should have redundant 8 Gbps Fiber Channel HBA/FC Port (only for database server) 2 X (1000BASE-T) Tx Gigabit LAN ports with TCP / IP offload engine support / dedicated chipset for network I/O on blade server 2 X 300/450GB HDD or more hot swap/ hot plug system disk with mirroring using integrated RAID 0,1 on internal disks, or min.16 GB compact flash card to be provided. VGA / Graphics Port / Controller Should support heterogeneous OS platforms Red hat Enterprise Linux Latest Edition Should have Cluster support for high availability

Controller OS OS Clustering

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7. 9 UTM

Sl No. 1 a b c 2 a b c d e f g h 3 a b c d e f g h i 4 a b 5 a b c d 6 a b c d e f
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General Technical Specifications Hardware Platform: No built-in mechanical moving parts. Should be Hardened OS based Application Level Firewall Should have flash based configuration storage Following IP Address Assignment should be supported by the XTM: Static PPPoE Client DHCP Server DHCP Client DHCP Relay Dynamic DNS Client Transparent Mode Bridge Mode Performance: Performance upgradeable without replacing device Performance upgradeable without adding additional equipment Firewall Throughput XTM Throughput VPN Throughput Conncurrent Connections Ethernet Interface Should support Reputation Enabled Defense - Cloud Based Web Security Application Control Encryption and certificates: AES 128bit, 196bit and 256bit 3DES and DES Authentication servers/processes: Windows Active Directory LDAP one or more Local user group authorization Support two factor authentications. Networking: Support Multi-WAN - Quantity supported Support IPSec VPN failover Support Server Load Balancing Support VLAN Support policy-based routing Support Traffic Shaping/QoS
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g 7 a b c d e 8 a b c d e

Compatible to Centralized Management VPN function: Standard IPSec support. 3DES and AES Should Support Multicast over BoVPN Should support IPsec Pass-through Should support enabling Type of Service for Ipsec Security: Application proxy capability Protocol Anomaly Detection Security policy can be selectively enable/disable based on time. Capability to protect from progressive DDoS. Detect and block malicious file when file extension change, such as capability to detect of original file type .exe renamed to .doc, which can be detected and blocked. Language independent anti-spam solution Advance Recurring Pattern Detection - anti-spam technology, not rely on RBL and scoring. With quarantine server capability. Web URL filtering with Maximum 54 category based database, with option to refer Online or can be stored on Local Management Station IPS and AV signature database keep on updating with hourly basis Provide protection against computer virus at gateway level. Selectively enable/disable instant messenger (IM) without blocking traditional network communication ports, such as Yahoo messenger, MSN and ICQ. Option to enable/disable peer to peer (P2P) application, such as BitTorrent, Kazaa and eDonkey. With yearly anti-spam/anti-virus and web filtering service subscription Should have Server/Client Quota based Distributed Denial of Service Prevention Should have option to create ALIASES to identify group of Hosts or networks with one Unique Name 9 Administration: Dedicated GUI management program for robust feature configuration. Option for Remote management, through WEBUI, CLI & Secure Management Software System log transfer encryption without replying on VPN. Administrative TCP/IP ports should be such that they prevent brute-force attack. When login with administrative privilege, other login to the device is denied for configuration integrity. Real-time network connection map for connection status. Drag-and-drop VPN configuration capability. Comprehensive reporting suite without additional software component.

f g h i j k l

m n o p

a b c d e f g h

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i j k l m n 10 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n 11 a b c

Offline policy files configuration and modification. SNMP management. Ability to make a full backup of the entire flash disk as image file. Ability to make/edit configuration file offline for better administrative management, without connecting to the operating security device. Should have option to Change Default Web UI Port Should have option to schedule rebooting Monitoring, Logging and Reporting Live Traffic Monitor System Servises Status Monitor Authenticated User List Monitor VPN Connections Monitoring IP/Host/User based Traffic Watch with option Block Source/Destination Protocol based Traffic Watch HTML/PDF Audit Reporting Remote Logging Support Remote Reporting Support Remote Monitoring Support Out of Device Encrypted Log Channel Syslog Support SNMP Support Multi-Appliance Log Aggregation Certifications Common Criteria EAL4 ICSA IPSec ICSA Firewall

7.10 SAN switch Parameter Performance Ports Aggregate Switch Bandwidth Protocol Support Availability Media Types Upgradeability Required Software Form Factor Description 8 Gbps Fibre Channel 16-24Fibre Channel 384 Gbps Maximum Fibre Channel No single point of failure. No single point of failure. Hot code load. Ports on demand with no downtime Standard 16 Ports; 8 Port on Demand upgrades Advanced Fabric OS, Advanced Zoning, Web Tools 1U

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7.11 L2 Switch

Physical Configuration

Expansion Slots Fixed Ports Out-of-Band Management Packet Buffer SDRAM for CPU Performance Forwarding Rate MAC Address Table Size Switching Capacity L2 Features Auto MDI/MDIX Flow Control IGMP Snooping Link Aggregation

Should have minimum 2 x 10 Gigabit SFP+ port and 1 x expansion slot 24 x 10/100/1000 Base-T ports Console Port 1.5MB 256MB 95.23Mpps No. of MAC Address Supported 16K The Switch should support 128Gbps Should support Auto MDI/MDIX Should support flow control should support IGMP Snooping v1 | v2 Should support following link aggregation * IEEE 802.3ad with LACP (Dynamic) * Cisco Ether Channel Liked *Unicast / Multicast traffic Balance over Trunking port Should support following Multicast (IGMP) Snooping *Queried Support *Immediate Leave *IGMP Filtering *IGMP Throttling *IGMP Leave Proxy *MVR Support Should support MVR Should support Q in Q IEEE 802.1D (STP) | IEEE 802.1w (RSTP) | IEEE 802.1s (MSTP) | Spanning Tree Fast Forward | BPDU Filter | BPDU Forward | Root Guard | BPDU Guard | Loopback Detection | Auto Edge Port Broadcast | Multicast Yes

Multicast (IGMP) Snooping

MVR Q in Q Spanning Tree

Storm Control Unicast / Multicast traffic Balance over Trunking port

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IEEE 802.1Q Tagged Based | Private VLAN | GVRP | IEEE 802.1v | MAC Based | IP Subnet VLAN | Port Based | Voice VLAN | VLAN Trunking 4K IEEE 802.1p | DSCP Yes 8 WRR | Strict Priority | Hybrid Ingress | Egress Time-Based Yes Yes Yes Port-based | MAC-based | VLAN Assignment | Guest VLAN Yes Yes Yes SNMP | WEB | Telnet Authentication | Accounting Yes Authentication | Accounting | Authorization Local | Remote

VLAN Group QoS Features CoS DiffServ (RFC2474) H/W Queues Priority Queue Scheduling Rate Limiting Security Features ACL ACL L2/L3/L4 Dynamic ARP inspection (DAI) HTTP and SSL ( Secured Web) IEEE 802.1x Instruction lock (link detection) MAC Based Authentication MAC Filter Management Access Filtering RADIUS (RFC2138) SSH v1.5/ v2.0 (Secured Telnet Session) TACACS+ Username/Password Authentication Management Features ATC Auto Upgrade Banner BootP CLI Configuration Download/ Upload DHCP DNS
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Yes TFTP Yes Yes Yes Yes Client | Option 82 | Dynamics Provision | Snooping Client | Proxy
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Dual F/W Images Event/ Error Log HTTP IP Clustering MAC Based Mirror Multiple Copies Configuration Download / Upload NTP OAM Port Mirroring Remote Ping sFlow SNMP (Agent) SNTP Software Download / Upgrade Support powerful network management software Telnet (RFC854) VLAN Mirror Web Interface IPv6 Features ICMPv6 ICMPv6 Redirect IPv4/IPv6 Dual Protocol Stack IPv6 ACL L2/L3/L4 IPv6 Address Types IPv6 Management

Yes Local Flash | Remote Server via System Log (RFC3164) | SMTP (RFC821) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes v1 | v2c | v3 Yes TFTP (RFC783) | FTP | HTTP | Xmodem Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unicast IPv6 SNTP Support | SNMP over IPv6 | IPv6 Telnet Support | Remote IPv6 Ping | IPv6 Syslog Support | IPv6 DNS Resolver | IPv6 TFTP support | HTTP over IPv6 | SSH over IPv6 Router Discovery | Duplicate Address Detection | Parameter Discovery | Prefix Discovery | Address Resolution | Unreachable Neighbor Detection Yes Yes

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery

Manual Configuration Stateless Auto-configuration

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7. 12


Parameters Make & Model Offered Manufacturer UPS Capacity TECHNOLOGY

Specifications required Please Specify ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 14001 Certified 5KVA/4KW IGBT based PWM Technology Microprocessor Controlled Double Conversion True On-line UPS 85% 1 Phase input: 160V 280V 45 to 55 Hz Single Phase with ground 0.9 220VAC-230VAC +/-1% (or better) 50 Hz +/-0.1% (free Run Mode) < 3% (linear load) Pure Sinewave 3:1 0.8 lag Provided through transformer (preferably inbuilt transformer) 30mins (Minimum VAH Capacity: 5000 VAH) Sealed Lead Maintenance Free VRLA type (Lead Calcium SMF batteries NOT acceptable) 168V 0 ms Powder Coated MS racks. Reputed & Reliable brands like Exide, Rocket, Quanta, OKAYA, Luminous, HBL etc 0 to 40 Degree C <55 dB at 1 mtr distance All necessary alarms & indications essential for performance monitoring of UPS like mains fail, low battery & fault detection Automatic, Bypass Switch UPS to be compatible with DG Set supply RS 232 port for software interface

Overall Efficiency (AC-AC) INPUT Voltage range Frequency range Phase Power Factor OUTPUT Voltage Voltage regulation Frequency regulation Harmonic Distortion (THD) Waveform Crest Factor Load power factor Galvanic Isolation Battery Backup Battery Type DC Bus Voltage Transfer Time Battery Enclosure Battery Brands Operating Temperature Audible Noise Alarms & Indications

Bypass Compatibility Communication Interface Standard

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Optional Certifications

SNMP interface support For Safety & EMC as per international standards CE Certified

7. 13 Manufacturer UPS Capacity TECHNOLOGY

10 KVA UPS ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 14001 Certified 10KVA/8KW IGBT based PWM Technology Microprocessor Controlled Double Conversion True On-line UPS 85%

Overall Efficiency (AC-AC) INPUT Voltage Range Frequency range Phase Power Factor OUTPUT Voltage Voltage regulation Frequency regulation Harmonic Distortion (THD) Waveform Crest Factor Load power factor Galvanic Isolation Battery Backup

1 Phase input: 160V 280V 45 to 55 Hz Single Phase with ground

0.9 or better
220VAC-230VAC +/-1% (or better) 50 Hz +/-0.1% (free Run Mode) < 3% (linear load) Pure Sine wave 3:1 0.8 lag Provided through transformer (preferably inbuilt transformer) 1 hours (Minimum VAH Capacity:13500 VAH)

Battery Type DC Bus Voltage Transfer Time Battery Enclosure

Sealed Lead Maintenance Free VRLA type (Lead Calcium SMF batteries NOT acceptable) 168V 0 ms Powder Coated MS racks.

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

Battery Brands Operating Temperature Audible Noise Alarms & Indications

Reputed & Reliable brands like Exide, Rocket, Quanta, OKAYA, Luminous, HBL etc. 0 to 40 Degree C <55 dB at 1 mtr distance All necessary alarms & indications essential for performance monitoring of UPS like mains fail, low battery & fault detection Automatic, Bypass Switch UPS to be compatible with DG Set supply RS 232 port for software interface SNMP interface support For Safety & EMC as per international standards CE Certified

Bypass Compatibility Communication Interface Standard Optional Certifications

7.14 Web Based PMIS Web Based Project Management Tool Serial No a b c d e f g i j k General Requirements Should have a User Friendly GUI Should have an Issue Tracking System Should be able to assign tasks Project Portfolio Management should be possible through the tool Should be able to manage resources through the tool Should be able to manage Documents through the too Should have basic project Lifecyle workflow built within the tool Should have reporting and analysis capabilities Should be web based tool or hosted in the Police Data Centre Should be suitable for SDLC

7.15 32 inch LCD TV

Specifications HD Ready Support 32 inch LCD Display 1 HDMI Port

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50000:1 Dynamic Ratio 16:9 Aspect Ratio Composite Video Input Component Video Input RF Connection Input RCA Audio Built In Speakers Min 10 W Power Supply : 150-250 V 50/60 Hz Manufactured by a reputed TV Manufacturer having support center in Goa

7.16 Access Control System ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM The system shall be designed and implemented to provide following functionality: (i) Controlled Entries to defined access points (ii) Controlled exits from defined access points (iii) Controlled entries and exits for visitors (iv) Fail safe operation in case of no-power condition and abnormal condition such as fire, theft, intrusion, loss of access control, etc. (v) It should be possible to use the access devices like biometrics, proximity card readers, push buttons, manual switches, etc. in user defined combination for any and all of the access points on a single platform using a single software for interface. (vi) Manual mechanical override wherever required shall be provided for access controlled gates / doors. System should provide in complete like Proximity Reader, Electro Magnetic Lock, Proximity Card & Cables etc.

7.17 KVM Switch Parameters KVM Switch Description VGA Resolution - Max Users / Consoles VGA Resolution - Cat5 Remote LED Specification LED Status On (Online) LED Status Selected (In use) LED Cat5 Power Indication LED Cat5 Status Scan Intervals (Seconds) Keyboard & Mouse Emulation Bandwidth Cascade Levels Server/PC Connections - Max Description 2 X 16 1920 X 1440 1600 X 1200 16 LED Bank Green Red Green Red 5 to 99 USB 150 MHz 8 128

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

Electrical Points available are (5-Amps 15 Amps.) Point wiring if needed, should be ISI approved PVC Conduit / Casing Capping, 1.1 KV grade 2.5 square meter FRLS Cu flexible wire including supply of wire, switch, socket and GI Box. SI Should make provisions for UPS Electrical Cabling for Network Rack, Four Computer Points, separate cabling for Two Printers from main input and Generator set to UPS Including change-over, MCB and all other accessories as per requirement.

BoM for DC and DR

Sl. No

Item Hardware Requirements

New Under this RFP

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Data Base/Rack Server Application/Rack Server SAN Storage SAN Switch KVM Switch (With Keyboard, Monitor and Mouse) UTM Layer 2 switch LED TV 32 Access Control System Software Requirements

2 4 2 2 1 2 2 3 1

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Database Server Licenses with all necessary adopters and plugins Application Server software Processor licenses with all necessary adopters and plugins Operating System for Server (RHEL Enterprise Edition) Antivirus and Anti-Spam Server Digital Signature (USB) Directory services (Open LDAP) EMS HIPS Web Based PMIS Access Control System Mail Messaging (Q-Mail) MySQL

2 4 9 1* Enterprise Edition 250 Users (To be Procured through NIC) 1* Enterprise Edition 1 12 20 Users 1 1 3

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements


Storage Management Solution Services

23 24

AMC Cost for Existing hardware for 3 years given in section 4.3 Operation and Maintenance of DC and DR 24X7X365

1. The minimum quantity of Servers is mentioned here & bidder needs to keep SLAs in mind and depending on their solution offering. Bidder needs to quote all the Hardware & Software required for the project. If any component is not mentioned in the BoM but the same is required Bidder needs to quote the same. 3. Digital signatures required for CCTNS project implementation and rollout needs to be procured from NIC Goa only. 4. It is envisaged that DR would be 50% of DC (For DB Server, SAN Switch etc). The above BoM includes requirements for both DR and DC and mandates reuse of existing assets given at section 4.3

Details of Technology Stack Enhanced G-Cops and CAS (Center)

The Technical Details for Enhanced G-Cops Solution Stack and CAS (Centre) Solution are provided in subsequent tables. These specifications are indicative and the system integrator may propose solutions compatible with latest technology trends and meeting CAS (State) requirements in totality. The idea is to have a scalable solution in technology space. The right to accept or reject any such deviation from the stacks mentioned below will be on sole discretion of Goa Police/Empowered committee 9.1 Enhanced G-Cops Technology Stack Proposed Solution by Software Development Agency Sun Java System Web Server 7.0/Apache HTTP server Description (include major features/ services)


Version and Year of Release

Original Supplier

Support Provided by

Web server



HTTP Server


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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

Application Server

Glassfish Application Server /JBoss Enterprise Application MySQL



J2EE Application Server DB Store






Operating System




Operating System Reporting Services E-Mail Solution


Reporting engine Email/Messaging

Jasper Reports Q-Mail

3.7 1.4

Jasper Qmail Connectivity

Search Engine

Search: Unstructured data: using openCMS search features Structured Data MySQL & Custom application interface Glassfish Application Server /JBoss Enterprise Application jBPM Custom built Sun Directory Services Open CMS/Alfresco Physical Security, Network Security, DB Encryption (MySQL), DB Access Controls, Role Based Access Control (Custom Developed), LDAP (Sun Directory Services)





Portal Server



J2EE Application Server Workflow Engine N/A LDAP Content Management System


Workflow Engine Rules Engine Directory Services DMS/CMS

4.0 N/A 7.0 7.5.1

Jboss N/A SUN Open CMS







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Identity Management

Open SSO






log4j, Custom Built application audit, database audit features






Custom built





9.2 CAS (Center) Solution

The below list is indicative only

Proposed Software Agency

Solution by Development

Version and Year of Release 7.0 3.0

Original Supplier

Description (include major features/ services only) HTTP Server J2EE Application Server ETL

Support Provided By

Web server Application Server Database Operating System Reporting Engine Search Engine

Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Glassfish Server Application



Sybase IQ Enterprise Solaris Jasper Reports Search: Unstructured data: using Alfresco search features Structured Data: Sybase DB Search Engine & Custom application interface Glassfish Server Application




3.7 N/A

Jasper N/A

Reporting Services N/A N/A

Portal Server



HTTP Server


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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

The below list is indicative only

Proposed Software Agency jBPM

Solution by Development

Version and Year of Release 4.0 N/A 7.0

Original Supplier

Description (include major features/ services only) Workflow engine N/A LDAP

Support Provided By

Workflow Engine Rules Engine Directory Services DMS/CMS Email/Messaging Security


Custom Built Sun Directory Services Alfresco N/A Physical Security, Network Security, DB Encryption (MySQL), DB Access Controls, Role Based Access Control (Custom Developed), LDAP (Sun Directory Services), Open SSO log4j, Custom Built






Identity Management Audit ETL + Quality Data

7.0 N/A 15.1

SUN N/A Sybase


SUN N/A Sybase

Sybase ETL

9.3 Existing G-Cops Technology Stack

The Below list is indicative only Web server Application Server Database Operating System

Existing Technology Information of G-COPS Proposed Solution Description Version and by Software (include major Year of Development features/ services Release Agency only) Apache HTTP server IBM WebSphere application server (nd) Oracle RDBMS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.2 5 10g* 5.0* HTTP Server J2EE Application Server DB Store Operating System Complete end to end

Support Provided by No Support IBM N/A N/A

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

Others Reporting engine Email/Messaging Portal Server Directory Services

J2EE Framework Crystal Reports Mithi Mail server WebSphere Application Server IBM Directory 3 5 10 Reporting Services E-Mail Solution J2EE Application Server LDAP



9.4 DC-DR Infrastructure that will be Available to SI

Sl. No


New Under this RFP 2 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 3 4 2

Existing Quantity 4 5 4 6 1

Total Available to SI 6 9 4 6 1 0 2 1 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 4 2 2 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Data Base/Rack Server Application/Rack Server Tape Library Tape Auto Loader Fiber Channel Storage Enclosure SAN Storage SAN Switch Core switch (layer 3) Firewall KVM Switch UTM Core Router Layer 2 switch LCD Desktops Software Requirement Database Server Licenses with all necessary adopters and plugins Application Server software Processor licenses with all necessary adopters and plugins Operating System for Server (RHEL Enterprise Edition)

0 4 0 9 0


4 9


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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

19 20

Antivirus and Anti-spam server based Digital Signature (USB)

1* Enterprise Edition 250 Users (To be Procured through NIC) 1* Enterprise Edition 1 12 20 Users 1 1 3 1

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Directory services EMS HIPS Web Based PMIS Access Control System Mail Messaging (Qmail) MySQL Storage Management Solution Services AMC Cost for Existing hardware for 3 years given in section 4.3 Operation and Maintenance of DC and DR 24X7X365

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 12

9.5 Scope of Work

Scope of work for the SI is as given below but not limited to

Providing Provision of Local area network (LAN cables, LAN ports) Ensure power points are in adequate numbers with proper electric earthing. Earthing should be checked and if needed it should be provided Provision of computer furniture for Police Stations Client Side Infrastructure Supply of the hardware, software, networking equipments, UPS etc to the location as per the requirements Ensuring last mile network connectivity, electrical points, testing. Installation, Testing and Commissioning of UPS Physical Installation of Desktops, Printer, Scanner, /MFD, Installation and commissioning of the Networking components across all the identified locations of Goa Police, which includes LAN setup at client locations will be in scope of the SI. Operating System Installation and Configuration. Installation of Antivirus and other support software if any. Configuring the security at the desktops, switch and broadband connection routers. Network and browser Configuration.

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

Test accessibility and functionality of CCTNS application from the desktops. Ensuring all the systems required are supplied, installed, configured, tested and commissioned and declaring the site to be operational. In addition to the above supply and fixing of furniture like computer tables, chairs and other items shall be carried out to ensure successful site preparation and installation of CCTNS at every location DC-DR SI should take over of existing assets and make it operational to implement CAS (State) during Phase 1 Provision for the basic Infrastructure for CAS (State) application hosting at the DC site at Mini DC, PHQ. Proactive and reactive maintenance, repair and replacement of defective components (physical and other peripheral IT infrastructure) installed at the Data center through this bidding document. SI shall undertake pre-installation planning at the Data Centre Site SI shall be responsible for the commissioning of the storage, network & security components and related basic infrastructure at the DC. SI shall carry out the planning and layout design for the placement of equipment in the DC. The plan and layout design should be developed in a manner so as to optimally and efficiently use the resources and facilities being provisioned at the DC. The plan and design documents thus developed shall be submitted to the Goa Police for approval and the acceptance would be obtained prior to commencement of installation. Installation and commissioning of the IT Infrastructure components such as Servers, Databases, Networking & Security components, Storage Solution, Software and other IT components required at the Data Centre supplied as a part of this bidding document The SI shall be completely responsible for the sourcing, installation, commissioning, testing and certification of the necessary software licenses and infrastructure required to deploy the Solution at the State Data Centre and at the Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC). SI shall ensure that support and maintenance, performance and up-time levels are compliant with SLAs The SI is responsible for sizing the hardware to support the scalability and performance requirements of the solution. The SI shall ensure that the servers and storage are sized adequately and redundancy is built into the architecture that is required to meet the service levels mentioned in the RFP SI shall develop an Helpdesk with adequate communication facilities and NOC functionality in Mini DC at PHQ SI should operationalize an NOC which analyze problems, perform troubleshooting, communicate with site technicians and other NOCs, and track problems through resolution

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

SI should propose Helpdesk Management System which will provide the Flexibility of logging, viewing, updating and closing incident manually via web interface with Escalation Features SI should utilize the existing area of Mini Data-Center of Goa Police to build the NOC and Helpdesk Centre. SI should ensure replacement of server room batteries before date of expiry (Oct 2014) SI should shift the existing Data Center equipment from Mini DC at PHQ to the NIC Data Center Premises at Margao, Goa

9.6 Existing Hardware - Technical Specification

Server - Dell PE 2950 Quantity : 4 Date of Supply : 01.10.2007 Warranty : 3 years Feature Processor Front side bus Chipset Memory Specification Intel Quad Core Xeon E5310 Processor,1.6GHz x 2, 2x4MB Cache each. Dual Independent 1333MHz Industry Standard Intel 5000X Chipset 16 GB DDR-2 667MHz ECC 2R Fully-Buffered Memory exp. Up to 32GB (8 FBD DIMM slots): (Fully Buffered DIMMs (FBD) in matched pairs) 4 x 73GB 2.5-inch, 10K RPM SAS Hard Drive ,Maximum internal storage Up to 4.5TB: six 750GB hot-plug SATA (7.2 K RPM) CDRW/DVD Combo Drive with 24x Max Speed 4 port SAS 5/i integrated SAS controller (no RAID) Optional PERC 5/i integrated SAS/SATA daughtercard controller with 256MB cache,PERC 4e/DC, PERC 5/e adapter Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter with Q logic 2460 single port 4GBPS PCI Express HBA card - 2 Nos Dual embedded Broadcom NetXtreme II 5708 Gigabit2 Ethernet NIC with fail-over and load balancing. TOE (TCPIP Offload Engine) supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2003, SP1 or higher with Scalable Networking Pack

Hard Disk Drive

Optical Drive Drive Controller SAS Controller

Fibre HBA


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3 hard drive base options: 8 x 2.5 Hard Drive Option: 2.5 HD Option: up to 8 SAS HDs (10K); SATA (7.2K) drives;6 x 3.5 Hard Drive Option: 3.5 HD Option: up to 6 SAS (10K/15K) or SATA (7.2K) drives; Peripheral bay options; Floppy Drive, DAT72 Tape Drive (not available with 6 x 3.5 hard drive base); Slim optical drive bay with choice of CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or Combo CDRW/DVD-ROM Embedded ATI ES1000 with 16MB memory Three PCI slots, either PCIe riser with three PCI Express slots (one x4 (x8 connector)and two x8) or two PCI-X 64-bit/133MHz and one PCI Express x8 slot Minimum 4 Hot Plug Fans Minimum Two Hot Plug 750 Watts Power Supply with redundancy ; Autoswitching universal 110/220 Volts 2U Rack Mount Server ACPI Compliant, PCI 2x Compliant, WOL Support, USB 2.0 Support Server should be certified for Red Hat Linux. Should also be Red Hat Linux Cluster Certified OEM Server Management Software, Redundant ROM, Pre-Failure Warranty on Processors, Memory & SCSI Hard Disk Drives,

Bays Bays

Bays Video Slots

Cooling Fans Power Supply

Form Factor Compliance O/S Certification Manageability

Remote Management Operating System

Standard Baseboard Management Controller with IMPI 2.0 support; optional DRAC5 Redhat Linux Enterprise AS Version 4.0

Mail Server Processor Front side bus Chipset Memory

Dell PE 2950 Quad-Core 1.6GHz Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5310, 2x4MB Cache Dual Independent 1333MHz Intel 5000xChipset 4 GB DDR-2 667MHz ECC 2R Fully-Buffered Memory exp. Up to 32GB (8 FBD DIMM slots): (Fully Buffered DIMMs (FBD) in matched pairs)

Hard Disk Drive Optical Drive SAS Controller

2 x 73GB 2.5-inch, 10K RPM SAS Hard Drive ,Maximum internal storage Up to 4.5TB: six 750GB hot-plug SATA (7.2 K RPM CDRW/DVD Combo Drive with 24x Max Speed SAS RAID controller with 256MB cache,PERC 4e/DC, PERC 5/e adapter

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Dual embedded Broadcom NetXtreme II 5708 Gigabit2 Ethernet NIC with fail-over and load balancing. TOE (TCPIP Offload Engine) supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2003, SP1 or higher with Scalable Networking Pack 3 hard drive base options: 8 x 2.5 Hard Drive Option: 2.5 HD Option: up to 8 SAS HDs (10K); 4 x 3.5 Hard Drive Option: 3.5 HD Option: up to 4 SAS (10K/15K) or SATA (7.2K) drives;6 x 3.5 Hard Drive Option: 3.5 HD Option: up to 6 SAS (10K/15K) or SATA (7.2K) drives;Peripheral bay options; Floppy Drive, DAT72 Tape Drive (not available with 6 x 3.5 hard drive base) Slim optical drive bay with choice of CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or Combo CDRW/DVD-ROM Embedded ATI ES1000 with 16MB memory Slots Three PCI slots, either PCIe riser with three PCI Express slots (one x4 (x8 connector)and two x8) or two PCI-X 64-bit/133MHz and one PCI Express x8 slot

Bays Bays Bays

Bays Video Slots

Cooling Fans Power Supply Form Factor Compliance O/S Certification Manageability Remote Management

Minimum 4 Hot Plug Fans Minimum Two Hot Plug 750 Watts Power Supply with redundancy ; Autoswitching universal 110/220 Volts 2U Rack Mount Server ACPI 2.0 Compliant, PCI 2.2 Compliant, WOL Support, Microsoft Logo certifications, USB 2.0 Server should be certified for Red Hat Linux. OEM Server Management Software, Redundant ROM, Pre-Failure Warranty on Processors, Memory & SCSI Hard Disk Drives, Standard Baseboard Management Controller with IMPI 2.0 support; optional DRAC5 Redhat Linux Enterprise AS Version 4.0 LTO Drive Symantec Backup exec 11d with database agent. 200/400 GB for Database servers

Operating System Storage

Operating System

Redhat Linux Enterprise AS Version 4.0

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Oracle: Quantity : 1 Date of Supply : 01.10.2007 Warranty : 3 years Feature / Specification Oracle database 10g Enterprise Edition Processor license for 2 Quad-CPU license (Linux)

WebSphere IBM Quantity : 1 Date of Supply : 01.10.2007 Warranty : 3 years Feature / Specification Fiber External Storage Fiber External Storage - Dell-EMC CX3-10 Quantity : 1 Date of Supply : 01.10.2007 Warranty : 3 years Feature Storage Architecture Specification Features full Fibre Channel end-to-end architecture. The system supports dual-ported Fibre Channel drives. The architecture allows modular upgrades of hardware and software for investment protection. The array supports coexistence of FC and iSCSI for enhanced external connectivity. IBM Web sphere 6.1 and 2 quad CPU license Linux

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

Storage Capacity

Production capacity : 3.5 TB usable capacity after RAID 5 utilizing 4d+1p with 146GB 15K dual ported FC disks ; Business copy capacity : 3.5 TB Usable capacity after RAID 5 utilizing 7d+1p with 500GB 7200RPM SATA spindles ; Archival capacity : for future implementation TB usable capacity after RAID 5 utilizing 7d+1p with 500GB 7200RPM SATA spindles, port required for 500GB for higher sata spindle Archive Logs capacity : Archive Logs to be provided using numbers of 72GB 15K RPM FC Disks in RAID 1+0. Which is the optional requirement for future use, The array is scalable to a minimum of 120 spindles behind the same controller pair by adding the appropriate number of spindles and disk shelves.

Hard disk drives Spindle Flexibility

10 x 146 GB 10K FC2 Hard Drives 73 and 146 GB 15,000 rpm 4 Gb/s disks 73, 146, and 300 GB 10,000 rpm 2 Gb/s disks 500 GB 7,200 rpm 3 Gb/s SATA II disks Mix and match of different type of spindles should be supported within the array.

Scability Array Architecture

Up to 4 disk array enclosures (DAE4P); Up to 60 drives in the storage array The array should be equipped with 2 nos. of array controllers for better performance and redundancy. Each RAID controller should have minimum 2GB cache with minimum 2 FC Host ports each at 4Gbps and 4 iSCSI ports each at 1Gbps. The array controller should support co-existence of iSCSI and FC without requiring external iSCSI engines. The front end FC ports , Backend FCAL ports and Disk shelves should be based on 4Gbps technology.

Number of LUNS Cache Cache Protection

The array should allow scalability to 1024 LUNS behind the controller pair 2GB Cache is mirrored between the Active- Active controllers on separate Inter controller paths. The inter controller paths is redundant (at least 2 paths) to prevent disruption if one path fails. Supports either Cache battery backup for a minimum of 72 hours or fully automatic de-stage of cache to disks during power failure to prevent possible data loss.

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Annexure II Infrastructure Requirements

O/S support

Industry-leading Operating System platforms including: Windows 2000 (Advanced Server), Windows Server 2003 (Enterprise Edition), Sun Solaris, HP-UX, IBM-AIX and Linux. System have capability to designate global hot spares that can automatically be used to replace a failed drive anywhere in the system. Supports hardware RAID levels 0, 1, 0+1, 3 and 5. Support inter-mixing different RAID groups within one storage system. Different type of RAID levels co-exist within the same array simultaneously to match the different protection requirements of data. Support online expansion of RAID Group. Able to add additional disks on the fly to expand the RAID group capacity. Most applications benefit from striping across multiple spindles. The array supports subsystem based striping across at least 30 spindles for enhanced performance. The striping is forced on all spindles and storage administrator should be given control and flexibility of data layout in the array, it is inbuilt into the storage and does not require any host based volume manager. Storage array should support hardware based long distance data replication at the array controller level in both Sync and Async mode. Management Software: Replication Software - Software to replicate within the system should be licensed for the entire storage capacity Multipathing software - Software for path failover and load balancing. Software should be provided for managing multiple paths between 2 hosts and storage systems.

Global Hot Sparing

RAID Level Support

On-line RAID Group Expansion Online LUN Migration for flexibility of redeployment.

Disaster recovery

No: of Supported hosts Front end connectivity Front end connectivity Driver Interface

Up to 4 direct attached HA (redundantly connected) servers; Up to 64 HA SAN connected servers

Four 4Gb Fiber Channel ports per array (two per Storage Processor); Four iSCSI ports per array (two per Storage Processor) Dual, independent FC-AL interface ports on each drive; Failover from each storage processor to the fiber channel loop. Minimum Dual Power Supply Redundant fans Support RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 1+0,

Power Supply Fans RAID Support

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