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Bone Cancer Research

Julia Thompson Mrs. Stiener/3


Bone is the supporting system of the body. Without bone we would be a shriveled up pile of skin and muscle. Bones are made out of cartilage at first and over time are added layers and layers of calcium. The calcium doesnt take over completely all of the cartilage, usually on the ends of a bone there is left over cartilage acting as a cushion for other bones connected. The cartilage on the ends then usually mends together with ligaments to form a joint. Bones are hallow on the inside, meaning that there is nothing in the inside of the bone. In the bone there is a soft tissue called the Bone Narrow. Bone itself is very hard and strong. Some bone in the body is strong enough to withstand 12,000 pounds per inch. The strongest bone in the body is the Fermur, which is your thigh bone. The Femur can hold from 1,200 to 1,800 pounds in order for it to reach its breaking point. Bones have two different cells that help makeup the bone, the osteoblast and the osteoclast. Osteoblast is the cell which makes our body produce more bone. On the other hand, Osteoclast is the cell which makes our body dissolve bone. Bone is always moving, even though it might now appear to be. Our bones are constantly dissolving and producing more or less bone tissues. Many cells live in our bones and Bone Cancer can develop in any of them. Bone cancer can be really caught throughout the body by any kind of cancer and can lead into other cancers. Bone cancer can originate from breast cancer and later evolve into this cancer which can then develop into pancreatic cancer. Even though the cancer is moving throughout the body it remains in each place it develops making it the most dangerous and common illness in the world. Cancer happens when cells rapidly produce to quickly making a cell, a mutation cell. Bone cancer happens because of the two cells that are constantly producing and dissolving making it easy to get cancer in the bones. We need our bones for everyday life and we need them to live. The only way to try to cure this cancer, as matter fact all cancers is treatment. Treatment sounds really easy and very promising but the actual outcome is the opposite. You usually have about a 50-50 chance when it comes to treatment. Sometimes it will go really good and work and other times it can go completely south. Treatment is also usually really expensive and also time consuming. A normal type of treatment youll see is radiation. Radiation is given to you externally or internally. Also making you lose your body hair, gain water weight, and very tired.

This article is about the risk factors of Bone cancer and the different kinds of bone cancer that there is. This article relates to what we are learning about in class because, cancer has to do with the cell division. The cell divides more rapidly than the other cells, producing the cancer. Biology is the study of living things, and cancer has a lot to do with humans and animals. We have cells and in biology, we study cells. There are many different kinds of bone cancer. The primary ones that we think of are, Osteosarcoma, Ewings Sarcoma and Chondrosarcoma. There really isnt a real cause that we know of behind Bone cancer. Some of the major risk factors of bone cancer have been thought to be noncancerous bone disease, genetics, high-dose radiation treatment for other types of cancer and cancer in other parts of the body that could spread to the bones. Those were the risk factors for primary bone cancer. A pretty generic reasoning behind any kind of bone disease is the number of health conditions that can attack a persons body. Some of these health conditions can be: Pagets disease, which is abnormal bone tissue development. Benign bone tumors, which are noncancerous, bone tumors that can potentially lead to bone cancer. Multiple exostoses are an inherited condition which may cause many bumps to form on bones. Ollier s disease causes multiple tumors to form in the bodys cartilage. Maffuccis syndrome is the disease that is responsible for benign tumors and abnormally shaped bones. The reasons for bone cancer through genetics are not diseases related to the bones but are inherited through genetic factors. Some diseases that risk bone cancer would be: Hereditary retinoblastoma, which is a rare eye cancer that affects children usually and is caused by a genetic mutation. Li-Fraumeni syndrome is a genetic mutation that can increase the chances of getting different types of cancer. Rothmund-Thompson syndrome, which is a disease that stunt growth for children, also it can cause skeletal problems. A major risk when having cancer is the radiation the patients have to go through. It usually isnt painful or a major risk because the basic treatment is like getting an X-ray, but there have been incidences when a patient has developed bone cancer from the radiation because of the X-ray like treatments. Metastatic disease is another risk when the cancer cells break off from the original cancer spot, then go through your body and attach to wherever it can.

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