In Order To Understand French Impersonal Verbs

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In order to understand French impersonal verbs, you first have to understand that they have nothing to do with personality.

"Impersonal" simply means that the verb does not change according to grammatical person. Therefore, impersonal verbs have only one conjugation: the third person singular indefinite, or il, which in this case is equivalent to "it" in nglish. Notes

!lic" on the underlined verbs to see how they are conjugated in all the simple tenses. #any impersonal verbs can also be used personally with somewhat different meanings $ these are noted in the last column for your reference. % Indicates that the verb needs the subjunctive. Personal meaning

Impersonal verb meaning

s'agir de - to be a question of, to have to do with agir - to act, behave Il s'agit d'argent. It has to do with money. Il s'agit de faire ce qu'on peut. It&s a question of doing what one can. arriver - to happen, to be a possibility Il est arriv un accident. Il m'arrive de faire des erreurs. convenir - to be advisable, to be agreed Il convient d'tre prudent. Il est convenu que nous dciderons demain. faire - to be 'with weather or temperature( Il fait du soleil. Il faisait froid. falloir% - to be necessary Il faut le faire. Il faudra que je le fasse / Il me faudra le faire. importer% - to matter, be important Il importe qu'elle vienne. Il importe de le faire. neiger - to snow Il neige. Il va neiger demain. se passer - to happen "u'est-ce qui se passe # $a s'est mal pass. pleuvoir - to rain Il pleut. Il a plu hier. arriver - to arrive There&s been an accident. I sometimes ma"e mista"es. convenir - to suit !aution is advised. It is agreed that we will decide tomorrow. faire - to do, make It&s sunny. It was cold. It has to be done. It will be necessary for me to do it ) I will have to do it. importer - to import It&s important that she come. It&s important to do it. It&s snowing. It&s going to snow tomorrow. passer - to pass, spend time! *hat&s happening+ It went badly. It&s raining. It rained yesterday.

se pouvoir% - to be possible Il se peut qu'elles soient l%. &e peut-il que 'uc finisse #

pouvoir - can, to be able They may be there ) It&s possible that they will be there. Is it possible that ,uc will finish+ ) !ould it be that ,uc will finish+

sembler% - to seem Il semble qu'elle soit malade. Il me! semble impossible. suffire% - to suffice, be enough Il suffit que tu le fasses demain / Il te suffit de le faire demain. $a suffit ( tenir - to depend on Il ne tient qu'% toi de... $a tient % peu de chose. se trouver - to be, to happen to be Il se trouve toujours des gens qui... Il se trouve que c'est moi. valoir mieux% - to be better Il vaut mieu* le faire toi-mme. Il vaut mieu* que tu le fasses. venir - to come Il vient beaucoup de monde. Il vient un moment o+...

sembler - to seem It seems that she is sic". It seems impossible 'to me(. suffire - to suffice It&s enough if you do it tomorrow. That&s enoughtenir - to hold, keep It&s up to you to... It can go either way 'literally: it depends on little( trouver - to find There are always people who... It happens to be me. valoir - to be )orth It&s better for you to do it 'yourself(. venir - to come . lot of people are coming. There comes a time when...

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