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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Volume 97; Number 20

A community newspaper serving Browerville, MN and surrounding areas. USPS 067-560

County denied radio Central Minnesota What’s all
communications hopes incubator the buzz
building will create jobs about
By Tim King. months. That number is down
By Nancy Leasman
The business incubator build-
ing in Long Prairie’s new 64 acre
organization will help in work-
ing with these new boundaries.
“We’ve formed a county-wide
Todd County did not receive a from 184 last year, according to
federal grant for more than Jamie St. George, the Domestic industrial park west of city hall mayors’ association. I think it’s
$400,000 to upgrade police and fire Violence Coordinator at the is nearing completion. The going to work well in promoting
radios communications. The grant Center. St. George said that she 15,000 square foot building has county-wide,” he says.
was part of an ongoing discussion believed more people were staying tall ceilings and is designed to Promoting individual economic
to improve the communications in violent relationships because of attract small manufacturers efforts but also communicating
systems to comply with a federal the poor economy. that will employ workers and needs and developments
mandate that goes into effect in "We are getting calls from par- enhance the regional economy. throughout the county to encour-
2013. County Administrator ents, and other third parties, ask- “I don’t necessarily agree with age communal initiatives of ben-
Nathan Burkett said the grants ing why someone is staying in a ‘build it and they will come,’” efit to the whole area.
were highly competitive and Todd violent relationship," St. George says Lyle Danielson of the Long “This is not a spec building.
County's application did not get said. Prairie Economic Development It’s never going to be for sale,”
accepted because it did not create St. George will be presenting a office. “But if you don’t build it, says Rasmussen. Business ten-
any jobs. The grant program was program on domestic violence, and they’ll have no reason to come.” ants will rent from the city. The
part of the federal economic stimu- the response to it, at Staples The 1.3 million dollar project city will pay for heat and main-
lus legislation. Technical College Thursday, is funded by a pledge of a half tenance regardless of the num-
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARE- October 29. There will be a morn- million dollars from Steve Klick, ber of tenants. “Here’s a chance
NESS MONTH ing program directed to profession- who was born and raised in Long to get into a new building for
At the request of the Hands of als and an evening program for the Prairie, and a $600,000 grant three years.” If all goes well, at
Hope Resource Center staff, com- general public. For more informa- from the Federal Economic the end of that time the business
missioners declared October to be tion call the Hands of Hope Development Office in Chicago. will build its own structure in
Domestic Violence Awareness Resource Center at 320-732-2319. “Two or three years ago, we the industrial park and another
month in Todd County. The staff ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT looked around and there just entrepreneur will have the
members said that they had The University of Minnesota weren’t any buildings available opportunity to use one of the
served 100 victims of domestic vio- has completed an assessment of for manufacturing and we had three or four spaces the building
lence during the last twelve companies asking for space,” offers.
Continued on page 16. says Danielson. They had scruti- Some “green” features are
nized not only Long Prairie but built into the structure:

Public Health plans other areas in the county, too.

“We’ve all been to the Blandin
Leadership Training Program,”
Energy efficient windows on
the south side are raised so the
sun can come nearly halfway
says Mayor Don Rasmussen of across the interior (barring any
H1N1 Vaccination the Long Prairie’s community
leaders. “They (Blandin) told us,
dividers that hinder it).
In-floor heat
‘your city is no longer the bounds Well insulated ceiling
Clinics of your economy.’” He’s hopeful
that another newly formed Continued on page 16.

By Tim King CCD Breakfast sells out

Vaccinations for H1N1 influenza won't be available until at
least early November, according to Todd County Public Health
Director Cheryl Schneider. Schneider released the discouraging
news during the October 20 meeting of the Todd County Board of
Commissioners. Schneider's department has been preparing for
a possible H1N1 out break for months. She came before the com-
missioners to get approval to accept $66,430 in federal funds to
pay for past and future planning.
When vaccine does become available Schneider said her Perhaps it has something
department intends to hold vaccination clinics in all of Todd to do with Halloween? Or,
County's schools. The clinics will be held twice over a two-month some say it is the Fall
period. Children and students who are vaccinated will have to be Equinox. No matter what
accompanied by a parent. Schneider said the clinics will be held the reason, balancing
from one to six p.m. so workers from various shifts will be able to brooms have caused quite a
stir in the community lately.
attend. The H1N1 vaccine will also be available at local clinics in
For nearly a week, three
Todd County. People who are 25 to 64 years old are being asked brooms have “magically”
to go to their regular doctor to receive vaccinations. However, balanced upright in the win-
people of that age would not be turned away from the clinics at dow of Browerville
the schools. Schneider said she was not sure how much vaccine Hardware. Some say that
will initially be available. this is only possible this par-
Commissioners approved Schneider request to accept the fed- A cold, drizzly Sunday morning brought a large crowd to ticular time of year.
eral funds. the Annual CCD Breakfast held this year at Christ the King. However, have you ever tried
The group had such a good turnout, they actually ran out of before to balance a broom
food early. upright anytime else?


Wed Oct. 28 Thu Oct. 29 Fri Oct. 30 Sat Oct. 31 Sun Nov. 1 Mon Nov. 2 Tue Nov. 3 Wed Nov. 4
Cloudy Showers Showers Rain/Snow/Wind Cloudy Sunny Showers Showers
52°/45° 50°/45° 51°/34° 40°/30° 41°/27° 38°/28° 38°/29° 38°/27°

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