ME 2037 Maintenance Engineering Unit 2 FAQ

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1. Explain the objectives and principles of maintenance. Objectives: To achieve minimum breakdown and to keep the plant in good working condition at the lowest possible cost To ensure the availability of machines and services in optimum working conditions. To maintain the working conditions of the machines and other services to produce maximum profit without any problems To keep the time schedule and to deliver the services and products to the customers in the right time To meet the availability requirements of critical equipments To keep the maintenance costs low for non-critical equipments To control the maintenance cost To provide effective and trained supervision To meet the quality requirements

Principles: i. Plant management in maintenance work: The main role of the maintenance function is to provide safe and effective operation of the equipment to achieve the desired targets on time with economic usage of resources. Production and Maintenance objectives: The plant operation is driven by the production targets. The objective of maintenance function is to support these targets. The achievement of desired goals of the production system is to be supported by both the production and maintenance department to ensure smooth and successful operation of the industry. Establishment of work order and recording system: The maintenance system should have proper work order and recording system. The work order for the maintenance function indicates the nature of work to be preferred and the series of operations to be followed to execute a particular job. It is necessary to maintain proper records and entries to monitor the maintenance functions. This



record is useful in formulating the future maintenance plans and scheduling to meet the desired objectives of the organization. iv. Information based decision making: The maintenance objectives are successfully achieved by the use of reliable information system. The information is used to meet the manpower and spare parts requirements of the industry. Adherence to Planned maintenance strategy: A sound maintenance management should adhere to the planned maintenance strategy. This also includes the use of manufacturers information on the life and maintenance schedule of the equipment and other material resources available. Planning of Maintenance: All the maintenance functions are to be carefully executed by a way of proper planning to ensure the effective utilization of manpower and materials. Manpower for maintenance: The manpower requirements of the maintenance system must be carefully evaluated based on the time and motion study. The requirements should also satisfy the need arising in case of overhauls, component replacement, emergency and unscheduled repairs. Workforce control: Determination of exact workforce required to meet the maintenance objectives of the system is difficult task due to the element of uncertainty. Hence the proper control and monitoring of the workforce are needed to be ensured. Role of spare parts: A good maintenance management system requires appropriate tools. So the system should have good quality tools and that too available in required quantities to ensure the proper function of the maintenance works. Training of the maintenance workforce: Workers must be trained to learn modern techniques, recent trends in maintenance, knowledge of sophisticated instruments to meet the growing demands of the industry.







2. Write the importance and benefits of sound maintenance system. Importance: Profit of an industry depends solely on the return on the investment. The capital and operating costs are the major factors in industrial investment. Higher returns can e expected only if the machines are in proper condition to match the desired performance level.

The life of the equipment and maintenance schedule information provided by manufacturer may not be realized in practice to make the need for having a sound management system.

Benefits: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Minimization of downtime Improvement in availability of the system Extended life of the equipments Safety and smooth operation of the processes Provides adequate back up supply Minimization of normal expected wear and tear of equipments Safety of the personnel involved in the organization. Increased reliability of the system. Provide proper working environment. Cost effective maintenance boosts the profit of the production system.

3. Explain reliability. Reliability is defined as the probability that a component/system when operating under given conditions will perform its intended functions adequately for a specified period of time. It refers to the likelihood that the equipment will not fail during its operation. Reliability is very important in the industry because reliable equipments ensure uninterrupted availability to achieve the desired productivity. Reliability can be maintained by imposing strict quality measures so that the life of the equipment increases and any failure before its intended life is avoided. Reliability is an important factor in some firm like electric power generation, power plants, aero plane, automobiles, etc. If any equipment suddenly fails, the entire industry suffers and the productivity suddenly decreases to zero. It also causes mental pressure among the workers and officials before the equipment is repaired. Four important factors required in determination of reliability are: i. Reliability factor, ii. Adequate performance requirements iii. Duration of adequate performance iv. Environmental or operating conditions. Reliability factor: a. It is the probability that the equipment satisfies the desired level of performance under the given conditions. Reliability factor of 1 means, the machine satisfies all the desired results and a factor of 0 means the machine would fail to satisfy anything. Adequate performance requirements: a. It defines the role expected of a device or system. A system may satisfy well even if some of its components fail to function properly. In reliability analysis, we have to define a magnitude of satisfactory performance of the system. Duration of adequate performance: a. It is the period of time to which the desired performance is expected. Environmental or operating conditions:




a. It includes weather, temperature of the workshop, humidity, dirt content in air, etc. Advantages of reliability: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Increased productivity Reduction in forced outage of equipment due to planned maintenance activity Minimized downtime Minimized operational readiness Reduced operating cost

4. Explain MTBF, MTTR and MWT: MTBF: It denotes, Mean Time between Failures. It is the average time between successive failures of a product. It is the mean time of breakdown until the device is beyond repair. It assumes the failed system is immediately repaired. But in MTTF (mean time to failure), it is assumed that the system is not repaired (infinite repair time).

MTTR: It denotes, Mean Time to Repair. It is the arithmetic mean of the time required to perform maintenance action.

MWT: It denotes Mean Waiting Time. It is the average length of time a customer waits before being served.

5. Explain Maintainability It Describes the ease with which an item to be retained in, or restored to, a specified condition when maintenance is performed by personnel having specified skills using prescribed procedures and resources at each prescribed level of maintenance and repair. It is the characteristic of design and installation which determines the probability that a failed equipment, machine, or system can be restored to its normal operable state within a given

timeframe, using the prescribed practices and procedures. Its two main components are serviceability (ease of conducting scheduled inspections and servicing) and reparability (ease of restoring service after a failure). Maintainability refers to the steps taken to enhance the ease of maintenance. It is the process of making maintenance works easier, cheap and productive. Maintenance is the act of repairing while maintainability is concerned with making repair in less time, with fewer resources. The numerical value of maintainability lies between 0 and 1. Principles of maintainability: Reduce life cycle maintenance costs Reduce the amount, frequency and complexity of required maintenance works Reduce the mean time to repair (MTTR) Determine the optimum level of preventive maintenance so that we need not spend excessive time and money for maintenance Reduce or eliminate the need for maintenance Provide for maximum interchangeability

Maintainability can be measured by the following parameters: Mean time to repair, MTTR Median time to repair Mean system downtime Mean time to restore Maintenance hours per operating hours.

6. Explain Maintenance organization and maintenance economics. Maintenance Organization: It refers to the collection of all the people involved in the maintenance process of the organization. It includes Maintenance engineers, supervisors, inspection personnel, maintenance planners, etc. Tasks of Maintenance organization: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Identification of organization roles pertaining to maintenance function Determination of maintenance workload Uniform distribution of total maintenance work to all the personnel in the department Identification and assignment of essential work to various sections of the maintained departments Knowing the technical skills and experience of the maintenance personnel involved Providing training to the staff about the modern techniques and other concepts of maintenance Designing the policies and procedures at an early stage to help the maintenance department to achieve the goals of the industry.

Types of maintenance organization: Maintenance organizations are broadly classified into three types namely: I. Decentralized: The maintenance is under the control of chief engineer of every production units to ensure better understanding between the production and maintenance department. Suitable for large plants where inter-communication is difficult. Centralized: The control is under the control of chief maintenance engineer. The responsibility and accountability is with the concerned department heads. Suitable for small plants. Partially centralized: It is the modified version of centralized maintenance organization which is suitable for the industries where the units are located at far away locations. The maintenance personnel of the production units will carry out the routine maintenance works. Scheduled maintenance works like overhauls, planned maintenance works, procurement of spare parts, etc. are under the control of the chief maintenance engineer at the central office.



The other type of classification includes two types as follows: i. Line organization: Consists of a general foreman and a number of specialist foremen with their team under them. The general foreman supervises the total work in their area.
General foreman

Foreman (mechanical)

Foreman (electrical)

Crew members

Crew members


Line staff organization:

General foreman

Foreman (mechanical)

Foreman (electrical)



Crew members

Crew members

Maintenance economics: Life cost analysis: Life cycle costing is the cost analysis for the equipment in any industry that accounts the total cost of the equipments over a span of time which includes the capital cost, operating cost and maintenance costs. This analysis is the integration of engineering, economic and financial strategies in relation to the equipments to be purchased. The factors to be considered in the purchase of equipments for industries include the cost, quality, performance and maintenance requirements. Some balance is to be made between the capital cost and operating cost of the equipments. The evaluation of any equipment for purchase should be made by keeping into considerations htat total cost incurred by the equipments over a span of time. Advantages of life cycle costing: Integration of engineering, economics and financial aspects for robust metric for the selection and purchase equipment required for the industry. Reduced operating and maintenance cost of equipments due to cost analysis over span of time. It leads to the selection of proper and economically viable equipments. Estimation of economic life of equipment: The economic life of equipment depends on the maintenance and repair costs, availability and operational efficiency. Estimation of economic life of equipment: The economic life of equipment depends on the maintenance and repair costs, availability and operational efficiency. A plot of cumulative efficiency and maintenance and repair cost per cumulative hours Vs operating hours of the equipment to find the economic life of the equipment to find the economic life of the equipment is shown in the figure. Maintenance cost: Budgets are allocated for all the activities in planning stage itself which includes the maintenance cost. The cost of maintenance is difficult to meansure due to random nature of failures. The records on maintenance history may be useful in determining the cost. The analysis of maintenance cost is helpful in taking a decision regarding the replacement of machine or any of its components. The main components of maintenance cost are: Fixed cost includes the cost of support facilities including the maintenance staff. Variable cost includes the consumption of spare parts, replacements of components and cost other facilities required to meet the requirements of maintenance. 7. Discuss the role of R & D in maintenance organization. Research and Development has an important role in maintenance organization. The major roles are as follows: i. The influence of maintenance on design and selection of plants: Need to analyze how designer, user and manufacturer can exchange their







information in larger interest of each other, so that the reliability of equipment or system is within the specified limit and the maintenance or operating costs are also kept low. Utilization of available information: Worldwide many information related to reliability and maintainability has been published by the researchers. How these information can be effectively used to improve the performance of the systems operating under specific environmental conditions. Training needs: Published information related to reliability and maintainability can be effectively used, only if it is examined with care that is provided by necessary training and education amongst the practicing engineers and technicians. Standardization of product: Standardization of product and equipments should be made worldwide so that minimum problems are encountered during their maintenance, especially when it is imported, interchangeability is als playing vital role in standardization Management of spare parts: Many organizations, it has been observed that the determination of correct quantity of spare parts is a difficult part, besides its procurements. R & D groups are formed to examine the problem related to the availability of genuine spare parts at a reasonable price. Development of maintenance facilities: The size and volume of the equipment is growing at a faster rate with the technological developments. This calls for their timely maintenance to keep the downtime low. Special facilities are required for effective working of maintenance groups. The concept of condition based maintenance: Attempt should be made to incorporate the modern maintenance practices on costly and sophisticated machinery to improve their availability. The concept of condition based maintenance (CBM) is new and it takes measures to delay the failure as long as possible.

8. i) Explain productivity and maintenance. Productivity is the measure of economic efficiency. It is an industrial process depends on several factors including availability, reliability, and effectiveness of the process and nature of the technology. Any equipment/facility designed and fabricating is with certain purpose of providing desired output in terms of goods or comfort to the mankind. It is seen from experience that the output from any facility is directly dependent upon its up keep. Breakdowns/failures are inherent part of any engineered product. These breakdowns can be minimized with the help of proper maintenance functions. For achieving the set goals of production, the equipment/machine availability must be high. Generally productivity is calculated by comparing the amount of goods and services produced with the inputs used in production. Labor productivity is defined as the ration of the output of goods and services to the labor hours devoted for production of that output. Increase in productivity, i.e., the ability to produce more with fewer resources is a significant source of increased potential national income. Productivity shows the changes from period to period in the amount of goods and services produced per hour.

Maintenance: Maintenance as the measure of productivity is difficult to define because maintenance is mostly a group activity. If we consider the actual time of working of maintenance workmen, it is often less than their operation counterpart. The maintenance department that checks worker productivity on a regular basis is rare. However, different industries have their own criteria to indicate the change in maintenance productivity resulting from any reason as follows: Downtime due to failure highest expenses Downtime due to maintenance Cost of manpower Spare parts stock expenses Tools, instruments, room, transport used for maintenance Equipment conditions ii) Describe the various levels of maintenance. There are five levels of maintenance in any industrial processes. They are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 0 stage :Only break-down maintenance 1st stage: Breakdown maintenance + certain amount of cleaning and lubrication 2nd stage: Breakdown maintenance + planned lubrication and inspection 3rd stage: Breakdown maintenance + planned lubrication and inspection + preventive replacement of parts (renewal) 5. 4th stage: Breakdown maintenance + planned lubrication and inspection + preventive replacement of parts (renewal) +periodic maintenance due to overhauls. 6. 5th stage: Breakdown maintenance + planned lubrication and inspection + preventive replacement of parts (renewal) +periodic maintenance due to overhauls + predictive maintenance technique

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