PACE .: Run With Pace of Time (Institue For Competitive Exams)

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(Institue for Competitive Exams)
Assembly polls to be held in Andhra, Odisha and Sikkim simultaneously with Lok Sabha polls
The Election Commission of India on 5 March 2014 announced the date of Assembly elections in three states Sikkim !disha and Andhra "radesh# These elections $ill be held simultaneously $ith the %ok Sabha &olls# Dates for conducting the Assembly elections ' !disha Assembly $ill be held in t$o &hase &oll ( $ith )0 seats *oin* to &olls on 10 A&ril 2014 and )) on 1) A&ril 2014 ' Andhra "radesh Assembly elections $ill be held in t$o &hase &oll ( on +0 A&ril 2014 for 11, seats and on ) May 2014 for remainin* 1)5 seats of Andhra "radesh Assembly ' Sikkim &olls $ill be held ( on 12 A&ril 2014 for all +2 seats

Lok Sabha elections to be held from 7 April 2014 in !phases

Dates of poll phase wise ' -irst "hase on ) A&ril 2014 ( $ill fi.e %ok Sabha constituencies in Assam and one in Tri&ura ' Second "hase on , A&ril 2014 ( $ill se.en constituencies s&read Arunachal "radesh Mani&ur Me*halaya Mi/oram and 0a*aland ' Third "hase on 10 A&ril 2014 ( $ill ,2 constituencies of 14 states includin* 1ihar 2ttar "radesh 3aryana 4erala !disha Madhya "radesh and Maharashtra and 5elhi ' -ourth "hase on 12 A&ril 2014 6 $ill fi.e constituencies in three states includin* Assam $ill be co.ered ' -ifth "hase on 1) A&ril 2014 6 $ill 122 %ok Sabha seats of 1+ states namely 4arnataka 7a8asthan Maharashtra Madhya "radesh 2ttar "radesh !disha and 1ihar ' Si9th "hase on 24 A&ril 2014 6 $ill 11) seats in 12 states namely includin* Assam Chhattis*arh Tamil 0adu Maharashtra Madhya "radesh :est 1en*al and 2ttar "radesh ' Se.enth "hase +0 A&ril 2014 6 $ill ;, constituencies s&read nine states includin* Andhra "radesh <u8arat "un8ab 2ttar "radesh and :est 1en*al ' Ei*hth "hase on ) May 2014 6 $ill =4 seats in states includin* 1ihar 3imachal "radesh 2ttar "radesh 2ttrakhand and :est 1en*al ' 0inth "hase and end of the &olls on 12 May 2014 6 $ill 41 constituencies in Chhattis*arh 2ttar "radesh and :est 1en*al NONE of the Above (NOTA) Option in EV s The election commission in its notification has issued detailed instructions to the Chief Electoral !fficers of all the states and 2nion Territories to im&lement 0!TA# This notification $as *i.en follo$in* the 8ud*ment of Su&reme Court of India &ronounced on 2) Se&tember 201+ that directed the commission there should be the a.ailability of ( 0one of the Abo.e >0!TA? on the ballot &a&ers and E@Ms# As &er the notification the .oters $ill ha.e the o&tion of 0!TA &rinted belo$ the name of the last candidate and can click the o&tion in case they do not $ant to .ote for any of the candidates#

"resident "ranab #ukher$ee si%ned the &elan%ana 'ill

The "resident of India "ranab Mukher8ee Si*ned the Telan*ana 1ill to car.e out Telen*ana state on 1 March 2014# The Andhra "radesh 7eor*anisation 1ill 2014 *ot "arliamentAs a&& on 20 -ebruary 2014 &* the $ay for creation of the countryAs 2,th state# In residuary Andhra "radesh there $ill be 1+ districts $here as Telen*ana $ill ha.e 10 districts alon* $ith 3yderabad# The ne$ Telan*ana State $ill com&rise of Adilabad 4arimna*ar Medak 0i/amabad :aran*al 7an*areddi 0al*onda Mahbubna*ar 4hammam and 3yderabad districts#

R.D. Kulakarni Complex, Near Shivala a, !ali al Roa", Srina#ar, Dharwa". Contact No% (&'()* +,,,-.' / '-&.+ 0,-.- / ,+0-$ &(.-, E1mail% pace"harwa"


(Institue for Competitive Exams)
!ome of the important provisions of A" #eorganisation $ill
' The 1ill en.isa*es 3yderabad as the common ca&ital for ten years# The Andhra "radesh <o.ernor $ill be <o.ernor for both successor States of Andhra "radesh and Telan*ana# ' The Centre $ill form e9&ert committee to su**est a ne$ ca&ital of Andhra "radesh $ithin 45 days# The Centre $ill also set u& an a&e9 council for the su&er.ision of 4rishna and <oda.ari ri.ers on $ater sharin*# ' Centre allocates 25 %ok Sabha seats to residuary Andhra "radesh and 1) %ok Sabha seats to Telan*ana# The residuary Andhra "radesh $ill *et 1)5 %e*islati.e Assembly seats and Telan*ana 11, seats# ' E9istin* admission Buotas in all *o.ernment or &ri.ate aided or unaided institutions of hi*her technical and medical education shall continue for 10 years durin* $hich common admission &rocess shall continue# ' The "ola.aram Irri*ation "ro8ect $ill be declared as a national &ro8ect and the Centre $ill take under its control the re*ulation and de.elo&ment and the Tun*abhadra 1oard $ill continue to monitor the release of $ater to hi*h le.el canal lo$ le.el canal and 7a8olibanda di.ersion scheme# ' The 3i*h Court at 3yderabad $ill be common for both States till a se&arate 3i*h Court is set u& for residuary Andhra "radesh# ' Any dis&ute re*ardin* financial assets and liabilities shall be settled throu*h mutual a*reement failin* $hich by the CentreAs order on the of the Com&troller and Auditor <eneral# ' All &ro&erties situated outside e9istin* Andhra "radesh $ill be a&&ortioned bet$een the successor States on the basis of &o&ulation ratio# ' <reyhound and !CT!"2S forces of the e9istin* Andhra "radesh $ill be distributed after seekin* o&inions from the &ersonnel and each of these forces# ' The a$ard made by the 1+th -inance Commission to the e9istin* State of Andhra "radesh $ill be a&&ortioned bet$een the successor States by the Centre on the basis of &o&ulation and other &arameters#

201+ in India

+ to ) CanuaryD 100th Indian Science Conference $as or*ani/ed in 4olkata by the Indian Science Con*ress Association# = CanuaryD India6"akistan border incidents be*in# 12 CanuaryDS$ami @i.ekanandaEs 150th birth anni.ersary $as celebrated# 14 CanuaryD 4umbh Mela be*ins in Allahabad# 2= CanuaryD 7e&ublic 5ay of India 7e&ublic 5ay "arade $as held in 0e$ 5elhi $ith 1hutanEs kin* Ci*me 4hesar 0am*yel :an*chuck as Chief <uest#


+1 Canuary to + -ebruaryD )th India Stone Mart 201+ a trade fair to &romote the stone industry $as held in Cai&ur#

R.D. Kulakarni Complex, Near Shivala a, !ali al Roa", Srina#ar, Dharwa". Contact No% (&'()* +,,,-.' / '-&.+ 0,-.- / ,+0-$ &(.-, E1mail% pace"harwa"


(Institue for Competitive Exams)

12 -ebruaryD Indian helico&ter bribery scandal came to li*ht# 15 -ebruaryD 2012 5A14 asteroid &asses by the Earth eastern Indian !cean# 1, and 20 -ebruaryD 0ano India 201+ a science conference on nanotechnolo*y $as held in Thiru.anantha&uram# 21 -ebruaryD Terror attacks on 3yderabad in 5ilsukhna*ar area# T$o se&arate e9&losions killed 1) &eo&le# 2= -ebruaryD 7ail$ay 1ud*et 201+(14 &resented by Minister of 7ail$ays "a$an 1ansal# 2; -ebruaryD 201+ 2nion bud*et of India &resented by -inance Minister "# Chidambaram#


; MarchD Anti(Sri %anka &rotests by Students -ederation for -reedom of Tamil Eelam in Tamil 0adu started# 10 MarchD 4umbh Mela ends# An estimated 120 million &il*rims attended the 1+ MarchD 3i/bul Mu8ahideenEs attacks on Central 7eser.e "olice -orce at 1emina in Srina*ar# 1, MarchD %ok Sabha &asses the Criminal %a$ >Amendment? Act 201+# 20 MarchD 1rahMos missile $as test fired at @ishakha&tnam# 21 MarchD 7a8ya Sabha &asses the Criminal %a$ >Amendment? Act 201+# 2) MarchD Tamil 0adu Assembly 7esolution on Sri %anka for formation of Tamil Eelam and demands to the Centre to sto& treatin* Sri %anka as friendly nation#


2 A&rilD "resident "resident "ranab Mukher8ee si*ned the Criminal %a$ >Amendment? Act 201+# 15 A&rilD 5aulat 1e* !ldi conflict bet$een Indian and Chinese army &atrols be*an#


10 MayD T$o Cabinet ministers Ash$ani 4umar and "a$an 1ansal resi*n after bribery alle*ations#


Mid(Cune on$ardsD -lash floods in 0orth India#


14 CulyD India shuts do$n its &ublic tele*ram


15 Au*ustD =)th Inde&endence 5ay of India 2= Au*ustD %ok Sabha &asses the 0ational -ood Security 1ill 201+ 2; Au*ustD The Indian ru&ee hits a 20 years record lo$ of =;#;450 a*ainst the 2S dollar#

R.D. Kulakarni Complex, Near Shivala a, !ali al Roa", Srina#ar, Dharwa". Contact No% (&'()* +,,,-.' / '-&.+ 0,-.- / ,+0-$ &(.-, E1mail% pace"harwa"


(Institue for Competitive Exams)

*aura. 2 Se&temberD 7a8ya Sabha &asses the 0ational -ood Security 1ill 201+ 4 Se&temberD 7a*huram 7a8an took as the 2+rd <o.ernor of the 7eser.e 1ank of India#F+1G 1+ Se&temberD 0arendra Modi declared 1haratiya Canata "artyEs &rime ministerial candidate for Indian *eneral election 2014#F+2G 1+ Se&temberD The sentences for con.icts in the 2012 5elhi *an* ra&e case $as announced#F++G +0 Se&temberD -ormer 1ihar Chief Minister %alu "rasad Hada. con.icted in the -odder scam case#F+4G


12 !ctoberD Cyclone "hailin makes landfall in !disha#


26+ 0o.emberD 5i$ali#F+=G 5 0o.emberD The Mars !rbiter Mission >M!M? $as successfully launched into Earth orbit by the Indian S&ace 7esearch !r*anisation >IS7!?#F+)G 1, 0o.ember 201+D 1haratiya Mahila 1ank IndiaEs first all($omen commercial bank starts its o&erations#F+;G


, 5ecemberD The Se9ual 3arassment of :omen at :ork&lace >"re.ention "rohibition and 7edressal? Act 201+ came into effect after bein* a&&ro.ed by Ministry of :omen and Child 5e.elo&ment#F+,G 11 5ecemberD Su&reme Court of India reinstated same(se9 relationshi&s as an offence under Section +)) of the Indian "enal Code#F40G 12 5ecemberD Indian di&lomat 5e.yani 4hobra*ade $as arrested in 0e$ Hork tri**erin* a di&lomatic ro$ bet$een India and the 2S#F41G 1; 5ecemberD The The %ok&al and %okayuktas 1ill 201+ $as &assed by the 7a8ya Sabha#F42G


SummerD 5rou*hts in Maharashtra su&rasses the &re.ious $orst famine record of 1,)2# The drou*hts $ere caused by lo$ rainfall in Cune to !ctober 2012# Canuary6MarchD The Indian economy *re$ at a rate of 4#;I in the Canuary6March Buarter of the 2012(1+ fiscal year# A&ril6CuneD The <5" sho$ed a 4#4I *ro$th in the first Buarter of the 201+(2014 fiscal year# Culy6Se&temberD The <5" *re$ at 4#;I in the second Buarter of the 201+(2014 fiscal year#

0ational -ood Security 1ill 201+

R.D. Kulakarni Complex, Near Shivala a, !ali al Roa", Srina#ar, Dharwa". Contact No% (&'()* +,,,-.' / '-&.+ 0,-.- / ,+0-$ &(.-, E1mail% pace"harwa" .


(Institue for Competitive Exams)
The Indian National &ood !ecurity Act' ()*+ >also #ight to &ood Act? $as si*ned into la$ Se&tember 12 201+ retroacti.e to Culy 5 201+# This la$ aims to &ro.ide subsidi/ed food *rains to a&&ro9imately t$o thirds of IndiaEs 1#2 billion &eo&le# 2nder the &ro.isions of the bill beneficiaries are to be able to &urchase 5 kilo*rams &er eli*ible &erson &er month of cereals at the follo$in* &ricesD

rice at + &er k* $heat at 2 &er k* coarse *rains >millet? at 1 &er k*#

"re*nant $omen lactatin* mothers and certain cate*ories of children are eli*ible for daily free meals# The bill has been hi*hly contro.ersial# It $as introduced into IndiaEs &arliament in 5ecember 2012 &romul*ated as a &residential ordinance on Culy 5 201+ and enacted into la$ in Au*ust 201+#

!alient features
)5I rural and 50I of the urban &o&ulation are entitled for three years from enactment to fi.e k* food *rains &er month at + 2 1 &er k* for rice $heat and coarse *rains >millet? res&ecti.elyJ

2# The states are res&onsible for determinin* eli*ibilityJ +# "re*nant $omen and lactatin* mothers are entitled to a nutritious Ktake home rationK of =00 Calories and a maternity benefit of at least 7s = 000 for si9 monthsJ 4# Children = months to 14 years of a*e are to recei.e free hot meals or Ktake home rationsKJ 5# The central *o.ernment $ill &ro.ide funds to states in case of short su&&lies of food *rainsJ =# The current food *rain allocation of the states $ill be &rotected by the central *o.ernment for at least si9 monthsJ )# The state *o.ernment $ill &ro.ide a food security allo$ance to the beneficiaries in case of non(su&&ly of food *rainsJ ;# The "ublic 5istribution System is to be reformedJ ,# The eldest $oman in the household 1; years or abo.e is the head of the household for the issuance of the ration cardJ 10# There $ill be state( and district(le.el redress mechanismsJ and 11# State -ood Commissions $ill be formed for im&lementation and monitorin* of the &ro.isions of the Act# 12# The cost of the im&lementation is estimated to be 1#25 lac crore a&&ro9imately 1#5 I of <5"# 1+# The &oorest $ho are co.ered under the Antodaya yo8na $ill remain entitled to the +5 k* of *rains allotted to them under the mentioned scheme#

R.D. Kulakarni Complex, Near Shivala a, !ali al Roa", Srina#ar, Dharwa". Contact No% (&'()* +,,,-.' / '-&.+ 0,-.- / ,+0-$ &(.-, E1mail% pace"harwa"


(Institue for Competitive Exams)
The intent of the 0ational -ood Security 1ill is s&elled out in the %ok Sabha committee re&ort The National Food Security Bill, 2011, Twenty Seventh Report $hich states K-ood security means a.ailability of sufficient food*rains to meet the domestic demand as $ell as access at the indi.idual le.el to adeBuate Buantities of food at affordable &rices#K The re&ort adds KThe &ro&osed le*islation marks a &aradi*m shift in addressin* the &roblem of food security 6 from the current $elfare a&&roach to a ri*ht based a&&roach# About t$o thirds>a&&ro9 =)I? of the &o&ulation $ill be entitled to recei.e subsidi/ed food*rains under Tar*eted "ublic 5istribution System# In a country $here almost 40I of children are undernourished the im&ortance of the scheme increases si*nificantly#K

Criticism of the 0ational -ood Security 1ill includes accusations of both &olitical moti.ation and fiscal irres&onsibility#F10G

!ne senior o&&osition &olitician Murli Manohar Coshi $ent so far as to describe the bill as a measure for K.ote

securityK >for the rulin* *o.ernment coalition? rather than food security# Another &olitical fi*ure Mulayam Sin*h Hada. declared KIt is clearly bein* brou*ht for elections###:hy didnAt you brin* this bill earlier $hen &oor &eo&le $ere dyin* because of hun*erL###E.ery election you brin* u& a measure# There is nothin* for the &oor#K The re&ort of the ++rd meetin* of the Technical Ad.isory Committee on Monetary "olicy stated K###-ood &rices are still ele.ated and the food security bill $ill a**ra.ate food &rice inflation as it $ill tilt su&&ly to$ards cereals and a$ay from other farm &roduce >&roteins? $hich $ill raise food &rices further###Members desired that the 7eser.e 1ank im&ress on the *o.ernment the need to address su&&ly side constraints $hich are causin* inflationary &ressure es&ecially on the food front#K 5r# Sur8it S# 1halla $arned KThe food security bill###if im&lemented honestly $ill cost + &er cent of the <5" in its .ery first year#K The $riter @i.ek 4aul noted The *o.ernmentAs estimated cost of food security comes at 11#10I###of the total recei&ts# The CAC"As estimated cost of food security comes at 21#5I###of the total recei&ts# 1hallaAs cost of food security comes at around 2;I of the total recei&ts###!nce $e e9&ress the cost of food security as a &ercenta*e of the total estimated recei&ts of the *o.ernment durin* the current financial year $e see ho$ hu*e the cost of food security really is# The Indian Ministry of A*ricultureEs Commission on A*ricultural Costs and "rices $arned that enactment of the 1ill could be e9&ected to Kinduce se.ere imbalance in the &roduction of oilseeds and &ulses K and K###$ill create demand &ressures $hich $ill ine.itably s& to market &rices of food *rains# -urthermore the hi*her food subsidy burden on the bud*et $ill raise the fiscal deficit e9acerbatin* macro le.el inflationary &ressures#K The Commission ar*ued further that the 1ill $ould restrict &ri.ate initiati.e in a*riculture reduce com&etition in the market&lace due to *o.ernment domination of the *rain market shift money from in.estments in a*riculture to subsidies and continue focus on cereals &roduction $hen shifts in consumer demand &atterns indicate a need to focus more on &rotein fruits and .e*etables#

R.D. Kulakarni Complex, Near Shivala a, !ali al Roa", Srina#ar, Dharwa". Contact No% (&'()* +,,,-.' / '-&.+ 0,-.- / ,+0-$ &(.-, E1mail% pace"harwa"


(Institue for Competitive Exams)

The Se9ual 3arassment of :omen at :ork&lace >"re.ention "rohibition and 7edressal? Act 201+
The !e.ual /arassment of 0omen at 0or1place ("revention' "rohibition and #edressal) Act' ()*+ is a le*islati.e act in India that seeks to &rotect $omen from se9ual harassment at their &lace of $ork# It $as &assed by the %ok Sabha >the lo$er house of the Indian "arliament? on + Se&tember 2012# It $as &assed by the 7a8ya Sabha >the u&&er house of the Indian "arliament? on 2= -ebruary 201+#The 1ill *ot the assent of the "resident on 2+ A&ril 201+# The Act came into force from , 5ecember 201+#

a2or &eatures

The Act defines se9ual harassment at the $ork &lace and creates a mechanism for redressal of com&laints# It also &ro.ides safe*uards a*ainst false or malicious char*es# The definition of Ma**rie.ed $omanN $ho $ill *et &rotection under the Act is e9tremely $ide to all $omen irres&ecti.e of her a*e or em&loyment status $hether in the or*anised or unor*anised sectors &ublic or &ri.ate and co.ers clients customers and domestic $orkers as $ell#

:hile the M$ork&laceN in the @ishaka <uidelines is confined to the traditional office set(u& $here there is a clear em&loyer(em&loyee relationshi& the Act *oes much further to include or*anisations de&artment office branch unit etc# in the &ublic and &ri.ate sector or*ani/ed and unor*ani/ed hos&itals nursin* homes educational institutions s&orts institutes stadiums s&orts com&le9 and any &lace .isited by the em&loyee durin* the course of em&loyment includin* the trans&ortation#

The Committee is reBuired to com&lete the inBuiry $ithin a time &eriod of ,0 days# !n com&letion of the inBuiry the re&ort $ill be sent to the em&loyer or the 5istrict !fficer as the case may be they are mandated to take action on the re&ort $ithin =0 days#

E.ery em&loyer is reBuired to constitute an Internal Com&laints Committee at each office or branch $ith 10 or more em&loyees# The 5istrict !fficer is reBuired to constitute a %ocal Com&laints Committee at each district and if reBuired at the block le.el#

The Com&laints Committees ha.e the &o$ers of courts for *atherin* e.idence# The Com&laints Committees are reBuired to &ro.ide for conciliation before initiatin* an inBuiry if reBuested by the com&lainant# "enalties ha.e been &rescribed for em&loyers# 0on(com&liance $ith the &ro.isions of the Act shall be &unishable $ith a fine of u& to 50 000# 7e&eated .iolations may lead to hi*her &enalties and cancellation of

licence or re*istration to conduct business#

R.D. Kulakarni Complex, Near Shivala a, !ali al Roa", Srina#ar, Dharwa". Contact No% (&'()* +,,,-.' / '-&.+ 0,-.- / ,+0-$ &(.-, E1mail% pace"harwa"

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