Lets Talk About Australia

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Speaking and listening Pre-intermediate to Upper-intermediate

Lets talk about

Conversation cards
What do you know about Australia? Make a list of cities facts and land!arks" Where in the world is Australia? %escribe and locate on the !a'" #ne of Australia$s nickna!es is %own &nder" Why is this?

Whats the ca'ital? Whats the biggest city? Whats the s'orts ca'ital?

)ow big is Australia? )ow !any 'eo'le li*e there? Co!'are with other countries"

%o you know any fa!ous Australians? (alk about the!"

When was Australia founded? When did it beco!e inde'endent? +uess"

(he -ueen of .ngland is the head of state in Australia" Why is this?

,n the !iddle of Australia there is a fa!ous red rock" Whats it called? )ow big is it?

What are the original 'eo'le of Australia called? What do they look like? Where do they li*e? What do they do?

Which ani!als are ende!ic 12 nati*e3 to Australia" /rainstor!" Make a list"

Where is the +reat /arrier 0eef located? What is it? ,s it i!'ortant? Why?

What are the !ost co!!on wild ani!als in Australia? What about far! ani!als?

Whats a boo!erang? Whats it !ade of? Whats it used for?

What s'orts are 'o'ular in Australia? +uess" .4'lain why"

Australia has 'lenty of raw !aterials" Which ores and !inerals are !ined?

What languages do 'eo'le s'eak in Australia? Are they easy to learn?

$All Australians are cri!inals" ,s this true? Was it e*er true? .4'lain"

Typical Australian words and expressions

Match dingo e!u frilled li5ard kangaroo koala kookaburra 'laty'us (as!anian de*il thorny dragon

1 2 3 4

ankle biter barbie didgeridoo g6day 1good day3 8oey !y shout no worries #5 tucker

a b c d e f g h i

no 'roble! food ,6ll 'ay this ti!e barbecue Australia s!all child hello baby kangaroo Aboriginal wind instru!ent

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Speaking and listening Pre-intermediate to Upper-intermediate

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$A#T $ACT# Speaking and listening Pre-intermediate to Upper-intermediate


Australia is located in southern he!is'here between the ,ndian #cean and =acific #cean" (he country called Australia is on a continent which is also called Australia"

Industry !ining industrial and trans'ortation e@ui'!ent steel Agriculture wheat barley sugarcane and fruits atural !esources 'lentiful su''ly of 'recious !etals such as iron ore co''er gold or uraniu! Livestoc" cattle shee' and 'oultry Animals #wls bottlenose dol'hin crocodile 1salt water3 bilby 'arrot dugong fur seal 'elican great white shark 'laty'us tree frog western swa!' tortoise giant cuttlefish 'yg!y 'ossu! dingo red kangaroo e!u kingfisher kookaburra flying fo4 1greyC headed3 frilled necked li5ard sul'hur crested cockatoo (as!anian de*il koala kangaroo wallaroo !ag'ie wo!bats wallaby" #ports


worlds s!allest continent 9th largest country

Area > : 9;9 ;7? s@ k! 1slightly s!aller than the contiguous 4; &A Atates3 Capital: Canberra Population: 21 !illion 1Buly 2??; esti!ate3 Government

%e!ocratic federalCstate syste! recogni5ing /ritish !onarch as so*ereign -ueen .li5abeth ,, is the -ueen of Australia

Money> Australian %ollar 1A&%3 Climate: generally arid 12 dry3 to se!iarid Languages: .nglish and nati*e languages History &nited Dingdo! for!ally clai!ed the western 'art of Australia in 1;2<

Australia gained ,nde'endence on the 11th %ece!ber 1<31

Australians lo*e s'orts including rugby football golf soccer swi!!ing and cricket" (hey ha*e gained high le*el of achie*e!ent in #ly!'ics and other international s'orting e*ents"

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