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Answer For Correction Officer Student Name: Institution of affiliation:


Answer For Correction Officer Introduction T!e career of correction officers can "e #uite c!allenging since t!e tas$s in%ol%ed are usuall& im'ortant( T!e career entails "eing in c!arge of o%erseeing 'eo'le w!o are in )ail* ser%ing t!eir sentences( In most cases* it in%ol%es "eing c!arged wit! t!e res'onsi"ilit& of $ee'ing an e&e on 'otentiall& dangerous criminals +Seiter* ,, -( T!is also re#uires one to "e in a 'osition to !andle amica"l& an& 'ro"lems t!at ma& arise wit!in t!e correctional facilit&( .efore one can "e ordained wit! t!e tas$* !e or s!e !as to im'ress a )ail su'er%isor reformator& or 'enitentiar& during an inter%iew for t!is s!ows t!e a"ilit& to do t!e wor$ res'onsi"l&( T!is 'a'er see$s to e/'lore on t!e solutions and strategies t!at can "e em'lo&ed "& a correction officer to im'ro%e and underta$e !is duties a''ro'riatel&( Hiring Criteria and 0ualifications T!e 'rocess of "ecoming a correctional officer is not an eas& one t!oug!( One !as to undergo training t!roug! an academ&( T!is e#ui's !im or !er wit! a di'loma or an e#ui%alent( Some college degree as well as some rele%ant e/'erience is considera"le( T!e #ualifications usuall& %ar& in accordance to t!e !iring institutions standards( T!e education usuall& focuses on counseling and t!era'& s$ills* self1defense suc! as firearm usage as well as legal matters( Institutional and securit& 'rocedure are also taug!t( 2ost im'ortantl&* in1ser%ice trainings are also offered to $ee' one3s s$ills current to t!e d&namic societ&( T!e training also focuses on 'rison3s tactical res'onse criteria to distur"ances as well as t!e s$ills to confront %iolent and dangerous inmates +National* 1454-(

ANSWER FOR CORRECTION OFFICER 6 Some of t!e desira"le #ualities of a trainee officer include critical t!in$ing s$ills* good )udgment* strong inter'ersonal s$ills as well as !ig! negotiation a"ilit&( 7!&sical strengt!* self1 disci'line and good writing s$ills are desired too( T!e !iring 'rocedures in%ol%e an inter%iew t!at aims to asses t!ese #ualities( 8o" 9escri'tion As stated earlier* t!e career of a correctional officer in%ol%es o%erseeing indi%iduals w!o are eit!er in )ail ser%ing a criminal sentence* in ot!er correctional facilities( It also in%ol%es o%erseeing indi%iduals w!o !a%e "een arrested awaiting trial( Correctional officers usuall& wor$ under close su'er%ision of t!e corrections administration w!ic! is an o'tion of t!e criminal )ustice 'rogramme( T!e criminal )ustice 'rogram on t!e ot!er !and* !as t!e mandate of loo$ing into and meeting t!e needs of t!e indi%iduals w!o !a%e t!e interest or are 'ursuing a career in corrections( Its mandate is sti'ulated "& correctional t!eor& and law 'rocedures in addition to guideline 'ro%ided for "& a''lied social and "e!a%ioral sciences +2cs!ane* 1446-( T!ose w!o #ualif& for t!e 'osition of a correctional officer at federal* state or count& correctional facilities are graduates w!o meet #ualifications desired "& t!e ci%il ser%ice e/am 'rogram( T!e #ualifications focus on moral and '!&sical standards( An interns!i' 'rogram is also incor'orated in t!e career line as well( .asic 9uties and Res'onsi"ilities of Correctional Officers From t!e "road 'ers'ecti%e* t!e mandate and duties* as well as t!e res'onsi"ilities of correctional officers in%ol%e ins'ecting t!e li%ing #uarters of t!e inmates as well as o%erseeing t!em( Howe%er* correctional officers t&'icall& are re#uired to su'er%ise t!e inmates and t!eir acti%ities as well as enforcing rules and $ee'ing order wit!in t!e %arious correctional facilities( Correctional officers are also entitled to t!e re!a"ilitation and counseling of criminals* a tas$

ANSWER FOR CORRECTION OFFICER : t&'ical to t!e correctional officers w!o usuall& wor$ in correctional facilities suc! as t!e re!a"( T!e res'onsi"ilities of correctional officer also e/tend to ins'ecting t!e conditions 're%ailing wit!in t!e correctional facilities so as to ensuring t!at t!e& meet some re#uired esta"lis!ed standards( It is !owe%er of great im'ortance to a''reciate t!e fact t!at* w!ile inside t!e )ail or 'rison* t!e $e& o"ligations of +a-correctional officer+s- "asicall& in%ol%es enforcing rules and regulations +Seiter* ,, -(In addition to t!ese* t!e& are su''osed to maintain to' notc! securit& t!roug! t!e 're%ention of distur"ances* 'lanned assaults or e%en esca'es( T!e officers are su''osed to su'er%ise t!e dail& inmates3 acti%ities "& strictl& ensuring t!at t!e inmates o"e& set rules and finis! t!eir wor$ and duties as e/'ected( ;ast "ut not t!e least< t!e officers are su''osed to 'eriodicall& ins'ect t!e inmates to ensure t!at t!e& are not in 'ossession of wea'onr& drugs and t!e li$e as well as monitoring t!eir mo%ements to ensure t!eir w!erea"outs( Constant ins'ections to ensure 'ro'er sanitation are also t!eir mandate( T!e officers are su''osed to ac!ie%e all t!ese "& use of effecti%e communication and 'rogressi%e sanctions im'osed on t!e inmates suc! as loss of some 'ri%ilege( W!ile outside t!e correctional facilities* correction officers are su''osed to !el' identif&ing 'rison esca'ees "& wor$ing closel& wit! criminal in%estigations officers +CI9s- as well as t!e Central Intelligence Agenc&* CIA +2cs!ane* 1446-( T!e& are also mandated to !el' in identification of wanted 'ersons w!o ma& !a%e !ad a criminal record since it3s muc! easier for t!em to recogni=e suc! indi%iduals( T!eir Wor$ En%ironment It3s #uite clear from t!e outline 'ro%ided in t!e 'receding section t!at t!e correction officers wor$ wit!in t!e correctional facilities and institutions in most of t!eir duties( T!ese facilities are eit!er 'u"lic owned or 'ri%atel& run( To some e/tent !owe%er* t!eir wor$ e/tends to

ANSWER FOR CORRECTION OFFICER > outside t!ese institutions in w!ic! cases t!e& wor$ wit! t!e CI9s( It is !owe%er* of great im'ortance to !ig!lig!t t!at t!ese facilities 'ro%ide dangerous ground to wor$ from( T!is is "ecause most of t!e inmates !a%e ill intentions suc! as t!e wis! to esca'e law and t!e li$e( In regard to t!is* correction officers are su''osed to "e %er& careful as t!e& delegate t!eir duties( Wor$ing in t!e correctional facilities for t!e correction officers is also stressful( Researc! !as s!own t!at e%er& &ear* correction officers seriousl& get in)ured due to confrontations wit! inmates( T!e wor$ing en%ironment inside t!e facilities is t!erefore su''osed to "e well1lig!ted* well %entilated* tem'erature controlled and wit! secure doors +Carter* 14? -( Howe%er* in most cases* t!is is not alwa&s t!e case and it3s t!e ma)or reason as to w!& t!ese officers !a%e to "e on t!e alert of "eing attac$ed and alwa&s 're'ared to emergencies( At ot!er times* t!e wor$ en%ironment "ecomes o%ercrowded* nois& or e%en !ot( T!is also re#uires !ig! degree of alertness and 're'aredness for a correctional officer( safet& is onl& guaranteed to a limited e/tend in state and federal 'risons since t!e 'risoners sta& for long in t!ese facilities and t!e officer get t!e 'ri%ilege of $nowing some of t!eir c!aracters( In)uries also occur to correction officers in t!e lines of t!eir duties( T!e officers are actuall& t!e !ig! rated on t!e national scale to illnesses and in)ur& es'eciall& in t!e @(S( t!is occurs w!en t!e& face confrontations wit! inmates leading to in)uries( ;i$ewise* at t!e 'lace of wor$* t!e correction officers are su")ect to e/'osure to contagious diseases( 7recautions s!ould t!erefore "e ta$en to a%oiding t!e 'ossi"ilit& of suc! disease encounters( Wor$ and Wor$ing Sc!edules T!e criminal )ustice 'rogramme !as sti'ulated t!at correctional officers s!ould onl& wor$ 5 !ours for > da&s a wee$* "ut on rotating s!ifts( Howe%er* some correctional facilities !a%e

ANSWER FOR CORRECTION OFFICER A more da&s off and longer s!ifts "etween sc!eduled wor$wee$s( On !olida&s* t!e officers are e/'ected to re'ort to wor$ since national securit& is %ital( @suall& t!is comes wit! some "enefits on t!eir remunerations( Also* at times correctional officers are re#uired to wor$ on 'aid( Conclusion In conclusion* t!e )o" of a correctional officer is %er& stressful and delicate at t!e same time( Rig!t from t!e onset* t!e !iring criteria is strict since t!e officer !as to 'ortra& some '!&sical and moral standards of concern to t!e recruiting aut!orit&( Once em'lo&ed t!e officer is re#uired to "e alwa&s alert and read& to !andle situations w!ic! in most cases tend to "e out of 'ro'ortions( T!is ta$es a't s$ills as well as lo&alt& to t!e )o" and oneself( At t!e correctional facilities* t!e correctional officer is mandated to ensure t!at law and order is maintained as well as offering counseling to inmates( T!e officer is also entitled to ins'ecting t!e inmates to ensure t!at t!e& are not in 'ossession of illegal stuffs suc! as drugs and wea'onr&* in addition to sanitation( In summar&* t!e )o" is stressful and officers can e/'erience an/iet&(


Reference Carter* R( 2(* Blaser* 9(* C Wil$ins* ;( T( +14? -(Correctional institutions( 7!iladel'!ia: ;i''incott( 2cS!ane* 2( 9(* C Williams* F( 7( +1446-(The management of correctional institutions( New Dor$: Barland( National ;earning Cor'oration( +1454-( Correction officer( S&osset* N(D: National ;earning Cor'( Seiter* R( 7( + ,, -( Correctional administration: Integrating theory and practice( @''er Saddle Ri%er* N(8: 7rentice Hall(

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