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Diplomacy is an instrument of the state, to how maintain relations peacefully among the states, to promote international peace and

security among the states, to ensure freedom and freedom of speech. Reason behind EU is how they make it possible for the access towards freedom to move in any European country on one visa excellent achievement! This shows how efficiently all the states are using diplomacy according to global atmosphere, and needs of 21st centaury. Change means transformation and its only occurred when states increase its capability to improve its literacy Rate. Conceptual foundation stone of UN says that from this organization we will bring international peace and security but how? Through a diplomacy where every state is bound on one single agenda and that any state become a threat towards International peace and security than UN can use its force in different mediums, firstly economic sanctions, such as stop trade diplomacy, secondly isolate that state, thirdly use of force according to the security councils resolution. Human Right Declaration of 1946 says that every state is bound to protect its citizens life ensure there basic rights most important freedom of speech, free to get married to whom you love, you cannot discriminate any one on the concept of race, religion, ethnicity and same for genocide, but in under developing countries results are very much different because of the high poverty ratio therefore countries under this condition cannot educated there population and transformation only comes if literacy rate will be high, because education give you ways toward tolerance, and make you a peace lover individual. Concept of free trade in a region makes peace and security possible very efficiently and how we can make it possible through a good diplomacy in win-win situation or in zero sum game and negotiate to resolve the conflict because without resolving conflicts we cannot bring security among the states. According to the thesis Clash of Civilization Religi on can be a source of conflicts currently we are facing these types of conflicts in our own country people at intra-religion level and inter-religion level. Due to the low religious tolerance, and no one has the right to kill any one on the bases of religion if we want to minimize this religion conflicts so we need to re-think or revise our culture of doubt which is particularly in our country exist because worlds norms are different they use the sense of reasoning, because through questions you can prove or disprove your doubt. So We should grow up on large canvas in sense of humanity which is the broader sense, and I dont know how people hate others without knowing the reason. Remedies for bringing peace and security if we saw any kind of a threat towards international security we should do research about conflict its nature, intensity that how we can move forward in a peaceful manner for the betterment of the global security, which is very important that people like us cannot live in a situation of anarchy . I think its proven that how much diplomacy of the state is important to achieve the security which promote peace and harmony.

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