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There is no use in telling the students what reading or listening sub-skill they are practicing.

Dictation is a technique that is still relevant in today's classes. Learner training entails getting the students to bring and use dictionaries in class. Choral repetition is something that should be used even in high intermediate courses. Teachers should if possible use a different variety of techniques in order to enhance their grammar presentations. ronunciation needs to be deliberately taught. !t won"t #ust be picked up. Teachers should deliberately teach them by preparing specific pronunciation e$ercises% or casually% in the course of other oral activities. &ive interesting tasks before asking learners to read% so that they have a clear purpose and motivating challenge. 'r use te$ts that are interesting enough to provide their own motivation. Teachers" feedback to students on writing tasks should focus mainly on language% content and organi(ation. !n principle a language test should include all aspects of language skill% including speaking. !t is more important motivation for success in language learning than language aptitude. )otivated learners are positive and need for achievement To have a heterogeneous class creates a better atmosphere for learning. *tudents should see peers as sources of learning% who may or may not be +right+ *tudents should try to take responsibility for their own learning% set their own goals and develop strategies to achieve them. !nteractive learning necessarily entails that there will be a lot of pair and group work in the classroom% as well as genuine language input from the +real world+ for meaningful communication. Learner-centered Learning involves the giving over of some +power+ in the language learning process to the learners themselves. !t also strives to allow for personal creativity and input from the students% as well as taking into account their learning needs and ob#ectives. Cooperative Learning stresses the +team+ like nature of the classroom and emphasi(es cooperation as opposed to competition. *tudents share information and help% and achieve their learning goals as a group. Content-based Learning #oins language learning to content,sub#ect matter and engages them both concurrently. -hen students study math or science using .nglish as the medium% they are more intrinsically motivated to learn more of the language. Tasks have clear ob#ectives% appropriate content% a working,application procedure% and a set range of outcomes. ! change position in the room /sometimes standing at the front% sometimes at the side% and sometimes circulating. ! check frequently to ensure that my students understand the concepts ! am presenting. -hen students work in groups% it is nearly impossible to pay attention and listen to all of them. -hen preparing my lesson% ! mainly consider the new language because ! think that warm-ups% instructions% lead-ins% wrap-ups% etc don"t need preparation.

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