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Table of Content: 1. Introduction 2. Hadhrat Khadijah (Radhiyallaho anha) 3. Hadhrat Sauda bint a!

"ah bin #ai$ (Radhiyallaho anha) 4. Hadhrat %i$hah (Radhiyallaho anha) 5. Hadhrat Haf$ah (Radhiyallaho anha) 6. Hadhrat ainab (Radhiyallaho anha) 7. Hadhrat &!!e Sala!ah (Radhiyallaho anha) '. Hadhrat ainab bint (ah$h (Radhiyallaho anha) 9. Hadhrat (u)airiah (Radhiyallaho anha) 10. Hadhrat &!!e Habibah (Radhiyallaho anha) 11. Hadhrat Safiyyah (Radhiyallaho anha) 12. Hadhrat *ai!oonah (Radhiyallaho anha)


Every Muslim likes to know (and every muslim must know) about t!e members o" t!e "amily o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam). (!e Mu!addit!in and !istorians all a)ree t!at eleven ladies !ad t!e !onour o" bein) wives o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam). & very brie" a**ount o" t!eir lives is t!ere"ore )iven !ere. 1) +ad!rat ,!adi-a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 2) +ad!rat %auda (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) /) +ad!rat &is!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 4) +ad!rat +a"sa! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 5) +ad!rat 0ainab bint ,!u1aima! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 6) +ad!rat 2mme %alama! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 7) +ad!rat 0ainab bint 3a!s! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 4) +ad!rat 3uwairia! bintul +arit! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 9) +ad!rat 2mme +abiba! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 10) +ad!rat %a"iyya! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 11) +ad!rat Maimoona! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a)

1. Hadhrat Khadijah (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e was t!e "irst amon) t!em. &t t!e time o" !er marria)e s!e was 40 year old and t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) was twenty5"ive. %!e be)ot all !is *!ildren e6*e$t a son 7bra!im. %!e was "irst to be married to 'ara8a! bin 9au"al but t!is marria)e *ould not take $la*e. +er "irst !usband was &ti8 bin &a:i1. %!e !ad a dau)!ter "rom !im w!ose name was +ind. +ind )rew u$ and embra*ed 7slam and s!e was t!e mot!er o" many *!ildren. ;n t!e deat! o" &ti8 ,!adi-a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) was married to &bu +ala and )ot two *!ildren "rom !im vi1. +ind and +ala!. +ind lived u$ to t!e time o" &li:s <ali$!ate. ;n t!e deat! o" &bu +ala! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) married !er as !is "irst wi"e. %!e died in .amadan o" t!e 10t! year o" t!e mission at t!e a)e o" si6ty5"ive. +e loved !er very mu*! and did not marry any ot!er woman durin) !er li"e time. %!e was $o$ularly *alled (a!ira! (<lean and $ure) even be"ore 7slam. +er *!ildren "rom ot!er !usbands are t!ere"ore known as =anu (a!ira!. +er virtues and $rivile)es !ave been mentioned e6tensively (in +adit!). (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) laid !er in t!e )rave wit! !is own !ands. (!e "uneral servi*e !ad not till t!en been en-oined.

2. Hadhrat Sauda bint a!"ah bin #ai$ (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e was $reviously married to !er *ousin +adrat! %ukran bin >&mor (.ad!iyalla!o

an!o). (!e *ou$le embra*ed 7slam and emi)rated to &bysinnia. +ad!rat %ukran (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) died in &byssinia. +ad!rat %auda! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) now a widow returned to Me**a. (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) on t!e deat! o" +ad!rat ,!adi-a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) in %!awwal o" t!e same year married +ad!rat %auda! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a). 'e know t!e devotion o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) in !is salaat. ;n*e +ad!rat %auda! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) stood a"ter !im in (a!a--ud. (!e ne6t day s!e said to !im? @; #ro$!et o" &lla!A Bast ni)!t you took so lon) in your .uk:u t!at 7 a$$re!ended bleedin) "rom my nose.C (&s s!e was bulky t!e strain mi)!t !ave been too mu*! "or !er). (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) on*e intended to divor*e !er. &s meanw!ile +ad!rat &is!a!!iyalla!o an!a) !ad also been married to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) s!e said? @; #ro$!et o" &lla!A 7 am ready to "ore)o my turn in "avor o" +ad!rat &is!a!!iyalla!o an!a) but 7 don:t like to be divor*ed (by you). 7 wis! to be in #aradise as one o" your wives.C (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) a)reed to t!is su))estion. %!e died in about 55 &. +. towards t!e end o" t!e ,!ila"at o" +ad!rat 2mar (.ad!iyalla!o an!o). (!ere was anot!er Eureys! woman o" t!e same name. %!e also a widow !avin) about si6 *!ildren. (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) o""ered to marry !er but s!e said? @; #ro$!et o" &lla!A Fou are dearer to me t!an any ot!er $erson in t!is world. 7 do not like my *!ildren to a nuisan*e to you.C +e a$$re*iated t!is and wit!drew t!e o""er.

3. Hadhrat %i$hah (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e too was married to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) in %wawwal o" t!e 10t! year o" t!e 9ubuwwat. %!e was born in t!e 4t! year o" 9ubuwwat and was married w!en s!e was si6 but was a*tually sent by !er $arents to live wit! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) a"ter !is emi)ration to Madina! w!en s!e was nine. %!e was ei)!teen at t!e time o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad:s (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) deat!. %!e died on t!e ni)!t o" (uesday t!e 17t! .amadan 57 &. + at t!e a)e o" si6ty5si6. %!e desired at t!e time o" !er deat! t!at s!e mi)!t be buried alon) wit! ot!er 2mma!at5ul5 Momineen in t!e $ubli* )raveyard t!ou)! s!e *ould be buried by t!e side o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad:s (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) )rave w!i*! was in !er !ouse.

%!e was t!e only wi"e o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) w!o !ad not been married $reviously. &ll t!e remainin) wives !ad eit!er been widowed or divor*ed (some 8uite a "ew time be"ore t!ey be*ame 2mmu!at5ul5Momineen. (o be married in %!awwal was *onsidered a bad omen amon) t!e &rab women. +ad!rat &is!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) says? @7 was married in %!awwal 7t was also %!awwal w!en 7 was sent to live wit! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) . '!i*! o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad:s (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) wives !as been more blessed wit! !is 1love and &lla!:s ot!er "avors t!an meGC ;n t!e deat! o" +ad!rat ,!adi-a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) +ad!rat ,!aula! bint +akim (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) *ame to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) and said? @; #ro$!et o" &lla!A Hon:t you like to marry a)ainGC (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) ? @'!om *an 7 marryGC ,!ayla!? @7 know one vir)in and one widow.C (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) ? @9ame t!em.C ,!aula!? @(!e vir)in is &is!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) t!e dau)!ter o" your bosom "riend &bu =akr (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) and t!e widow is %auda! bint 0am:a!.C (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) ? @&ll ri)!tA Fou may make t!e $ro$osal.C +ad!rat ,!aula! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) t!en went +ad!rat &is!a:s (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) mot!er +ad!rat 2mme5.ooman (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) and said to !er? @7 !ave *ome wit! )ood tidin)s "or your "amily.C +ad!rat 2mme .ooman (.ad!iyalla!o an!a)? @'!at is t!atGC +ad!rat ,!aula! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a)? @(!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) !as sent me to seek +ad!rat &is!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a:s) !and "or !imC +ad!rat 2mme .ooman (.ad!iyalla!o an!a)? @=ut >+ad!rat &is!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) is like !is nie*e. +ow *an s!e be married to !imG Bet me *onsult !er "at!er.C +ad!rat &bu =akr (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) was not at !ome at t!at time. '!en !e *ame t!e $ro$osal was $la*ed be"ore !im and !e e6$ressed t!e same di""i*ulty. +ad!rat ,!aula! (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) returned to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) and a$$rised !im o" t!eir di""i*ulty. (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) said? @&bu =akr is my bosom "riend and brot!er5in57slam but t!is does not "orbid my marryin) !is dau)!ter.C +ad!rat ,!aula! (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) went and in"ormed +ad!rat &bu =akr (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) a**ordin)ly. &bu =akr (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) was e6tremely )lad to *all t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) to !is !ome and $er"orm

&is!a!:s (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) 9ika! wit! !im. & "ew mont!s later w!en t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) !ad emi)rated to Madina! +ad!rat &bu =akr (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) said to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) ? @'!y don:t you !ave your wi"e +ad!rat &is!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) to live wit! youGC +e said? @7 !ave to make some $re$arations et*. be"ore 7 do t!at.C +ad!rat &bu =akr (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) $resented !im wit! some money wit! w!i*! ne*essary t!in)s were arran)ed. +ard!at &is!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) t!en started livin) by t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) "rom %!awwal o" l or 2 &. +. %!e s!ared >bed wit! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) "or "irst time in +ad!rat &bu =akr:s (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) !ouse. (!ese are t!e t!ree marria)es w!i*! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) !ad be"ore +i-ra!. &ll t!e remainin) wives were taken by !im in Madina!.

+. Hadhrat Haf$ah (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e was t!e dau)!ter o" >+ad!rat 2mar (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) w!o was born in Me**a "ive years be"ore t!e 9ubuwwat. %!e was "irst married to +ad!rat ,!unais bin +u1ai"a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) w!o was one o" t!e very early Muslims. +e "irst emi)rated to &byssinia and t!en to Madina!. +e $arti*i$ated in =adr and was "atally wounded in =adr (or in 2!ud) and died o" t!e wound in t!e year l or 2 &. +. +ad!rat +a"sa! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) !ad also emi)rated to Madina! wit! !er !usband. '!en !er !usband died +ad!rat 2mar (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) went to +ad!rat &bu =akr (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) and said? @7 want to )ive +a"sa! in marria)e to you.C +ad!rat &bu =akr (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) ke$t 8uiet and said not!in). Meanw!ile .u8ayya! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) t!e dau)!ter o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) and t!e wi"e o" +ad!rat 2sman (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) died. +ad!rat 2mar (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) went to +ad!rat 2sman (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) and o""ered +ad!rat +a"sa! (.ad!iyalla!o an!o:s) !and to !im. +e de*lined by sayin) @7 !ave no mind to marry "or t!e $resent.C +ad!rat 2mar (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) *om$lained o" t!is to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam). (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) said? @7 tell you o" a !usband "or +a"sa! better t!an 2sman and o" a wi"e "or 2sman better t!an +a"sa!.C +e t!en took +ad!rat +a"sa! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) as (ne6t wi"e and )ave !is own dau)!ter +ad!rat 2mme ,ulsum (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) in marria)e to +ad!rat 2sman (.ad!iyalla!o an!o). +ad!rat &bu =akr (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) later said to +ad!rat 2mar (.ad!iyalla!o an!o)? @'!en you o""ered +a"sa!:s !and to me 7 ke$t 8uiet as t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad

(%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) !ad e6$ressed to me !is intention o" marryin) !er. 7 *ould neit!er a**e$t your o""er nor dis*lose t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad:s (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) se*ret to you. 7 t!ere"ore ke$t 8uiet. 7" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) !ad *!an)ed !is mind 7 would !ave )ladly married !er.C +ad!rat 2mar (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) says? @&bu =akr:s silen*e over t!e o""er was in "a*t more s!o*kin) to me t!an >2sman:s re-e*tion.C +ad!rat +a"sa! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) was a very $ious woman and very mu*! devoted to %alaat. %!e would o"ten "ast durin) t!e day and s$end t!e ni)!t in $rayers. ;n*e t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) "or some reason was dis$leased wit! +a"sa! and even $ronoun*ed t!e "irst divor*e to !er. >+ad!rat 2mar (.ad!lyalla!o an!o) was naturally very mu*! s!o*ked over t!is. 3ibraeel &lay!is *ame to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) and said? @&lla! wants you to take +a"sa! ba*k as s!e is "astin) o"ten and s$endin) !er ni)!ts in %alaat and also &lla! wants it "or +ad!rat 2mar:s (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) sake.C (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) t!ere"ore took !er ba*k. %!e died in 3amadil oola 45 &. +. at t!e a)e o" 6/.

,. Hadhrat ainab (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e was t!e ne6t to be married to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) . (!ere are diver)ent re$orts about !er $revious !usbands. &**ordin) to one re$ort s!e was "irst married to +ad!rat &bdulla! bin 3a!s! (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) w!o was killed in 2!ud as we !ave already seen in !is story in *!a$ter I77. &**ordin) to anot!er re$ort s!e was "irst married to (u"ail ibnul al +arit! and w!en divor*ed by !im was remarried to !is brot!er 2baida! ibnul +arit! w!o was killed in =adr. (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) married !er in .amadan / &.+. %!e lived wit! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) "or ei)!t mont!s only as s!e died in .abi5ul5 &k!ir 4 &.+. +ad!rat 0ainab and +ad!rat ,!adi-a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) are t!e two wives o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) w!o died durin) !is li"e time. &ll t!e ot!er wives lived on a"ter !im and died later. +ad!rat 0ainab (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) s$ent very liberally on t!e $oor and was ul Masakin: (mot!er o" t!e $oor) even be"ore 7slam. &"ter !er deat! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) married +ad!rat 2mme %alma! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a).

-. Hadhrat &!!e Sala!ah (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e was t!e dau)!ter o" +ad!rat &bu 2mmayya! (.ad!iyalla!o an!u). %!e was "irst married to !er *ousin +ad!rat bin &bdul &sad known as &bu %alama! (.ad!iyalla!o an!u). (!e *ou$le embra*ed 7slam in t!e very be)innin) and emi)rated to &byssinia due to t!e $erse*utions o" Eureys!. & son was born to t!em in e6ile w!o was named %alama!. &"ter returnin) "rom &byssinia t!e "amily emi)rated to Madina!. +ad!rat 2mme %alama!:s (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) story about !er -ourney to Madina! !as been already )iven in t!e early $art o" t!e *!a$ter. &"ter rea*!in) Madina! +ad!rat 2mme %alma! (.ad la!o an!a) )ot anot!er son >2mar and two dau)!ters Hurra! and 0ainab (.ad!iyalla!o an!um). +ad!rat &bu %alama! (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) was t!e elevent! man to embra*e 7slam. +e $arti*i$ated in t!e battle o" =adr as well as in 2!ud. +e )ot a severe wound in 2!ud w!i*! did not !eal "or a lon) time. +e was sent by t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) in an e6$edition in %a"ar 4 &. +. '!en !e returned "rom t!e e6$edition t!e old wound a)ain started )ivin) trouble and at last !e died o" t!e same on 4t! 3amadil5&k!ir 4 &. +. +ad!rat 2mme %alama! (.ad la!o an!a) was $re)nant at t!e time. 0ainab was born to !er a"ter t!e deat! o" !er !usband. &"ter s!e !ad *om$leted !er 7ddat (waitin) $eriod) +ad!rat &bu =akr (.adla!o an!o) $ro$osed to marry !er but s!e de*lined. Bater t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) o""ered to marry !er. %!e said? @; #ro$!et o" &lla!A 7 !ave 8uite a "ew *!ildren wit! me and 7 am very sensitive by nature. Moreover a $eo$le are in Me**a and t!eir $ermission "or )ettin) remarried is ne*essary.C (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) said? @&lla! will look a"ter your *!ildren and your sensitiveness will vanis! in due *ourse. 9one o" $eo$le will dislike t!e $ro$osed marria)eC. %!e t!en asked !er (eldest) son +ad!rat %alama! (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) to serve as !er )uardian and )ive !er in marria)e to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) %!e was married in t!e end o" %!awwal 4 &. +. %!e says? @7 !ad !eard "rom t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) t!at a $erson stru*k wit! a *alamity s!ould re*ite t!is $rayer? @; &lla!A .e*om$ense me "or t!is a""li*tion by )ivin) me somet!in) better t!an w!at 7 !ave lost? t!en &lla! would a**e$t !is $rayer.C 7 !ad been re*itin) t!is $rayer sin*e t!e deat! o" +ad!rat &bu %alama! (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) but 7 *ould not ima)ine a !usband better t!an !e till &lla! arran)ed my marria)e wit! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) .C +ad!rat &is!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) says? @2mme %alama! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) was "amous "or !er beauty. ;n*e 7 *ontrived to see !er. 7 "ound !er mu*! more beauti"ul t!an 7 !ad !eard. 7 mentioned t!is to +a"sa! w!o said. @7n my o$inion s!e is not as beauti"ul as $eo$le say.C %!e was t!e last o" t!e

#ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) wives to die. 7t was in 59 or 62 &. +. %!e was 44 at t!e time o" !er deat! and as su*! s!e was born 9 years be"ore 9ubuwwat. &s already been said t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) married !er a"ter t!e deat! o" +ad!rat 0ainab ,!u1aima! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a). %!e t!ere"ore lived in +ad!rat 0ainab:s (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) !ouse. %!e "ound a !ad5mill a kettle and some barley in an eart!en -ar lyin) in t!e !ouse. %!e milled some barley and a"ter $uttin) some "at *ooked a $re$aration w!i*! s!e served to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) on t!e very "irst day o" !er marria)e wit! !im.

.. Hadhrat ainab bint (ah$h (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e was t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad:s (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) *ousin. %!e was "irst )iven in marria)e by t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) to !is ado$ted son +ad!rat 0aid bin +arit!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!o). '!en +ad!rat 0aid (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) divor*ed !er s!e was married to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) by *ommand o" &lla! as mentioned in %ura! &l &!1ab. (!is took $la*e in 5 &.+. at t!at time s!e was /5. %!e was t!ere"ore born 17 years be"ore 9ubuwwat. %!e was always $roud o" t!e "a*t t!at t!e ot!er wives w!ile all t!e ot!er wives were )iven in marria)e to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) by t!eir )uardians it was &lla! +imsel" '!o did t!is "or !er. '!en +ad!rat 0aid (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) divor*ed !er and s!e !ad *om$leted !er 7ddat t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) sent t!e $ro$osal to !er. %!e said? @7 *annot say anyt!in) until 7 !ave *onsulted my &lla!.C %!e $er"ormed 'ud!u said two rakaat o" %alaat and $rayed to &lla!? @; &lla!A (!y #ro$!et $ro$oses to marry me. 7" 7 am "it "or t!e !onor t!en )ive me in !is marria)e.C &lla! answered !er $rayer by revealin) t!e "ollowin) verse to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) ? @%o w!en 0aid !ad $er"ormed t!e ne*essary "ormality (o" divor*e) "rom !er we )ave !er unto t!ee in marria)e so t!at (!en*e"ort!) t!ere may be no sin "or believers in res$e*t o" t!e wives o" t!eir ado$ted sons w!en t!e latter !ave $er"ormed t!e ne*essary "ormality (o" release) "rom t!em. (!e <ommandment o" &lla! must be "ul"illed.C '!en s!e re*eived t!e )ood news about t!is revelation s!e $rostrated be"ore &lla! in t!anks)ivin). #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) arran)ed a bi) "east o" 'alima! "or t!is marria)e. & )oat was slau)!tered and mutton5*urry wit! bread was served to t!e )uests. #eo$le *ame in )rou$s and were served till all o" t!em were "ed.

+ad!rat 0ainab (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) !ad a very lar)e !eart "or s$endin) in t!e way o" &lla!. %!e earned by workin) wit! !er !ands and s$ent all @!er earnin)s in *!arity. 7t was about !er t!at t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) $ro$!esied? @My wi"e wit! lon) !ands will be t!e "irst to meet me a"ter my deat!.C (!e wives took t!is to mean t!e $!ysi*al len)t! o" arms and be)an to measure t!eir !ands wit! a sti*k. (!e !ands o" +ad!rat %auda! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) *ame out to be t!e lon)est by measurement. =ut w!en +ad!rat 0ainab (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) died "irst t!e meanin) o" t!e meta$!or used by t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) dawned u$on t!em. %!e "asted very o"ten. %!e died in 20 and >2mar (.ad!iyalla!o an!o) led t!e "uneral servi*e. %!e "i"ty at t!e time o" !er deat!.

'. Hadhrat (u)airiah (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e was t!e dau)!ter o" +arit! t!e *!ie" o" =anu Mustali8 and was married to Musa"e: bin %a"wan. %!e was one o" t!e lar)e number o" *a$tives w!o "ell into Muslim !ands a"ter t!e battle o" Muraisee: and s!e was )iven to +ad!rat (!abit bin Eais (.ad!iyalla!o an!o). +e o""ered to release !er "or /60 Hir!ams. %!e *ame to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) and said? @; #ro$!et o" &lla!A 7 am t!e dau)!ter o" +arit! w!o is t!e *!ie" o" t!e and you know my story. (!e ransom demanded by +ad!rat (!abit (.ad!iyalla!o an!) is too mu*! "or me. 7 !ave *ome to seek your !el$ in t!e matter.C (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) a)reed to $ay !er ransom set !er "ree and o""ered to take !er as !is wi"e. %!e was very )lad to a**e$t t!is o""er. %!e was married to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) in 5 &.+. and as a *onse8uen*e o" t!is marria)e t!e $risoners o" =anu Mustali8 (3uwairia!:s tribe) about a !undred "amilies were all set "ree by t!e Muslims. @(!e tribe w!i*! so !onoured by t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad:s (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) relations!i$ C t!ey said @s!ould not remain in slavery.C %u*! were t!e noble e6$edien*es in all t!e marria)es o" t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) . +ad!rat 3uwairia! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) was $retty !er "a*e was very attra*tive. (!ree days be"ore !er "allin) *a$tive in t!e battle s!e !ad seen in !er dream t!e moon *omin) out "rom Madina! and "allin) into !er la$. %!e says? @'!en 7 was *a$tured 7 be)an to !o$e t!at my dream would *ome true.C %!e was 20 at time o" !er marria)e wit! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) . %!e died in .abi5ul5&wwal 50 &.+. in Madina!.

/. Hadhrat &!!e Habibah (Radhiyallaho anha) was t!e dau)!ter o" &bu %u"yan and was "irst married to 2baidulla! bin 3a!s! in Me**a. (!e *ou$le embra*ed 7slam and t!en emi)rated to &byssinia due to $erse*ution by t!e Eureys!. ;ne ni)!t s!e saw !er !usband (in a dream) in t!e most u)ly and obno6ious "orm. (!e ne6t day s!e *ame to know t!at !e !ad turned <!ristian. %!e !owever remained a Muslim and was t!ere"ore se$arated "rom !im. %!e was now all alone in e6ile. =ut &lla! soon re*om$ensed !er loss. (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) sent !er an o""er o" marria)e t!rou)! t!e ,in) 9e)us w!o sent a woman named &bra!a! to !er wit! t!e messa)e. %!e was so !a$$y wit! t!e )ood news t!at s!e made over t!e bra*elets and ot!er -ewellery t!at s!e was wearin) to t!e woman in )rati"i*ation. ,in) 9e)us re$resented t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) 9ika! *eremony and )ave !er 400 dinars as !er $ortion and many ot!er t!in)s in dowry "rom !imsel". +e also )ave a "east and dinars as )i"t to all t!ose w!o were $resent in t!e *eremony. (!e 9e)us t!en dis$at*!ed !er to Madina! wit! !er dowry and ot!er )i"ts su*! as $er"ume et*. (!is marria)e took $la*e in 7 &. +. (+er "at!er was not a Muslim t!en). %!e most $robably died in 44 &.+.

10. Hadhrat Safiyyah (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e was t!e dau)!ter o" +ayi '!o was a des*endant o" +ad!rat +arun (&lai!is salaam) t!e brot!er o" Moosa (&lai!is salaam). %!e was "irst married to %alam bin Mis!kam and t!en to ,inalla! bin &bi +u8ai8 at t!e time o" ,!evbar. ,inalla! was killed in t!e battle and s!e was *a$tured by t!e Muslims. +ad!rat Ha!ya ,albi (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) re8uested "or a maid and t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) made !er over to !im. &t t!is t!e ot!er %a!aba! a$$roa*!ed t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) and said? @; #ro$!et o" &lla!A =allu 9a1ir and =anu Eurai1a! (t!e 3ewis! tribes o" Madina!) will "eel o""ended to see t!e dau)!ter o" a 3ewis! *!ie" workin) as a maid. 'e t!ere"ore su))est t!at s!e may be taken as your own wi"e.C (!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) $aid a reasonable sum o" money to +ad!rat Ha!ya (.ad!iyalla!o all!o) as ransom and said to %a"iyya!? @Fou are now "reeJ i" you like you *an )o ba*k to your tribe or *an be my wi"e.C %!e said? @7 lon)ed to be wit! you w!ile 7 was a 3ew. +ow *an 7 leave you now w!en 7 am a MuslimGC (!is is $robably a re"eren*e to t!e "a*t t!at s!e on*e saw in !er dream a $ortion o" t!e moon "allin) into !er la$. '!en s!e mentioned !er dream to ,inana! !e smote !er "a*e

so severely t!at s!e develo$ed a mark on !er eye. +e said? @Fou seem to be desirin) to be*ome t!e wi"e o" t!e ,in) o" Madina!.C +er "at!er is also re$orted to !ave treated !er similarly w!en s!e related t!e same or similar dream to !im. %!e a)ain saw (in !er dream) t!e sun lyin) on !er breast. '!en s!e mentioned t!is to !er !usband !e remarked? @Fou seem to be wis!in) to be*ome t!e Eueen o" Madina!.C %!e says? @7 was seventeen w!en 7 was married to t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) . %!e *ame to live wit! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) w!en !e was *am$in) at t!e "irst sta)e "rom ,!aiber. 9e6t mornin) !e said to t!e %a!aba!? @Bet everybody brin) w!atever !e !as )ot to eat.C (!ey brou)!t t!eir own dates *!eese butter et*. & lon) leat!er s!eet was s$read and all sat round it to s!are t!e "ood amon) t!emselves. (!is was t!e 'alima! "or t!e marria)e. %!e died in .amadan 50 &. +. w!en s!e was about 60.

11. Hadhrat *ai!oonah (Radhiyallaho anha) %!e was t!e dau)!ter o" +arit! bin +a1an. +er ori)inal name was =arra! but s!e was later renamed Maimoona! by t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) . %!e was "irst married to &bu .a!im bin &bdul 211a. &**ordin) to some re$orts s!e was married twi*e be"ore s!e be*ame 2mmul Mominin. %!e !ad been widowed lately w!en t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) married !er at %ara" a $la*e lyin) on !is -ourney to Me**a "or >2mra! in 0ul Ea:da! 7 &.+. +e !ad intended to start livin) wit! !er w!en in Me**a a"ter $er"ormin) >2mra! but as Eureys! did not allow !im to enter Me**a !e *alled !er over to !im in t!e same $la*e on !is return -ourney. Many years later s!e died and was buried e6a*tly at t!e same $la*e in 51 &. +. (w!en s!e was 41). (!is is a stran)e *oin*iden*e t!at at a *ertain $la*e durin) one 3ourney s!e is married at t!e same $la*e on t!e return -ourney s!e starts livin) wit! t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) and at t!e very $la*e durin) anot!er -ourney s!e dies and is buried. +ad!rat &is!a! (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) says? @Maimoona! was t!e most $ious and t!e most mind"ul o" !er kit! and kin amon) t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad:s (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) wives.C +ad!rat Fa1id bin &sam (.ad!iyalla!o an!a) says? @%!e was seen eit!er en)a)ed in %alaat or in domesti* work. '!en s!e was doin) neit!er s!e was busy in Miswak.C %!e was t!e last woman to be married by t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) . <ertain Mu!addit!in !ave !owever mentioned one or two ot!er marria)es *ontra*ted by t!e #ro$!et Mo!ammad (%allalla!o &lai!e 'asallam) .

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#ious <oin*iden*e %everely 9e)us .ansom milled $erse*utions +istorians #ar!ai1 Kar 7ti"a8 %ak!ti %ay wine ,!oon =a!a Hentately Histress"ulness (areek! Han


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