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Tonight, we see the conclusion of the book of Psalms in our weekly consideration of the Bible, covering chapters 142-150,

so there is plenty of highlights to choose from, I particularly liked the way the book is ended, as it builds up to a fantastic final chapter, chapter 150 only consists of 6 verses, yet it sums up the book of Psalms well by calling all creation to praise Jehovah 13 times, thats amazing, thats over twice a verse. But the question and main highlight Ill be covering tonight is just before this build-up which starts in 146, so if youd like to turn to chapter 145, the question is based on verse 14, lets read it (READ) You can imagine this being a very comforting scripture to those who need a lift, but the question raised is: Through what sort of difficulties will Jehovah give support to or raise up his servants? We are directed to a lovely Watchtower back in 2004 for the answer, it uses the contrast between Jehovah and human rulers, we know Jehovah is the Sovereign of the universe, yet has allowed human rulers to look after humans in what limited way they can, the way Jehovah deals with his subjects is far superior especially on an individual level. To illustrate this, there was a section in an African newspaper which had some comments from a prominent government official, now we know what sad situations are happening over in these lands, most notably the poverty. This is what he had to say:
I understand when most of us do not want to go to such areas. It is simply becaus e we want to forget that such situations exist. It pricks our conscience and we are embarrassed by the expensive [automobiles] we drive.

Its heartless isnt it? It shows how far out of touch human rulers can be if they are just trying to ignore the suffering of their subjects while putting their own wealth first. Now not all human leaders are quite this bad, some are sincerely concerned about the welfare of the people, but its never on a one to one level, never intimate. Although we are very privileged in this country as far as material things are concerned, we still suffer many trials and problems because of our imperfection and also because of this system, 1 John 5:19 gives us the reason which is that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, Satan. We get overwhelmed from time to time because of the immense pressures that are down to Satans influence all around us. We suffer persecution, whether that be at home, at work, at school etc. we suffer from illness, some face chronic illness, theres bereavement too, and also something which seems to be on the rise is discouragement, yet, Jehovah supports us, and raises us up to keep going, as is the thought from Psalms 145:14 which we read. James 4:8 highlights the extent Jehovah cares for us, he encourages us to draw close to Him, and He in return will draw close to us. No matter what we are going through, we know Jehovah cares for us, he supports us when we are struggling, and raises us up when we feel we cant go on.

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