Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks

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POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester Spring Programme: BE ourse: Po!

!er Electronics Year : 2010 Full Marks: 100 Pass Marks: "# $ime : %hrs&

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. 1& a' /' E(plain) !ith the help o* a circuit +iagram) the pulse triggering o* an S , using -.$ /ase+ oscillator& 0 single phase /ri+ge recti*ier emplo1ing t!o S ,s an+ t!o +io+es is *e+ *rom an ac source o* 2%0 23rms') #04 5& $he recti*ier is connecte+ to an ,6L loa+& $he loa+ has ,7108 an+ L su**icientl1 large so as to ren+er a constant loa+ current& For the *iring angle o* %0o) +ra! the !ave*orms *or i& ii& iii& $he output voltage across the loa+ terminals $he current *lo!ing in each S , $he current *lo!ing in each +io+e& 9 :

0lso calculate the value o* the average +c voltage across the loa+ terminals& 2& a' ;hat is a three6phase semi6converter< 0 three6phase semi6converter is connecte+ to an ,6 L loa+& =e+uce an e(pression *or the average +c output voltage across the loa+ terminals& >* the *iring angle is ?0 o) +ra! the !ave*orm o* the +c output voltage& ;hat is meant /1 *orce+ commutation o* S ,< E(plain commutation techni@ue in +etail& lass 0 9

/' %& a' /'

: 9 :

;hat is an inverter< >n !hat respect) is a single phase inverter +i**erent *rom a three6phase inverter< 0 single6phase *ull6/ri+ge inverter pro+uces a s@uare !ave o* 100 2 3peak6to6peak' an+ the *re@uenc1 o* the output voltage is #0 45 &>* the inverter is connecte+ to an ,6L loa+ having ,710 8 an+ L 7#0 m4)*in+ the peak value o* the loa+ current) consi+ering up to ninth harmonics&


a' /'

0 +c shunt motor is to /e operate+ in t!o @ua+rants& =ra! a circuit using converters *or it an+ e(plain the !orking o* the circuit& $he spee+ o* a separatel1 e(cite+ +c motor is controlle+ /1 using t!o single phase semi6converters) one *or the *iel+ circuit an+ another *or the armature circuit& $he converter use+ *or the *iel+ current continuous& Follo!ing +ata are *urnishe+ *or the s1stem: Fiel+ resistance 0rmature resistance 2oltage constant $or@ue constant >nput ac suppl1 to the converters 72008 70&#8 7 0&: 2A06ra+Asec 70&: B6 mA 02 7 220 2) #0 45&

9 :

>* the loa+ tor@ue is #0 B6m at 1#00 rpm) o/tain the *iel+ current an+ the *iring angle o* the converter in the armature circuit& #& a' =ra! a circuit *or a single phase c1cloconverter using /ri+ge circuits an+ e(plain the !orking o* the circuit *or +i**erent output *re@uencies& -sing inverter) +ra! a circuit to control the spee+ o* a single phase in+uction motor an+ e(plain the !orking mechanism o* the circuit& Bame the various t1pes o* 42= links an+ e(plain the *unctions o* the converters place+ at either en+ o* the 42= transmission s1stem& Cive reasons to the necessit1 o* connecting converters in series an+ parallel in a 42= transmission s1stem& ;hat are the *actors to /e taken in consi+eration in *iring these converters< 2D# Light operate+ rela1s an+ their applications ,esistance *iring circuit $hree phase inverter :

/' ?& a'

9 9 :



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