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POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Programme: BE Semester Spring Year : 2010 Full Marks : 100 Pass Mark : !

! &ime : ' hrs

"ourse: Po#er S$stem %nal$sis

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. 1(

a( Sho# that the per)unit e*uivalent impe+ance o, a ? trans,ormer is the same #hether the calculation is ma+e ,rom the high voltage si+e or the lo# voltage si+e.( % ')/0 1'2 12 transmission line is connecte+ to a !0 M3 4 loa+ at a po#er ,actor o, 0(4 lagging( &he line constants o, the 40 1m( long line are 5640784 o 9 an+ Y60(0017:0o S( ;sing nominal)& mo+el representation0 calculate <i= &he %0 B0 " an+ > constants o, line0 <ii= sen+ing en+ current <iii= sen+ing en+ po#er <iv= e,,icienc$ o, transmission line( a( 3hat is Ferranti e,,ect- >e+uce an e@pression ,or the ? voltage rise o, a no)loa+e+ line.( % ') /0 !0AB line consists o, three con+uctors each o, 4 +iameter 21 min( the spacing .et#een the con+uctors is as ,ollo#:
A 3m B 4m C



Fin+: i( &he in+uctance an+ in+uctive reactance per phase per 1m( o, line( ii( &he charging current per 1m(0 i, the line operates at 22012(

a( >ra# an+ e@plain the capa.ilit$ curve ,or s$nchronous ?


generator in con+ition ,or un+er)e@cite+ an+ over)e@cite+.( >ra# the phasor +iagram o, E,0 2t0 an+ C an+ ,in+ the per 4 phase anal$sis o, the comple@ po#er inDecte+ to the s$stem as sho#n .elo#(

a( Starting #ith ,irst principle +erive the s#ing e*uation o, a 4 s$nchronous machine( .( >e,ine transient sta.ilit$- >iscuss the mo+eling ? assumptions an+ ,actors in,luencing transient sta.ilit$3hat are the metho+s to improve the transient sta.ilit$a( >e,ine economic +ispatch( >etermine the most economical ? generation sche+ules i, the +eman+ is '000 M3( &he cost characteristics o, the t#o generators are given .$: "1 6 20Pg1E0(01Pg12 "2 6 2!Pg2 E0(02Pg22 .( >escri.e the mathematical mo+el o, governor an+ tur.ine 4 to +ra# the +rooping characteristics( % ,igure .elo# sho#s the single line +iagram o, a simple 1! three).us po#er s$stem #ith generation at .us 1( &he sche+ule+ loa+s at .us 2 an+ ' are as marke+ on the +iagram( Line impe+ances are marke+ in P; on a 100)M2% .ase an+ the line charging susceptances are neglecte+(



a( ;sing Fauss)Sei+el metho+0 calculate the voltages at .us 2 an+ ' a,ter t#o iterations( .( Fin+ the slack .us real an+ reactive po#er(

3rite short notes on any two: a( Basic po#er s$stem structure .( Surge impe+ance loa+ing c( Skin e,,ect



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