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Briana McNeil February 4, 2012 ITEC 7530 Authentic Instruction Activity Technology tool: Problem-Based Learning Subject: English/Language

Arts Grade: 6th Georgia Performance Standard:

ELA6LSV1 The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal interactions. The student c. Responds to questions with appropriate information. d. Confirms understanding by paraphrasing the adults directions or suggestions. e. Displays appropriate turn-taking behaviors. f. Actively solicits another persons comments or opinions. g. Offers own opinion forcefully without being domineering. h. Responds appropriately to comments and questions. i. Volunteers contributions and responds when directly solicited by teacher or discussion leader. j. Gives reasons in support of opinions expressed. k. Clarifies, illustrates, or expands on a response when asked to do so. l. Employs a group decision-making technique such as brainstorming or a problem-solving sequence (e.g., recognizes problem, defines problem, identifies possible solutions, selects optimal solution, implements solution, evaluates solution).

Unscramble Scrabble Dictionary Treasure Hunt Part 1: Unscramble Scrabble I would place the students into groups of four or five based on their seats in class. The students would then select a group representative and secretary Each group will be assigned two vocabulary words They will be given the set of letters that will correctly spell their groups vocabulary words (The letters will be on large pieces of construction paper). On my call the groups will have to correctly spell the words using the letters that you were given Students will have to talk and work collectively as a group to fully complete this task Each group will be given a small whiteboard Once finished, the group representatives will write the correct answer on the groups white board. I will come around to check answers. One group at a time must then explain why they feel the spelling they have of each vocabulary word is correct I will allow all groups to offer their explanation Afterwards, I will write the correct spellings of ALL the vocabulary words on the board and they will have to copy down the correct spellings in their notebooks. They will then remain in their groups to prepare for the next activity Part 2: Dictionary Treasure Hunt After students have finished the Unscramble Scrabble activity, they will then work on the computers to research the definitions of each vocabulary word.

Briana McNeil February 4, 2012 ITEC 7530 Authentic Instruction Activity

They will use the internet and go to Students will type the vocabulary word in the dictionary search bar I will walk around to make sure that they each take turns looking up a definition online After the students have researched, found, and copied down the definitions for each vocabulary word the activity will be complete. Technology: Once students are finished obtaining the definitions they will be allowed to practice their skills with an interactive online program. The Students will be instructed to visit They will also be instructed to play only the vocabulary games listed on the page Vocabulary games will wrap up the lesson on vocabulary words and will allow them to work on other words and techniques. This website will also help to further build their vocabulary skills and computer skills

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