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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Reading Central Focus: Making inferences based on details of characters thoughts, words and actions

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when Date submitted: 4/9/14 Date taught: 3-17-14 explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Daily Lesson Objective: Independently, students will make inferences in order to describe specific characters based on their words, thoughts or actions and will master this skill. 21st Century Skills: Make judgments and decisions. Academic Language Demand (Language Function and Vocabulary): Infer and justify inference using a sentence to reference evidence.

Prior Knowledge: Students should be able to fluently read two short chapters and should already have a basic idea of what an inference is.


Description of Activities and Setting Discuss the previous chapters read on Thursday by the class in Room One by Andrew Clements. Help refresh students memories by asking: On page 145 in chapter 24, Ted is making a list of why he likes mysteries. Why is he doing this? In chapter 25, Ted tells his mom the plan. Can someone tell me what the plan was? How did his mom react to this? What happened after Teds mom made phone calls? Today were going to talk a little more about making inferences and how we can tell a lot about a character through these inferences.

Time 5 min

1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of Objective for Student

5 min Ask: Can someone remind the class what an inference is? (a conclusion reached based on evidence and reasoning) Read aloud the first part of chapter 26, where Delmar Breslin is talking about his grand ideas as the town manager. Do a think-aloud on what this section could mean about Delmars character and make an inference based on what the author has written about Delmar. Remind them that an inference is not whats written in the text, but rather what is implied by that text. Inference may be Delmar seems a little self-centered because he made sure the photographer would be there to snap some pictures of himand then the army family too. He says this as if its an afterthought, as if he is putting them second to himself. Write the inference, quote that is our evidence and page number we found it on, on the board or chart paper. 5 min Continue to read-aloud in the chapter to the part where Annie Mason carries her small camera around in order not to make the citizens feel self-conscious. Ask them to brainstorm what this might mean about Annie and her character. (They may say it means Annie is kind and doesnt want to make people feel uncomfortable. She is considerate of others needs.) The author doesnt explicitly say this, but we can infer this. Ask students to write with you the

3. Teacher Input

4. Guided Practice

inference, quote and page number it was found on along with you in their readers workshop journals. In groups of no more than three or independently, students should read the 10-20 min rest of chapter 26 and 27. Independently, they should look for and make an depending inference on page 153 and 154 when the reporter Annie Mason is talking to on the the schoolteacher, Mrs. Mitchell, and taking their pictures. Remind students to child write the inference they are making about Annie Mason, the quote that is the evidence for this and the page number(s) they found it on. They should do this on a separate piece of paper to turn into me. Ask a student to repeat directions on what they need to turn in to make sure they understand. Remind them their inference about Annie may be different than another persons inference but as long as you have proof and it makes sense, you should be fine. After they are finished with this, they may read in their own independent books and can even look for places to make inferences in there. Students will be assessed formatively based on the inferences they turn in. They must include three elements: the inference made, the page number and the quote they found as evidence. If they have these three elements, they will have a grade of mastery. If they are missing any elements they will receive partial-mastery, but will be conferred with during silent reading time. By the end of conferencing, each student should improve to mastery of the skill. Students will be brought back together at the end of silent reading and we will 5-10 min discuss as a class the ending of the book and some of the inferences students found. Remind students that different books mean different things to different people and part of the reason behind this is due to inferences. Sometimes the author leaves it up to the reader on what the meaning of the text is and that is okay. About half of the students (9) had to be conferred with over the inferences. Many of their mistakes came from not including all three requirements and not distinguishing an observation from an inference. From the conferences, all of the students fixed their mistakes and turned the inference back in for a total of 12/12 points.

5. Independent Practice

6. Assessment Methods of all objectives/skills:

7. Closure

8. Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations

For student who has trouble focusing, I will try to keep him on task by asking him questions such as Do you have your inference made? when the class is brainstorming. I will also monitor him specifically while walking around during reading time.

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

For students who have inferences down pat, I will ask them to think about another inference you could make on that same piece of text to get them thinking about others point of view. For struggling students I will refer back to my examples and ask them to place themselves in the shoes of someone meeting Annie Mason for the first time. What would their opinion be of her?

Materials/Technology: SMART Board to list assignment, readers notebooks, Room One by Andrew Clements, chart paper as a backup to SMART Board

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

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