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All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development (ACR GCD) is a partnership between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), World Vision (WV) and the Australian Government, referred to as the ACR GCD Partners. ACR GCD Partners call on innovators around the world to develop scalable technology-based solutions to increase literacy among children in developing countries.

Grant Competition Summary

The ACR GCD Round 2 Grant Competition aligns with the Grand Challenge for Development model which offers innovators opportunities to apply their scientific and technological expertise to develop solutions to clearly defined development problems ( Round 2 requires technology-based innovative solutions in three focus areas: Mother Tongue Instruction and Reading Materials , Family and Community Engagement, and Children with Disabilities. The ACR GCD Partners seek applications for Round 2 that will improve reading scores of students in early primary education (i.e. grades/levels one to three). Through the ACR GCD Round 2 Grant Competition, the Partners seek effective, low-cost, technology-based innovations that address problems that keep children from learning to read. The expected outcome and output indicators for ACR GCD Round 2 are: Outcome #1: Improved reading scores [1] for students which will be supported by Output #1: Increased use of Information and Communications [2] Technology for improved reading . These are based on the ACR GCD Partners Round 2 hypothesis that technology-based innovations implemented in an education system in appropriate, sustainable, and cost-effective ways can improve student reading scores (as measured by a simple reading assessment) compared to similar students in education systems not supported by technology-based innovations. Stage 1: Concept Note: Application Closing Date: April 10, 2014 (14:00 EST) Stage 2: Full Application

Invitation to Submit Full Application: June 2, 2014 (17:00 EST) Full Application Closing Date: July 15, 2014 (14:00 EST)


Applicants may propose technology-based innovations with a period of performance of no more than two years from the date of the award. It is estimated that at a minimum US$2,700,000 will be made available for awards under the RFA. Approximately three awards per focus area will be made, with a total of $900,000 available under each focus area. The amount of available funding is subject to change. The ACR GCD Partners reserve the right to fully or incrementally fund selected application(s) as well as to partially fund selected application(s). The ACR GCD Partners reserve the right to make no awards at all through this RFA

Deadline: April 10, 2014


More information on ACR GCD can be found at

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