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Brie Gutzman Unit Plan EDU 5490 Unit 1 Title: Decision Making/ Goal Setting Time Frame: Jan.

24, 28, & 30, Feb. 3. Unit Rationale: This unit focuses on factors that influence health and ways that healthful behaviors and decisions can promote wellness. Being healthy throughout life means making healthy choices and practicing healthful behaviors. This is an introduction to help students understand what health is and discover what makes up their individual health. Through this unit we will explore risk behaviors and how they can have negative impacts on our health. We will outline general strategies and skills that will help us live happier healthier lives. LESSON ONE Topic: Total Health/ What Affects Your Health (Jan. 24, Lesson 1) Content Vocabulary: health, physical health, mental/ emotional health, spiritual health, social health, wellness, chronic disease, heredity, environment, peers, culture, and media Content Objectives: SWBAT Define social, physical, and mental/ emotional health and explain how each influences overall health of an individual. Determine ways to maintain balance and strive for wellness. Use the health continuum to assess their health. Identify key factors that influence a persons health. Materials: PowerPoint, audio, video Health textbooks Worksheets for activities Skills/ Activities: 1. Starter. 2. Vocabulary exercises to help student connect to the new vocabulary terms for this unit. 3. Class discussion on factors that influence health. 4. Student evaluation of their personal health and the health continuum. 5. PowerPoint that highlights what health is and what affects our health. 6. Worksheet about balanced health and the individual. Students will create a health triangle and fill it with their personal factors in each area. 7. Ticket out will be 3 factors that influence a persons health. Assessment: Tasks Activities

Starter Project

Differentiation: I will be available to provide individual support. Peers can be used to support students also. There is a visual for each activity on the board for students to refer to. Repetition is used to stress key terms and concepts. Students will participate in multiple activities with the content to ensure that they are exposed to the content in different forms more than once. Emphasizing the important vocabulary that is covered multiple times throughout the unit. Utilize different strategies to help students understand and learn these terms in a real context.

LESSON TWO Topic: Health Risks & Your Behavior/ Promoting Health & Wellness (Jan. 28, Lesson 2) Content Vocabulary: risk behaviors, cumulative risks, abstinence, prevention, health literacy Content Objectives: SWBAT Describe ways to promote health and reduce risks. Identify and evaluate consequences that are associated with risk-taking. Communicate the importance of abstaining from risky behaviors. Materials: PowerPoint, audio, video Health textbooks Worksheets for activities Skills/ Activities: 1. Starter. 2. PowerPoint on health promotion with video clip. 3. Discussion about risky behavior and our health. 4. Students will work on worksheet in groups and determine consequences of behavior. 5. Class will then discuss what the groups decided for each behavior. Assessment: Free write Cause & effect task Starter Participation in group activity LESSON THREE Topic: Building Health Skills/ Making Responsible Decisions & Setting Goals (Jan. 30, Lesson 3) Content Vocabulary: health skills, interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, refusal skills, stress management, advocacy, decision-making skills, goal, short-term goal, long-term goal, action plan

Content Objectives: SWBAT Demonstrate communication skills in building healthy relationships. Develop and practice refusal strategies. Identify personal short-term and long-term goals. Materials: PowerPoint, audio, video Health textbooks Worksheets for activities Skills/ Activities: 1. Starter. 2. Practice communication/ refusal skills with a partner and complete the worksheet. 3. Class discussion about the scenarios on the worksheet. 4. Discuss why it is important to practice and decide now what choices you want to make. 5. Come up with 5 short-term and long-term goals after PowerPoint about goal setting. Assessment: Partner activity/ worksheet Presentation Starter Personal Journals

LESSON FOUR Topic: *End of Unit 1* Decision Making/ Goal Setting (Feb. 3, Lesson 4) Content Vocabulary: All vocabulary from Lessons 1, 2, & 3 Content Objectives: SWBAT Demonstrate that they have learned the key concepts for this unit. Match vocabulary terms with their definitions. Identify strategies and skills that have been covered throughout the unit. Materials: Test for each student Health textbooks Extra pencils for students Skills/ Activities: 1. Review at the beginning of class. 2. Time for students to ask any questions they may have before they take the unit test. 3. Compilation of unit packets to be handed in before the test. 4. Packets handed in, and administration of the unit test.

5. Extra credit opportunities after students have completed the test. Assessment: Students will be given a test that covers the material from the unit. The test will be 30 questions and will include various types of questions. The test will include multiple choice, matching for vocabulary, short answer for critical thinking, and true/ false for factual statements. They will also be required to turn in their unit packet, which will include all assignments that have been given for this unit. Each assignment will be graded based on the specific criterion that has been communicated to the students.

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