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vlsuallzlng Llbrary 8esources as

Mau Mlller
mauhewmlller[ | [Lhlslsmmlller
n?L Labs
new ?ork ubllc Llbrary
Code4Llb 2014, 8alelgh
Why neLworks?

neLworks ln Archlves

neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog

Why neLworks?
Llbrarles and archlves conslsL of lndependenL
documenLs. Pow do we connecL Lhem and
why ls lL lmporLanL?
Why neLworks?
1he documenL, Lhen, ls no longer for hlsLory an
lnerL maLerlal Lhrough whlch lL Lrles Lo
reconsuLuLe whaL lndlvlduals have done or sald,
Lhe evenLs of whlch only Lhe Lrace remalns,
hlsLory ls now Lrylng Lo dene wlLhln Lhe
documenLary maLerlals lLself unlues, LoLallues,
serles, relauons.

-Mlchel loucaulL
!"# %&'"(#)*)+, )- ./)0*#1+#
Why neLworks?
A few hundred Lo
hundreds of Lhousands
See Lhe larger pauerns
vlsuallze collecuon
llnd ouLllers

Why neLworks?
lnLerconnecL loLs of
Lhlngs and you sLarL
gemng lnLeresung
An alLernauve way Lo
neLworks ln Archlves
A slngle collecuon vlewed as a neLwork.
(shouL ouL Lo 1revor 1hornLon, [LrevorLhornLon)
neLworks ln Archlves
Lxplore all of Lhe archlve's collecuon Lhrough a
neLworks ln Archlves
LlmlLs of conLrol access Lerms.
MosL collecuons do noL have componenL level
access Lerms.
Collecuon level Lerms are noL speclc Lo nd Lhe
lnLeresung connecuons LhaL we are looklng for.
We need more daLa!
1echnlcal llmlLs of browser based neLworks.
neLworks ln Archlves
nexL sLeps
nL Lhe LAu les for more conLrolled Lerms.
Leverage exlung Lerm's llnked daLa Lo bolsLer
Lerms assoclaLed wlLh a collecuon.
Add lnsuLuuonal daLa Lo Lhe graph, who donaLed
SLarL bulldlng llnks beLween collecuons based on
shared web vlslLs.
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
Lach sub[ecL headlng ls a node, slze lndlcaLes number of occurrences.
Sub[ecL headlng musL be used ln aL leasL Lwo resources.
When Lwo sub[ecLs occur ln Lhe same resource a edge ls creaLed
beLween Lhem. More co-occurrences creaLes a closer connecuon
beLween Lhem.
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
Llncoln, Abraham, -- 1809-1863.
ollucal leadershlp -- unlLed SLaLes -- PlsLory.
Cenlus -- Case sLudles.
unlLed SLaLes -- PlsLory -- Clvll War, 1861-1863.
Llncoln, Abraham, -- 1809-1863 -- lrlends and assoclaLes.
resldenLs -- unlLed SLaLes -- 8lography.
unlLed SLaLes -- ollucs and governmenL -- 1861-1863.
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
Llncoln, Abraham, -- 1809-1863.
ollucal leadershlp -- unlLed SLaLes -- PlsLory.
Cenlus -- Case sLudles.
unlLed SLaLes -- PlsLory -- Clvll War, 1861-1863.
Llncoln, Abraham, -- 1809-1863 -- lrlends and assoclaLes.
resldenLs -- unlLed SLaLes -- 8lography.
unlLed SLaLes -- ollucs and governmenL -- 1861-1863.
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
Llncoln, Abraham, -- 1809-1863.
ollucal leadershlp -- unlLed SLaLes -- PlsLory.
Cenlus -- Case sLudles.
unlLed SLaLes -- PlsLory -- Clvll War, 1861-1863.
Llncoln, Abraham, -- 1809-1863 -- lrlends and assoclaLes.
resldenLs -- unlLed SLaLes -- 8lography.
unlLed SLaLes -- ollucs and governmenL -- 1861-1863.
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
8.3+ mllllon MA8C 8ecords
430,000+ sub[ecLs
11+ mllllon connecuons

neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
Pow Lo:
Complle MA8C records lnLo node/edge
A Lool Lo render Lhe neLwork based on exlsung
neLwork analysls algorlLhms.
1ake LhaL lnformauon and make a vlsual
represenLauon of Lhe neLwork.
resenL LhaL vlsual represenLauon ln a web base
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
Complle MA8C records lnLo node/edge
pyMA8C Lo process sub[ecL headlngs lnLo a Cephl
xML documenL.
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
A Lool Lo render Lhe neLwork based on exlsung
neLwork analysls algorlLhms.
uslng Cephl, buL noL Lhe Cul.
Cephl 1oolklL - a llbrary of Lhe core renderlng
funcuons of Cephl.
uslng Lhe lorce ALlas 2 layouL algorlLhm.
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
1ake LhaL lnformauon and make a vlsual
represenLauon of Lhe neLwork.
used yLhon blndlngs of CraphlcsMaglck Lo draw
one very large nC.
CuL lnLo ules wlLh llbvlps.
keep Lrack of Lhe coordlnaLes of all nodes.
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
resenL LhaL vlsual represenLauon ln a web
base formaL.
used CpenSeauragon lmage ule vlewer Lo
used LlasucSearch Lo LranslaLe cllenL cllcks lnLo
node posluons and provlde search funcuon.
neLworks ln Lhe CaLalog
nexL vlsuallzauon SLeps:
Show edges
use subeld sub[ecL ln more speclc ways.
rovlde more lnLeracuvlLy, sub-neLworks, shared
connecuons, eLc.
nexL CaLalog SLeps:
Mapplng MA8C Lo nd caLaloglng pracuces
Addluonal dlscovery experlmenLs
roof of concepL dlscovery layer
Mau Mlller
1ools + Code
lcon CredlLs:
neLwork deslgned by Pye[l Mlchelle !un from Lhe noun ro[ecL
8ook deslgned by Chrls 1hoburn from Lhe noun ro[ecL
8ox deslgned by Mlchael 8owe from Lhe noun ro[ecL
8ook deslgned by edro Lalll from Lhe noun ro[ecL
Lnlarge deslgned by Cornellus uanger from Lhe noun ro[ecL
resenL deslgned by naoml ALklnson from Lhe noun ro[ecL

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