Aspire IAS: Class Synoptic Notes NEWSPAPER Analysis 2014 Sabla Scheme

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INTRODUCTION The world is home to 1.2 billion individuals aged 10-19 years generally known as the phase of Adolescence.Adolescence is a phase during which major physical and psychological changes take place in children, along with changes in their social perceptions and expectations. Adolescence is also the stage when young people extend their relationships beyond parents and family and are intensely influenced by their peers and the outside world. They are also the years of experimentation and risk taking, of giving in to negative peer pressure, of taking uninformed decisions on crucial issues, The vast majority of adolescents live in developing countries and India has the largest national population of adolescents. Studies show that millions of adolescents today do not enjoy access to quality education, basic sexual and reproductive health care, and support for mental health issues and disability, protection from violence, abuse and exploitation, and forums for active participation. Gender-gap in the World of Adolescents Women constitute nearly half of the population of the country, but gender disparities in socio-cultural spheres have adversely affected a balanced equitable development. These disparities get reflected in important social development indicators such as health, nutrition, literacy, educational attainments, skill levels, occupational status etc. The same is also reflected in the situation of Adolescent girl. The Adolescent girls in the 1019 years constitute almost 47 per cent of the total population of Adolescents in the country. But their development is fraught with varied problems. Almost 50% of women marry before the legal age of 18 verses 10% of young men. Overall, one in six women in age group of 15-19 has begun childbearing. Early childbearing is most common in rural areas and among women with no education. Around 41% of all maternal deaths take place among those aged 15-24. 56% adolescent girls are anemic (verses 30% adolescent boys). Anemic adolescent mothers are at a higher risk of miscarriages, maternal mortality and still-births and lowweight babies. The drop-out rates among the girls are quite high. 21% adolescent girls and 8% adolescent boys have no education. Dropout rates among girls are high

largely due to distance from schools, male teachers, sanitation facilities at school, early marriage and early assumption of domestic responsibilities etc. Adolescent Girls are a core resource for national growth. Investment in their health and development is investment in the greater well-being of the country. Considering that several of these girls are out of school, get married early, face discrimination in accessing health, education and other services, work in vulnerable situation, and are influenced by peer pressure, they need special attention. The public health challenges for adolescents, which include pregnancy, risk of maternal and infant mortality, sexually transmitted diseases, reproductive tract infections, rapidly rising incidence of HIV, etc., require influencing the health-seeking behavior of AGs. They need to be looked at in terms of their needs both as a group as well as individuals as they are the productive members of the society in future. Recognizing the unmet needs of AGs, Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls Sabla has been launched as a comprehensive intervention for Adolescent girls in the age-group of 11-18, with a focus on out of school girls. To begin with, the Scheme is being implemented in 200 districts of the country on a pilot basis. The Ministry of Women and Child Development administers the scheme at the central level and State/UT Governments implement the scheme. The SABLA Scheme has been launched by merging two schemes namely Nutrition Programme and Adolescent Girls (NPAG) and Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY) in to a single scheme.

Key Areas of Sabla Scheme

Using the ICDS platform, this scheme is reaching out to nearly 1crore adolescent girls between 11 18 years of age in 200 districts across the country with an integrated package of services. Sabla aims at all-round development of adolescent girls of 11-18 years (with a focus on all outof-school AGs) by making them self reliant. At the Anganwadi Center, supplementary nutrition providing 600 Kcal and 18-20 g of protein and micronutrients is provided every day at the anganwadi centers either as hot cooked meal or as take home rations to out of school adolescent girls in 11-14 years and all girls between 14-18 years for 300 days in a year. In addition, out of school adolescent girls are being provided non- nutrition services which include life skills

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education, supervised weekly IFA (100 mg of elemental iron and 0.5 mg of folic acid) supplementation and nutrition counselling, sexual and reproductive health education and counseling, skills in leadership, problem solving, decision making and accessing public services. In addition, older adolescent girls (16 - 18 year olds) are being given vocational training to make them self reliant. The Scheme also emphasizes convergence of services under various programmes such as Health, Education, Youth affairs and Sports, and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) to achieve the programme objectives. With the support of community-based frontline workers (anganwadi workers) and civil society groups, adolescent girls have been organized in groups called Kishori Samoohs. Each Samooh is led by a peer leader (Kishori Sakhi) and meet at least 5-6 hours a week to receive programme services and function as a peer support group. Every girl enrolled in Sabla are given a Kishori Card, an entitlement tool to monitor girls access to and uptake of the services under Sabla. The non-nutrition services under the Sabla programme interventions also reach out to the non-school going adolescent girls through adolescent groups i.e., Kishori Samoohs meetings. Each adolescent group comprises of 15 25 adolescent girls led by peer leaders i.e., Kishori Sakhi and their two associates i.e., Sahelis. The Sakhis and Sahelis are imparted training and serve as a peer monitor/educator for adolescent girls. They serve the group for one year and each girl will have a term of four months as a Sakhi on rotational basis. The AGs also participate in day to day activities of AWC like Pre School, Education, growth monitoring and SNP and facilitate the AWW in other activities. They also accompany the AWW for home visits (2-3 girls at a time) which serves as a training ground for future.

mainstream outofschool AGs into formal/non formaleducation; Inform and guide them about existing public services, such as PHC, CHC, Post Office, Bank, Police Station, etc.

State-Specific Initiatives of Sabla

In many states like Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, NGOs are being utilised for all awareness generation activities and training of the Sakhis and Sahelis. Once a week, interactions of the school going and the non-school going adolescents is also organised so that interactions of the school and non school going adolescents are enhanced and the latter is motivated to join school. Once in three months on a fixed day i.e., on Kishori Diwas, general health checkups including measurement of height and weight and referral services are organised for all the adolescent girls by the Anganwadi worker with help from the health functionaries and referrals to specialised health care facilities for health problems that need special attention. Each adolescent girl is provided a Kishori Card which is a tool to monitor the services the adolescent girl utilises under the Sabla scheme. With the basic framework of the scheme, State governments have undertaken special initiatives to reach out for the well being of adolescent girls. In Bihar, the state government has clubbed the vocational training of the adolescent girls 16 18 years and is reaching out to them through the Hunar scheme of the Education department, a special state level initiative to empower the minorities, schedule castes and scheduled tribes. Under this arrangement efforts are made to provide commercially viable training and develop employable skills among youth who have atleast passed the 8th class. In states like Orissa, the state government has prioritized training the girls in textile craft and has tied up the vocational training with the existing cottage industries and market linked the trainings so that the older girls can be economically independent. Similar efforts are also being undertaken by the state governments of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. In Gujarat, the state government has rolled out the MamtaTaruni programme to ensure adequate healthcare and timely counseling to adolescent girls. The programme is aimed at providing healthcare to girls who are out of

The objectives of the scheme are to:

enable selfdevelopment and empowerment of AGs improve their nutrition and health status; spread awareness among them about health, hygiene, nutrition, Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH), and family and child care; upgrade their homebased skills, life skills and vocational skills;

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school, because there already exists a health programme especially for school students. Through this programme the young girls are also given physical and psychological counseling for the changes taking place in the body during adolescence.Every six months, the nutritional status and hemoglobin levels of the girl are achieved and they are given treatment for anemia if needed. To ensure maximum participation in the programme, the state government has introduced a small monetary provision. The idea is to ensure that maximum number of girls, especially in rural areas, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes participate in the programme. The state also gives the 'peer educator' i.e. Sakhis a small token amount of Rs 25 for every meeting so that they bring as many girls to the kishori samooh meeting as possible, and make them aware. At the same time, the Anganwadi worker is also given an incentive of Rs. 50 for calling the meeting and counseling the girls. In Jharkhand, the state government has taken a special initiative to establish effective linkages for vocational training in order to build the technical and professional skills of adolescent girls. Linkages for the vocational training and placements have been established with the NSDC (National Skill Development Corporation) and 30 local non-government partners. The adolescent girls groups are also being linked to the existing self-help groups so that interactions with these groups can help in their economic self-reliance. The state government in collaboration with the Department of Education is in the process of designing a special curriculum to mainstream the out of school adolescent girls into the school system through specially designed educational courses that cater to their literary needs. The state government is undertaking steps to link every adolescent girl under 18 with the formal school setup; for which linkages with National Programme of Education of Girls (NPEGEL) and KGBV (Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya) scheme have been established. Child trafficking especially that of tribal girls is a major problem faced by the state. In order to address this problem, the state government of Jharkhand, through the life skills education, appropriate vocational training and enhancing literacy levels in the state, hopes that the incidence of child trafficking is reduced. In addition, under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), funds are being utilized for creating small library and learning centre in every AWC. The state has also started a statewide social mobilization Campaign for Health and

Nutrition for adolescent girls, which was inaugurated by Health minister of the state in a function where all interventions under Sabla were initiated. Sabla endeavors to have AGs with enhanced self esteem, improved nutrition and health status with enhanced skills and the capacity to make informed choices. Through various schemes including, Sabla, the government is investing in the health, nutrition and development needs of adolescent girls to advance their rights to education, health and protection which will help to them to build a future of gender equality and justice. All this, will in turn help in building of a self-reliant and confident women citizenry.

Centrally sponsored scheme, implemented through the State Governments/UTs with 100% financial assistance from the Central Government for all inputs, except nutrition provision for which Government of India will share upto the extent of 50% of the financial norms or the actual expenditure incurred, whichever is less.

Birds, just like people, get the flu. Bird flu viruses infect birds, including chickens, other poultry, and wild birds such as ducks. Most bird flu viruses can only infect other birds. However, bird flu can pose health risks to people. The first case of a bird flu virus infecting a person directly, H5N1, was in Hong Kong in 1997. Since then, the bird flu virus has spread to birds in countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. Human infection is still very rare, but the virus that causes the infection in birds might change, or mutate, to more easily infect humans. This could lead to a pandemic, a worldwide outbreak of the illness. During an outbreak of bird flu, people who have contact with infected birds can become sick. It may also be possible to catch bird flu by eating poultry or eggs that are not well cooked or through contact with a person who has it. Bird flu can make people very sick or even cause death. Antiviral medicines may make the illness less severe, and may help prevent the flu in people who were exposed to it. There is currently no vaccine.

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INFLUENZA AT THE HUMAN-ANIMAL INTERFACE Influenza viruses circulating in animals pose threats to human health. Humans can become ill when infected with viruses from animal sources, such as avian influenza virus subtypes H5N1 and H9N2 and swine influenza virus subtypes H1N1 and H3N2. The primary risk factor for human infection appears to be direct or indirect exposure to infected live or dead animals or contaminated environments. Avian influenza in humans Most avian influenza viruses do not cause disease in humans. However, some are zoonotic, meaning that they can infect humans and cause disease. The most well known example is the avian influenza subtype H5N1 viruses currently circulating in poultry in parts of Asia and northeast Africa, which have caused human disease and deaths since 1997. Other avian influenza subtypes, including H7N7 and H9N2, have also infected people. Some of these infections have been very severe and some have resulted in deaths, but many infections have been mild or even subclinical in humans. There are many subtypes of avian influenza viruses, but only some strains of four subtypes have been highly pathogenic in humans. These are types H5N1, H7N3, H7N7, H7N9, and H9N2 Avian influenza A (H7N9) virus Avian influenza A(H7N9) is a subtype of influenza viruses that have been detected in birds in the past. This particular A(H7N9) virus had not previously been seen in either animals or people until it was found in March 2013 in China. However, since then, infections in both humans and birds have been observed. The disease is of concern because most patients have become severely ill. Most of the cases of human infection with this avian H7N9 virus have reported recent exposure to live poultry or potentially contaminated environments, especially markets where live birds have been sold. This virus does not appear to transmit easily from person to person, and sustained human-to-human transmission has not been reported. H5N1

H5N1 avian influenza is an infectious disease of birds that can be spread to people, but is difficult to transmit from person to person. Almost all people with H5N1 infection have had close contact with infected birds or H5N1contaminated environments. When people do become infected, the mortality rate is about 60%. Public health scientists want to know if genetic changes in the virus could make it more easily transmissible between people, so they can improve public health surveillance for early detection of potential pandemic strains. Researchers have recently succeeded in creating H5N1 viruses that are more transmissible in mammals than those that occur naturally, raising concerns about the risks and safety of such research. Several domestic species have been infected with and shown symptoms of H5N1 viral infection, including cats, dogs, ferrets, pigs, and birds. Swine influenza in humans Most swine influenza viruses (SIVs) do not cause disease in humans. However, some countries have reported cases of human infection with SIVs. Most of these human infections have been mild and the viruses have not spread further to other people. The H1N1 virus that caused the influenza pandemic in 20092010, thought to have originated in swine, is an example of an SIV that was able to spread easily among people and also cause disease. Because pigs can become infected with influenza viruses from a variety of different hosts (such as birds and humans), they can act as a "mixing vessel," facilitating the reassortment of influenza genes from different viruses and creating a "new" influenza virus. The concern is that such "new" reassortant viruses may be more easily spread from person to person, or may cause more severe disease in humans than the original viruses. WHO and animal health sector partners are working at the human-animal interface to identify and reduce animal health and public health risks within national contexts. Signs and Symptoms of Avian Influenza A Virus Infections in Humans Signs and symptoms may depend on which avian influenza A virus caused the infection. Low pathogenic avian

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influenza A virus infections of humans have been associated with generally mild, non fatal illness. The reported signs and symptoms of low pathogenic avian influenza A virus infections in humans have ranged from conjunctivitis to influenza-like illness (e.g., fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches) to lower respiratory disease (pneumonia) requiring hospitalization. Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus infections of humans have been associated with a wide range of illness. Illness has ranged from conjunctivitis only, to influenza-like illness, to severe respiratory illness (e.g. shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress, viral pneumonia, respiratory failure) with multi-organ disease, sometimes accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and sometimes neurologic changes (altered mental status, seizures). Sometimes infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus infection leads to death, especially with HPAI H5N1 virus. The accuracy of clinical diagnosis of human infection with avian influenza A viruses on the basis of signs and symptoms alone is limited because symptoms from illness caused by other pathogens, including seasonal influenza A or B viruses, can overlap considerably. Detecting Avian Influenza A Virus Infection in Humans Avian influenza A virus infection in humans cannot be diagnosed by clinical signs and symptoms alone; laboratory testing is required. Avian influenza A virus infection is usually diagnosed by collecting a swab from the nose or throat of the sick person during the first few days of illness. This specimen is sent to a lab; the laboratory looks for avian influenza A virus either by using a molecular test, by trying to grow the virus, or both. PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNESS The impact of pandemic influenza outbreaks on

has been tested and refined through conducting exercises, engaging the whole of society. National plans should be flexible enough to respond to outbreaks of various intensity. Communication will be one of the most challenging tasks during an outbreak and it should be planned well in advance. International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza The International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza is committed to protecting human and animal health as well as mitigating the global socioeconomic and security consequences of an influenza pandemic. The partnership seeks to work with all concerned states to limit the spread of H5N1 avian flu and any other highly pathogenic influenza strain by taking all necessary steps to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the growing threat. Partners are concerned about the potential for large-scale outbreaks. As such, participants are committed to the following principles to establish a more coordinated and effective basis for limiting the social, economic and health impacts of avian and pandemic influenza, consistent with national legal authorities and relevant international law and frameworks. Partnerships goals of improving global readiness by: elevating the issue on national agendas; coordinating efforts among donor and affected nations; mobilizing and leveraging resources; increasing transparency in disease reporting and surveillance; and building capacity to identify, contain and respond to a pandemic influenza.

Prevention and Treatment of Avian Influenza A Viruses in People The Best Prevention is to Avoid Sources of Exposure Currently, the best way to prevent infection with avian influenza A viruses is to avoid sources of exposure whenever possible. Most human infections with avian

individuals and societies can be reduced by being well prepared. This means having a comprehensive plan, that

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influenza A viruses have occurred following direct close or prolonged contact with sick or dead infected poultry.

Antiviral Drugs Can Be Used to Treat Illness For treatment (and prevention) of human infection with avian influenza A viruses, CDC and WHO currently recommend oseltamivir or zanamivir, two of four prescription antiviral medications currently licensed for use in the United States. Core

Design, develop and lead to production state-ofthe-art sensors, weapon systems, platforms and allied equipment for our Defence Services. Provide technological solutions to the Defence Services to optimise combat effectiveness and to promote well-being of the troops. Develop infrastructure and committed quality manpower and build strong technology base. Competence

Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)

Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) works under Department of Defence Research and Development of Ministry of Defence. DRDO dedicatedly working towards enhancing self-reliance in Defence Systems and undertakes design & development leading to production of world class weapon systems and equipment in accordance with the expressed needs and the qualitative requirements laid down by the three services. DRDO is working in various areas of military technology which include aeronautics, armaments, combat vehicles, electronics, instrumentation engineering systems, missiles, materials, naval systems, advanced computing, simulation and life sciences. DRDO while striving to meet the Cutting edge weapons technology requirements provides ample spinoff benefits to the society at large thereby contributing to the nation buliding. Vision Make India prosperous by establishing world-class science and technology base and provide our Defence Services decisive edge by equipping them with internationally competitive systems and solutions. Mission

Deptt of Defence Research and Development (R&D) is working for indigenous development of weapons, sensors & platforms required by the three wings of the Armed Forces. To fulfill this mandate, Deptt of Defence Research and Development (R&D), is closely working with academic institutions, Research and Development (R&D) Centres and production agencies of Science andTechnology (S&T) Ministries/Deptts in Public & Civil Sector including Defence Public Sector Undertakings & Ordnance Factories.

ACHIEVEMENTS India's DRDO holds its annual awards ceremony tomorrow for technology excellence. The organisation released the following feature today, listing its achievements. Here it is in full:

DRDO has made many significant achievements during the recent past, including the last year. Many important systems were inducted/accepted by the services. The production value of systems based on technologies developed by DRDO (inducted/accepted/orders placed) during the past one decade is well over Rs.1,10,000 crores. Agni-III, the 3500 km range ballistic missile was successfully launched with users participation. Training flights were held by the users for various missiles that are already inducted. These included two flight tests each ofAgniI, AgniII and Dhanush (from naval ships) and five flights of Prithvi II (P II). Orders worth over Rs. 25,000 crores for surface-to-air missile AKASH have been placed by the users. These include 8 squadron for IAF and

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2 regiments for the Army. Successful flight tests of endoatmospheric interceptor for 2,000-km class target were carried out. Each flight led to a direct target hit and disintegration of the target. Capabilities of NAG, the third generation anti-tank missile, which is a vehicle mounted system was demonstrated in a series of user trials. Advanced versions of BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, the only one of its kind in the world, were developed and flight-tested. Thus, BrahMos block II with target discrimination precision strike capabilities was test-fired. Similarly, BrahMos block III with capability for steep diving from high altitudes and high maneuvers at multiple points during supersonic flight. Development of advanced missile systems is a continuous effort and requires systematic development of more and more advanced technologies. RLG based Inertial Navigation System was developed, qualified and tested. Active Radar Seeker for advanced missions was developed. A fibre optics gyro was successfully developed and tested on board.

monitoring of the manned as well as unmanned aircraft structures. The scheme was flight tested on a NISHANT UAV. Besides, over 100 test flights of a 3,000 gram Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) designed and developed by DRDO were carried out. A laser seeker kit SUDARSHAN for 1,000-pound bombs was developed and initial demand for significant number of seekers kits has been received from the users. Major milestones in the indigenous development of fighter aircraft engine was achieved with the completion of Official Altitude Testing (OAT) of Kaveri Gas Turbine Enginefor simulated operating conditions. Subsequently, the flights of Kaveri engine were successfully carried out on a Flying Test Bed (FTB) proving the technological capability and maturity of the indigenous efforts. This is the first time that an indigenously developed gas turbine engine for fighter aircraft has been flown on a FTB board. DRDO has developed expertise in the field of testing and certification for various components sub-systems and systems as well as complete airborne platforms. Thus, Initial Operational Clearance of LCA and Advanced Light Helicopter Mk.3 were major activities in this area. Advanced Active-cum-Passive integrated sonar system HUMSA NG was designed, developed and installed on various ships of Indian Navy. Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) capable of navigation was demonstrated at sea. A carbon dioxide curtailment System for submarines was designed and developed. The system has been accepted by the user. SANJEEVANI Mk.2, a device designed and developed to locate victims trapped under the debris was handed over to National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Kerala Govt. Fire Services. An advanced facility was created to undertake full scale processing of large rocket motors. The facility was commissioned and the casting of various motors commenced. Development of PINAKA multi barrel

In the area of aeronautics, Tejas, the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) concluded its extensive flight tests including weapon trials, dropping of bombs, jettisoning drop tanks and night flights; leading to its Initial Operational Clearance (IOC) on 10th January, 2011. Over 1,640 flights covering a period of over 969 hours have been completed by Tejas Mk.1. The first prototype of LCA Navy was rolled out and its induction tests were concluded. In tune with changing war of scenario, major thrust has been given to develop unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Successful flight trials of RUSTOM-1, a UAV with endurance of 14 hours and altitude ceiling of 8,000 meters demonstrated the capabilities for automated/remotely piloted landing/ takeoff and associated technologies. NISHANT, another UAV developed by DRDO was ready for induction by the Army. A medium sized aerostat based platform was developed for surveillance applications. A novel method was developed and flight-tested for an in-flight structural

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rocket launcher system was achieved with the successful transfer of technology to production agencies, two regiments of PINAKA (worth Rs 1300 crores) have been raised by Army which is likely to place orders for another two regiments. The transfer of Technology (ToT) for multimode grenade was completed, for which Army has placed an order for 10 lakh grenades. Under Barrel Grenade Launcher (UBGL) for INSAS and AK-47 rifle was introduced into service with order for 10,000 Launchers. The state-of-the-art microcontroller based system Instant Fire Detection & Suppression System (IFDSS) BMP-2/2K developed for providing protection against fire to the troops & engine compartment, was accepted by the Army. Production order worth Rs. 168 crores has been received. MBT Arjun Mk.1 was successfully inducted in the Army and two regiments of Arjun Main Battle Tank have been raised. A Carrier Command Post Tracked (CCPT) vehicle was accepted by the Army for induction. A modifiedArmoured Amphibious Dozer (AAD) completed its user trials. User trials of remotely operated vehicle (ROVDAKSH) were successfully carried out and LSP order for 20 numbers is being executed. Design of Snow Gallery for for protection studies of on personnel and equipment were from avalanches and design of Instrumented Composite Tower avalanches completed.

jamming features. A holographic sight for rifles/carbines was developed for aiming in closed quarter battle role and was accepted by the users. A new Modular Bridging System capable of yielding single span of up to 46 mtrs and capable of bearing load up to 70 ton was developed and is undergoing user trials. Among the weapon systems, VARUNASTRA, a heavy weight torpedo, underwent extensive sea trials on its way to induction. Radars and electronic warfare systems has emerged as yet another strong area. DRDOs technological strength in this highly security sensitive and critical area is exemplified by the development, productionisation and acceptance of WLR, an advanced electronically scanned pulse Doppler weapon locating radar; 3D TCR, a 3 dimensional tactical control radar; Bharani, a Low Level Lightweight Radar and ASLESHA, a 3D Low Level Lightweight Radar. Development of Solar Powered Modular Green Shelters was another significant achievement in supporting our soldiers. The NBC Recce Vehicle designed for surveillance and on-site collection & analysis of samples from contaminated environment, was handed over to the users. As spin-offs for civil sector and social cause, Biodigesters developed for environment friendly disposal of human excreta in extreme cold regions of high altitudes were adapted for Railway coaches and Lakshadweep islands. The technology has been selected to equip over two lakh Gram Panchayats with bio-toilets. Completion and acceptance of Varuna, a modern ESM system for Navy with capability to intercept and process all modern radars including LPI radars was another step in achieving self-reliance in the field of Electronic Warfare. Even with the most advanced weapon systems, the man behind machine is the most crucial factor in winning the war. The Life Sciences laboratories of DRDO continued to develop technology to maximize the operational efficiency of our soldiers and provide them with adequate support and protection. Some of the major achievements are highlighted. Three mobile laboratories for nuclear, biological and chemical defence were handed over to the user and rigorous training was imparted to them. An

In the field of electronics and electro-optics, many systems were inducted/accepted by the services. 3D medium range surveillance radar - ROHINI and its naval variantREVATHI were inducted. 3D low-level light weight radar -Aslesha (for IAF) as well as Bharani (for Army) was accepted by the user. The engineered version of upgraded Weapon Locating Radar (WLR Swathi) developed by DRDO was realized by the production agency. The electronic warfare system SAMYUKTA (naval variant) and SUJAV were inducted. Orders have been received for the Combat Net Radio (CNR) with anti-

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upgraded first-aid kit for protection against chemical and biological agents as well as the nuclear radiation were accepted by the services. Technology for producing DRDO developed kits for detection of swine flu was transferred to the production agency. The Combat Free Fall (CFF) protection system to meet the requirements of high altitude paratroopers mission requirements was designed developed and is under limited series production. A Submarine Escape Set (SES) for escape from an abandoned submarine from depths of 100m was designed and developed. Navy has projected a requirement of over 400 suits. Greenhouses were established at power plant locations such as Siachen Base camp, Chushul, Battalik etc and an average of 1400 kg vegetables of high nutritive values were produced in each greenhouse by standardizing the practices and procedures. About 5000 MT of vegetables are locally grown for meeting Armys requirements A Computerized Pilot Selection System (CPSS) was designed, developed and accepted by the Air Force. Series production of systems for deployment at all the Air Force Selection Boards of the IAF is underway. Yoga Training Modules have been developed for toning up cardio-respiratory, respiratory, endocrine and nervous systems to maintain optimum physical fitness and mental health of troops deployed at high altitude extreme climates. Yoga training was provided to over 2000 personnel who were to be deployed at Siachen Glacier. MoU has been signed with Indian Railways for joint development of Biotoilets to be installed in rail coaches. Biotoilets have been installed in Lakshadweep Islands and NE region of India for safe disposal of human waste and MoUs signed with Indian Railways & Min. of Urban Development for installation in rail coaches & homes. MoU with Ministry of Urban Development is under process for joint development of biotoilets and their installation under mass civilian program.

weapon systems and military hardware. Significant milestones were achieved in this critical area. A low-alloy steel DMR-1700 with ultrahigh strength and high fracture toughness was developed as a cost effective replacement of 250 grade maraging steel. The alloy was successfully proven by successful demonstration in the intended application. A 500 ton per annum capacity titanium sponge plant based on DRDO technology was set up at Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited (KMML). The Plant was inaugurated by the Defence Minister on 27 Feb 2011. Light-weight composite armour for Mi-17-IV helicopter of IAF has successfully undergone integration and flight-trials. Technology developed for vacuum investment casting of gas turbine blades for Kaveri engine was extended for making high pressure turbine blades for land-based gas turbine for power generation. The runways at strategic locations often require rapid repairs. Many of these locations are in extreme cold regions where the normal concrete does not set in easily. Technology for rapid repair of runways in cold regions was developed and successfully demonstrated at sub-zero temperature.

A dedicated team of DRDO engineers executed highly specialized nature of Civil works at some of the most difficult and hazardous area within the stipulated time frame. Agreements for co-operation / co-development in frontline areas of science, technology and engineering were signed with several countries. All these endeavours have a single-minded focus: to transform India into a world-class centre for design development and production of defence systems and technologies, ensuring freedom from denial regimes and external controls. DRDO is leading the way in taking Indias defence strength

Advanced materials have been always at the core of

to new heights in making: One of 4 countries with multi

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level strategic deterrence capability; One of 5 countries with own BMD Program; One of 6 countries with own Main Battle Tank; One of 7 countries with own 4th Gen Combat Aircraft. FUTURE PLAN Long-range SAM India and Israel have worked out an agreement to develop and produce the long-range Barak 8 air defence system for both the Indian and the Israeli militaries. The initial codevelopment funding is about US$350 million, of which IAI will finance 50 per cent. The venture is a tripartite one, between the DRDO, the Indian Navy, and IAI. The missile is referred to as the LRSAM in Indian Government literature, and will have a range of 72 km (45 mi). Israel Aircraft Industries refers to the system as Barak-8. Astra BVRAAM Astra is a 80 km (50 mi) class, active radar guided missile meant for beyond visual range air to air combat. Several tests of the missiles basic propulsion and guidance have taken place from land based launchers. Air-launched trials will follow thereafter Anti-Ballistic Missile Defence Project Unveiled in 2006, the ABM project was a surprise to many observers. While DRDO had revealed some details about the project over the years, its progress had been marked by strict secrecy, and the project itself was unlisted, and not visible among DRDO's other programs. The ABM project has benefited from all the incremental improvements achieved by the DRDO and its associated industrial partners via the long-running and often contentious Akash missile and Trishul missile programs. However, it is a completely new program, with much larger scope and with predominantly new subsystems. The ABM project has two missilesnamely the AAD (Advanced Air Defence) and PAD (Prithvi Air Defence) missiles.

GATET engine The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has launched a 1 billion (US$16.0 million) project in R&D in the area of gas turbines, a DRDO official said on April 2010. Under the initiative of DRDO's Aeronautics Research and Development Board, R&D projects, which need investment in the region of 5 million (US$80,000.00) to 50 million (US$800,000.00), would be considered for funding. GTRE was the nodal agency to spearhead this venture, called GATET Anti-satellite weapon After testing the over 5,000 km Agni V missile, which went up to 600 km into space during its parabolic trajectory, the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) now feels it can fashion deadly anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons in double-quick time. "An ASAT weapon would require to reach about 800km altitude... Agni V gives you the boosting capability and the 'kill vehicle', with advanced seekers, will be able to home into the target satellite, Communication-Centric Intelligence Satellite (CCI-Sat) Communication-Centric Intelligence Satellite is an advanced reconnaissance spy satellite, being developed by DRDO. It will be India's first officially declared spy satellite and according to ISRO it should be in the sky by 2014. This satellite will help Indian intelligence agencies to significantly boost surveillance of terror camps in neighboring countries.

Cabinet clears new framework for TV ratings Advertisements duration during programme TRP calculation tampering New guidelines by I&B ministry

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Mission to cut Neonatal deaths A different model for DRDO

India US to move WHO resolution on addressing violence against women Iran says nuclear deal to take effect from Jan 20th

Centre issues new guidelines for phone interceptions Personality Anees Salim Guidelines under Standard operating procedure Environment and development Will attack against those attacking minorities Bangladesh crisis Ugandan bombing will jeopardise talks warns South Sudan opposition Canada reports first H5N1 bird flu death Malaysia probes priest for sedition RBI eases FDI norms to give foreign investors exit option Fungal infections no less lethal than TB, AIDS SAMARTH a festival for showcasing the amazing abilities of persons with disability by Ministry of Social justice and empowerment Affordable diabetes testing by Department of Health Research ICMR has developed two glucose monitoring devices Suchek and Quickcheq Upbeat global sentiment South Korean President to take ties beyond POSCO on first visit Tripura to devise rehab plan for displaced people soon India polio free for third straight year

Three countries, one centre of gravity (For TPP and Indo pacific Geo strategic zone) The Hindu
More than a common regional vision, the distinctive domestic and foreign policy priorities of the U.S, Australia and India are driving their new attention to the Indo-Pacific as a geostrategic category United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Australias Defence Minister Stephen Smith, Indias National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon and Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai have all spoken of the IndoPacific a region spanning the Indian and the Pacific Oceans as the worlds new strategic centre of gravity. What is behind this new-found discovery of the Indo-Pacific and does it imply a strategic convergence between these three democracies? A closer analysis suggests that the Indo-Pacific regional construction is driven more by a desire to resolve distinctive domestic and foreign policy preoccupations rather than promote a common regional vision. For the U.S., central policy issues include reversing the slide in its economic fortunes and dealing with the shift of power to Asia in ways that preserve existing international rules and the U.S.s position as the worlds foremost rule-maker.

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Australia has long been preoccupied by the disjuncture between its geographical positioning in Asia and its historical links with the West. The implications of continuing a close alliance with the U.S., while growing increasingly economically enmeshed with Asia, have dominated recent foreign policy debates. The IndoPacific regional construction is a key part of the U.S.s pivot to Asia, which Australia has supported. For both the Australian and U.S. policymakers, adopting and shaping the Indo-Pacific as a geostrategic category helps them resolve their key domestic and foreign policy dilemmas while maintaining their positions in the global order as a great power and middle power respectively. Fitting in India But how does India fit into this emerging concept? While India supports a basic adherence to international law, freedom of navigation and peaceful dispute settlement, it is increasingly clear that its preferred regional architecture in the Indo-Pacific will be shaped by the demands of its domestic economic restructuring and its continuing adherence to the principle of strategic autonomy. For this reason, any assumption that India will sign up to an Indo-Pacific security architecture devised in Washington and Canberra fundamentally misreads the domestic political projects that animate Indias own vision of the Indo-Pacific. To see how different domestic imperatives lead to distinctive Indo-Pacific regional constructions, we can examine some of the major regional initiatives that have recently been promoted by the U.S., Australia and India. Leaving out China The U.S. has recently launched the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a free trade initiative that does not involve China and includes trade, investment, intellectual property, health care, environmental and

labour standards. It has also called for a regional architecture of institutions and arrangements to enforce international norms on security, trade, rule of law, human rights, and accountable governance in the Indo-Pacific region. These regional initiatives are built on the promotion of regulatory frameworks in the IndoPacific in areas such as intellectual property rights that serve domestic political and economic agendas, namely increasing the competitiveness of the American economy and maintaining U.S. prominence as a global rule-setter. It is thus central to emerging geo-economic competition over the regulation and rules of the regional and global political economy. The Australian bridge Australia, meanwhile, is attempting to act as a classic middle power bridge between the East and West by balancing its commitment to a U.S.-driven framework of rules and regulations with the knowledge that its economic future is increasingly intertwined with Asia and China, in particular. To manage these growing tensions, it has encouraged the U.S. pivot to the IndoPacific while advocating greater political, economic and strategic enmeshment between the U.S. and China and refocusing its attention on the Indian Ocean RimAssociation for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC). Australia has also welcomed both the U.S.-centred TPP as well as the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)-centred Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The RCEP includes China and focuses on a narrower set of issues than the TPP, excluding issues such as labour standards, which would deter China from ascension. Despite the differences between the two schemes, Australia regards the TPP and RCEP as complementary pathways to a regional free trade area and has vowed to promote the inclusion of elements such as environmental and labour standards during RCEP negotiations. Despite embracing the Indo-Pacific

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concept, India is not a member of the TPP but has joined the RCEP. The TPPs rigid objectives of regulatory coherence do not fit with Indias stated desire for a plural, inclusive and open security architecture in the Indo-Pacific and India has long resisted the inclusion of non-trade related provisions in multilateral trade negotiations. RCEPs provisions for the different levels of development of the participating countries and ASEANs emphasis on consensual decision-making are far more conducive to the type of regional architecture that India desires, since they are more congruent with its domestic imperatives of development and autonomy. This suggests the contested nature of the Indo-Pacific. Domestic imperatives also drive Indias increased attention to regional groupings like the IORARC and smaller, more specialised forums that deal with issues like piracy, energy and food security. These initiatives focus on non-traditional security issues, which India sees as posing the most significant external threat to its economic development. This bottom-up, issue-driven approach to Indo-Pacific regionalism may prove, over the long run, to be more sustainable than the elite-driven regional projects that were the hallmark of Asia-Pacific regionalism. Hence, a new Indo-Pacific era may well be dawning. But the adoption of the concept in the foreign policy debates and vocabularies of India, Australia and the United States reflect a heightened focus in all three countries on domestic political and economic challenges rather than a strategic convergence or a common regional vision.

Diplomatic scorecards are notoriously difficult to draw up. The game goes on for too long and the points scored are often incommensurable. Yet the temptation to pronounce an immediate verdict is difficult to resist. Indeed, during the Chinese Premiers recent visit, the only question that seemed of interest was: who got the better of the other? However, any serious assessment of the visit should focus on questions of continuity and change. After all, India will have to deal with this Chinese leadership for the next decade or so. Let us start with the big picture. Did Premier Li Keqiangs decision to visit India on his first official trip abroad indicate anything significant? Many seasoned Indian observers, including former diplomats, have sought to deny this. Premier Li himself insisted that the visit was meant to demonstrate the high importance the Chinese government attaches to India. This, in turn, reflects the wider international considerations confronting China. Pivot to East Asia From a strategic standpoint, China faces a worsening situation along its maritime periphery in the East China and South China seas thanks to its own swaggering style in recent years. The United States has seized the opportunity to announce a pivot to East Asia. The Chinese naturally assume that the move is aimed at them. More worrying to Beijing is the new government in Tokyo under the leadership of Shinzo Abe that seeks to reinterpret, if not rewrite, Japans pacifist Constitution and to invigorate ties with countries like India. From an economic perspective, too, the situation seems less than sanguine. The U.S. is promoting a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Signed in 2005 by Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore, the TPP has drawn the interest of five other countries: Australia, Malaysia, Peru, Vietnam and Japan. The TPP has an ambitious tripartite agenda. It aims at a regular Free Trade Agreement with provisions for protecting intellectual property; at the

When the dragon comes calling

The new Chinese leadership wants to reach out to India and New Delhi should make the most of the opportunity to move forward on the strategic and economic fronts

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creation of investor-friendly regulatory frameworks and policies; and at emerging issues, including measures to ensure that state-owned companies compete fairly with private companies and do not put the latter at a disadvantage. China regards the TPP as an economic grouping directed at it. Here too, the immediate cause for concern is the position of Japan. Prime Minister Abe has announced his intention to push for Japans entry into the TPP and his willingness to take on the strong agriculture lobby that opposes the idea. The Chinese are well aware that a successful TPP may eventually compel China to come to terms with it just as China had to do with APEC and WTO. In this context, it not surprising that the Chinese leadership wants to reach out to India. Beijing knows that India is a swing power in the present strategic constellation. Its choices could alleviate or exacerbate Chinas problems. Premier Li was seeking reassurance as well as reassuring India when he publicly stated that we are not a threat to each other, nor will we ever contain each other. China also knows that the TPP will not be welcome to India either. Moreover, the Chinese are keen on expanding economic ties with India, especially by tapping into Indian markets. They also want to begin negotiations with India on a China-India Regional Trading Arrangement (RTA). All this opens a few windows of opportunity for India. These are unlikely to remain open forever, so it is important that we make the most of them. The government has been quick off the blocks, but more needs to be done. First, there is the possibility of progress on the boundary negotiations. So far, the Chinese seemed reluctant to follow through on the political parameters agreed upon in 2005. In particular, they were less than happy with the provision which suggested that areas with settled populations would not be up for grabs. When Premier Wen Jiabao visited India in 2010, he openly said that the boundary dispute would take long to settle. The current Chinese leadership appears to

have a different stance. Both President Xi Jinping and Premier Li have indicated that they would like to move forward as soon as possible. It is conceivable that they are offering progress on this issue to palliate India. But it would be unwise to prejudge this issue. Besides, any progress, however limited, will be in our interest. The Chinese have also indicated that they want to strengthen the mechanisms for maintenance of peace and tranquillity along the frontiers. But it is unlikely that they will agree to commence an exercise on clarifying the Line of Actual Control. The Chinese have always insisted that this would be a distraction from the main task of settling the boundary dispute. In any case, given the differences between the two sides perceptions of the LAC especially in the Ladakh sector such an exercise would be doomed to failure. Greater market access Second, there is an opportunity to press for greater market access for Indian firms in China. New Delhi has rightly insisted that further deepening of economic ties will depend on redressing the prevailing imbalance in trade. The Chinese leadership, too, is aware that the current pattern of trade is unsustainable. Premier Li has said that his government will work towards rectifying this situation both by facilitating market access to Indian companies and by encouraging Chinese firms to increase investment in India and expand trade in services. Even as the government keeps the pressure on this issue, it should get its own act together for attracting investment from China. To be sure, New Delhi has expressed interest in Chinese investment, particularly in infrastructure. But it hasnt put its money where its mouth is. Take the case of China Light and Power (CLP), which has invested in a 1320 MW power plant in Jhajjar, Haryana. This is Indias largest foreign direct investment in this sector. The plant was commissioned ahead of schedule in 2012. Since then, it has languished for the

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lack of coal supplies from Coal India Limited. The CLPs position is fast becoming untenable, but the government has not been responsive. This can scarcely be encouraging to other Chinese firms contemplating investment in India. Regional issues Bilateral matters apart, the two sides also seem poised to work together on regional issues like Afghanistan. Interestingly, it was China which suggested earlier this year that they begin a dialogue on Afghanistan. Both countries are concerned about the situation in Afghanistan after the NATO withdrawal in 2014. Instability in Afghanistan is bound to impact on existing and proposed investments of India and China in that country. China has already made a successful bid for the copper mines in Anyak and is keen to acquire stakes in extraction of other natural resources. In talking to India, Chinas interest may simply be to secure support for its increasing presence in Afghanistan. But there seems to be more in play here. Beijing is evidently not confident that Pakistan will be able to secure Chinese interests in Afghanistan after the western forces pull out. This is not to suggest that Chinas strategic relationship with Pakistan is weakening. Indeed, Premier Li has had a rather good visit to Pakistan. Yet Pakistans ability to deliver in Afghanistan, especially if the security situation markedly worsens, is open to question. The simple fact is that the main outlet for any resources to flow into China will be through the north of Afghanistan. Pakistan and its proxies have no influence in these parts. Conversely, the groups whose writ runs in these areas have a good relationship with India. At any rate, if Afghanistan descends into something like a civil war, Pakistan cannot be of much help to China. It is in Beijings own interest, therefore, to ensure that Pakistan doesnt stir the pot too vigorously after 2014. So, the present strategic conjuncture presents interesting possibilities for India. New Delhi should

neglect the naysayers and press ahead with engaging China on all fronts.

To bolster ties with India, Xi details five-point plan (India and china ties 21st century) The Hindu
Chinas new leader Xi Jinping has indicated that he will look to follow his predecessors policies in engaging with India and seek continuity in bilateral ties, as the new leadership in Beijing takes control following a oncein-ten year change. Mr. Xi on Tuesday echoed his predecessor Hu Jintaos suggestion, made during a visit to India last year, of a five-point proposal to improve ties with India. Mr. Hu, the former Chinese President, during a visit to India in 2012 had called for maintaining high-level contacts; expanding economic complementarities; boosting people-to-people ties and multilateral cooperation; and for both countries to properly handle their differences in his proposal. The new Chinese leader, who took over from Mr. Hu last week, spoke of a similar five-pronged proposal in an interaction with a group of reporters from the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) group of countries held ahead of his first overseas State visit to Russia and South Africa for the BRICS Summit later this month. Mr. Xi proposed five steps to boost ties: First, to maintain strategic communication and keep bilateral relations on the right track. Second, we should harness each others comparative strength and expand win-win cooperation in infrastructure, mutual investment and other areas. Third, we should strengthen cultural ties and constantly increase mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples. Fourth, we should expand coordination and collaboration in multilateral affairs to jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and

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interests of developing countries and tackle global challenges. Fifth, we should accommodate each others core concerns and properly handle problems and differences existing between the two countries, the Chinese President said, according a transcript made available. Mr. Xis comments suggest the new Chinese leadership will largely continue with the previous administrations approach to India, which emphasised boosting economic ties and cooperation on multilateral issues, while at the same time appearing less willing to engage on more difficult issues such as the border dispute, trans boundary rivers and China's ongoing projects in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Mr. Xi suggested any breakthrough on the long-running boundary dispute remained unlikely, describing the border issue as complex. The boundary question is a complex issue left over from history and solving the issue will not be easy. However, as long as we keep up our friendly consultation we can eventually arrive at a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable settlement. Pending the final settlement, the two sides should work together to maintain peace and tranquility in border areas and prevent the boundary question from affecting the all-round development in ties. Mr. Xi is expected to have his first meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh later this month on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit in South Africa. In a letter to Dr. Singh earlier this year, the new CPC General Secretary said he was of the view that the world has enough space for China and India to achieve common development, and the world also needs common development.

He reiterated that message on Tuesday. China and India have a traditional friendship. We are the two largest developing countries in the world and combined population exceeds 2.5 billion, he said. To jointly follow the path of peaceful development and development through cooperation meets the common interests of the two countries. China sees its relations with India as one of the most important bilateral relationships and is committed to pushing forward the China-India strategic and cooperative partnership. We should seize these opportunities and take solid steps to bolster exchange and cooperation in all fields and take China India relations to a new height.

All the best

Hope this material helps my NEWSPAPER programme students Jai Hind

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