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Bibliography: Primary Sources

Against Domestic Violence. Photograph. 1994. MLEA, 1, 9, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of this photograph along with the quote is to show that Latina women are fighting for their rights to safety. This source will help me with my argument because MLEAs role in domestic violence is important because they help protect Latina women from domestic violence. Beatriz Jamaica. Testimonial. n.d. MLEA, 25, 2, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of this source is to explain about the time Beatriz spent with MLEA and her experience. This source is important because the viewer sees a participant's view and how MLEA has influenced their life. Children Art and Worksheets. Worksheets. 1990. MLEA, 25, 2, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of these worksheets is to show how MLEA was involved with children's education through the peace program. This source is unique because they are real life worksheets children did during the 1990s and how MLEA helped more than one student. This will help support my argument because it shows that MLEA really cared about children's education. Children Thank You Cards. Cards. 1990. MLEA, 25, 1, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of these thank you cards is to show how children were being influenced by the peace program because they express their thought of peace through drawings in the cards. This source is unique because although they are thanking MLEA, they are also showing that they learn about peace in the program.

Congress of the United States: Gutierrez. Letter. 1995. MLEA, 8, 4, DePaul University John T. Richardson Library, Chicago. This is a first-hand account letter written to the House of Representative, Luis Gutierrez from Susana Martinez. The purpose of this government letter is to explain the Latino community thoughts to the Government. They do not want the welfare to be cut down because it can affect the Latino community. This is important because it shows how MLEA wants laws to be changed for the benefit of the Latinas they want to protect. Cycle of Violence. Diagram. 1990. MLEA, 23, 13, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of this diagram is to explain how domestic violence begins. It also states the stages of domestic violence and how throughout time the stages begin to change. This diagram is important to my argument because women go through many stages when they go through domestic violence. MLEA helps women identify those stages.
Denton-Spalding, Claire. "Significance of Mujeres Latinas en Accion." Radio interview.

February 21, 2014. 2014. This source was an interview with a representative, Claire Denton-Spalding, from Mujeres Latinas en Accion. Mrs. Spalding spoke briefly about the start of MLEA and then went into detail of why MLEA is important, why its still significant and rights and responsibilities. This interview is important because Mrs.Spalding speaks about the relation between MLEA and the theme, rights and responsibilities. Domestic Violence:Get the facts. Statistics. 1997. MLEA, 23, 13, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of this statistic document is to show statistically why the Domestic Violence Program is necessary. This document relates to Chicago and domestic violence in the city. Domestic Violence. Photograph. 1995. MLEA, 24, 19, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of this image is to see the efforts women made to bring domestic violence aware to the community. This source is unique because it is an image that will help my website and help build my argument with a picture. This source falls under what happened because it shows the struggles were going through with domestic violence. Domestic Violence Awareness. Pamphlets. 1985. MLEA, 24, 6, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collection and Archives. The purpose of the pamphlets is to show how children and women are affected by domestic violence. The pamphlets are important because it shows that MLEA helped to spread awareness about the program and the issue. Education. Report. 1980. MLEA, 12, 4, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collection and Archives. The purpose of this report is to show statistically about the education of children, teenagers and adults in the Pilsen community. These numbers help my argument because MLEA wanted to change the education of people in Pilsen and this makes MLEA so unique from other organizations because they wanted to make leaders out of people with a bit of knowledge and help increase it as well. Education Awareness. Picture. 1996. MLEA, 5, 7, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collection and Archives. The purpose of this photograph is to show how MLEA and youth helped to bring an awareness to education support in the community and to fund for more equipment for public schools. This is important because leaders in the community are helping to advocate for the issues of poor education, supporting my argument. En Accion- MLEA Newsletters. Photograph. 1994. MLEA, 1, 17, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This image is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collection and Archives. The purpose of this image to show that Latina women were fighting for rights against sexual assault.

They no longer wanted to stay quiet but speak out to the community that sexual assault was occurring more often than someone might think. This will help me in my project because it help me build my argument, MLEA helped women become empowered by dealing with the issue of sexual assault. Franco, Jimmy. "The Significance of the Chicano Moratorium." LatinoPOV. N.p., 24 Aug. 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.>. This source is a first hand account because it is an image taken at the time. The purpose of this was to show the struggles Chicanos were facing and how they were overcoming it.This will help me in my website because it can be an image for my historical context in my website.This is unique because its evidence that Latinos were fighting for their rights. This also shows Latinos holding up posters that also help show what they are fighting for. Guillermina Rodriguez. Testimonial. n.d. MLEA, 25, 1, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of this source is to explain about the time Guillermina spent with MLEA and her experience. This source is important because the viewer sees a participant's view and how MLEA has influenced their life. Joanne Chavez. Testimonial. n.d. MLEA, 25, 1, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of this source is to explain about the time Joanne spent with MLEA and her experience. This source is important because the viewer sees a participant's view and how MLEA has influenced their life. Latinas in Chicago. Document. 1995. MLEA, 9, 3, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of this document is to explain the significance of MLEA in the Pilsen community. Along with the significance explanation, statistics are also given to show why MLEA provides social services to the women in Pilsen. This is important to my website because it helps support the significance today. Latinas in Chicago: A Portrait. Document. 1994. MLEA, 1, 9, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. This source gives a quote that is significant to why MLEA works with Latina women. This source is unique because its said by an MLEA participant. This will help my website because it shows the importance of why Latina women should be heard in their communities. Latina Leadership program. Quote. 1989. MLEA, 13, 12, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives.This quote explains the Latina Leadership program before, during and after the program. It reflects the lives of women and how they are transformed because of this program. It helps support my argument because MLEA works to empower Latina women through leadership. Letter from the President & CEO. Letter. 2000. MLEA, 1, 19, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago.

This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. This is a newsletter MLEA had published to inform about what is new and the Presidents words. This newsletter is important because its an update about the things going on and how MLEA is achieving their goal of Latina women empowerment. "Lower West Side Chicago." Google Maps. Google, 2014. MLEA, Web. 01 Feb. 2014. This source is a primary source locating Pilsen in Chicago. The purpose of this image is to visually see where in Chicago MLEA had began. This source is unique because it is a map and is an image I can add onto my website. This will help my historical context because the image goes back to why MLEA began in Pilsen. Marchers Protest Against Violence. Newspaper Clippings. 1996. MLEA, 1, 8, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account, seen at the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. This picture shows how Latina women were protesting against the violence in the community and wanted safety rights that would protect them and their families from violence. This is important because women along with protesting are advocating for the issue by speaking for a change and making posters. MLEA Budget Cuts. Photograph. 1990. MLEA, 5, 7, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account, seen at the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. This picture shows how women are fighting to stop the limit of money and bring public support. This picture is important because MLEA wanted support from the city and wanted to stop budget cuts because with it they would not be able to do what they want to do in their programs. Mujeres Fights against HMIS. Newsletter. 2003. MLEA, 1, 7, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account, seen at the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this newsletter is to explain the participation of MLEA in a rally along with Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The reason for this protest was to go against Housing and Urban Development Implementation of a Human Management Information. HMIS tracks victims of domestic violence and gives the information to abusers. This is important because MLEA is protecting the safety and rights of victims of Domestic Violence. Mujeres Joins Latinas for Justice Movement. Newsletter. 2005. MLEA, 1, 19, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account, seen at the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this newsletter is to explain the involvement of Dolores Huerta to address women reproductive rights. Dolores Huerta was a community activism and worked for the protection of women rights. This is important for my website because it supports the theme about rights. Mujeres Latinas En Accion. Photograph. 1975. MLEA, 1, 1, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account, seen at the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. This picture explains the ways MLEA had spoken about their goals and why MLEA was created. This also shows one of the ways MLEA would be spread throughout the city. This picture will help

me in my website because its an image I can place on my first image to show that MLEA had support from police departments. Mujeres Latinas En Accion Paper. Document. 1975. MLEA, 1, 2, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account, seen from DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this image is to explain about the history of MLEA and the process of getting their own building to hold meetings. This will help me build my historical context in my website. This image is most helpful because it is a document written at the time MLEA first began. Mujeres Latinas Help. Testimonial. 2014. MLEA, 25, 1, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the special collection at Depaul University. The purpose of this source is to explain about a participants time spent with MLEA and her experience. This source is important because the viewer sees a participant's view and how MLEA has influenced their life. Peace Academy Proposal. Summary Statement. 1980. MLEA, 7, 4, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collection and Archives. The main idea of this summary statement is to explain the objectives of the Peace Academy and a brief summary of what the program is. This source is important because it supports my argument and will help me explain why the Peace Program is important to MLEA and how it affects the Pilsen community. Peace Program Children. Photograph. 1990. MLEA, 25, 3, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collection and Archives. The purpose of this image is to show the children participating in the Peace Program and the wide variety of gender, Peace Program- MLEA Newsletters. Photograph. 2006. MLEA, 1, 17, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collection and Archives. The main idea of these poems is the expression of peace from the participants of the summer peace program. This source is helpful because it helps my argument that MLEA helped families by teaching peace to children and bringing peace to their communities. Pilsen children display art in street fair. Newspaper Clippings. 1991. MLEA, 1, 20, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collection and Archives. The purpose of this newspaper clipping is to show that MLEA organized events through the peace program to bring a message to the Pilsen community about peace. This source is unique because it is a newspaper clipping and explains why the Peace program is needed and what they do. This source also helps with my argument, and supports it as well. Pilsen Community Assessment. Informational. 1970. Teresa Fraga Papers, 8, 1-4, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago.

This source is a primary source from the Depaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this source is to explain what was happening in Pilsen during the 1970s. Why was Pilsen going through the problems they were facing. This source also gives statistics on education and violence. This source is important because this is what might have influenced MLEA to start in Pilsen. Proposal for Mujeres Latinas en Accion. 1975. MLEA, 1, 2, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This document is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this source is to explain the the purpose,MLEA mission, history and the current programs that help Latina women and their families to become empowered. This source will help me in my project because it provides history and why MLEA is important and how they were helping Latina women in 1975. Special Consideration Method. Narrative. 1980. MLEA, 1, 4, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this source to explain why the Peace Program was created by the MLEA organization. This source is unique because it explains the reasoning for the program and it also gives some statistics about the violence in Pilsen. This source will help me build my argument because it just doesn't provide information about what they do but why they are doing it, and its to stop the violence in the community. Statistics. Training Manual. 2000. MLEA, 23, 13, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a first hand account from the DePaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this source is to give statistics about domestic violence in the U.S and why it is a big issue to deal with. This source is unique because it is a training manual that helps MLEA develop and transform victims of domestic violence into powerful Latina women. This will help support my argument because it provides statistics of domestic violence and why a program is needed to solve issues like that. Suarez, Jos, perf. "Yo Cuando Era Nio - Mi Padre Querido ..." Rec. 26 Apr. 1939. Yo Cuando Era Nio. 1939. Library of Congress. U.S. Govt. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. This audio is a first-hand account sang by Jose Suarez in 1939 at Bronsville, Texas. The purpose of this song was to explain the difficulties Latino Farmers were facing because the counties were not paying them an appropriate amount for the harvest. This source will be helpful because its an audio written by the experiences individuals have and will also sound great in my website for the historical context. Therefore this source works great with the historical context because its why Latinos/Latinas were fighting for good jobs and getting paid equally. Susana Martinez. Photograph. n.d. MLEA, 25, 6, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the Depaul University Special Collections and Archives. The main purpose of this photograph is to show how women like Susana Martinez were activists in their communities to bring a change and solve problems that affect Latina Women. This source supports MLEAs advocacy because activists brought awareness to their community.

Taking a Stand. Photograph. 1996. MLEA, 15, 12, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This flyer/photograph is a primary source from the Depaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this flyer is to show that MLEA cared about the problem of sexual assault, they united Women United Against Sexual Assault to participate an event with victims of sexual assault. This helps my argument because it shows how MLEA wanted to help Latina women.
Teaching and Advocacy. Photograph. n.d. MLEA, 25, 5, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the Depaul University Special Collections and Archives. The main purpose of this photograph is to show the involvement of women in the MLEA organization.This source will help me in this project because its an image i can use to show the beginning of MLEA and show faces of women involved. The Problem. 1976. MLEA, 7, 1, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the Depaul University Special Collections and Archives. The main purpose of this archive is to know what were the problems going on that influenced MLEA to begin. This source is unique because it states the problems happening and shows multiple views on MLEA. This will also help me make an argument that MLEA was an organization needed to resolve problems in Pilsen. What is Latin Women in Action. Article. 1975. MLEA, 1, 3, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the Depaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this source is to explain what Mujeres Latinas en Accion is. The article specifies what they do and how they plan to accomplish their goal. This source is unique because it was written by women who first began and knew what MLEA wanted to accomplish in Pilsen. This source supports my historical context because I can explain when and why MLEA started. Women United Against Sexual Assault. Photograph. 1996. MLEA, 15, 11, DePaul University Special Collections and Archives, Chicago. This source is a primary source from the Depaul University Special Collections and Archives. The purpose of this source is to show the daily lives of women who face or have faced sexual assault. These items were used in a conference and they explained why Sexual Assault should be stopped and Latina women should be protected from it. United States Senate: Braun. Letter. 1995. MLEA, 8, 3, DePaul University - John T. Richardson Library, Chicago This source is a primary source from the Depaul University Special Collections and Archives. This letter is written to the U.S Senator, Carol Moseley-Braun from Susana Martinez. The purpose of this government letter is to explain the Latino community thoughts to the Government. They do not want the welfare to be cut down because it can affect the Latino community. This is important because it shows how MLEA wants laws to be changed for the benefit of the Latinas they want to protect.

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