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jsrForwarding Agents:

Jim and Nettie Brown 2038 Wahalaw Nene Field Address:

Jayne Linda Free

P.O. Box H-96

Tallahassee, PL 32301

(904) 877-4463

Hatfleld, Harare Zimbabwe, Africa


^Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.Psalm 119:105
Dear Friends in Christ,

Well, with 1992 well underway and 1991 only a memory,

stop and reflect on the future and what is in store.

felt it was time to

It is also furlough time again, which does not seem possible that I have been back from the last furlough for almost three years. I will be returning home in late May or early June. I have also put in my resignation at the Zimbabwe Christian College. This was done with much prayer and with much thought as to "What next, Lord?". 1 will be returning to the U.S. for now to report on the work of the Lord here and to be in earnest prayer over where and what the Lord
desires of me next.

My earnest prayer request of each of you is to pray that the Lord will open the doors He wants me to go through next, t also ask that you please continue to support me until at least June 1993. That is one year to be able to seek out
new areas I may be able to serve in.

The Zimbabwe Christian College is in a real stage of transition and I know that this is the time to change positions. Please keep them in your prayers as they
continue to strive to teach the men and women of Zimbabwe.

This has not been an easy decision and I am not sure where the Lord is leading me next but I do know that He is faithful and trustworthy. He will open new doors. .. I just pray I am ready and willing to go through them! I do plan to attend the National Missionary Convention in October and see what doors are opened there. Please, if you hear of areas opened for service, let me know.

Thank you each and every one, for without each of you ! would not have been able to have served in Zimbabwe as 1have. And I also thank you for being faithful to me and to the Lord through your continuous giving and for continuing to give as I
stand before the Lord in this time of change.

You are each one very dear and precious to me. . .some of you I have not even
seen for years, yet you have been faithful in your support. 1 would love to be able to visit many of you during this time. I love Zimbabwe and the people here,
but feel and have felt for some time now that is it time to move on and allow

the people to be able to take over. Sharing about Zimbabwe and the people is something I dearly love doing.. .please let me know if 1 could come and visit and share all about my past six years with the Zimbabawe Christian College and
the Geencroft Christian Church.

Please keep the work of the Zimbabwe Christian College and the Greencroft Christian Church in your prayers. Thank you for ail your love and care for me.
With Jesus' love and mine,

Dear friends,

As you can see, Jayne is asking for your help. We sincerely ask you to be in prayer for Jayne. She loves working for her Lord, and she wants to go where He leads. In addition she needs your continued prayer and support as she
strives to serve, taking the gospel to the unsaved.

If your church, missions committee, group or class can arrange for Jayne to visit and discuss with her these matters during the coming months (after June),
she would greatly appreciate your advice. It's not easy for a single Christian lady to work in the mission field, even though there is a tremendous need for workers with her talents. On the back of this page we have included a simple form which can be sent

to Jayne at our address. Jayne will call you as soon as she comes state-side and arrange for a visit to your city. Please take the time this week, or this
month to complete the form and mail it to us.

Again we thank you for the wonderful way you have been faithful to Jayne during the last six years. May God bless you as you continue to take the gospel to your neighbors, co-workers and the students in your community.
In His service.

PS. Please pray for rain in Zimbabwe, some folks only have food for the next
four to six weeks.


Jayne Linda Free

XJim & Nettie Brown 2038 Wahalaw Nene

Tallahassee, FL 32301

As you have suggested, we have been in prayer for

you, and we want you to visit with us so we can
hear about the work in Zimbabwe and discuss your

plans. Please contact us as soon as possible, so we

can arrange a date for your visit.


Lity & state


Forwarding Agents:
Jim and Nettie Brown

Field Address:

Jayne Linda Free

P.O. Box H-96 Hatfield, Harare Zimbabwe, Africa

2038 Wahalaw Nene Tallahassee, FL 32301

(904) 877-4463


^Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.Psalm 119:105

Dear Friends,

My hope and prayer is that each of you are well and striving to
serve the Lord.
Zi mbabwe.

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-

prayers, your love and your continuous giving to me for the work in
Each of you have been a part of the spreading of the Word in Zimbabwe by your gifts to me. As my time came to leave Zimbabwe,
I realized even more so as to the partnership we had in the work of the LordDuring this furlough time I have been actively praying for the Lord's will for the next place of serviceI will be attending the National Missionary Convention in Wichita, Kansas

I want to thank each of you so much for your

others while (.i^ere regarding possibilitiesyour prayers-

during the first week of November-

I plan to speak to several

Please -- keep me in

As for

Zimbabwe, the drought has taken a big toll on the

Please pray that the rains will come now

whole of southern Africa-

and last through March (this is the normal rainy season). Zimbabwe
needs the rain -for their crops to grow and they need the rain this year. If not the people in the rural area will NOT surviveLet me share a part of a letter I received recently from

Jill Shaw, a missionary in Zimbabwe at the Mashoko Mission, "we are now providing mahewu (a dry milk powder with soya and vitamins added) for about 17,500 children between 2 years and those in grade 7. It will make a big difference in the number of kids admitted to the hospital with kwash (a type of severe malnutrition). Cost i s great. Pray for God's continuing provision- We are also feeding
more than 80 families of children who have been treated and



we don't they will


in worse condition than

before- Cows, and even donkeys, drop and die by the roadside. More than 86,000 cattle have been reported dead in our area alone How many more are unreported? What will the people plow with?
Where will they find money for seed if/when it does rain?




students -from

Zimbabwe Christian College have

-families that are struggling to survive while the men are in school being trained to spread the Gospel. This makes it hard -for them to
concentrate. Zimbabwe Christian College5 as well as other

missionaries there, have set up "Drought Relie-f" -funds to help the

students and church -families get through this time. If you would

like to give support -for this, please mark your contribution "Drought Relief", and -forward to my -forwarding agents. And please

I pray that each o-f you will continue to remember Zimbabwe

and the work thereI would loye to hear -from you. May God bless

each o-f you-

Again thanks -for your prayers and support.

Love ya.




'gi iiWIIit..

fMr&f^BsJamesHhu ^Tvzm

2038 Wa/m(a'u> 9^ne ^atHifiassee, Jt, 32301

Rick & Sandra Phillips

Johnson Bible College Box 604 Knoxville, TK37998


Jayne Linda Free

This is a special newsletter for the friends of Jayne Linda Free

We've been asked ... why is Jayne still at home ? And of course we have been

receiving other questions about Jayne's plans. With the coming holidays and the end of another year, we want to take your time to bring you up to date
on Jayne, and at the same time answer some of your questions.

attended First Chris^n^urch, was immersed, graduated from high school and went on to Johnson l^m^n College, graduating in 1981 with a Bible/Christian
Education degree. During the time in Tallahasse. when as a young teenager.

First, let's look at Jayne's background. While growing up in Tallahassee, she

Jayne committed herself to fulltime Christian service. Jayne was an active

member of First Christian, working at a children's home, the high school. VBS. retreats, choir ... in Knoxville she worked with the Christian Student Center at the University of Tennessee. All the while, knowing she wanted to serve her
Lord as a missionary in a foreign land.

Then in 1984, she was invited to join the Zimbabwe Christian College, and after striving to secure financial help to move to Zimbabwe, she left for her work there in January 1986. Her work there was first secretary to Jack Pennington, and later assumed the duties of business manager. She also taught
typing to the students at the college.

Early in 1992 she choose to resign her position with the college, to come home for a prolonged furlough, much needed rest and consultation with family
and members of her church in Tallahassee.

Currently Jayne is considered to be on a prolonged furlough from Zimbabwe. She continues in prayer, asking her Lord, where/what work He wants Jayne to serve next. This may even be a return to Zimbabwe, a land and people Jayne has
grown to love and work with. So why leave?

This is not easy to explain, through out the past six years many friends and a few churches have supported Jayne's ministry, (three churches here in
Tallahassee) but it hasn't been enough.

For over six years. Jayne has struggled to meet expenses while in Zimbabwe. Many times not sure there would be enough funds to pay the rent, buy food, keep the car running, and support the mission. During the past six years, with the exception of two special offerings, her support both for her service link and her living link remained basically the same, even though the world and in particular Zimbabwe, was seeing higher prices due to inflation. In Zimbabwe this meant
higher rent, higher food costs and higher costs to run her car

So you can see yourself, here are the ffgues from her annual financial
statements, less the two special offerings.

1986 * 1987 1988 1989 * 1990


$ 15.192 11,257 11.887 15.881 11,579


$ 4,215 6.365 5.180 2,490 4,500


* Includes over $3,000 travel expenses to/from USA

So you see, the daily pressure of trying to pay for the basic needs to keep her there, created a tremendous pressure on Jayne. A pressure so great, that it
began to take a toll on her work with the students at the college and the women's group at the church she attended in Harare, What Jayne needs now. more than anything else, is your prayers. She also
needs to hear from each one that receives this newsletter There is no way

right now- that Jayne can be expected to go to a mission field unless, she receives committment of financial support. She needs a minimum of $3,000 per month, plus she needs a committment that says ... don't be concerned about
next month's bills.

This way she can go back to a mission field and devote her time and energy to her ministry, knowing she does not have to return in a short time to attempt
to increase her monthly support.

Yes, Jayne went to Zimbabwe on faith and yes she existed an faith, but when
it comes time to pay the bills, merchants want cash.

Many of you have been more than faithful in your monthly support. We know that some have really sacrificed to continue your support for all this time. What she really needs is more church support, Vou can be her envoy. Talk to your missions chairman and ask permission to talk to the entire missions committee on behalf of Jayne. It costs money to travel all over America talking to various churches, Jayne so loves-the Lord. Jayne wants to serve her Lord. Jayne needs to know churches in the states that would be willing to committ 3 or even 6 years of regular support to her ministry. Have you prayed for Jayne today, ... this week, ... this month, ... or even this year? if not, why not begin today, by putting Jayne at the top of your prayer list now. "Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it."
John 14:13-14

Thank you for taking time to read this newsletter. We have asked, we have pleaded and we have given this matter to Jesus. This is not easy to put into
words, so with His help we have tried to answer those questions at the

beginning, and we pray that the Lord will bless you in your ministry at your
local church,

In Christ's love.

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