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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer


Hand Over Procedure


Owners Dead line Versio Validated Modification or reference UPDATE
n by description, of inner join pieces
Jean NOYER 1.0 Creation (draft) 28/05/2001
Jean NOYER 1.1 1st review with B. Lelouey / R. Dayre 30/05/2001
Jean NOYER 1.2 R.Lelouey Integration of B. Lelouey’s, P. 03/08/2001
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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer

on Martin’s and Ch.Pitavy’s comments

L. Vinet 1.3 04/02/2002


Name Role Date Visa Restrictions*

TMM Core Team
Bruno Lelouey
Remy Dayre TMM AM manager

Christian Pitavy TMM SAP Core PMO

TMM Implementation
Serge Beauchamps
CGEY AM Service
Jean Noyer
CGEY - AM Operations
Pierre Martin
CGEY - Quality
André Boutet

Distribution list:

Name Function For action For information

B Lelouey Core Team Manager X
R Dayre AM Manager X
S Beauchamps Implementation Manager X
M Millot-Perez Development Manager X
J. Noyer Service Manager X
P Martin Operations Manager X
AM Team X

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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer


1 SCOPE OF THE PROCEDURE.......................................................................4

2 PROCESS STEPS............................................................................................4

2.1 Hand over planning in Project Plan.................................................................................5

2.2 Review of project documentation....................................................................................6

2.3 Regression test scope definition.....................................................................................6

2.4 Regression test preparation and execution....................................................................7

2.5 Local User Support set-up................................................................................................8

2.6 Knowledge transfer........................................................................................................... 8

2.7 Hand over acceptance by AM........................................................................................... 8

2.8 SAP Core test base update...............................................................................................9

2.9 Application Maintenance under control..........................................................................9

2.10 Final hand-over.............................................................................................................. 9

3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.........................................................................10

3.1 TMM SAP Program - Reference Documents.................................................................10

3.2 AM SAP Core System procedures.....................................................................................10

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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer

1 Scope of the procedure

This document describes the operations which must be carried out before and after a new project
or roll out is delivered in production, and is to be taken in charge by AM.

These operations include :

 Knowledge transfer between project team and AM team
 Responsibility transfer between project and AM for resolution of anomalies and hand over of
new project-related enhancements
 Regression testing of existing functions impacted by the project

2 Process steps
The following steps must be followed to prepare and achieve project hand over to AM.

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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer

Steps When Who Who

(Responsible) (Accountable)
Hand over planning in
Project kick-off Project Core
Project Plan

Review of project End of fit gap SAP CC Core PMO

documentation analysis
End of integration
Regression test scope
End of development SAP CC Core
Regression test preparation
End of integration AM Core
and execution

LUS set-up End of integration Project TMM AM Manager

Knowledge transfer to AM 1st month after Project AM

Hand over acceptance by
End of 1st month AM TMM AM Manager

SAP Core test cases update End of 1st month SAP CC Core

AM under control 2nd month after go- AM TMM AM Manager


Final hand-over End of 2nd month AM TMM AM Manager


2.1 Hand over planning in Project Plan

When a new project starts, either a core extension or a roll-out, the following items must be
checked :

 Information to new project and SBU on AM services and organisation are provided by the
Core PMO in the early stages of the project. This information includes :
 Help Desk Organisation [3]
 SQP [31]
 SLA [32]
 SBU representatives are to attend AM steering committees

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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer

 Project plan includes :

 The delivery of project documentation into DMX and its merge with SAP Core
 AM regression tests before delivery to production
 Tasks and budget for after go-live operations, namely :
 End-user assistance and guarantee (2 months, including the 2nd month closing
period), according to responsibility breakdown described in the SQP [31]
 Knowledge transfer to the AM team
 Support to AM during the 2nd month

2.2 Review of project documentation

SAP Program PMO and SAP CC will review project documentation :
 At end of fit gap analysis
 At beginning of integration phase
 At end of integration phase
and check that it includes all required components for integration with SAP core documentation
and hand over.

Documentation must include at least :

 At end of fit gap analysis :
 change requests (validated in process court and development court)
 At beginning of integration phase
 Customising (DCU) and specification description (DSP, DIN, DLA, DDC) documents
 At end of integration phase
 validated documentation of integration tests

The results of these reviews are provided by SAP Program PMO to AM .

2.3 Regression test scope definition

This task is performed by the SAP CC before the end of development.

The existing SAP Core test base (DITIAX01 & DITIAX02) is used as a « reference list » of
scenarii / sub-scenarii. This reference list is successively enriched with project Integration Tests
when new core extensions or roll out have come to production (Note : Support package
regression tests are not included in this scope).

SAP CC makes a selection in this list, depending on the project impacts analysed during fit gap
analysis and potential further refinements. For each domain, a meeting is organised at the end of
development phase between the AM consultant and his SAP CC counterpart, in order to  :
- identify the tests in the reference list to be included in the scope, based on the above impact
- if needs be, define scenarii for particular tests, that might not be referenced among existing
SAP Core test base. These scenarii are created by SAP CC and validated by AM.

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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer

The tests will also be selected with regards to the data involved. For example, it is not necessary
to test a given flow for all countries already rolled out, if this flow is identical for all these
countries. The test for only one country may be sufficient.

For interfaces, the following policy is applied : since it is difficult to involve third parties for
participating in the tests, the option of interface simulations may be accepted instead, with real
data files coming from production. If third parties are involved, the global co-ordination is
managed by TMM AM Manager (see [36]).

The list resulting from the selection is submitted to AM for approval. If AM disagrees with this list,
this point is raised and resolved in AMOC. Final validation and arbitration are made by the SAP
Core Implementation Manager.

2.4 Regression test preparation and execution

Regression tests may start only once integration tests have been executed and validated. A
delay (one week) for integration of issue corrections must be planned before starting the
regression tests.

A meeting (session of the Implementation Coordination Committee) is organised by the

Implementation Manager between AM, Project and Core Implementation team to prepare the
regression test campaign. This meeting will :
 Review integration test results
 Review the regression test scope, possibly modifying it depending on events of project
integration phase (new change requests, focus on critical functions )
 Review dependencies between scenarii and planning constraints (between SAP modules,
and within each module)

Core Implementation team provides AM with :

- the Core Test Plan of the current version (DSTIAXnn), containing the detailed test scenarii
corresponding to the list selected in the scope, including the objectives and the steps needed
to execute the sub-scenarii
- detailed guidelines for executing the interfaces

AM updates the test scenarii if necessary.

AM defines general planning of regression tests, taking into account the dependencies between
scenarii for optimised scheduling. The Regression Test plan is validated by the Core
Implementation Manager.

Before the start of regression test execution, a copy of the production database is performed in
the testing environment, so that master data be identical between production and testing

AM executes the regression tests. After execution, the tests with their results are validated by the

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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer

If some issues have been detected during the tests, they will be registered in the Project issue
database as “regression issues” and handed over to the project team for correction.

2.5 Local User Support set-up

Before go-live, the Local User Support is set-up according to the Help Desk procedure [3]. LUS
are identified, qualified, and integrated in the global LUS organisation. Information is provided to
AM team by TMM AM Manager to update the AM contact point list.

2.6 Knowledge transfer

After project go-live, the project team retains the full responsibility of corrections, enhancements
and LUS support during 1 month. The issues are logged the AM issue database with domain
“SAP Program”.

During the same period, project knowledge is handed over to AM through :

 Documentation review (AM internal)
 Workshops by modules (planned with project team)
 Communication of current open issues, as registered in the Project issue database.

2.7 Hand over acceptance by AM

At the end of 1st month of hand over, a go / no go meeting is organised by TMM AM Manager to
check that all necessary elements are present that will enable AM to take the project in charge
(Attendees : TMM AM Manager, CGEY Operational Manager, TMM Project Managers –
Business & TIS, Contractor Project Manager)

The check list includes :

 the validated versions of all following documents, sorted by module and by process flow or
 Project Overview
 Processes involved (DPF)
 Business Rules Impacted (DBR)
 Set-up produced (DCU)
 Interfaces (DIN)
 Forms (DLA)
 Reports and other specific developments (DSP)
 Integration Tests (DIT)
 Training Manuals (DTM)
 Acceptance documents (DAS)
 Profiles (SOD)
 The completion of workshops covering the whole scope of modules and change requests
 The status of all current project issues (corrections and enhancements)
 LUS training (including AM procedures and tools)

All project documentation must have been integrated with SAP core documentation in DMX Core
Solution – Production Folder (this integration is under the responsibility of the SAP Core PMO).
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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer

AM acknowledges it has received all required validated documents and knowledge transfer, and
that all open issues have been solved by the project team. As an exception to this rule, an
enhancement which has not been started may be handed over to AM by the project team on
request of Process Court. In this case, it will follow standard AM enhancement procedure,
including new quotation and new delivery target date if needs be.

If some minor adjustments remain to be done by the project (such as minor corrections which did
not prevent user acceptance, additional enhancements still in progress, or minor documentation
issues), hand over may proceed after detailed analysis of backlog, provided that a corrective
action plan is set up for the project team and scheduled for the next month at the latest.

All further user assistance and guarantee tasks and budget provided for by the project are then
handed over to the AM.

2.8 SAP Core test base update

After hand over acceptance, the SAP CC reviews Integration Tests of the project, defines which
ones must be kept for future SAP Core regression tests, and updates the SAP Core test base

2.9 Application Maintenance under control

During 2nd month of hand over, AM is in charge of corrections, enhancements and 2nd level
support to the LUS, except those identified above which must be finished by the project.
Standard AM procedures are applied. The project team provides 3 rd level support on request from

All issues taken in charge by AM have now “SAP AM” for domain in the AM issue database, and
are identified by their specific organisation which allows not to take them into account for service
level measurement.

2.10 Final hand-over

At the end of 2nd month of hand over, a final hand over meeting between AM and project teams
will be held to check that :
- AM team has all the knowledge and information required to become autonomous on
application maintenance
- corrective actions (if any) have all been closed by the project
Further issues from that moment on will be handled using standard AM procedures and will be
taken into account for service level measurement.

This document is the property of Thomson Multimedia. It is intended for internal distribution only.
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Version: 1.3
Hand Over Status: Approved
Author: Jean Noyer

3 Reference documents

3.1 TMM SAP Program - Reference Documents

Ref. Nr Document
1 DCIPRX01 Change request how to use
2 DPRPRX08 Documentation management
3 DPRPRX18 Help Desk Organisation
4 DPRPRX21 Testing strategy
5 DPRPRX32 Change request management
6 DPRPRX40 Process court
7 DPRPRX41 SAP solution committee
8 DPRPRX44 Implementation coordination committee
9 DPRPRX50 SAP project authorization
10 DPRPRX66 Testing issue management

3.2 AM SAP Core System procedures

Ref. Nr Document
31 DPCAMX01 Service Quality Plan
32 DPCAMX02 Service Level Agreement
33 DPRAMX01 Correction issue management procedure
34 DPRAMX02 Enhancement issue management procedure
35 DPRAMX03 Documentation management procedure
36 DPRAMX04 Third part relation procedure
37 DPRAMX05 Change control
38 DPRAMX06 Hand-over procedure
39 DPRAMX07 OSS note management
40 DPRAMX08 SAP program level 3 support procedure
42 DPRAMX10 Census production guidelines

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