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HYUNDAI MOTORS INDIA LIMITED Head Office: Hyundai Motors India Limited, A 30, Mohan Industrial Estate New

Delhi, DL 00!! Email: " H#$hyundaimotorslimited%co%in & 'el: () )*+!*)**,- . 0:00 AM 'O +:30 /M0
,01021,0 3



It is our 3ood 4leasure to inform you that your #esume has 5een selected from for our new 4lant% 'he 6om4any selected *, candidates list for 7enior En3ineer, I', Administration, /roduction, mar8etin3 and 3eneral ser9ice De4artments, as well as 6om4any offered you to :oin as an E;ecuti9e1Mana3er 4ost in res4ecti9e de4artment% <ou are selected accordin3 to your resume in which /ro:ect you ha9e wor8ed on accordin3 to that you ha9e 5een selected in 6om4any% 'he Hyundai 6om4any is the leadin3 Manufacturin3 6ar 6om4any in India= 'he 6om4any is recruitin3 the candidates for our new 4lant in /une, >an3alore, Hydera5ad and Mum5ai%

<our Inter9iew /rocess will 5e held at 6om4any Head office: A 30, Mohan Indust !a" Estat#, N#$ D#"h!, DL %%00&& ' ()th o* +ULY (0%3.
<ou will 5e 4leased to 8now that 6om4any Hr team has ad9ise you in the selection 4anel that your A44lication can 5e 4ro3ress to final sta3e% <ou will come to 6om4any office in Delhi% <our offer letter with dou5le Air 'ic8ets .4lus return tic8ets0 will 5e sent to you 5y courier 5efore date of inter9iew% 'he 6om4any can 5e offerin3 you as salary with 5enefits for this 4ost +0,0001? to !, 00,0001? /%M% ( .H#A ( D%A ( 6on9eyance and other 6om4any 5enefits% 'he desi3nation and @o5 Location will 5e fi;ed 5y 6om4any H#D at time of final 4rocess% <ou ha9e to come with 4hoto?co4ies of all reAuired documents%

RE,UIRED DOCUMENTS -Y THE COM.ANY HRD. % /hoto?co4ies of Bualification Documents% ,% /hoto?co4ies of E;4erience 6ertificates .If any0 3% 'wo /ass4ort 7iCe /hoto3ra4h <ou are to ma8e a #EDENDA>LE cash security de4osit of #s% 2, )+01?.7e9enteen 'housand Nine Hundred and Difty #u4ees0 as an initial amount in fa9or of our com4any H#D accountant name in char3e of collectin3 4ayment% 'his 4ayment co9ers #e3istration, Inter9iew, insurance, /rocessin3 F Maintenance char3es% 'he refunda5le inter9iew security de4osit of #s% 2,)+01? should 5y 4aid throu3h any 7'A'E >ANG OD INDIA .7>I0 >ranch closer to you to our com4any H#D accountin3 officer in char3e of recei9in3 4ayment of security de4osit from selected candidates% H#D Accountant 7>I Account information will 5e 4ro9ided to you 9ia Email or 'e;t Messa3e% REASONS FOR INTER/IE0 SECURITY DE.OSIT: 'his is a measure we ha9e ta8en to chec8 5o3us a44lications from unserious candidate who a44lies for :o5 and we send them offer letter and air tic8et and also ma8e the a5o9e mentioned arran3ements in other to 3i9e them a comforta5le inter9iew and they fail to a44ear for inter9iew which causes a hu3e loss to the com4any and the inter9iew 5ecomes sha55y and hence we fail to recruit the needed man4ower 5ut with your security de4osit we will 5e assured that our e;4enses will not 5e wasted%

."#as# do 1o23"4 $!th us as 4ou #*unda5"# s#1u !t4 d#3os!t $!"" 5# #tu n#d to 4ou !n 1ash !22#d!at#"4 a*t# th# !nt# 6!#$ !s o6# at th# 6# 4 3 #2!s#s o* th# !nt# 6!#$.
N>: <ou are ad9ised to reconfirm your mailin3 address and 4hone num5er in your re4ly, also re4ly to Email to collect account details to ma8e de4osit% 'his 6om4any will 5e res4onsi5le for all other e;4enditure to you at the time of face?to?face meetin3 with you in the 6om4any% 'he @o5 4rofile, salary offer, and date ?time of inter9iew will 5e mentioned in your offer letter% 6andidates should 5e o4en to /ro:ects1'rainin3 assi3nment at Hyundai motors for ?* months%

Last dat# *o s#1u !t4 d#3os!t !s (7TH +ULY (0%3. 'he earlier the De4osit is made the earlier your 4osition will 5e secured 5y the Hyundai 6om4any H#D ? direct recruitment mana3er% R#8a ds

M#% Ma8oto <oshimura 6hief H# Mana3er Office 'el: () )*+!*)**,Email: hr$hyundaimotorslimited%co%in

Hyundai H#D ?direct recruitment office H<ENDAI MO'O#7 INDIA LIMI'ED .HMIL0
'his Messa3e was sent from Hyundai Motors Messa3in3 Hateway, India% 'he information contained in this electronic messa3e and any attachments to this messa3e are intended for the e;clusi9e use of the addressee.s0 and may contain 4ro4rietary, confidential or 4ri9ile3ed information% If you are not the intended reci4ient, you should not disseminate, distri5ute or co4y this e?mail%

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