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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD503 Responsive




NAME Danielle Muntyan

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? Throughout this module I have developed many skills, which I feel, have applied effectively and cohesively. Initially I feel focusing on tightening my organisation and time management skills really helped the module run smoothly and since have been described as intimidatingly good by my employer, which I feel is quite a compliment. By being very dominant and managerial by nature, I was assigned Project Manager throughout the collaborative brief, and ensured the brief ran smoothly, meeting deadlines and set targets from start to finish. I feel as though I controlled the brief effectively throughout ensuring a strong and successful outcome, which was completed and submitted ahead of the deadline. The collaboration also allowed me to work as a pair, learning how to work with someone independently, and collectively for such a long period of time which was challenging, yet enjoyable and rewarding. Working with clients, has allowed me to use my very effective communication skills to engage with them allowing a collaborative outcome. I felt it was important to keep in contact with my clients throughout the process, updating them on status and answering any questions or requests they may have. This can be seen through testimonials that have been given in response to these briefs. Working with a client also allowed me to develop skills such as working to specific requests and with pre-determined information/content, which I feel has been effectively shown throughout the module. By taking part and entering competition briefs, I have been able to learn the structure and terms and conditions behind the brief, allowing a successful and well thought-out entry to be submitted. Some of the briefs I entered such as D&AD at times was very complicated, however for the first time submitting to this design board, I think my best efforts were put forward at all times allowing a rewarding outcome to be produced. I also enjoyed working to set briefs and specific criteria such as colour restrictions and format. This allowed me to push forward my design skills in a creative and well-thought-out manner. In terms of practical design skills, I have applied a variation of skills, and pushed myself to complete briefs outside of my comfort zone such as logo design for corporate brands, where little creativity and freedom is involved. I did this to not only expand the variation of work shown, but to test myself with such formal and corporate design identities. By working with a large range of briefs, my software skills have developed massively, not only in terms of usage and knowledge, but in terms of pace. I personally feel that my design skills have developed in terms of layout, grid, print process and application as well as pushing myself with mock-ups and packaging design also bringing work to life. I also feel that I am able to generate ideas and concepts much more quickly, and thoroughly than before after completing so many different briefs through the course of the module.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? Through working on a large variation of briefs with different audiences, tone of voices and concepts, has allowed me to show various skill sets as discussed in depth above, as well as acknowledging a direction within my work. I feel looking back on the work which has been produced and submitted, it is possible to say that I am leaning towards branding and identity, and editorial and publishing design, as these were the most common type, and most successfully completed I believe in comparison to book cover design or corporate logo design. The client, the brief and the set outcome influenced the approach to design and production throughout each brief. In particular with the Jade Clark brief, the approach to design and production was influenced by her clothing line and her personality, where as with the Cath Kidston brief, the approach taken was traditional to their inhouse team, focusing specifically on their aesthetics used. The briefs completed are either for digital use or to be digitally printed and finished I stuck true to my design skill sets and preferences as well as strengths and stayed clear of screen printing and focused on improving my strong current skill set. This however informed each brief, and led to different processes and finishes being used, as well as allowing for experimentation with stocks and substrates such as Vinyl. By using materials such as vinyl, this allowed further skills and processes to be used. Illustration and drawing have been used throughout certain briefs, along with photography and mock-ups showing more hands on skills. I also experimented with packaging during the Champneys brief, showing crafting skills and precision. In terms of crafting skills, book binding has been used and experimented with especially for the Jade Clark brief, which I feel was carried out to a very high standard. I feel each brief overall and the concept chosen drove the design decisions and processes that were used throughout.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? I feel the main strength, which I can identify through my work, is my time management skills and organisation skills, which have been capitalised upon throughout by taking on multiple briefs and modules at once. By being military sharp on my time keeping allowed me to complete 13 briefs for this module, including 1 D&AD brief, 2 YCN briefs, 1 Penguin Design Awards brief and 3 client led briefs. 5 additional briefs were taken on such as Secret7 to add range and variation to my portfolio of work for the module. These skills were capitalised on during the collaborative project also, being Project Manager I ensured deadlines and schedules were kept ensuring smooth running work and submission. I feel being a versatile and adaptive designer, I have taken well to a variety of briefs which require different skill sets to be used, as well as adapting to design for different target audiences and tones of voice, for example, the Hummingbird logo brief was very dry and corporate, whilst the YCN Cath Kidston brief was much more fun, illustrative and uplifting in terms of design. I have designed for a range of target audiences including primary school children to eccentric fashionistas, which shows strengths to adapt to briefs and necessary values, and aesthetics that need to be incorporated. I feel through the briefs and competitions entered, I have shown my personal design tastes and specialisms, such as use of vinyl and digital collage, whilst showing I can design much more seriously and formally when required opposed to showing my naturally quite bright and daring designs. Through both individual and collaborative projects, I have proven myself to present work and concepts well to others, using my affluent communication skills. This particular strength of mine was also very beneficial during the collaborative project allowing myself to delegate and control in a subtle and positive manner. In terms of presentation boards I feel as though I have learnt through sessions how to showcase my work in a captivating way which I feel has been of benefit overall. More than anything I feel my main strength throughout this module has been my work epic, passion, determination and drive which has gone into every project, ensuring I have carried each out to the best of my abilities.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future? I pushed myself throughout this brief with not only ideas and concepts, but with presentation skills and collaborative work, and dont feel as though I would change much throughout the module. I would of selected a different brief to work on initially instead of the YCN Cath Kidston brief, however once completed felt proud of the outcome achieved as this was out of my comfort zone. I feel this is a weakness at times still and could be pushed more in the future. Most of the photography used has been taken to a high standard in the photography studios, however there are some briefs I would of liked to of printed and photograph, opposed to mocking up digitally. This would of given the designs more depth and initial impact. I felt working with my collaborative partner was sometimes difficult due to the pace I work at, so would potentially consider this in the future. However this factor did not affect our overall result, which we were both proud of and happy to submit.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 1. I would approach the collaborative brief differently in terms of partner selection simply due to pace of work, not the quality of work. I feel working with someone who works at my own pace would of made the brief run more quickly initially. 2. I would of photographed the type triathlon outcome in exterior settings, and spray painted them also looking back to add a variety of looks to the photographed collection showing the power of the hand lettered stencil. 3. I would of proposed a website for Jade Clark to add further exposure for the brand, as well continuing our working relationship together. 4. Looking back I would of submitted more of a variety of work to the Ones to Watch Exhibition. I feel this would of given me more chance to gain a space at the exhibition. 5. I would of liked to of continue The End of Year Show brief with David as discussed on my blog, however due to the pressure and slow start initially of the collaborative brief, I felt two collaborations at once was too much to content with, whilst working part-time and having other modules to complete. Our concept won the pitch so would have been very beneficial to carry on the brief for my own personal promotion and experience working on such a large brief. However this is something I will try again for next year.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: (please indicate using an x) 5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor 1 2 3 4 Attendance Punctuality Motivation Commitment Quantity of work produced Quality of work produced Contribution to the group The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible. 5 X X X X X X X

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