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Are You Afraid?

The End Of Fear Project

Don't be, there is really nothing to be afraid of, not even fear. Fear does not have to be our enemy, it can be our friend. Consider this, when we were little we had imaginary friends and as adults we have imaginary enemies. The question is, what happened in the between? For most of us, when we were ids, we were not afraid of spiders, so why are we afraid of them now? !t"s very rare that a spider will harm us, so why are we afraid of the un nown? #re we afraid of nature because we are so disconnected from ourselves that we have forgotten that we are nature as well? $ave you ever tried to tal and understand that fear of yours? Did you ever consider that maybe it"s trying to tell you something very important and holds a very special gift for you? %ell it does, and we at &'F want to show you (ust that and how to access that gift. !f you"re reading this and you"re feeling afraid, then really as yourself why you"re afraid, go deep, why are you afraid? !s it what you really thin or something else? )our fears are not what you thin they are, your fears act li e a drug, and yes, we can be addicted to our fears and the problem*reaction*solution cycle. %e become addicted to convince ourselves that we are ma ing progress when, really, we are setting the stage to find another problem. The truth is, we're not comfortable and we're scared of peace. %hy? +ecause peace is the un nown, we have never nown peace, we have been conditioned for drama and that has become our comfort ,one-something we will fight and defend. .ost of the time we defend this mechanically and automatically, and yet, it is not even us, it is another conditioning. The more aware you are of these patterns the less you will react so strongly to the same old /psych/ thoughts. That's when you will start to observe them, dismantle them and get to the root of the issue. These thoughts and events that we create in our lives can not only be averted but seen wee s in advance. %e can begin to understand where such thin ing will lead to. #fter a while you will not ta e your thoughts so seriously and even start laughing at how ridiculous those fears are. 0i e how we sometimes laugh at old movies with their special effects or something that was supposed to be scary. %e laugh because we can see how fa e and silly it really is, and yet, we are really laughing at ourselves. This is a good thing because it helps us get a clearer perspective on the bigger picture and a better understanding on how to tac le the great sorrows of the world, rather than be drowned by them.

The End Of Fear Project Goals

# mind free from the state of fear, insecurity, confusion and sorrow. To create and promote life and consciousness with all the consequential benefits of a mind free of fear. %hat would the benefit of the end of fear be? %hat psychological benefits would come with the end of fear and the confused thin ing? $ow does fear effect our financial, social, family and cultural world? Can we ever be free of fear? %ant to find out?

What Are We Afraid Of?

Do we fear the future? %e can have no fear of the future. $ow can we possibly fear what we do not now yet? Can we thin about these things firmly, with psychological depth, radical intelligence and with a mind absolutely calm? )es we can1 %hat we all fear is the nown2 we fear life.. the life we are doing... we fear it from and under each one of its aspects... !t's merely a vicious circle2 %e build up our security room 3a a2 /comfort ,one/4 which most of the time, in truth, is not secure at all... 'cause our safety area is also the place in which our concerns 5 preoccupations live...' Then we thin through the safe area we ourselves created.. which means that we thin through our identity... 3the thin er, the free thin er, is drugged 5 buried by layers and layers of self*manipulation, self*corruption and self psychological abuses...4... and finally we develop that idea in which it is the un nown 3which is the future4 to frightens us. !t's not.. The Paradox Of Fear The big parado6 is to be found in that mined psychological field in which our identity is what we protect the most, what we feed the most, and even what we trust the most sometimes... while, in truth, unconsciously... our identity is merely our psychological (ailer .. as well the factory of the ma(ority of our psychological7e6istential fears. #s long we eep thin ing through our identity... then the act of nourishing the idea 'something bad is about to happen' will remain always there... in each single new day of our life... forever... until the final moment...

!t will become an obsession... or simply apathy... transforming our lives into constant problems... constant self*sabotage and misery instead of thoughts... The thought will become rust... $ow can we live in this way? That's not life obviously... A World In Fear The e6istence of so many /nations/ on this planet claims the glorification of tribalism. #s long there will be physical borders... there will be also borders within the mind. %hile cultures can be treasures, national identities are (ust tragedies. 8ufferance ta es place worldwide because the minds of people has been programmed to see security instead of freedom. +y see ing security all life long then 'god' becomes important, 'social belonging' becomes important, 'identity' becomes important, 'being normal' becomes important, 'nationality' becomes important, 'conditionings' becomes important, 'self*esteem' becomes important, 'competition' becomes important, 'power' becomes important... while freedom, love, peace, emotions, intelligent tranquility and conscious perceptive serenity becomes no more than abstract topics for poetry and philosophy. %hile everybody are loo ing for some security, insecurity arises, always. .anifested by the constant fear to lose that same sought for security. !nsecurity of the mind is fear. Fear creates divisions, struggles, conflicts and so on. That's the reason we are all disconnected... inside and out The people of the end of fear pro(ect

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